Me? A queen of Narnia? (Peter...

Par VampJenna

60.2K 1.7K 216

I never expected that in the small town of Finchly I would be whisked away into yet another magical war. I've... Plus

Peter's POV
First date!
A bunch of common crooks crashed my date.
Peter's coffee shop POV
Im fine. I think...
Peter's POV
Hospitals and I have a Love/Hate Relationship.
I officially have a boyfriend!
Waking up
The River
The Gorge
The Truth
Monsters and Men
Surviving the Night
Not An Update
Spys. Beautiful.
Guess What!!!! Not un update
The Talmarine Palace
The Duengons
I can't
Noises in the Night
Attack on the Talmarien Palace
Lets Make a Deal
I missed you
This is an Epilogue.

Me? A queen of Narnia?

6.1K 122 18
Par VampJenna

I waltzed out of the library as the cold October wind whipped my white-blonde hair around my face. I had already gotten my book on mythical creatures, so what to do now? I walked around to see what else there was I could do. I listed what I had already done in my head. Hmmm...... I already went to my favorite coffee shop, I already went shopping for dresses, I just left the library, I...

"Ah!" I screeched softly as I bumped into a wall. My things flew from my hands. The wall chuckled. Wait, what? I looked up into a pair of blue eyes that matched my own. He was just an inch or two taller than me and his dark blonde hair glowed even in the overcast weather.

"Are you alright?" he asked me, his face suddenly growing serious. I stared at him, momentarily speechless.

"Uh...ya," I began. "I...I'm fine." He just looked at me, confused. He looked like he was trying to figure something out. I felt like I knew him somehow.

"Have we..." He began, then cleared his throat, straightened up, and put the serious face back on.

"Do I know you?" he began again, reading my thoughts.

"I don't think so," I started, "I think I would remember meeting you." Instantly realizing what I said I blushed furiously. Shut up! I scolded myself. But he didn't look at me like I was crazy. He just smirked at me. Not a mean smirk, a nice one, like he had known me all his life. Then he snapped out of it, and BOOM. Again with the serious face.

"I'm Peter," he said holding out his hand.

"I'm Maria," I told him shaking his hand.

"Hey I know this is kind of soon, but, can I meet you again later?" He began. The straightened up and got all serious when he saw the look on my face.

"If you don't want to, that's perfectly alright. I mean we did just meet, and"

I held up my hands and he stopped talking.

"I would love to meet up with you again." I told him. He smirked again at me.

"How's ten o'clock tomorrow morning?" He asked. "We can meet up for tea, or coffee?"

"That would be awesome," I looked at my watch/locket/necklace then scooped up my things.

"Hey, I have to go. But I promise I will be there tomorrow." I told him. His face was serious again as he took my hand. He was very formal and for some reason I had the oddest impulse to... curtsy. So when he bowed slightly, I did. He kissed the top of my hand lightly, and we stepped away from each other. I slowly turned around and his hand lingered on mine for longer than usual. Then, I slowly walked away, still thinking of him.

"Hey, Maria!" he called after me. I whirled around, a small smile on my face. "Don't be late."

"I won't!" I called back. Then I turned around and I whispered, mostly to myself, "I promise."

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