Married to a Rockstar. Sequel...

By winterclifford

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

484 1 1
By winterclifford

-Alesana's POV-

"Wake up, love. The photoshoot is in a couple of hours," I said, trying to wake up CC. I shook him, touched his face, then since all he did was groan and bury himself in pillows, I dropped his phone on his balls.

He sat up and said, "Oh shit! Ow. I'm up."

"Finally," I sighed.

"What was that for? This is the reason we're having another kid, you know. Ow."

"You wouldn't wake up. You still need to eat breakfast and put on warpaint. And the photoshoot's a half hour away at the morgue. I already made you pancakes."

He said, "Give me a second. My testicles are throbbing."

"Sorry bout that."

"It's fine. If you want another one after this one, we might have to wait a bit." He chuckled.

I laughed. He stood up slowly and walked a bit slower to the table. He sat and ate. Carolyn was eating as well, but she has been for the last 15 minutes I tried to wake CC up.

I chuckled. "Good morning, love."

"Good morning," he said.

I kissed him and drank the decaf I made, relaxing. When he finished, he put the plate in the sink and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled and kissed him back. His forehead rested on mine and he said, "I'm going to go get ready."

"Alright. You have an hour now."

"Just enough for me." He ran upstairs. Carolyn was finished too. I put her plate in the sink, cleaned her off, and went upstairs and changed her into blue jeans and her BVB shirt. I put her hair into a small ponytail, put her Converse on, and went back into the room, where CC was focused in the reflection on the mirror, half of his face makeup done. Everything of ours was almost completely packed, but we had some stuff out since we have two shows in Hollywood before we leave.

I changed into an Iron Maiden shirt that was cut down the sides, black bandeau, blue jeans, and black Vans. I had the FIR video to film in an hour, so we go our seperate ways until the show. Then if everything goes alright, we finish the video off tomorrow, which I'm hoping it does.

CC came in, warpaint all done. He said, "So you're going to drop me off first?"

"Yep. I'm taking Carolyn with me since Scout will be at the video location with me."

"Alright. Let's go."

I took a crazy but cute picture of the two of us and tweeted it: First night of tour! You ready, Hollywood? Oh, PS, I'm going to make tour vlogs again. Yep. It's been awhile.

Looking through twitter, I saw CC tweeted a warpaint picture of himself a few minutes before he came out to me. I grabbed my purse, picked up Carolyn, and walked downstairs with CC to the car. He drove off to the morgue, then when we got there, I walked over to the drivers side when he got out. He kissed me, getting black lipstick on me, and walked over to the guys.

I called Scout and told her I was on my way. She said she was there already, she just had to wait for me. I got there in no time, meeting her in the front. I walked in and a security guard stopped me. "This is a closed set."

"I'm in the video."

"What's your name?"

"Alesana Coma."


I took out my ID and showed him. He said, "What about this one?" Pointing at Scout.

"She's with me. She's watching my little one for me."

"Alright." He let us into the big place. I met with FIR's manager first, then they sent me to costumes and hair and makeup. They put me in an old looking strapless white dress, white ballet-like shoes, and they curled my hair, pulling two parts back, putting foundation, mascara, and a natural-looking lip gloss.

They sent me out to the set to do some things, and I messed up only a few times. Then I got to meet Ronnie and he actually was nice. He messed around a lot, and it kept messing up some takes. Some things we both couldn't take seriously and we laughed. Right before the last take with me in it was shot, I asked Scout what time it was. She said, "Seven."

"They're just now letting people in then. So that leaves me with a couple of hours until I need to be there to see them and sell merch. Cool."

I went back up and I kept telling myself not to mess up this last take and I didn't, surprisingly. So when the director yelled, "Cut!" , I hugged all of Falling In Reverse, they gave me their numbers, and I hurried to the dressing room and changed back into what I was wearing. I kept my hair and face the same and walked out to Scout and Carolyn.

I gave Scout a hug. "Thank you for watching Carolyn."

"Oh no problem! We had fun! Good job on the video by the way. It looks like it will be amazing. I just know it."

I smiled. "I hope so."

She hugged me. "Bye Alesana. I'll text you later."

"Alright!" We went our different ways and I put Carolyn in her car seat and drove to the venue. I parked in the back with the other bands' tourbuses and walked in with Carolyn, showing the guy my pass and ID.

Motionless In White was playing now, so I quickly dodged some fans and went behind the merch table with Sammi, Crystal, October, Rosie, and Celia. I kept Carolyn occupied and entertained with things behind the table as we sold merch.

Then Sammi and I ran over backstage to set up the big sheet. We got the crowd chanting Black Veil Brides and finally, we dropped the sheet and walked off the stage and back over to the merch table and watched. I missed going to their shows.

Then after the show, the guys appeared behind us for their meet and greet. When CC walked up behind me he grabbed my waist. I said, "Ah! You're sweaty!"

He chuckled. "Nice to see you too, babe."

"Hello hunny." I smiled.

He kissed me and looked at Carolyn, who was sleeping on the only comfortable chair here. We sold merch and at the end of the tables, the guys were meeting with anxious fans and signing things. It was all done at midnight. He drove us home and he put Carolyn in bed.

He took a shower and came out a bit later in only his BVB basketball shorts. I changed into boxer shorts and a black tank top. He laid down next to me in bed and said, "So how was the music video?"

"It was good. I'm all done, and the video should be out by Christmas."

"Wow. I'm excited to see how it is."

I pulled out my phone and said, "They put me in this." I showed him a picture. He said, "Wow. You got all dolled up."

"Yep. I played as someone Ronnie went out with or whatever. It was fun."

"Well that's good."

"Yep. So are you excited to be back on tour?"

"I'm always excited. Even more now since you and Carolyn are coming." He smiled and his arm rested across my waist.

I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. "You can't forget, so is this little one. Oh and the appointment moved up to the Pomona date. So it's the day after tomorrow we see if the baby is healthy. The normal stuff."

"When do we find out the gender again?"

"Three or four months."

"You're already a month in! I'm too anxious."

I smiled. "It goes by fast though. We'll find out soon."

"Wait. So January we'll find out the gender?"

I nodded. He frowned. "I'll be in Australia in January."

I frowned. "But what day are you leaving?"

"On January 17th until the 30th."

"Two weeks in Australia.. well the appointment will be on the 17th, but if I move it to February 1st or January 16th, you'll be able to see."

He smiled. "Yeah. Well how about before I go? I wanna tell the guys as we're on the  plane."

I laughed. "Okay. I'll tell Dr. Lovegood at the checkup."

He kissed me and said, "We'd better head to sleep."

"Yeah." I pulled the blankets up and over us. "Good night hunny."

"Good night, my love."

I fell asleep later, my head on his chest and his arms around me.


"Wake up, love," he said.

I groaned and rolled over. He said, "Wake up or I'm pouring water on your head."

I groaned again. He said, "Alright. I'm going to get some water, since it is one in the afternoon."

I sprung up. "What?"

"I'm getting water. Oh. You're up. Goo-"

"What time is it?"

"One in the afternoon."

"What the hell? That's so late."

"Yeah. I kept checking on you to see if you were still breathing and so I left you to sleep. I don't want you to be cranky."

"I'm not cranky. I feel happy. And starving."

He turned around, his back facing me, and held out his arms behind him. I stood up on the bed and got onto his back. He held my thighs, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he walked downstairs. Carolyn was dancing to some kid thing on TV. He put me down on the counter and jumped onto the couch.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table, eating quickly.

I ate a banana after and then an apple. After I finished it I groaned.

"What, love?"

"I feel so fat."

"You're not."

"I feel like it."

"You're  not."

"I am."

"Nope. Hunny, you're only pregnant," he said.

I frowned and said, "I'm going to go take a shower and get ready."

"Alright, beautiful."

I walked upstairs and picked out my clothes for tonight; black torn tights, a cream colored, long, off the shoulder shirt that has a black inverted cross on it, and the lace up leather boots that went up a bit past my ankle. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I undressed and stepped in.

I sang some Lady Gaga songs as I cleaned myself quickly. I finished, dried myself off, brushed my hair, got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on black eyeliner, and dried my hair, pulling it into a ponytail after. I took a mirror picture and tweeted it: Good morning. Yep. Morning. :)

I walked downstairs and CC smiled. "I like that. It looks awesome on you."

"Thank you, love," I said. He kissed me and said, "I need to get ready for the show at 4, so we got couple of hours. Are we all packed?"

I nodded. "Even Carolyn's stuff is all packed with ours."

"Alright. So what do you wanna do right now?"

I shrugged. "Wanna go walking?"


"I dunno. Just around."


He was already in his concert apparel, but he just had to put on a t-shirt, and Carolyn was already dressed in pink leggings and a long white flowery tank top. We walked outside, holding Carolyn's hands and swinging her. We walked around the block  and down another street then ended up back at ours.

We walked in and sat on the couch. He said, "So we have an hour left. Now what?"

"Let's just spend the rest of our time here. After tonight's show, we're on the bus, so let's just do whatever to make it memorable for the two months of tour."

He said, "Hey Carolyn. Let's get mommy."

Carolyn made the cutest face and laughed. "No, daddy get mommy!"

I said, "Oh no!"

He tickled me, picked me up wedding style and spun me around, put me over his shoulder and smaked my butt a couple of times. He put me down and laid back. Carolyn laughed and said, "Again!"

I chuckled. CC said, "Daddy's tired, hun."

"So is mommy."

"Mommy daddy tired?" She asked.


She said, "Sleep."

I looked at CC and he pretended to sleep, fake snoring. So I did the same. Carolyn was laughing and poking at our faces.

He looked at the clock and said, "Oh. I have to go get ready."


He walked upstairs. Carolyn started playing games on his phone. I sat, thinking about the tour, the pregnancy, Carolyn, and my mom popped into my mind. I haven't talked to her in a long time. It kind of worried me.

I texted my brother: Ello.

He texted back: Aye

Me: So what's been going on at home?

Him: Well mom has been complaining about everything. My fiance, you, Chris, your pregnancy, Andy..

Me: What about my pregnancy?

Him: She says once you have the baby he will leave you.

Me: Wow.

Him: And she keeps saying how Andy would've straightened you out, or how Chris isn't a steady guy because he's a drummer, saying I shouldn't be married yet.. Yeah

Me: What?! I got married before you and you're older than me. It's time for you to get married. She doesn't know shit right now.

Him: That's why dad has been talking about getting a counselor or whatever for her, since she won't even say anything to dad.

Me: Wow. I'm shocked right now.

Him: It will get better soon.

Me: I hope so. I gotta go, about to head to the venue for tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Him: Later.

I put my phone in my pocket and sighed out loud. I couldn't believe the stuff my mom was saying. Then the next thing I knew, CC was downstairs in full warpaint, and he brought down our suitcase  full of our stuff for the next couple of months.

He said, "You ready?"

"Yep." I grabbed my purse, bag of feminine necessities, Carolyn's diaper bag, and Carolyn. We walked out and the bus pulled up right then, everyone  but Jake and Crystal on it. We got in, put our bags down, and checked out our bunk.

CC chuckled. "So many memories in this bunk."

I said, "Carolyn was conceived in this bunk."

He sighed. "The memories."

I laughed and kissed Carolyn's head. We went back out to the front with everyone as we drove to Jake and Crystal's place. They got in, put their stuff in, and we were off to the venue. I turned on my phone which I use for the vlogs to upload on Youtube and Tumblr.

I put it on front-facing mode and started filming. "Hey everyone, it's Alesana here, and here's our party bus!" I moved the camera around, showing everyone wooing and dancing. I laughed and put it bck on Carolyn and I. I said to the camera, "So this is pretty much day 2 of tour. Hollywood, California. House of Blues."

Carolyn waved at the camera. I chuckled and aimed it at CC. He waved and said in his funny voice, "Hello everybody!!"

I aimed it at everyone else, showing the camera what everyone's doing. Carolyn walked to Andy. CC and I danced for the camera, making weird faces. He chuckled and kissed me. "Silly."

I scrunched up my nose. "You got lipstick on me again."

He shrugged and laughed. We pulled into the venue and everyone got out to set up. I posted the video and went to go set up merch with the girls. We finished and they had rehearsal. We walked back to the bus. I turned on the video on my phone again and said, "Hello again, everybody. Due to everyone asking me what the bus looks like, I'll show you guys around."

I walked up to the front, showed it around, telling everyone what was what. Then I got to the door before the bunks. I said, "This is my favorite. Watch." I pressed the button and it opened, reavealing all of the bunks. I walked in, pointing out whose bunks were whose, then opened up our bunk, showing how we decorated it, then pressed the button to go into the lounge. I laughed. "So this is our huge lounge. And our huge TV. We party in here pretty much every night, when they're not asleep."

I went back to the front where the ladies were and said, "So that was our awesome bus. I will probably post another tonight when we're on the road to Pomona. Later." I posted it and sat down on the couch with Carolyn on my lap.

Sammi said, "You're making vlogs again?"

I nodded. "I made it a tradition to make vlogs one tour every couple of tours. I haven't made tour vlogs in forever."

"They're fun to make. Then all of a sudden fans ask you to show more. I would post a vlog I kiss Jinxxy in and a few comments asked for us to show how we make out in a vlog. Honestly. Some people go too far with it."

"They're crossing boundaries," October said, taking a sip of her drink.

We nodded in agreement. I said, "I'm said I won't see Crystal, Sammi, or October through the tour."

"Well I have a band, and they have jobs. It's not a party all the time," Sammi said.

"True. But still, I'll miss you guys."

"Yeah.Like I say every other tour, watch them."

"I always do. I never let them get too out of control." I said.

"They're grown men so they do whatever," October said.

"Well yeah. Can't be there all the time." Sammi said, "So we should head in. We have 15 minutes until the doors open."

We walked out of the bus and went into the venue. We sat behind the merch table and waited for the doors to open and for the people to flood in. CC tweeted me: I see you. :-)

I tweeted back: Pedo drummer dude.

I looked up and the guys were up on the balcony above us. I said, "You guys better run before your fans mob you."

"Shit!" Ash yelled.

And they quickly gotback downstairs and they ran backstage, well hidden. The fans started coming in right then, some taking their place at the stage and some buying merch or taking pictures with us. Then the opening band came on, then another. I took Carolyn out to the bus to put her to sleep in her bunk.

I came in right when the band before BVB finished. October and Crystal took tonight's opportunity to set up the sheet for them. Then their set started, and we decided to rock out behind the merch table. Then their set finished and fans rushed over to wait in line to buy merch and get their things signed by the guys. A normal night. The guys appeared behind us and took their spots at the table and the meet and greet started. We sold a butt load of merch and there were a whole lot of people we met.

Jon, the manager, hurried some people up to speed the process. Then it finished at almost one in the morning, and we had to go pack up everything again. We finished and we walked back to the bus, and October, Crystal, and Sammi had to say their goodbyes. They drove off after long goodbyes, and we got on the bus. Rosie and I changed in the lounge and  the guys changed inthe big bunk area.

We finished and walked into the bunk area. Rosie climbed into Ash's bunk and I climbed into CC's. He held my waist, holding me close to him, and said, "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled.

He kissed me. "Good night."

"Good night, hunny." And just like that, we fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes to a sleeping CC. He's a beautiful sleeper. Like an angel. That's why I like watching him sleep. His hair was so messy and he would sometimes do cute things in his sleep. I dunno, I just love him.

I brushed my lips along his and on his neck. His eyes slowly opened and he stretched. I smiled. "Good morning."

"That's my favorite way to be woken up."


"What you just did."

I smiled again and kissed him. Carolyn started calling for us, but she was crying this time. I got out of the bunk and opened up hers. Tears were down her face. I picked her up, held her close in my arms, and rocked her, trying to calm her down. I wiped her tears away and kept rocking her.

CC got out of the bunk and said, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah. Probably just a bad dream."

Carolyn reached for CC and he held her. Jinxx got out of his bunk and said, "Carolyn wakes up at 10 now?"

"Is that what time it is?"

Jinxx nodded.

"That's late for her."

CC raised an eyebrow. I said, "It didn't wake you up, right?"

Jinxx shook his head, "I've been up. I was talking to Sammi about something."

I sighed. "Phew."

He chuckled. "It's all fine. I don't think anyone else is awake yet."

"Think again," Jake said, coming out of his bunk.

"And yet again, if you weren't already thinking again," Andy said.

I said, "This space feels all crowded now." I squeezed between Jake and Andy and opened up the lounge. They went in there and changed. They had interviews to do, so they had to get their warpaint on. Ashley and Rosie came out of their bunks once Jake, Jinxx, Andy, and CC went out for their individual interviews. Ash got ready in a hurry, still looking perfect, and ran outside.

Rosie plopped on the couch next to Carolyn and I and sighed. I said, "What?"

She smiled. "He leaves me speechless sometimes."

I smiled and said, "Aw."

She stood up and walked over to the bags and opened hers up. She changed into a black high waisted skirt and a white t-shirt, pulling it together with a star necklace Ashley brought.

When she went to the bathroom to do her makeup, I changed into a strapless light blue flowery dress and white Toms. I left my face natural and changed Carolyn into a different BVB shirt and a black tutu.

Carolyn ran around the bus, finding something to do. I picked up Carolyn and walked outside to the trailer behind us to set up our merch table. The other bands were either still sleeping or some were unloading too. We set up, went outside, talked with the other bands merch girls.

The other bands with us were Motionless In White, New Years Day, They All Float, and Vampires! Everywhere. We talked to everyone, getting to know them, then went back on the bus. The guys were there, hanging out and making some Seadews.

I said, "How were the interviews?"

"They were good. The normal stuff," Jake said.

Rosie sat on Ash's lap and he whispered something in her ear and he said, "We're going to hang outside for a bit." They got up and went outside. Normally, most girls would be like 'I feel awkward being the only girl with these four guys'. But it's never awkward. They're like my brothers. Except one, he's the love of my life.

I said, "So are you guys hungry?"

"Yeah!" They said.

Jake said, "We should make sandwiches or something."

"We have all the supplies, so what kind of sandwiches do you guys want?"

"Do we have a lot of different kinds of lunch meat?" Andy asked.

I nodded. He said, "Welp, we got it from here."

They went and started making lunch. CC stood in front of me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and said, "Do you want a sandwich? I'll make one and we'll share."

"Okay. You know what I like on it."

"Indeed I do." He smiled.

"Thanks, love," I said. He nodded and went over with the guys and started making the sandwich. When the guys finished and went outside to hang out with the other bands, CC stayed in and I made a small sandwich for Carolyn. He said, "Do you want to stay in here or go outside?"

"Let's go outside." We went outside, he held my hand, and we walked over to They All Float. Since Dee Snider and his wife were here to see Cheyenne's band play, everyone was over here. Cheyenne is a really cool girl. I just met her today and we talked for about ten minutes and I already think she's awesome.

Carolyn ate her sandwich in a hurry. I ate as well, then CC said, "Let's head back to the bus."

I nodded and we walked over to the bus. He said, "Right before the interview, your doctor called and said your appointment was in a couple of hours. Which makes it an hour now."

"Sh*t! I forgot. The place is only a half hour away, thankfully. The appointment won't take long and we'll be back right in time for rehearsal at 4."

"Let's go now."

"But we don't have a car," I said.

He thought about it then disappeared out the door. I waited there and he was here in a couple of minutes, car keys in his hand. I said, "Wh-"

"To Dee's motorcycle. Andy said they'd watch Carolyn."

"I've never been on a motorcycle," I mumbled.

"It's fun. Trust me. Now come on." He picked up Carolyn and handed her to Andy, who was right outside the door. I said, "Hold on." I walked to the back of the bus, put on my leather pants and Led Zeppelin shirt that was cut down the sides, putting on a black bandeau under. I put back on the Toms and ran out to the motorcycle.

CC was sexy on it. That was the least I could say. He put on the helmet and waited for me. I grabbed the other helmet he handed me and put it on. I straddled the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist, holding him tight.

He started it up and said over the engine, "Are you okay?"

I nodded.

He drove off and I buried my face in his back. We had a few stops and soon enough, we pulled into the hospital. He found a place to park it, I got off, took off the helmet, and handed it to him. He held the helmets when we went in, which looked sort of silly, but he did not wanna risk Dee's helmets being stolen.

I checked in for the appointment and we waited. I felt sort of nervous but anxious.

Then after waiting a bit, Dr. Lovegood came out and said, "Coma?"

We stood up and walked in, him following behind me. I felt his eyes down in my lower back area. I knew he was staring at my butt, most likely, but I pretended I didn't know. We got into her office and she said, "So this is the second one huh?" She smiled.

I nodded. "Yep. Carolyn needs a brother or sister."

She smiled. "I'm so happy for you two. Glad you guys came today. So you know what to do, Alesana. We do the same checkup procedures."

So I got weighed, checked my height, blood pressure, and so on. Then when they saw I was healthy, she brought us into the room with the monitor.

I laid back on the big chair and CC sat next to me. I pulled up my shirt to expose my visible bump, and she put the gel on my stomach. I flinched at how cold it was. CC chuckled. "Not used to that huh?" I shook my head. "Guess not."

Dr. Lovegood laughed, put the wand on my stomach, moved it around, and we saw our little baby on the monitor and heard the heartbeat. I felt the tears coming out of my eyes out of happiness. He smiled at me and wiped the tears away. He looked back and said, "What's that thing next to the baby?"

She looked closer and said, "It's another one."

I jumped. "What?" CC and I said at the same time.

Dr. Lovegood nodded. "Twins."

I just stared at the two babies in the monitor. I looked at CC and I didn't know what he was feeling. Nor did I know what I was feeling. I felt really happy but more shocked. I said, "Thank you, Doctor."

"Call me Lisa, hun." She smiled.

"Thank you Lisa." I cleaned the gel off of me, pulled my shirt down, got up, and hugged her. She turned to her desk and said, "Here's a picture of the two."

CC said, "Thank you so much." He hugged her, smiling, and we walked out to the motorcycle. We put the helmets on and got on in silence. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he drove back to the back of the venue, pulling in next to the buses. We got off and set the helmets on the bike.

The guys were in the bus, hanging out. It was 3:30, so they had a half hour until rehearsal started. I sat  next to Rosie on the couch. Andy said, "So how did the appointment go?"

CC said, "It was great."

"Is the little one healthy?" Jinxx asked.

CC and I made eye contact. He nodded at me. I said, "Yeah. They're healthy."

They smiled and Jinxx said, "That's good."

"Wait," Rosie said, "you said 'They're good'. Why did you say they're?"

I handed her the picture from the ultrasound. She said, "What's that next to the little one?"

I said slowly, "A second baby."

Then it felt like everything was silent in the bus. Then Jinxx said, "Holy shit! Twins!"

CC and I nodded. He picked up Carolyn and Ash said, "So that's why you're showing a bunch more than Rosie."

Rosie frowned. "It's true! You look like you're already two or three months pregnant with ONE! I have only one and I'm still barely showing."

I laughed and looked at CC. He was looking at my stomach and then back at my face. I need to talk to him. I feel like there's something wrong here.

Then they went to rehearsal, leaving Rosie, Carolyn, and me in the bus. I started up the video on my phone and said, "So here we are, day 3 of tour. We're here in Pomona. The guys are in soundcheck right now, and so the two merch girls and Carolyn are here in the bus."

I aimed it at Rosie and I. We smiled and I said, "So I have big news for all of you. And you guys are going to have to guess. It's pretty big news though."

I walked into the bathroom, aimed the camera at the mirror, lifted up my shirt, and showed the bump I have. "For those who don't already know, I'm indeed pregnant. But from here on out, you guys have to figure out what the big news is." I pulled down my shirt and walked back out to Rosie and Carolyn. I just paused the video for a bit so I could continue later when the guys were back in, getting ready.

I said to Rosie, "I don't know what Chris thinks about the twins though."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since we found out we're having twins, he was silent. I wanna ask when the show's over."

"Yeah. Maybe he's in shock and needs a bit to think. When I told Ash I was pregnant, we didn't talk the rest of the night. He told me it was hard to process at first."

"So should I wait for him to talk?"

She shrugged. "If he seems up to talk, start talking. If not, wait. Give it time. Having twins is a pretty big thing."


So we watched TV in the lounge and did Carolyn's hair. Then the guys came in and Jinxx, Andy, and CC did the rest of their makeup. I made a cool video of them getting ready to add to the vlog and paused it again.

Then Rosie and I walked back to the venue to get behind the merch table before people started piling in. I sat Carolyn in her chair next to me and finally, everyone started coming in. A lot of people came in, bought merch, took pictures, and waited.

A couple of local bands came on first. Then They All Float performed, then New Years Day, then Vampires! Everywhere, and then Motionless In White. In the middle of MIW's set, I took Carolyn to the  bus. The guys were hanging out inside. I put Carolyn to sleep, and followed the guys to the venue.

Rosie and I set up the sheet after MIW's set, a couple of other bands' merch girls watching the stuff for us. We got the crowd pumped and they started playing. We ran back over to the merch table and watched from there.

The show ended, then the guys came behind us and down the table for the meet and greet. It was a long meet and greet. It was all over at one in the morning, yet again. We packed up, got back in the bus, the guys cleaned themselves up, and we all got ready for bed.

I put the ultrasound pictures up on the bunk wall with the pictures of us and of Carolyn. He even put some of me up there. As I waited for him to come up to the bunk, I resumed recording and said, "So here we are, in our bunk. Pomona was awesome. See you tomorrow, San Diego. It's time for me to go to sleep with my love. Good night everyone."

I put my phone away and CC climbed into the bunk. We laid there and after a few moments, he held my waist. I whispered, "So you aren't mad."

"Why would I be mad?"

I shrugged.

"I'm not  mad, love. I'm shocked. But happy."

"How do you feel about the twins?"

"Well at first, I was really shocked. I started thinking about those nights in Paris and our anniversary night there after dinner, and I couldn't get the thought through that you have two babies in there."

I nodded.

"But right now, just looking at you, I'm getting happier and more excited." He smiled and kissed me.

I smiled. "Aw. I'm glad you're excited. Soon I'll be too big to fit in the same bunk with you."

He shrugged. "You can sleep on me. It wouldn't matter to me. I could move if you or I wanted."

I kissed him and said, "I'm the luckiest girl in the world."

He grinned and said, "Pshh. I'm the luckiest dude in the world."

He kissed me one last time and said, "Good night, my love. And good night, twins."

"Good night, hunny." I rested my head on his chest and fell straight asleep, faintly hearing him humming "In the Arms of Sleep" by Smashing Pumpkins. Life is beautiful.

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