
By Kweehnn

1.9K 93 2

Adeyemis' story continues. She yearns for another, though she knows that chapter has closed. With a new life... More

His Move
Not Done
Family time
All You've Ever Wanted
Men & I
A Little Birdy
Comfort For A Night
Lesson Learned
By Any Means Necessary

Non, et pourtant...

54 3 0
By Kweehnn

I laughed loudly at the the joke Axel told. It was the Monday after the whole text incident with Jae. Axel was a nice man and a good friend. We spoke often about our society and our roles in it. We both had experiences that we learned from that aged us a little bit beyond our years. I didn't know what went on with him and though the entire world knows a little of what happened to me he didn't look at me like I needed pity. He pushed me the hardest at the company while everyone still treats me slightly different because of my status. Axel was tall, strong, beautiful and wise. He proved himself to all naysayers by attending the best university in Europe despite having grown up in the slums.He was someone who had both street smarts and book smarts.

"You look happier these days miss." He said said in his usual smooth tone.

I chuckled "I am happier these days. The studio is a good place to let my demons out for a little while. They appreciate the escape as much as I do."

We were currently stretching before the students came in for class. Axel leaned back keeping himself propped up with his arms slightly behind him.

"Art has a uniqueness to it that allows one to confront their evils without going completely mad." He stated simply.

I nodded "You're right." I said softly

"Everyone has their demons Adeyemi, some never realize they can overcome them. I hope you and the evils you have can have peace one day." He said sincerely looking me in the eye.

We looked at eachother then and neither of us looked away. Nothing was said between us but the moment was built and right when something should happen, he was the one to break away.

"How is your son? Prince Adeneji?" He asked clearing the air.

"Oh he's great. Growing as much as he sleeps. I think he'll start crawling soon."

He gave me a bright smile. "You are going to be in for a world of trouble." He said chuckling

I giggled with him and then was caught off guard when he spoke again.

"How is your boyfriend? The crown prince?"

I shrugged "Ah, did you not hear? Although I gave birth we still have not gotten back together. Well we tried but it's not completely working so we've separated again. We're hoping to be able to work everything out by Aden first birthday."

Axel looked surprised by the information then just nodded "Ah. Well I hope it works out in a way that is best for everyone."

I smiled at that and he gave me a smile of his own before helping stand. Right on the dot our students came into the studio. I greeted them energetically as they did to me and they all sat down as we introduced todays concept. Love, unsure.

"What do you think that means?" I asked

Several students raised their hands and I picked on a young man perhaps my age or a year or two younger with bright blue eyes caramel skin and golden brown curls.

"That you are in love with someone but unsure of how to tell them." He stated

I smiled "Close Taavi, it means that you are in love but you are unsure if you can truly get close to this person. If you can really let them in."

"Or perhaps," Axel added "You want to be in this relationship but you feel like the other person is afraid or unwilling to get close to you."

The class all gave nods and made sounds of understanding

"So now that we've given you the verbal explanation. We'll also perform our story of love, unsure to you all. Before teaching it." I said and the studio erupted with shouts of their agreement.

Axel moved to the middle of the dance floor after tying black cloth around his eyes and I moved off to the side and started the music before sitting next to him so we were back to back I had my cloth already tied around my neck and slid it up to my eyes and tightened it.

His movements were crisp and fluid when we had practiced so I supposed it was the same when we actually performed. Our story as beginning to be told. After him I moved my hand intricately on the floor, he moved his hands to reach mine but I was always one step ahead. His fingers searched for me but could never get there. I tapped his shoulder as if to let him knows I was there but he turned the wrong way. I turned to the side he had turned to but he turned to where I had wanted to go originally. Again we missed each other though we wanted the same thing. We did want the same thing right? We did. But I was torn. Our floor work was simple but full of feeling. I rushed into his arms and removed his blindfold before quickly rushing away from him. I stayed on the floor as he stood and danced. We were both moving but not together.I want him to see me and be on the same page but why couldn't I let my blindfold be taken off with his? Was I the one that was scared? Was I the one who was unsure? I rolled on the floor and then I could feel as he came to me. His body was on mine and in clung to his shirt at the waist, still he was gone too soon.So I chased after him and our hands met as we met both of us on our needs. He ripped my blindfold off and I stared at him. Our eyes interlocked and without words we both knew what was going on. I wanted him. Our fingers entwined with each other as we stood fully and then we hugged fiercely. Please don't let me go again. As we continued dancing we always held some kind of physical contact with the other. Then as I walked slightly one step ahead he lost contact with me. The distance between us widened and I reached for him as he found himself in his own turmoil. I ran to him and he caught me lifting me slightly. You idiot how could you let me go? I wrapped my legs around him and he spun around. This was it right? I dropped my legs and he placed me down and I pushed him away clutching my head. No, because like him I'm unsure and I'm scared. The what if's are endless. But her rand over to me and hugged me tightly from behind. Ah, he's asking for me to trust him. Can I? Should I try trusting just one more time? We danced together and then separated. I did a cartwheel and he did a spinning kick. From my cartwheel I slid onto my back and Axel slid so his face was right over mine. I rolled my hips up and he rolled his hips down. We were moving together but apart. We spun and I was in front and I rolled my hips down as he rolled his up. Finally he was close to me. He moved so he was on his knees behind me and pulled my hips so my ass sat perfectly against him. We leaned back in unison and as I moved forward he followed at the same time. We spun once more and then stopped so we faced each other he held my face in his hands and my fingers gripped the cloth at his shoulders as we searched each other's eyes. This was it wasn't it? He let me go and we parted turning our back to one another as we walked away. But we before we could take the last step we turned and walked back to eacher slowly. He gave me a charming smirk and I smiled sweetly at him.In the end despite my unsureness and us going around in circles we always came back to each other. Even when he had his moments of being unsure we had let that all go and decided to not be scared of getting hurt or hurting our partner. We decided to love. That is where the dance was supposed to end. However it didn't. He leaned forward his eyes starting to close. And I, who said though we were seperated had a hope for Jae and I to get back together didn't move. I closed my eyes and leaned up to meet his kiss. It was short but not terribly so. When we parted the song had completely finished. And we held the position for a moment. And the studio erupted with cheers. I pulled away from him, my mind a whirlwind. I smiled at the class and bowed.

"Did you enjoy the story?" I asked and everyone cheered once more.

"Do we get to do the kiss too?" asked Janelle her voice sounding excited

I laughed "Um, discuss that with your partner."

Soon, everyone learned the choreography and then performed it. I was highly pleased with the performances. After I finished with all of my classes for the day and I was completely stretched out. I grabbed my bag and phone. Damn, I missed a call from Jae. I right when I went to press call Axel knocked on my door.

"Hey." He said with a smile

"Hey." I replied

"About earlier-"

"No. It's fine. I- I kissed back remember?" I replied.

"Right. I just wanted to make sure you weren't upset." He said softly

"No. I am perfectly fine. Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah. I'm fine. I mean it was one hell of a kiss." He said his smile reappearing once more.

I chuckled. "Hm. Was it now? I'm glad I haven't lost it." I commented looking down bashfully before looking at him once more.

" Mon chéri you will never lose it. You will forever be trop fresh." He said with a playful wink.

I shook my head chuckling "Merci beaucoup, Axel."

"Get home safely cherie." He said kindly

"You too Axel. Oh, you have nice lips by the way. You should put them to use more often." I replied and he laughed loudly

"I plan to, I can't let this go to waste." He said before leaving the room. I waved and he waved his arm behind him lazily as he walked away.

I brought my phone back to my face and nearly dropped it out of horror. I had called Jaejeong.

"He-hello?" I asked my throat suddenly dry

"Ah, if you are going to mess around you should be careful with your phone."

"No I-"

"It's whatever. We aren't even together right now. Although I did think we broke it off so you could work on your mental health not to start fucking other guys." He said his voice was low but I could hear the hurt and he was masking as anger.

"I'm not-I haven't-"

"Anyways I suppose you originally planned on calling me because you missed my call? I was calling because I couldn't find Junghwans black overalls. I found it though." He said

"Ah. But Jae I didn't do anything with-"

"I said it's fine. We aren't together. I think we had been forgetting that because we spend so much time together."

"S-So what does that mean?" I asked

" I'm going to be in the guest bedroom where I belong, since we aren't together anymore-" He began.

Je dis non, on a eu nos secondes chances

Je dis non, recommencer n'aurait aucun sens

Je dis non, on a eu nos secondes chances

Je dis non, c'est ce que tu penses aussi non?

"Non-" I whispered

"And I'm going to limit my time here to Junghwan only unless all three of us have to go somewhere like if he has an appointment or something."

On n'ira pas plus loin, ça s'est sûr (ça s'est sûr)

On peut remettre ça à demain, ça ne s'ra que plus dur (ça ne s'ra que plus dur)

C'est toujours l'même refrain, c'est comme foncer dans un mur (foncer dans un mur)

Nos efforts n'y feront rien, nos efforts

seront en vain alors je ne suis plus, enfin

(We will not go any further, it is certain (it was sure)

We can put it back tomorrow, it will only get harder (it will only get harder)

It's always the same refrain, it's like rushing into a wall (running into a wall)

Our efforts will not do anything, our efforts

Will be in vain then I am no longer, finally)


"Actually it might be best if I just stay at a hotel."

"Non Jae-"

"Yem-Adeyemi. You wanted the break and we both realized you needed it. So we aren't together. You are free to end up falling for someone just as I am."

Il faudrait mettre un terme à cette aventure (à cette aventure),

Parce que nos poches sont pleines ,faites que de ratures (ratures)

Et j'aurais voulu une histoire plus saine, une histoire plus pure (une histoire plus pure)

Nos efforts n'y feront rien, nos efforts seront en vain alors je ne suis plus, enfin

(It would be necessary to put an end to this adventure (to this adventure),

Because our pockets are full, make that of erasures (erasures)

And I would have liked a healthier story, a purer story (a purer story)

Our efforts will do nothing, our efforts will be in vain then I am no longer, finally)

I sucked in a breath "Y-you?"

"Perhaps you're right. I shouldn't wait forever." He said before hanging up.


On s'est laissé le temps nécessaire pour enterrer la hache de guerre et pour tout recommencer

Rien ne va plus, on s'est perdu.

(No. No.

We allowed ourselves the necessary time to bury the hatchet and to start all over again

Nothing is gone, we got lost)

Lyrics by Monsieur Nov- Non  

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