Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi...

By Amaterasu

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The combined seasons of 1 and 2 of Beauty is the Beast (Kakashi Love Story) Summary per each season in author... More

Prologue - Demon's Blood
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - Pt1
Chapter 24 - Pt 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Beauty is the Beast: Season 2 - Chapter 1
Season 2: Chapter 2
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 3 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 4
Season 2: Chapter 5
Season 2: Chapter 6
Season 2: Chapter Special #1 - First Winter Festival
Behind the Scenes Special Post #1
Behind the Scenes Special Post #2
Behind the Scenes Special Post #3
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 1
Season 2: Chapter 7 - Pt 2
Season 2: Chapter 8
Season 2: Chapter 9
Season 2: Chapter 10
Season 2: Chapter 11
Season 2: Chapter 12
Season 2: Chapter 13
Chapter Special #2- First Meeting(s): Toad Sage
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 1
Chapter Special #3- Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 1)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 2
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 2)
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 3)
Season 2: Chapter 14 - Pt 3
Chapter Special #3 (continued) - Chunin Exams: Take One! (Pt 4)
Season 2: Chapter 15

Season 2: Chapter 16

1.3K 32 15
By Amaterasu


Yeah, it's been For.EVER! I know, be mad at me T.T But life sucks up all my time! D'x Two jobs does that to you ^^'''. I do have a life you know :P Or rather, lack of >.> I haven't even been able to dish out anymore art T.T I mean, I have stuff inked, just don't have the time to color ^^'''

I'll try to work more on my stories(and art)! Try...>.> My New Year's resolution?? ^^''''

Anyway~ Please enjoy this loooong chapter, even though it isn't one I'm completely happy over. Sometimes it's so difficult to write! D'x At least it's written and posted! XD Now to try and work on the other stories and this one, hehehe ^^;

Thank you to everyone! I'm sorry to make you all suffer--and yet, you are still supportive! I truly appreciate you all! T.T Now, onto the New Year! XD

Oh, and note that wattpad has screwed up the way my writing appears. No idea why or how, but ignore the strange gaps between paragraphs and dialog -_-''



“You have seriously got to be kidding me...” Hisayo grumbled to herself as she saw the…unorthodox way Jiraiya executed his plan to ensure Naruto would be under his wing. She supposed it wasn’t completely without its merit—Ebisu was knocked out with a nice bloody nose and knot on his head. The wolfish smirk over her furred form was quickly removed and replaced by a frown of slight shock as she saw Jiraiya sending her a victorious thumbs up in her direction with that perverted smirk of his.

He continued to surprise her by his skill. She hadn’t been seen before hand when she took to her hiding spot—and she was very stealthy, wolf form or no. ‘How did he know where exactly I was?’ As a wolf, due to her Kekkei Genkai, her chakra signature was different, if only just enough to cause uncertainty or full obliviousness in individuals. The only ones that might stand even a remote change of discovering who she was were trained chakra sensors, the ones definitely knowing who she was being the people who knew of her ability, and her own kin; but the latter of course was something she’d rather not touch on right now. She let out a sigh as she finally deduced herself to have been at fault for this. She did just shift in front of him earlier. But still, to have immediately associated her slight change in chakra signature as a wolf to be her? To have memorized it in just that short of time…?

She carefully watched as Jiraiya and Naruto took their leave together.

‘That man certainly is more than he lets on. Naruto just might be alright under his care…but does he have to continue to be such a pervert?’

The wolf sighed in slight annoyance as she decidedly trailed after the two, still uncertain of leaving Naruto completely in Jiraiya’s care just yet. She’d keep a close eye out, but then paused, seemingly torn.

Satoru might still be lurking around. Orochimaru as well. What if Kabuto was also still around? Another thought—or rather unnerving realization—struck her just then. Sasuke was someone Orochimaru was after and that boy was now with Kakashi—or would soon be if he wasn’t already. There were far too many areas to cover and she was only one person. She made a solid decision as she temporarily shifted back into a human and bit on her thumb, summoning.

Myukyu and Shun stretched out along with two other wolves.

They were both larger than Myukyu of course, but still smaller than Shun.

“Fusenmei, Jinsoku.” Hisayo greeted first to the small, dark grey female that had a black beauty mark just under her left eye, then the sandy colored male that stood larger beside her. He sported white bandages around all his legs as though they were braces. “Myukyu, Shun; I need your help with something.”

“You summoned all of us.” Fusenmei’s light blue eyes calmly spoke matter-of-factly. “It’s been quite a long while since you’ve needed all four of us together.”

“Isn’t it obvious why she would need all of us?”

Jinsoku’s haunting silver eyes gave a small roll before they grew sharp in concern. “Has something finally happened?” Despite having been on stand-by for so long back in his home of the Valley of Wolves, he and those that hadn’t been summoned by their contractor knew very well the issues and current situation that Hisayo and Akio had been facing. Their adoptive village would soon need the aid of every wolf and raven that their humans’ had in their arsenal.

“Be at ease.” Hisayo calmed the small pack. “Nothing else has happened since after the second exam of the Chunin exams…yet…but I do need you four to begin staying around the village now.”

“Please tell me that doesn’t include that barbaric group of yours as well.” Fusenmei’s lip had lifted slightly in disdain, showing off some of her sharp teeth. None of Hisayo’s wolves liked those Shadow Mergers.

“Ah, that’s right.” Myukyu cut in. “I don’t believe you were informed of that incident. Akumu and the others are no longer under Hisayo’s command.”

“Heh, not that they ever truly were.” Jinsoku sneered, before he gave an accepting nod. “You only need those from the Valley of Wolves. Heh, not that bunch and not Zenko either, in my opinion. He’s far too crazy with how he fights—so much damage he creates, and over the smallest of battles too. They’re all such monsters.” He soon flinched at his description. He flattened his ears back apologetically as he cleared his throat. “Ah, forgive my poor choice of words Hisayo-sama. I got a little too carried away.”

Hisayo shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, Jinsoku. Now,” She moved to the matter at hand. “Myukyu, you know Naruto’s scent the best.”

“Yes, Hisayo-san.”

“Take Shun with you and keep an eye on him for me for a while. There will be a man with white hair accompanying him. Don’t worry, he is training Naruto at the moment, but be wary.”

Myukyu’s ears twitched back as a drop of sweat became present. “Ah, you aren’t talking about that man, are you?”

Hisayo let out an irritated sigh, but nodded. “Yes, that one. You shouldn’t underestimate him, however. Jiraiya is sharper than I had given him earlier credit for.”

“I see.” Myukyu chuckled. “So we follow after from the shadows?”

“It doesn’t matter. Jiraiya will know you are there regardless—and he’ll know who exactly you are if he really is as skilled as he’s continued to show. But…try not to distract Naruto too much if you decide to openly follow. He must concentrate; his final exam is little less than a month away now.”


“And us?” Fusenmei


Hisayo turned to a new direction. “You two come with me for a short while. Myukyu, Shun; I’ll find you later.”

The two parties split. Myukyu and Shun disappeared in a quick flash after Naruto. Hisayo began her search first at Kakashi’s apartment. She picked up and followed the stronger of his scents, leading her up and on top of the Hokage Mountain. She paused and turned, looking down over the village, letting out a small sigh.

“Hisayo-sama.” Jinsoku politely gained the woman’s attention, understanding her feelings. Having closely worked with Hisayo the most out of the four, Myukyu always relayed her actions and feelings to him, Fusenmei, and Shun. “I know we haven’t been around like the others, but know that we will protect this village too.”

“That is right.” Fusenmei also looked over the village. “You are not alone in your fight. We have your back, and so does the human pack you run closest with.”

Hisayo looked down to the grey female, with her eyes slightly wide. They soon softened as she gave the two a light smile. “I know…All those of my pack, both wolf and human, are by my side. I was just admiring the village from this height. I’ve…never really seen it from this perspective before. It’s all really…beautiful.”

Smiles came to both of the wolves’ faces. “We’ve all been happy that you have settled in such a pretty place.” Jinsoku said.

Fusenmei nodded, turning from the view. “Where to now, Hisayo-sama?”

Hisayo gave the village one more glance before she turned. Her eyes now hardened over.


He eyed his student carefully. Despite just discharging—more accurate to say escaping—from the hospital, the boy didn’t seem to be in any bad shape. He gave a small sigh in relief that his own sealing over the boy had helped. He quickly, yet easily, dodged another chakra fueled attack from the young Uchiha.

“Good,” He said as he slid to a halt and calmly stood. “It doesn’t appear that you are hindered by your use of chakra. We can jump into your training.”

“Heh,” Sasuke relaxed out of his fighting form and pocketed his hands. “I told you I was alright, Kakashi-sensei.”

“I know. I just wanted to be sure my seal would hold up. If it hadn’t during our spar, then I would have had to reevaluate how to go about with your training.”

Sasuke gave a small sneer. “You mean to say that you wouldn’t train me at all.” He seemed to be more defensive than usual, but it didn’t sit well with him of the facts that he had completely lost to Orochimaru. No, it was more like toyed with. He hadn’t stood a chance and now, instead of focusing on his own personal goals, he was forced to have to contend against Orochimaru’s threats. “I need to get stronger. If you had decided against training me, then I would have found someone else, or at least trained myself.”

“Ungrateful brat.”

Sasuke turned his glare to the woman that had appeared on the rocky terrain. She was flanked from behind by two wolves. Kakashi let out a sigh, but he was on guard. Hisayo having tracked him to his current location was not a good sign despite his attachment to her.

“Hisayo, has something happened in the village?”

Hisayo ignored his question for the time being as she strode past the man and stopped in front of the Uchiha that continued to rub her the wrong way. “He could be training Naruto right now, but he chose you over him. So show some appreciation and don’t be so rude to your superiors. Show more respect to your teacher.”

Sasuke gave a momentary flinch back as he saw a small trail of lightning dance across Hisayo’s eyes.

Being an Uchiha, however, and a brash one at that, he gave a small prideful snort. “I don’t need to hear that from someone who’s rude to anyone she first meets or doesn’t like.”

“Arrogant human child!” Jinsoku snarled. “You dare continue to show such disrespect!”

“Care for us to discipline this human pup?” Fusenmei bore her teeth as her blue eyes became sharp and threatening.

Hisayo looked down to the child with cold eyes. “Your intervention is unnecessary.” She spoke, before she quickly dropped to the ground and spun with an outstretched leg, catching the Uchiha’s legs and sending him to the ground on his back with a pained grunt. Another grunt left him as a foot planted itself over his chest and firmly stayed in place. Kakashi hadn’t intervened at all. He calmly stood and took in the scene he knew he would have carried out himself if the Uchiha had continued to be so arrogant with him. It would have been a repeat of the bell test, though his lecture would have been different.

“I can’t believe you really want to train this foolish child, Kakashi.” Hisayo continued to keep her foot planted down over the struggling boy. “I can’t believe I allowed myself to worry over the possible danger of you training this boy alone while Orochimaru is at large, simply because I tried to respect your decision to do so.”

“Get off of me!” Sasuke growled, only to let out another pained grunt as he felt the pressure over his body increase.

“Be quiet, Uchiha.” Her voice was calm—her beyond angered calm tone. “It will be your own fault with this ridiculously arrogant and nasty attitude of yours. Be smart for once and get your act together. If not, then don’t drag down anyone I care about or I swear…” Lightning began to appear over her form again.

Sasuke flinched.

“That’s enough Hisayo.” Kakashi placed a gentle hand over the woman’s shoulder. She glared at him a moment, before her eyes calmed down, realizing what she was subconsciously doing with her affinity. With a grunt, she removed her foot over Sasuke and stood down with crossed arms. “You were worried about Orochimaru?” He asked once he was certain Hisayo was calm enough.

Sasuke hesitantly sat up as his hand drew up to his sore chest. Finally, with a bit of wisdom gained, he kept his mouth shut. Not so much as a grunt sounded from him.

“The thought crossed my mind while I was seeing Naruto off with Jiraiya for training.”

Kakashi’s eye widened as a brow rose up. “J-Jiraiya? But, how?”

“I decided to replace Ebisu. That’s how.” She rolled her eyes and gave a sigh at the new look of dread appearing in the man’s eye. “Don’t worry; I didn’t do anything to him.” Kakashi seemed to relax, but winced slightly as Hisayo added, “Jiraiya’s the one who caused damage. So don’t you dare point the finger at me.”

“Hisayo, Hisayo…” Kakashi let out a deep sigh, shaking his head. He glanced down to Sasuke who was now carefully regarding Hisayo, then to the wolves who continued to display their displeasure of the Uchiha’s presence, before they returned back to Hisayo with a more serious gleam. “Come with me for a moment to discuss this. Sasuke, stay right there with her wolves.”

“You seriously expect us to stay with such a whelp?” Fusenmei snorted. “Hmph!”

“Fusenmei, Jinsoku…” Hisayo only gave the wolves a simple look and they gave in.

Now slumped, they sighed together. “Yes, Hisayo-sama.”

“And don’t kill him while we’re away.”

“Yes, Hisayo-sama.” Both let out disappointed sighs again, before Jinsoku snickered as the two shinobi disappeared. “Hisayo-sama probably wouldn’t mind if we did anyway.”

Sasuke’s eyes narrowed as his guard rose, but Fusenmei laughed. “Don’t worry, human pup, we respect Hisayo-sama, unlike you. We won’t bite…for now.”

“What did you do?” Kakashi spoke again once they were out of ear shot.

“I did nothing.” Hisayo calmly said, but her eyes were serious. “Do you know what Naruto is to him?” The guilty look in Kakashi’s eye garnered a tiny snort from her. “I’m not surprised that you do. You are a fan of Jiraiya’s after all.” She couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the mention.

A light smile found its way across the man’s masked face. “I take it then, that you’re happier with the replacement?”

“Hm…not entirely, no. Jiraiya is still a pervert, but he’s better than Ebisu.”

“I’m a little surprised. I thought you’d be the one training Naruto by now.”

Hisayo scowled a bit, but soon relaxed. Her eyes softened a little. “That is the only family Naruto has…Even if I don’t hold Jiraiya in very high regard…” Hisayo sighed. “In a way, he reminds me of Akio-sensei.”

Kakashi smile only grew. “Maybe they should get together for a drink one day then? I’m sure they’d get along—and I’m sure Akio would be very pleased to meet Jiraiya. You do know he’s a bit of a fan of his works as well, right?”

The disapproving scowl found its way back to Hisayo. “Don’t remind me. I suppose though that I should be happy that Akio keeps his reading material to himself and out of public view. Unlike some others.”

Kakashi gave a sheepish chuckle as he leaned away, but a hopeful look crossed his features. “So…does this mean you aren’t mad with me anymore?”

Hisayo let out a small sigh, but refrained from smiling. She willed her voice to be cold—something she was finding difficult to do around the masked man as the days continued to pass. “How to put this…You still chose that ungrateful, disrespectful, and narcissistic brat, but…if anyone can straighten that child out, you can…probably.”

Another sheepish expression crossed Kakashi’s face. “You seemed to have been able to do that for me already—or at least, helped put him on the right track. I think you’ve saved me a lecture, though my delivery would have been a little less…violent and scary.”

“Heh, perhaps I may have lost my temper for a split moment.”

“You said it, not me.” Kakashi flinched ever so slightly as Hisayo sent him a little glare, but she soon calmed.

“I guess my side trip wasn’t a complete waste. However, I don’t feel comfortable with you training him, and not just because I see you favoring him over Naruto. As I said, Orochimaru is still at large. Satoru too. Then there was that spy from before.” Hisayo’s eyes narrowed in anger as she continued to relieve that chase in her mind and the final outcome of it. She looked Kakashi dead in the eye with a serious gaze. “I don’t want anyone else hurt from this…I don’t want anyone to die. My threat to Sasuke wasn’t done in a fit of blind anger, Kakashi.”

“I know. I’ll be careful and also deal with Sasuke. He won’t be a threat to his allies because of his situation.”

“Regardless, I’m leaving Fusenmei and Jinsoku with you. They’ll be an early warning should any threat come your way. Send either of them to me and Akio and I will come to your aid with others.”

“I appreciate that but-”

Hisayo held up her hand over the man’s already covered mouth with a glare. “This isn’t an offering or a choice. They are staying with you.”

“It’s never easy to argue with you.” Kakashi let out a resigned sigh after getting over the initial surprise of Hisayo’s actions. “Fine, but I’m not sure how your two summons will like it. They were very offended just now, and I don’t blame them.”

“They may not like it, but they will follow through with my orders. The situation is serious and they know it.”

“How is Daigoro?” Kakashi changed the subject, genuinely concerned, and not just trying to change direction simply because.

Hisayo shook her head with a saddened frown, “The wounds are beginning to show signs of closing, but his spine is still the same. Hana plans to start some physical therapy as soon as the wounds are healed

over enough. Even if he gains some mobility with the therapy, she says he still won’t be able to rejoin on active duty. Daigoro…he won’t ever fully recover.”

“Hisayo, I’m sorry.” Kakashi’s orb was saddened as he brought a hand up to cup Hisayo’s face.

Her face tinted pink as she continued to frown, but soon turned away. “I-I…have things to take care of. You do as well. So I’ll go now, but don’t think you’ve heard the last of me.” Hisayo’s serious demeanor returned, though her face was still a bit red. Whether it was from embarrassment, or returned anger over Sasuke, he wasn’t sure, but it was still cute to see nonetheless.

A gentle smile showed as his eye crinkled. “Of course.”

Fusenmei and Jinsoku indeed were not pleased at the prospect of being left behind to “babysit the annoying Uchiha whelp” as Fusenmei practically howled in misery when she expressed her discontent.

Jinsoku agreed, but his display was more threatening. “We can at least discipline him if he gets out of hand, can’t we?” He asked with a growl.

“Don’t be so dramatic.” Hisayo said, turning to leave. “You’ll be watching from a distance. You don’t have to interact with him.”

Fusenmei sat down on her haunches with a pout. “I’d rather have to babysit Doji. At least he doesn’t have a temper.”

Jinsoku frowned with a drop of sweat. “But he sure does cause trouble all the same. If it weren’t for Hachimitsu half the time.”

“That pup would go through more lives than a cat.” The grey wolf added to her sandy partner.

Kakashi chuckled. “He is only a pup. I remember when Pakkun and the others were that young. They have a lot of energy, but they run out and calm down eventually.”

“Not Doji.” The two wolves flatly stated.

Hisayo sighed. “I’m leaving now.” Walking past Sasuke, she paused; and he frowned, resisting the flinching reaction his body wished to display in its newly acquired fear of her. “Don’t cause any trouble.” she warned before looking over to Kakashi. “That goes for you as well.”

She then disappeared in a quick flicker.

Kakashi sighed with a small sheepish smile. Hisayo never failed to scare people—or at least make them feel uncomfortable.


She was a bit nervous to become part of the tiny house hold, even if it was only a temporary move in. As she stepped through the threshold of the familiar apartment, hair loosely pulled back and flowing behind her, she finally smiled. From behind her, Akio followed, carrying her few belongings and setting them down on the table for the time being.

“I guess staying with us is a reality now.” Hisayo spoke from under her room’s doorway, leaning against its frame with loosely crossed arms. She looked as though she were about to depart since her two kodachi were strapped behind her, as well as having a small travel pack over those.

“Don’t worry,” Akio began, “you won’t be sharing your room with Kinu. She’ll be staying in mine.”

Kinu flushed, immediately seeing a problem with it. “B-but Akio.”

“No need to look like that, Kinu. I’ll be sleeping in here on the couch.” Akio chuckled, finding it, as usual, amusing to see the woman get easily flustered.

“You don’t need to give up your bed for me. I can take the couch.”

“Nonesense! You’re going to need a comfy bed to continue your recovery in. Besides, I already did all the necessary cleaning for you.”

“But, I—”

“I cleaned earlier today myself, so she can stay in my room.” Hisayo simply said, as she walked past the two shocked clansmen to the door outside. “At least until I come back.”

Akio recovered from his surprise, pushing past Hisayo’s gesture to a much more pressing and quite possibly dangerous matter. “And where might you be heading off to, Hisayo? And for how long?”

Hisayo shrugged her shoulders. “I have a few things to take care of—people to keep an eye on. I may or may not be gone until the Chunin Finals begin.”

“I’d advise against prolonged trips anywhere at this time, Hisayo.”

“I have to agree with Akio.” Kinu held a serious expression as well. “It isn’t wise to go anywhere—and alone at that. Not with those two running around.”

“Who said I was going to be going anywhere alone?” Hisayo eyed Kinu carefully, and with a bit of dislike. Again her protective instincts over her adoptive father were kicking in. “Besides, what makes you think I’d listen to what you say?”

“Hisayo!” Akio was not pleased with Hisayo’s treatment of Kinu. The older woman was only voicing her own concern.

“Remember Akio,” Hisayo opened the door to face the warm breeze. She didn’t seem affected at all by her father’s scolding voice. “Kinu is your friend, not mine. And this living arrangement is only temporary.”

Akio let out a rare irritated sigh as the door slammed closed. “Kinu, I’m very sorry.”

“No, she’s right; she and I didn’t have, nor did we ever arrange or agree to any kind of friendship. I was simply someone to provide the intel she needed, and in my current state, I’m not useful to her right now. I told you that she wouldn’t approve of this set-up, Akio.”

Akio frowned, moving her bags to his room still.


“My room will be more comfortable for you.” Akio looked over his shoulder with a kind smile.

“But…” Kinu’s reservations about living with Akio and Hisayo had just been justified by Hisayo’s words and actions. She felt very out of place.

“Don’t let Hisayo upset you.” Akio began, “The friends she has now received the same cold treatment before she got to know them. It will be the same for you.”

“But they weren’t Ookami clansmen. They weren’t her enemies.”

“Give it some time, Kinu. I know you feel unwanted around here already, but know that you aren’t. She’s just very careful of who she gets close to.”

“And why aren’t you?”

“Me?” Akio blinked, giving a light chuckle soon after. “I guess I’m just easily charmed by others.” He smiled.

“Always joking.” Kinu shook her head with a smile. “Why is it that every time there’s a heavy atmosphere, you seem to turn it around?”

“It’s not always an easy thing to do, believe me. And I only do that for those I like and care about.”

Kinu’s face flushed pink for what seemed like the hundredth time since being in the regular company of the man. “You…you like me? And why care about me?”

“Must I say it again, Kinu?” Akio half teased—his other half being quite serious. Kinu was an ally and friend. Why did she not understand? Or perhaps it wasn’t that she couldn’t understand but rather, she was hesitant to accept truth to his words and reason? Perhaps she was hesitating because she still saw the shadow of his old self? He frowned at the thought. It only brought on memories—bad ones.

“Akio?” Kinu grew a bit concerned when Akio had grown quiet, losing his smile altogether.

“Hm?” Akio then perked up. “Oh! Right! Shopping! You’ll be in need of some necessities while living here, now won’t you?” He smile had returned as he carefully ushered the woman to the door to do just that.

Kinu frowned at his sudden turn of temperament. It always happened like that. She would see him be happy and quite lively before he’d turn serious and quiet; only to return to being loud, happy, and teasing. He’d seem to either act as if nothing happened, or that whatever it was that had been on his mind was not worth the explanation. He’d go as far as changing or skipping ahead entirely to a different subject, just as he was doing now.

Why did he do that? Was she at fault for that? Was it because of what was happening now? Was he thinking of Satoru? Orochimaru? The dangers that always seemed to be present around Hisayo, despite having left the clan in order to provide a safer life for her? Perhaps it was a combination of it all. Or perhaps it was something different altogether?

Whatever the reason, she’d try not to pry. He probably wouldn’t appreciate it. Plus he had been very kind to her. It would have been wrong to repay his kindness with any nosy questions.

She still couldn’t help but wonder though.


“They’re a bit late, aren’t they?” Hisayo directed down at the two wolves who had been keeping careful tabs on Naruto.

“It’s only been a couple of days since then,” Shun began, on which Myukyu finished;

“But that teacher of his decided to leave the village to continue with said training. Jiraiya said they would leave today at precisely this time.”

Hisayo frowned. They were at the gate waiting. Hisayo could see the familiar blonde and white heads of the two coming into view from the village finally. Naruto and Jiraiya were soon out of sight. With a small ready nod, she came out of their shadowed place of hiding while adjusting the pack on her back one final time.

“Myukyu, stay with me. Shun, go back and stay with Akio-sensei.”

“Why?” Shun asked in slight confusion. “He has Karasu if he needs to get in touch.”

Hisayo sighed. “Please, just do it. That Ookami woman is staying at our apartment now.” She then began walking, being sure to remain far enough behind that she wasn’t noticed—or at least by Naruto. She knew it would take a lot to get the boy to train seriously and her being around wouldn’t help. He was always quite hyper when she was around.

“Ah,” Myukyu smirked. “Worried about Akio? I see you’re more understanding

of…certain things now, aren’t you?”

“Stop your teasing.” She frowned, finding no humor in the little wolf’s playfulness. “Goodness, I don’t know who rubs off on who—you off of Akio, or him off of you.”

“Well, I am around more often than not.” Myukyu continued to joke, but soon gave a sobering sigh. “It’s Akio’s business who he decides to be in the company of. You don’t seem too worried if it’s his academy teacher friends.”

“That’s different.”

“How so?” Shun asked. He had yet to part from Hisayo. Akio would continue to be in the village, and there was no threat towards him at the time, so waited for the explanation. He couldn’t help but be curious still.

Hisayo stopped in her tracks and looked to the wolves with an annoyed expression. “As you wolves say; there are pheromones in the air. I don’t like the way she gets flustered around Akio-sensei, okay?” Though that was only part of the issue—or so she tried to make it a valid excuse. The real one would only make her and the two wolves become filled with even more worry.

“But if Akio is happy and enjoys her company...” Myukyu carefully gauged any further reaction from his summoner and pack-mate.

“But she was one of them!” Hisayo bit on her lip soon after realizing her small outburst. She had promised herself she would try not to get so worked up over the matter, but… “And I can’t forgive what they’ve done to Akio…What right does she have to even be friends with him? I don’t care if Akio has forgiven her or not. If it hadn’t been for her or the rest of the clan—if it hadn’t been for Satoru…” Hisayo took in a deep breath to calm herself.

“Akio nearly died because of them…”

Myukyu’s ears flattened back in remorse, as did Shun’s , “We know,” the elfin wolf said. “but have you forgotten that she aided in his escape? She was and has continued to be kinder to him than others of the clan. She’s been our ally for over two years now.”

“She’s only done that out of necessity, I’m sure. I can’t trust that she is in this for our own sakes and not for her own wish to simply escape and over throw Satoru’s rule over the clan.”

Myukyu sighed and sadly shook his head. There was no use discussing the matter further. It was understandable that Hisayo would be so bias with her thoughts of the Ookami woman. The Ookami clan had been and continued to be the source of Hisayo’s pain and suffering.

“Have you even tried asking her yourself of her own intentions?” Shun asked. He might not have been born just yet when the dangerous drama had caught up to both Hisayo and Akio, but he found it a bit one sided, if not rude for Hisayo to make her own assumptions without first understanding Kinu. For all any of them knew, Kinu was truly in it for hers and Akio’s sake.

“Leave it alone for now, Shun.” Myukyu intervened. “Do as Hisayo-san says and go stay with Akio.”

The young wolf sighed, and gave a respectful nod.

Hisayo frowned, regret sounding from her. “Wait, Shun…will you tell Akio that…that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so rude to him. I said some things…I’ll…I’ll try to be…nicer to her, if only for his sake. But that doesn’t mean that I’ll accept her fully, or even trust her for that matter.”

With another respectful nod, the larger wolf made his way back to the village.

“Are you still sure you want to watch after Naruto?” Myukyu asked as they continued to track the boy and his new teacher. “What if the clan appears? Or that vile Orochimaru? What if Naruto becomes involved?”

“Orochimaru’s more interested in Sasuke at the moment. I have Fusenmei and Jinsoku with the boy as we speak to keep an eye out for the snake. The rest of the pack is spread out around the village as well. As for Naruto, he’ll be fine. Jiraiya won’t let anything bad happen to him if he knows what’s good for him. Besides, Satoru and the clan will only be focused on me. I can always lead them away, plus I don’t plan on being close enough to Naruto for him to even realize I’m there. I just want to be sure in these next few days that he is receiving proper training.”

“Understandable, Hisayo-san. Very well, but please, don’t completely disregard your safety, or your health for that matter. Stretching yourself so thin and stressing all the time will only make you ill if you’re not careful.”

“Which is probably why I chose to have you stick around.” Hisayo gave a slight smirk. “You’re the next best thing compared with Akio. Just try not to annoy me too much with all your teasing, Myukyu.”

The small wolf chuckled. “I’ll do my best.”


Laying on one of the long porches of the building, his head between his chocolate colored paws, he let out a grumbling sigh. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy being out in the open air again, but it would have been far more enjoyable if he could get himself around—even better, rejoin the pack. But no; he had been left to further recover at the animal clinic Hana and her family owned. Nana, Eiji, and Rokuko had fully recovered in only a couple of days and were back to patrolling the village’s surrounding forest, and even within the village itself. Meanwhile, it had been nearly a week and he was still stuck in the Inuzuka’s clinic.

Daigoro snorted, “Lucky.” But supposed he was making slight progress as he was now allowed to rest out in the open air of the porch when he wasn’t cooped up indoors.

“Right you are, Daigoro.”

The wolf lifted his head, sharply looking over his shoulder as best as he could. It was Hana with a smile on her face. In her arms, she was holding some kind of strange contraption.

“What’s that?” He couldn’t help but ask. It had two wheels and smelled like metal; that much he could at least tell.

“This,” Hana set down the object and began to unfold and put it together, “is you’re new way of getting around. Now, let’s see if it will fit around your hips.”

Daigoro snorted once more. “I don’t want, or even need that—whatever it is.”

“Don’t be so stubborn. You want to have more freedom from this place, don’t you? And anyway, you need to keep working you forelegs or they’ll become weak, and you don’t want that, do you?”

The brown wolf glanced over to the set of wheels and straps, before moving his gaze over to his paralyzed limbs behind him. Hana was by his side, on her knees, and expectant. She then sighed as Daigoro turned away with a low growl, showing an old scar running down his face and neck.

“I’m not wearing that ridiculous contraption, Hana. I’ll keep my strength up in my own way.”

“Alright, but if you change your mind at any time, I’ll be happy to help you put this on.” Hana then turned with a smirk, purposely leaving the mass of straps and wheels behind.

She figured that Daigoro, being a summon of Hisayo’s, would be stubborn and too full of pride to accept what she was trying to do. She’d just have to be patient. The wolf would learn to accept the help, though it wouldn’t hurt to give him a little push. She knew the perfect example to show him; and she’d be killing two birds with one stone. The hospital did say that they needed the Genin to go out and get some fresh air. That, and also being around animals would be a good source of therapy for him.


“Hm…” Came a drawn out and bored hum. “He hasn’t seemed to do much yet, has he?” Myukyu calmly watched the scene from a top a high branch next to his pack-mate. The white haired woman was leaning against the trunk of the tree with one leg hanging off the branch while the other was drawn up to allow her arm to rest on it.

“I wasn’t expecting very much for the first day of travel. He may be simply observing Naruto to gage his level.”

“The poor boy is in obvious need of help if he can’t even walk atop water.”

Hisayo’s brows furrowed. “It does seem a bit strange. Ever since the end of the second exam, something has seemed a bit off about Naruto.”

“Apart from the fact the child is a Jinchuuriki?” the wolf tilted his little brown head. “Though he hasn’t seemed too far off from his usual boisterous self.” By that point, Naruto had stripped down to his boxers, not having the foresight to save his clothes earlier. It was a tad bit too late seeing as they were completely soaked.

Hisayo frowned. “I should have asked Ken to take a look at his chakra system before we left. It may have provided an answer to his change.”

“I still haven’t seen what change exactly you are pointing at.”

“I don’t know. I just feel like something is off. Perhaps I’m simply worried and there really isn’t anything wrong? But…his chakra…it feels almost as if it is repressed? And I’m not talking about the usual repression because he holds the Kyuubi.” She wasn’t sure if that was what she was accurately describing it properly.

Myukyu’s ears flattened back in worry as he let out a contemplative hum. “Orochimaru hadn’t done anything to him as well, had he? He did go after Sasuke in that forest after all. Sasuke is part of Naruto’s team.”

Hisayo gritted her teeth, “He had better not have touched a single hair on Naruto.”

“How is the Uchiha fairing?”

“Hmph, as irritating as ever.”

The little wolf flinched. “Ah, sorry for mentioning him. I was only curious.”

Both came to attention as it seemed Jiraiya was finally shaking a leg. Hisayo grew on edge as he saw the man observing Naruto with a serious gaze. “Raise your hands up Naruto. Higher…Good! Just stay like that for a minute.”

Myukyu’s ears were perked forward fully in attention. “What is he…?” His eyes widened as he saw the man strike forward with a chakra laced hand, hitting the boy right over his small stomach.

A pair of gold orbs widened. “Naruto!”

The summon followed in a quick flash after Hisayo to back her up as she appeared in front of Jiraiya. The man was flat on his back with Hisayo knelt over his form. Grabbing his collar she unsheathed a blade and held it over his jugular in one fluid motion.

“What do you think you are doing?” She growled lowly. She was beginning to regret ever allowing Jiraiya to take over Naruto’s training, despite his said connection to the boy.

From behind her a short distance, Naruto coughed, trying to gain a second wind, and also recover from the shock that the man had attacked him and that Hisayo had appeared out of nowhere, threatening to kill Jiraiya for having assaulted him.

“Hisayo-san…?” The blonde coughed in question.

“Phew, glad you are relatively alright.” Myukyu said from beside him as he nuzzled the boy affectionately while keeping an eye fixed on the two ahead. “Nothing broken?”

“N-no, but why are you and Hisayo-san…how?”

“Answers later, I’m afraid.” Myukyu put himself between the Genin and the drama ahead.

Jiraiya didn’t move as his eyes stared up at Hisayo. He was completely unaffected by her actions and the fact that there was a short sword held against his neck. He had known he was being tracked by her, and he had expected such a response to his actions just then. “No need to get so worked up. There is a reason behind my actions.”

“I will not turn a blind eye to those that threaten the boy.” Hisayo tightened her hold over Jiraiya’s collar as her eyes remained sharp and cold.

“Then it’s a good thing I did what I had so he can defend himself properly now.”

“What did you do to him?”

“Care to stand down and see for yourself?”

“Oi, what the heck’s going on?” Naruto stood now with a concerned and confused expression. “Hisayo-san…?”

Hisayo’s eyes shifted a split moment in the direction of the boy’s voice, before shifting to glare back down at Jiraiya. She then removed her blade with a small threatening huff and stood up and out of the way—though kept herself between the man and the precious boy.

Jiraiya rose back to his feet with a relieved breath as he dusted himself off. “Naruto, why don’t you try walking on the water again one more time?”

“Okay, but I still don’t know what’s going on.” He seemed to huff as he carefully set out over the water. His eyes widened in glee as he found he was now able to do what he could not do before. “Alright!” He bounced up and down and back and forth over the water. “I did it!”

Hisayo’s brows furrowed in confusion as she turned from the hyper child to Jiraiya, “He was having so much trouble before…How…?” He even felt different now to her—more to the way he was before the exams.

It drew upon the serious suspicion that perhaps Myukyu had been correct in some way.

“What you saw me do just now was dissolving a seal.” Jiraiya quietly explained as Naruto continued to carry on.

“The seal holding the Kyuubi?”

“No, this seal was different. It was a seal that had been placed over the Kyuubi’s seal to disrupt and lock chakra.”

“Who would do such a thing to Naruto?”

“I’ve seen that kind of seal before. I know that style anywhere, but my concern is why he would do such a thing when clearly he is not after the Kyuubi or the boy for that matter.”

Hisayo’s eyes narrowed. “Who?”

Jiraiya cunning eyes found Hisayo’s gold orbs. “Have you heard of a man by Orochimaru?” Hisayo froze, her eyes widening just a fraction, but it was enough to still make out. “I see you have.”

Hisayo regained her composure as she sheathed her blade with an angered force. “That snake…I’ll slowly skin him alive before I kill him.”

A smirk came to Jiraiya’s face at the fiery woman. But he soon grew serious again. “He is back in the village, I’ve heard.”

“That is none of your concern.”

“It concerns me more than you are probably aware. After all, you had arrived just over two and a half years ago, am I correct? You don’t know what connections I’ve held with the village.”

“Hn, so that seal you dissolved…Naruto will be alright now?” She moved on to a person of greater importance to her—completely by-passing the sage’s question.

“Yes. The rest is up to him now. His amount of will and determination will affect how much or little he grows. I will continue to keep him under my wing no matter though.”

Hisayo sighed. “If you give me any reason to worry again…” She seemed to growl.

“Hm…you know, I never asked you before what the boy is to you. Care to fill me in? I haven’t kept contact with the village very well.”

“But well enough to know how new I am to Konoha.” Hisayo ignored the man’s other inquiry completely as she turned to leave instead. “Myukyu, we’re going for now.” It was none of Jiraiya’s business what Naruto was to her.

“I may have done a bit of research shortly after our first meeting.” Jiraiya grinned as he brought a hand up to stroke at his chin.

“Tch.” He never failed to irritate her.

“Hisayo-san, wait!” Naruto noticed his friend’s leave. “You still haven’t said why you’re here! Is it a mission? Is it?” His eyes were bright, before becoming confused once more, “But you were attacking Ero-sennin!”

Hisayo smiled as she found the boy had run up to her. With Jiraiya forgotten for the moment, she placed a kind hand over his gold mane and gave it a light ruffle. “I was in the area, saw what happened and acted. But don’t worry, it was all just a misunderstanding. I will see you again soon. Continue to train hard, Naruto.”

“I will! You saw how easy I was walking on water! Hehehe!”

Her smile only grew. She was happy and relieved that Naruto was now alright. The horrid seal was removed from him. As Naruto gave his final farewell and ran back to the water, she turned her attention back to the man that had watched in interest at the interaction between the two.

Her glare was intimidating just then. “I won’t leave angry with you.” She stated with no emotion in her voice. “Removing a seal Orochimaru placed has redeemed what little shaky view I have of you. But don’t let it go to your head. I’m still very wary of you, so don’t think this has given you any liberty with how you can act around me. And don’t think that I’m disappearing completely. I’ll still keep an eye on you.”

“Ah, Hisayo-san. Your words really do spark inspiration. If only you’d allow your body to also—Gah! Zztt! Zztt! Gyah! Zztt!”

Hisayo let out another growl as she turned on her heels, walking away from a slightly electrified, toppled over, perverted sage. Trotting along beside her, Myukyu let a small chuckle slip. “Kakashi might not be too pleased when he hears of this.” He teased.

“He can think of it as a little payback.” Hisayo smirked. “He’ll be happy that I didn’t break or rupture anything this time. Tch, why does he have to be a fan of such rotten material anyway?”

“And let’s not forget your dear sensei.” Myukyu poked with another chuckle. He soon calmed and gave a small glance back at the boy and recovering Toad Sage. “So we are going to leave Naruto completely to this man then?”

“For now, but we will stay around for a couple of days to be sure Naruto doesn’t suffer any ill side effects from having that seal removed.” Hisayo nodded. “Though I am glad I decided to trail along. We know now what had been wrong with him.”

“That sage said he wasn’t sure of the reason why though.”

“What matters is that Orochimaru has messed with the wrong people.” Hisayo’s eyes grew sharp as traces of electricity danced across them. “I will make him regret messing with Naruto, my friends, manipulating my old clan, and aiding Satoru.”

“What of that shady Kabuto character?” Myukyu practically snarled out the name. “He is Orochimaru’s underling, isn’t he?”

“It isn’t completely proven, but with Orochimaru’s scent hanging around him, as well being in possession of those talismans, I believe him to be in league with both him and Satoru.”

“Either way, he is an enemy of Konoha, and you.”



“What is it?”

“Perhaps you might wish to enjoy the hot springs here?” It was a genuine thought for his summoner. She was always stressed. “ It isn’t often you get to enjoy those in this area.” Myukyu flinched back and gave a sheepish chuckle as he saw the sharp piercing eyes glare down at him.

“With that man here? Absolutely not.”

“Not even if I keep watch?”


“If it’s about me possibly seeing anything…”


“But just to relax a little…”

“Myukyu, do you want a cold bath?”

“N-no thanks...” Came a tiny whimper. And that was the end of that conversation.


The night following appeared peaceful enough. The village had gone quiet as everyone had turned in for the evening. Shops were closed, the bars were as well with how late into the night it now was. The full moon was sinking over the horizon. It was a beautiful sight, and yet, despite it all, there was still danger.

He had sensed it during his patrol of the silent village. No sooner had that prickling feeling of danger hit the back of his neck, had he seen a person in the standard attire of Suna’s shinobi carefully navigating rooftops before coming to a complete stop and gazing out towards the bright moon.

Hayate was quiet in his hidden approach. For now, he saw no threat. There was a team from Suna that had all advanced to the final round of the exams so it was understandable to see a shinobi from the Sand. It was the teacher, as he could now make out with the way he was in full light of the moon. He did find it a bit suspicious that the shinobi of a different nation would be out at such a late time. It was nearly three in the morning. The only ones out at this time were patrol units, both solo and team.

His eyes soon grew wide after following the Sand’s line of sight. He immediately recognized the partial monstrous form that was growing under the night sky. ‘No way! Suna’s jinchuuriki…is that boy?!’

It was more than sufficient reason to report such a thing to the Hokage, even during this time of night. The village was already in danger as it was with Orochimaru around. He was about to take his leave when a familiar face appeared next to the Jounin from Sand. His eyes narrowed as his mind recalled the reports and even of Hisayo’s warning of what tools exactly that man was carrying. ‘Yakushi Kabuto…’ What was the traitor doing with someone from Sand?

He needed to investigate further.


Akio couldn’t believe what he was hearing.


The reason why he and others of Konoha’s elites had been called upon so suddenly…?!

The already tense atmosphere quickly grew dark at the shocking news.

“His body was found this morning.” The Hokage further revealed.

“Was it Orochimaru?” Naturally with the current situation, Anko and others would assume him to be behind their comrade’s murder.

“It might not be.” Kakashi said. “It could very well have been Yakushi Kabuto. He’s been recently revealed as a spy.”

“Hmph, which we have yet to track down and capture.” Anko gritted her teeth. “He’s one of Orochimaru’s so what difference would it make? Hayate was still killed by them.”

“The situation is too dangerous.” Raido entered the conversation. “The exams should be canceled until this is all resolved.”

“No. The exams will continue on. Orochimaru has threatened us otherwise.” Many gazes narrowed at what the Third said.

“Are you saying he has the means to assault Konoha in full storm? But with who at his back?”

Akio’s gaze narrowed as he looked to the ground. It did not escape notice by those who knew deeper of the situation.

“While it is true we have alliances,” Koharu, one of the council began, “Konoha still has its enemies—even within our own truces with other nations. We have sent out Anbu teams to investigate both ally and foe in this matter. It would not be wise to jump to sudden conclusions and instigate a war. For all we know, that is what our enemy may be trying to accomplish.”

The Hokage nodded, agreeing. “For now, we must all remain on high guard. I trust you all to fight with everything you have in order to protect our home.”

Hiruzen’s eyes discreetly fell on Akio who gave a solid nod. The time was growing dangerously near. As he and Hisayo feared over two years ago, war was approaching.

“Why did he not say anything back there?”

Kakashi’s gaze shifted to Akio, then back ahead as they continued away from the Hokage tower. “About the Ookami, you mean?” Akio nodded.

“It is painfully obvious. Or is there something more?”

Kakashi nodded. “As you’ve mentioned before in the past, the Ookami clan doesn’t have enough military strength. The Third knows this, which is why he would suspect a second group backing Orochimaru—and it isn’t just his own nation of Sound.”

“Who could it possibly be then?”

“No idea. There wasn’t a single scent lingering around Hayate when they found him. The Inuzuka’s couldn’t pick up a thing.”

“And you?”

“I’m afraid I had the same results.”

“Perhaps I might have a go?”

Kakashi paused. “You and I both know…Kabuto was somehow involved. He was able to erase his scent, as he had done before when we fought him. He could do the same to cover up for any of his allies.”

“I know.” Akio’s tone was morbid. “I suppose I’m simply trying to avoid relaying what’s happened to Hisayo…She will not be happy.”

“None of us are.” Kakashi sighed. “If you’d rather I tell her…?”

“No, you still have Sasuke to take care of. Focus on him, Kakashi. And please…be careful.”

“The same to you, Akio.”

Both men nodded to the other before they leapt away to their separate destinations.


A loud, drawn out yawn sounded from Myukyu before he laid his head back down over his crossed paws. “Is he still at it?”

Hisayo nodded. It was nearly noon and she and her furred companion continued to watch from a distance perched up high in a tree. Naruto had been trying to summon a toad all morning. So far, he was barely managing to call forth tadpoles.

“Take a nap if you want.” She dryly suggested.

“And miss this? Yeah, goodnight.”

The woman rolled her eyes as Myukyu closed his orbs and fell into a light slumber. It didn’t last very long. Hisayo turned her head to attention in the same moments he lifted his head with ears perked forward in attention. A figure quietly landed onto their branch.

“So this is where you ran off to yesterday. I’m a little relieved now.” Akio said after he saw Naruto in the area.

“You didn’t think I was going off on some sort of quest of self-discovery,” Hisayo had lifted a brow as she let an unimpressed frown show. “at a time like this, anyway, did you?”

“While I appreciate the rare joke, I’m afraid I have something serious to report.”

“Clan movement?”

“Not, exactly…”

Hisayo could see the sadness in her sensei’s eyes. It was making her nervous. “What’s happened?”

“Last night…Hayate was killed.” There was no easy way to say it. A friend of theirs was gone.

Hisayo’s eyes had gone wide at the news in disbelieve. “…Hayate…?”

Myukyu’s ears flattened back as he gave Hisayo some space. “Perhaps…I should go check on Naruto?”

Akio frowned as he nodded. “Stay with him. For now, Hisayo…let’s go back.”

Hisayo swallowed with difficulty before giving a deft nod and dropping down from the tree without a word.

Eyes filled with concern, Myukyu hesitated. “Akio…will she…?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know.” Came the honest and uncertain answer. “She never had friends before. She had never lost anyone close to her before now either…”

The village had been quickly and silently reached. Although he wanted to console Hisayo, Akio refrained himself from doing so for the time being. The time between the previous and current destination was best spent in silence. Hisayo needed the time to herself after such news. But once they reached home? He wasn’t sure what her frame of mind might be. She may be alright, silently mourning—or maybe not, especially with Kinu now with them. She may very well snap at anyone who dared to talk to her, whether Hayate’s death was brought up again or not. He was a bit surprised when she stopped just before the gates and spoke up in a very calm and collected manner.

“Does everyone else know?”


“And who killed him?”

Should he tell her? It was obvious to both he and Kakashi. Others wouldn’t, but…she had a right to know. “Kakashi and I suspect Kabuto—possibly others—his allies. There were no scents left behind, so we can’t be a hundred percent certain.”

Hisayo’s jaw clenched tightly together. She had thought she covered all grounds with her summons. And yet…again…the enemy was still able to slip past. And this time…she had lost a friend.

She struggled for her next words. “And…Yugao?”

Akio’s frown only deepened. “I don’t know how she is fairing. There are many Anbu squads on patrol and investigating the matter. She might not be in the village right now. I haven’t checked.”

He couldn’t see her expression this whole time. Her back had been to him, but he could see the slightest of nods from her before to fully entered their village. “I’m not going home just yet.” She said after several moments.

“Do you want me to stay with you?” Akio was disappointed when she shook her head ‘no’, but he understood. “I see. I…”

“I’ll be home soon. Will you wait for me there…father?”

He relaxed slightly from the small affection he heard in her tone. He reached forward, giving a gently ruffle of her mane as a sad smile appeared over his face. “Yes, I’ll wait as long as you need me to. Come home safe, Hisayo.”

He was gone with a gentle breeze as Hisayo nodded. Had he stayed a moment longer, he would have seen the tears she had held back during all that time fall.


Jinsoku’s silver eyes scanned the area like usual. Beside him, Fusenmei was doing the same. They both let out sighs at the same time.

“It’s been a few days now.” Fusenmei noted. “And still she’s yet to check up on us.”

“She trusts us to be alright. We aren’t pups you know.” Jinsoku let out a low grumble.

“It’s not that.” The she-wolf’s ears lowered to the side in concern. “We’ve heard through Myukyu, of Hisayo-sama’s friends here. And with one of them having died…We can’t leave our posts to see how she’s doing. I’m just concerned here, So-kun.”

Jinsoku’s ear’s flattened back as his lips lifted to show his white canines. “Did you just…call me what I thought you just did?”

“Yes.” Fusenmei’s lips drew back in a long smirk. “So-kun.”

The larger wolf flinched. “You know I hate when others give me nicknames.

It takes away from my masculinity you know.”

“Psh, like you really don’t like it when your pretty partner says such a cute pet-name.”

“I hate you.”

“You love me.”


“Hmph, fine, act tough why don’t you. You’ll only be sorry if I one day end up like poor Hisayo-sama’s friend.”

“Don’t even joke about that!” Jinsoku had risen up with a growl, but soon sat down on his haunches with a long saddened sigh. “Hisayo-sama has been here. She just doesn’t want to be seen.”

Fusenmei’s eyes blinked in disbelief. “Really? Then why haven’t I smelled her?”

“Cause she’s been careful to stay downwind, though I don’t think it’s been to avoid us.”

“You mean the human male? And you still haven’t explained how you’ve seen her and I haven’t.”

“Not my fault your eye sight is so poor.”

“Please, just because you happened to have caught a lucky glimpse of Hisayo-sama…”

“It wasn’t a lucky glimpse. I just happen to have a good set of eyes.”

Fusenmei rolled her eyes. “Fine. So, wonder why she’d be avoiding the human—Kakashi’s his name, right?”

“It’s not like they’ve been around each other to instigate any sort of fight.”

“Perhaps she can’t face others yet?

Her friends especially...”

“So, it’s guilt?”

“No clue. It wasn’t as if she was there when it happened.”

“All the more reason for her to feel guilty maybe?”


The wolves sighed. Humans and their emotions were difficult to sometimes understand.

With the shifting wind, so too did Hisayo move. It was best to stay out of sight and more importantly out of scenting range. She didn’t want to upset the focus the two training ahead had, before her. She was thankful her wolves had remained at their posts, even after Jinsoku had caught sight of her on more than one occasion. He always had the keener eyes compared with his partner.

She didn’t want to interact with others at this time anyway.

She barely tolerated Kinu when at home, and Akio was the only one she allowed to speak to her—or rather accepted and tolerated. She was still coming to terms with the recent death in her circle of friends. It had also only seemed to heighten her protective and territorial instincts, so any who dared approach her and speak were met with sharp golden orbs and a short temper. She didn’t have or want time to spare for others. She was only concerned in guarding what was precious to her. She had no time for relaxation and she most definitely would not let down her guard.

Naruto was fine for now, as she had sent Shun from home to also aid Myukyu. She had no choice but to finally leave Jiraiya to his training for Naruto. Right now, the main target was Sasuke. She suspected him to have been the cause for Hayate’s death, but like everyone else, was not certain for the reason why he fought and was killed by the enemy. However, if she stayed near enough, eventually, the enemy would make their move and she would be there to prevent any more losses.

“Thought you’d be up here again.”

Hisayo didn’t offer any acknowledgement to Akio’s arrival. “Unless it is important, Akio…”

“It is where your health is involved.” Akio frowned in concern. It had been nearly five days now since she returned to Konoha after Hayate’s death. “You barely sleep or eat. You are here all the time now with hardly any break in activity.”

“I’m not going to be useless.”

“You certainly will be however, if you keep this up.”

“The moment I let my guard down…the moment I decide to stay away for just one night…”

Akio let out a sigh. “I can help keep watch too, for you. You need to rest properly.”

“It isn’t like we haven’t had stake outs similar to this in the past before.”

“They weren’t people you cared about. It’s quite clear to me that your judgment for personal well-being is not all there. What happens when you continue on like this and an enemy does show up, only for you to be too weak to even fight? See how the irony will come into play there?”

Hisayo’s glare and Akio’s stern gaze both fell at another change in the wind. Their eyes narrowed as they put on a heavier guard.

“That smell…what is he doing here, I wonder?”

Hisayo’s lips drew close as she lowly growled. “I told you I would not chance letting my guard down.”

“Let’s not be hasty with our approach. There may be a very good reason for their arrival.”

He knew he had visitors. He just didn’t care as he remained seated with one eye closed. The much older shinobi calmly approached, but he knew them to be on guard despite their outward stances.

“What do you want? I am busy.”

Akio carefully observed the redheaded boy. His nose crinkled just slightly at the scent of blood the Genin had continued to hold. “Ah, you see, this is our friend’s training field. We were just curious as to why you were here. Perhaps you’re lost and need directions back to the village?” He offered with a formal tone.

“I know where the village is. Now get lost…before I kill you.”

Both Jinsoku and Fusenmei stood up with low growls of warning no more than a two seconds after the wind had changed direction. Kakashi and Sasuke paused in their training as they saw the wolves dash forward a few feet before disappearing completely in a swirl of wind.

“Sasuke, stay here.” Kakashi ordered before he too disappeared, leaving behind a whirlwind of leaves.

Hisayo’s eyes narrowed. “I’m not in the best of moods.” She warned in an equally calm yet deadly voice. “If you continue to be a thorn in our side…”

Gaara opened his eye after having dispelled his jutsu to spy on Sasuke. “He is my opponent.”

“I’ll be more frank,”

“Hisayo…” Akio quietly began to warn. The growing intent to kill was saturating the atmosphere.

“I don’t care about who or what you possibly are. I don’t like you lurking around, especially when there are people around that are mine. Now get. Off. My. Turf.”

“I warned you that I would kill you.” Gaara slowly stood up and held out an arm.

Lightning began to take form around Hisayo’s body. Akio clenched his jaw as he narrowed his eyes at the sand that began to swirl around the boy. He should have known better than to allow Hisayo to go with him to meet this boy. She was far too defensive and aggressive at this time. Her judgment was obviously clouded in her attempts to overcompensate for her inability to protect her friends.

So that was the true effect now, that he could see, that came with the news of Hayate’s death.

“Now, now, there isn’t any need to start up meaningless fighting, is there?” Kakashi appeared between the two groups with a serious gaze fixed on Gaara. At his sides were the wolves he had easily accepted as his allies several days earlier. Their ears and tails where standing tall as they showed off their dangerous canines.

For a moment, it seemed as if the Genin would not back down, but he soon lowered his arm and joined his other arm to cross over his chest. “There is always meaning to my fights…to see my opponent’s blood…the twisted expressions of pain on their blood splattered faces.”

Kakashi’s eyes had narrowed. “If you do such a thing here, you won’t be able to fight Sasuke then.”

The sand stopped swirling completely now. Hisayo’s electrical currents lessened, but had yet to fully disappear.

“Very well. I will withdraw for now.” As much as he would have liked to fight, it was not in the best interest of his team, sensei, or village. His mission could not be jeopardized. In a sudden swirl of red sand, he was gone.

Kakashi turned around to see the irritated expression on Hisayo’s face. Akio’s expression was more relieved than anything. “Your timing was quite impeccable for once, Kakashi.”

“It was easier to make it in time when I have such a warning system.” He approached the Ookami pair, noting the glare that was still being sent his way by Hisayo. “Care to calm down and help Akio explain what that was all about?”

“He was a threat.”

“We didn’t really know that, Hisayo.” Akio sighed as he shook his head. “You’ll have to forgive her. She’s been very…territorial as of late.”

Kakashi also sighed, after noticing the dark bags under the woman’s eyes. “You haven’t been sleeping again, have you?”

“Or eating.” Akio added.

“That so? Care to explain why?”

“It’s none of your business.” Hisayo snapped. “Go back to train Sasuke and I’ll get back to guarding.”

Kakashi blinked in surprise. “You’ve been here…guarding?” He looked to Akio. “How long?” He knew Hisayo wouldn’t give him the answer.

“Five days now.”

Another sigh escaped the masked man as he scratched the back of his head. “Think you could give us a minute, Akio?”

“Please, do. She’s been quite stubborn with me. Maybe she’ll listen to you. Just be careful of any sudden bolts of lightning…Come on you two,” Akio gestured to the two wolves. “Let’s go keep Sasuke company.”

“Not like he’d really want it.” Fusenmei gave a distasteful snicker.

“I won’t pretend I don’t know why you’re being this way.” Kakashi began. “Everyone has been hit with even more stress because of recent events. Some more than others.”

“If you know, then we have nothing to discuss.”

“Actually we do. Or at least, you need to talk this out, instead of bottling up the feelings you had since—“

“I’m not going to talk about it!”

“This…this is the first time someone you’ve cared about has died…hasn’t it?”

“Hatake…” The warning tone in Hisayo’s voice was low.

Kakashi took in a breath of air, before stepping forward and pulling Hisayo to him. “I’m sorry…I didn’t know.”

Hisayo stiffened at the sudden and gentle contact. She began to struggle. “Let me go.”


“I’m warning-“

The hold over her tightened. “You have a right to be upset. But don’t take it out on your friends…or yourself.”

She was shaking now. “But…I…”

“You don’t have to mourn by yourself. You have friends to turn to. You have Akio. And me.”

“And what if I lose them all! It nearly happened to Akio! And now with Hayate…He’s…” Hisayo trailed off as she hesitantly drew her hands up to grip at Kakashi’s sleeves. She lowered her head to hide her face. “Why…Why did I have to lose one of my friends?! Why could I not protect my friend!?”

There was a deep tone of solemn understanding and solace in his voice. “As shinobi, our lives, and the lives of those close to us are always on the line. We fight to protect the ones we care about—to protect our home. Hayate…was doing just that. It’s what all of us will continue to do…until the very day we die…It wasn’t that you couldn’t protect him, Hisayo. On the contrary; Hayate was protecting you. He was protecting his home and the lives of those he cared about…That’s why you shouldn’t push yourself to these lengths—not when there are so many of your friends willing to protect the same things as you. You shouldn’t distance yourself. Not at a time such as this. Not ever.”

The grip over his sleeves tightened considerably. With that action came the quit sobs. “Kakashi…”

With arms loosely folded and hidden in his blue haori, Akio turned from his casual (one-sided) conversation with Sasuke. The wolves also turned as the scent and soon after sight, of Hisayo and Kakashi approaching caught their attention.

“Everything…in order?” Akio carefully inquired.

“Is that why they had gone so suddenly? Because she was sneaking around too?” Sasuke gave only a small huff.

Akio, who had obviously given a fake story, chuckled sheepishly, continuing to act along with the story. “We really hadn’t meant to give any false alarm.”

Jinsoku sighed, playing along. “Approach with the wind next time? So we don’t confuse you for a threat, Akio-sama?”

Hisayo looked to Akio and nodded. “I’ll be…more careful. Does that put you at ease now?”

It had been obvious to her and Kakashi that nothing had been explained to the Uchiha, so she avoided giving any detail into her answer.

Green eyes blinking with slight surprise and uncertainty, still, Akio cautiously looked to Kakashi. The young man nodded. “I suppose it does. I hope she wasn’t too difficult to deal with, Kakashi.”

Hisayo frowned and looked to a distance with a sigh. Kakashi’s mask crinkled slighting in a small smile.

“Nothing to worry about, Akio. Care to stay for a while? We were about to call it a day and settle down for the evening. We wouldn’t mind if you decided to camp out with us, either.”

Hisayo’s eyes widened slightly, before they narrowed defensively. “I think not. While I may have calmed down, I am still not willing to relax fully.”

“You do have us around, Hisayo-sama.” Fusenmei held a slight twinkle in her eye. “So-kun and I will alert you as usual you know.”

Jinsoku flinched, but otherwise let Fusenmei off the hook and agreed. “She and I have been taking turns at night to allow your humans to rest.”

Sasuke flinched now. He defensively spoke up. “I belong to no one. Don’t put such labels on people.”

The sandy wolf snickered. “Even if the label is true?” His grey pack-mate also snickered.

“Arrogant pup is a label better fitting, if you ask me.”

“Hm, I believe I agree.”

Sasuke growled. “I can’t wait for you two to be gone. You’re hovering is annoying.”

“For once I think we agree with you on something, whelp.” Fusenmei smirked.

Akio lifted an amused brow. “My, my, I had no idea you three were such good friends.”

All three growled out in annoyance. Kakashi let out a small chuckle as Hisayo remained silent—yet it still somehow expressed her own annoyance with the Genin.

“This is why I would refuse to ‘camp out’ with you.” The woman stated.

“How have you managed so far, Kakashi?” Akio sheepishly chuckled.

“The times between training have been a bit…interesting to say the least.”

Hisayo rolled her eyes, looking to the wolves that now flattened their ears back in a guilty manner.

“It isn’t like we haven’t been doing our job, Hisayo-sama.” Said the grey female. “We promise not to cause trouble while you are here.”

“That’s right.” Jinsoku said. “Besides, you do look like you could use some decent rest. Picking on the human pup can wait another time.”

A sigh was given as a hand was brought up to a somewhat throbbing temple. “Fine, but for just a short while.”

Akio smiled as he discreetly began to slide away. “Well now, seeing as you’ve finally agreed to take it easy for a little while, I suppose I should return to check on our roommate.”

Hisayo’s eyes widened a fraction. “What? But I thought that you were—“

“Ah,ah,ah,” Akio waved a pointed finger as a slightly mischievous smirk was given. “I wasn’t the one to make the agreement. And don’t thing about going back on it either. It would sadden your poor old sensei to see his student do such a horrendous thing!”

There was a sweat drop over everyone’s head.

“I think he may be going a bit overboard there.” Kakashi said.

“Not surprising.” Both wolves said, unimpressed.

“Tch, fine.” Hisayo growled in defeat. She then calmly stalked off, dishing out orders. “Uchiha brat, put your fire jutsu to use and get a campfire going. Jinsoku, Fusenmei, hunting duty for you two. Hatake, get some water from the river nearby. I’ll set a perimeter.”

Akio chuckled as Hisayo disappeared to do just that. Sasuke grudgingly walked off to gather wood, while the wolves trotted off to their own given task.

“How about rabbit…?” The two summons began their discussion over the dinner menu. “Hm, or maybe some fowl…”

“Well, at least she’s calmed down somewhat.” The older of the two men left behind smiled affectionately.

“A bit hard to tell…”Kakashi sheepishly smiled. “and I think she’s upset again. She did just use my family name.”

“Well, you were the one to suggest she openly stay with you.” Akio’s smile turned almost threatening. It was scary. “You will behave yourself, won’t you? You wouldn’t want my trust in you to falter, yes? She is still, after all, my daughter.”

Kakashi leaned back, chuckling nervously. “O-of course. You have nothing to worry about.”

The smile became friendly once more. “Good! Now, I’ll be off, but I will check by every so often. I know you have your hands full with the boy already, but do be sure she’s taking better care of herself between visits.”

“I will, though this has all been difficult for her. Her emotions…”

The somewhat playful atmosphere quickly fell south. There was a small silence before Akio spoke up with a quiet, yet serious voice.

“She has always been afraid something like this would happen…I was as well. I was afraid of what effect it would have on her. It’s best to keep a watchful eye on her, even though she may have calmed down now. If you see her distancing herself more so than usual…”

“I know, but she knows we are all close by for her.”

“I see you really were able to calm her…thank you.” Kakashi could see the thankful gleam in his eyes, but in them, he could also make out a melancholic tone to them. “While it was nice in the past to be able to console her, I’m thankful that she has others to find comfort in during times such as these…I won’t feel so useless.”


“I will always be there for her, but there are times when I feel that my presence alone is not enough. I may be able to give her advice…I may be able to pat her head and reassure her with my voice, but…there are some things I won’t be able to protect her from. The death of Hayate has reminded me of that.”

Kakashi let out a small sigh as he closed his onyx orb. Death would find them all one day. That was a sad and harsh truth to every life. He had accepted that a long time ago. But that wasn’t what he was saddened by at all. What had saddened him—stabbed at his heart—was the sight of seeing Hisayo so torn by the death of one of her friends.

That was far worse than death itself to him.


For the moment, he was lazily sitting in the usual spot of his large thrown. His unguarded posture displayed just how confident—or arrogant depending on others’ opinions—he was in his abilities that he need not be on guard. For now he was alone—and very bored to boot—but the calm stepped he heard entering from outside peeked his interest. Slowly, his eyes shifted. The light caught in his mismatched eyes as the door opened. From behind the familiar man that had entered, were several distraught and nervous guards.

“Leader-sama, forgive us! He would not listen to us.”

“He insisted on seeing you!” Another tried to defend themselves in fear of their leader’s punishment for their lack in fulfilling their duties.

They were soon quieted by his raised hand. He let out a bored yawn as he then waved them off. “Forget it. I was growing bored anyway. Let him be…Now leave us.”

The clansmen wasted no time in following their orders, relieved that they weren’t met with harsh reprimand.

“Satoru-sama.” Came the greeting from the young man.

The Ookami tyrant let out another yawn. “Yes, is Orochimaru-sama in need of something again?”

“Not at all.”

Satoru frowned, unimpressed by the random visit. “Then what do you want, four-eyes? You do know I don’t find you to be likeable.” A low chuckle sounded. Satoru became interested by the sudden confidence he heard in that simple sound. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. The younger man before him never sounded so confident…or dangerous. He rather in fact the opposite whenever he saw him. Though he didn’t feel too threatened, he discreetly put up a guard.

“I simply came here to speak with you.”

“About what?”

“About these.”

There was a sound of metal scrapping out of their sheathes, before they were carefully held out in an unthreatening manner. A dark purple aura began to slowly emit from them, setting the dimly lit room aglow.

Satoru sat up straighter and at full attention now from the sight before him. His eyes were wide in recognition of the pair of weapons. “How…did you get those?”

“Oh? Is that fear I hear in your voice?” The chuckling sounded again as a satisfied smirk appeared on the man’s face. “I’ve always wondered what it would sound like coming from you, Satoru-sama.”

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