My Immortal

By TarableTaralynn

24.9K 1.2K 466

Dean's a centuries old vampire who hates the monster he's become and others of his kind; which causes him to... More

Author's Note :)
In The Beginning
Uncovering Secrets
Meeting Him
Telling Him The Truth
Found Out
On The Run
Chosen One
Telling Him
Returning To Them
New Discoveries
Letting Them Help
Hunting His Kind
Going To War
Learning Of His Past
The Search Continues
Figuring Things Out
Saving His Life And Mistakes Made
Getting Help
Break Out
Coming Back Together
Going Hunting
Countdown To War
A New Ally
Trusting Him
Training Day
Losing One Of The Family
Making Plans
Choosing To Fight
Ambushed And Taken
Finding A Way Out
Out Of Time
A New Ally And Home
Problems And A Change Of Plans
Moving And Keeping Things From Them
Stronger Together
Hurtful Words
An Attack And A New Ally
His Story!
The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed
Going On A Vamp Hunt!
Breaking Him
A Secret Meeting
A Deal Is Made!
A Secret Discovered!
An Uncertain Future
Breaking Down
Forgiveness And Coverups
The Truth And Fighting Each Other
A New Problem Appears
One Problem Solved
A Secret Mission
Fights And Nightmares
Trying To Save Rose
Nightmares Come To Life
Plans Coming Together
Plans Exposed
Plans Work Out For Once
Making Decisions
A New Offer Is Made
Finding Inner Strength
The Battle Within
Past Lies Uncovered
The Battle Begins
The Begining Of The End
One Step Closer To The End
The Battle Draws Closer
Family Reunion
A New Reign Begins
Author's Note

A New Attack Plan

439 24 12
By TarableTaralynn

 The attack happened so quickly that Roman and Seth had no time to react. Roman didn't even have time to realize he had been grabbed, until pain flooded his body, as he landed on the floor after being thrown across the room and into the wall. As he lay on his back fighting through the pain, he turned his head to the left slowly and saw Dean and Seth trying to fight off the four Vamps.

 Seeing them outnumbered, Roman got up and ignoring the pain and dizziness, he rushed back into the fight. They were still outnumbered, but it didn't matter, this was a battle for survival! Suddenly, one of the female Vamps; the one Dean called Arianna, grabbed Roman by his throat holding him off the ground and began to squeeze, she was choking him, but he couldn't pry her hands off. Just as he began to lose consciousness someone cut off her head from behind, causing her to let him go, as she fell to the floor dead. Coughing and gasping for air on his knees, as he held his throat, he looked up to see Seth standing there, they shared a smile, before they heard Dean yell.

 Turning to face him, they watched as he killed the other three Vamps, before he turned to look at them; Roman stood with Seth's help. No one spoke for a few seconds, Dean grabbed all four Vamp heads and put them into a garbage bag, before he grabbed the bodies and still saying nothing he walked out of the apartment taking the bodies and heads with him. Roman and Seth shared a sad look, before they hugged, relieved they were all able to fight another day.


 An hour later both Roman and Seth were showered and changed; their wounds from the battle taken care of and the apartment cleaned up. Dean still wasn't back yet, Roman sighed, as he sat on the couch alone, Seth was in his room resting. He had no idea where Dean went to hide the bodies or how long he'd be. He couldn't get the disappointed look on Dean's face when he left out of his head and knew they had screwed up. He knew how against Dean was about having him and Seth help fight and after what happened tonight Dean might refuse to let them help anymore. His thoughts were interrupted by Dean returning to the apartment, Seth heard him come in and joined them in the living room, Roman stood beside Seth.

 "Dean, we..."

 "You both hesitated!" Dean stated, cutting Roman off, as he looked at them no emotion on his face or in his voice.

 "We're sorry! It was only for a second Dean!" Seth replied, both unsure what to think about how calm Dean was.

 "Dammit Seth! That second could have caused you and Roman to lose your lives! Why can't you two understand this isn't a bunch of mortals you're up against? These are heartless, soulless, blood thirsty monsters!" Dean said angrily.

 "We're sorry! We won't let it happen next time!" Roman said.

 "There won't be a next time!" Dean replied.

 "What?" Roman and Seth said together shocked.

 "I agreed to let you help, but...I was wrong!"

 "You can't do that Dean!" Seth yelled upset.

 "I can and I' am! I won't let either of you get hurt or killed because you hesitate! Vassago and the Elders want me to suffer before I die by their hands, they won't think twice about ripping your throats out in front of me if given the chance!" Dean said upset.

 "You've trained us, we know what we have to do! Dean, please let us help!" Roman begged, tears in his eyes. "We...I can't lose you!"

 "Dean, after tonight we understand now more than ever how dangerous it really is and you're right we hesitated. This is all new to us, we've never had to fight Vampires before, you need to remember that! We did everything you taught us and because of that we're beat the hell up, but we're alive! With more training I know we can help you, please don't shut us out anymore, we're family." Seth said gently.

 "I'm sorry, it's just all my life I've never cared about or loved anyone...even before I became a Vamp, but I do you two. The thought of losing either of you terrifies me, I've never felt this way before in my entire life and I...I don't know how to handle it! I'm petrified that all my training won't be enough, that I won't teach you what you need to know and because of me I could lose one or both of you! I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to either of you." Dean said sadly, as he looked at them with tears in his eyes too.

 "We love you too baby." Roman said gently, as they hugged him in a three way hug.

 "So, does this mean you're going to keep training us and let us help you?" Seth asked smiling, when the hug ended.

 "Yes!" Dean agreed sighing, before they hugged him again. "Before we start training again though, I think it's time I tell you more about myself and my family." He said sighing again, as they sat on the couch with Dean in the middle between them. "Since Vassago became King of our kind, he assigned a second in command; a powerful Vamp known as The Keeper. He runs interference between everyone and Vassago, no one sees or speaks to the King without going through him first; including the Elders." He explained.

 "Why do they call him The Keeper?" Roman asked.

 "Because he's...he's in charge of the Human Exchange; he created it with Vassago's full approval."

 "The what?" Seth asked confused.

 "The Human Exchange. It's a place where any mortals; man, woman or child, a Vampire catches are kept, they're put into cells, then a Vamp comes to the Exchange and picks one or two they want. The Vamp then talks to Keeper and a deal is made with the Vamp giving him whatever Keeper wants in return for the mortal."

 "What...what do they do with them when they have them?" Roman asked.

 "Whatever they want." Dean answered sighing.

 "Have you..."

 "Ever used it?" Dean asked, cutting Seth off. "Once, a long time ago. After it first started, I had only been a Vamp for a year at that time, I'm not going to give you some bullshit excuse for why I did it, but I did...once. I was going to use him to feed on, but after I brought him to my room, I...I couldn't do it! I didn't love him, but I did grow to care very much for him and he became my only friend. One day my family killed him in front of me to teach me a lesson and remind me of the rules we're made to follow; there was nothing I could do to stop them! The day he died by their hands, was the day I began rebelling against my family! I know I won't recover if that happens to either of you." He explained sadly, as his tears fell silently, he didn't realize how painful the memories would be.

 "We're so sorry baby." Roman said gently, as he hugged him, before Seth did, tears in both their eyes as well.

 "That's in the past, I've moved on and you two are my future now! Come on, we have more training to do!" Dean said, wanting to make sure they were prepared.


 The large room was silent, except for the soft crackling from the fire in the fireplace. Vassago sat on a large, gold, beautifully decorated throne in front of the fireplace. He was a very tall, muscular man, always dressed in his usual hooded robe; it completely covered his hands, feet and face, he sat with his eyes closed meditating. On the fireplace mantle, keeping watch, never far from Vassago sat his Raven Of Mourning; a larger than normal, pure black Raven. Suddenly, the Raven let out a warning cry, causing Vassago to open his eyes, as someone knocked on the door. Not moving or looking he called for the person to enter, as the person came into the room, the Raven flew off the mantle and landed on the arm of the throne.

 "You wanted to see me Sire?"

 "I did. Have you finished what I asked you to do Keeper?" Vassago questioned, as he pet his Raven, still not looking at him.

 "I have, the cell is ready Sire!"

 "Very good Keeper!"

 "Vassago, Sire the Elders are demanding to know what your plan is to stop Ambrose."

 "Have you informed them that their little plan to send another group of Hunters to capture him failed?"

 "I have, they're now waiting on your word on how to proceed."

 "Those incompetent idiots should have listened to me from the start! I' am their King dammit!"

 "Shall I inform them of your plan now Sire?"

 "Yes, but before you do send Dante's group after Ambrose's precious mortals first! Alert me when they're in their cell."

 "As you command Sire!" Keeper said smiling, as he bowed, before he left.

 Once alone Vassago stood smiling and went to the window, the Raven like usual was perched on his shoulder. He smiled, as he starred out into the dark night, petting his Raven, while he thought about their little rouge Vamp. All Dean's life as a Vamp, he's rebelled and for awhile it was just annoying, now though it pissed Vassago off! Not only did he abandon his family for pathetic mortals, but he had learned the truth about who he really is! They should have killed him when he was still on good enough terms with the family to come to a meeting of the Elders when asked...when he was still clueless about who he was!

 Those idiot Elders though ruined everything when they chose to put him in a cell to await his death sentence, instead of killing him right away! Because of their incompetence they allowed Ambrose to escape, killing some of their family before he disappeared. Vassago may have the title of King, but that didn't mean he had full control over their least not yet! Once his children capture the mortals, Dean will come to their rescue, killing the Elders in the process! Of course he won't be there to witness it, no he'd hide in the shadows somewhere with Keeper until they were dead; then he'll return and he'll be free to do as he wished! The first thing he'd do then is capture Dean and his mortals, then he'll force Dean to watch as he tore the mortals apart, before he killed Dean too!


 After leaving Vassago, Keeper rushed to the Elders and told them what he planned; of course he left out the part about Vassago and himself disappearing before Ambrose arrived to slaughter the Elders! When that was done he headed for the meeting room in the basement to tell Dante and his team of Hunters what their mighty King ordered them to do; Keeper knew Dante would agree to the mission without hesitation after all the problems he's had with Ambrose in the past! He went to the basement and found Dante only, Keeper sighed, as he sat down at the table; Dante was annoyingly self-centered, he thought he was the most powerful Vamp around and Keeper secretly wished he could be there to see Ambrose take Dante down!

 "Finally Keeper! I have more important things to do then wait on your Ancient ass to talk to me!" Dante said annoyed.

 "I'd watch my mouth if I were you peasant!" Keeper said angrily. "Remember who you serve! Now, where is your team Dante?"

 "Awaiting my commands, now why am I here?"

 "Our King has a special job for you and your team."

 "What's the job?"

 "A simple one really, you're to go after two mortals and bring them back to the Human Exchange to me!"

 "That's it? That's Vassago's special job?" Dante asked confused. "Why send us and not the usual Vamps to do this?"

 "These two aren't your regular mortals. They're protected by someone very powerful!" Keeper explained smiling.

 "Sounds interesting, who are these mortals?" Dante questioned.

 "Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins."

 "Why do those names sound familiar?"

 "Easy Dante, don't hurt yourself thinking too hard!" Keeper said still smiling. "They're Ambrose's mortals!"

 "Ambrose?" Dante said shocked. "You want me and my team to go after Ambrose's mortals?"

 "Not me, Vassago!" Keeper reminded him.

 "That's a damn suicide mission Keeper! Everyone knows what he's done to every Hunter who's gone after him and it'll be worse going after his mortals!"

 "Sounds like you're scared!" Keeper taunted.

 "I don't know the meaning of fear Keeper! Doesn't mean I'm stupid either!" Dante stated. "We only need to get the mortals?"

 "Only them. Capture them anyway you must and bring them to me at the Exchange...alive. So, do I tell our King you'll do it or do I tell him you're too scared?" Keeper said smiling.

 "I'll do it! My team and I will leave as soon as we're ready! Tell the King he'll have his mortals by nightfall tomorrow!" Dante said smiling, before he left.

 Once he was gone, Keeper left the basement and made his way back to the Exchange to make sure everything was in place for when Dante returned. After checking the cell out and instructing his minions to alert him the second Dante returned, he went back to his chambers to finish the preparations for Vassago and his escape before Ambrose arrived to raise Hell!

 He knew that Dante would make good on his word and bring the mortals back to him, so he had to be ready to escape soon after, knowing it wouldn't take long for Ambrose to come after them. If everything went according to their plan, Ambrose will take out the Elders, leaving only Vassago in charge; the way it should be! Then together they'll finally finish Ambrose off, after they make him watch as they rip apart his mortals! Once they're out of the way Vassago will rule the world with Keeper by his side and no one will stop them from bringing the world to it's knees at their feet!


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