Bal: a King and his queen

By Huggy3516

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This story starts straight after the final scene of descendants and is focuses around Bal and their struggle... More

I think i love you
The enchanted lake
A summer afternoon
The date
The beach
Back to school
Class together
After practice
Surgery and press
He's awake
Interupting a family
His inner beast
Mal's in charge
Bed time benny boo
Out with the stitches
Bad boy
The trip
Beach date
Memory lane
Ancient history
The artist
Don't wanna talk about it
Sleepy fairy
Back to school
The big game
Something significant
6 months
The road ahead
Candles & twinkle lights
Week away
Heres to us
First of many
Birthday boy
A few too many
Graduaton day
Prom ~ the after party
19 years
Make or break
Broken dreams
Evil past
Red carpet
Thank you for coming
Happiness doesn't last
Don't worry
Come back to me
Getting better
A slightly less drunk christmas
Happy New year
Evies big day
Valentines day
Tipsy or just plain drunk
Wedding day
Royal Wedding
First night

Long live the queen

2K 47 6
By Huggy3516

*Mal stood before her king and future husband, took a deep breath then turned to fairy godmother so the ceremony could begin*
FG: we are gathered here today to join together our King Benjamin with his new Queen, if anyone has any reason why these two should not be joined then speak now or forever hold your peace
*the cathedral remains quiet so after a few moments Fairy G smiles and continues*
FG: alright then, let's get to it, Ben you start
Ben: okay, Mal, when I met you it was obviously not under the best circumstances to meet your future wife, but I wouldn't trade a second of it for anything, you always inspire the best in me, the way you've adapted to everything that happened in your life, you're so strong and amazing and I love you so much, you always help me when I need it even if it's just a hug when I'm stressed out, you've kept me together for five years and I sincerely hope we can do that for so many more, I'm so glad that I can finally call you my wife, thank you for everything
FG: Mal
Mal: okay right so, as you're very much aware, being a romantic isn't exactly my thing, I don't know how these things are supposed to go, I didn't know what love was or how to feel it until I met you, you were always so patient with me, I can't have been the easiest girlfriend to have, I don't know how I could ever thank you enough for your patience, you always have faith in me even when I don't in myself, you always love me and protect me no matter what and I love that about you, along with everything else, standing up here infront of the whole kingdom to do this was possibly the most terrifying thing that could ever possibly happen to me but with you by my side it's not so scary anymore, you fix me when I'm broken you calm my storms and you pick me up when I fall down, quite literally because I'm quite clumsy, but thank you for waiting for this day, it's perfect, I love you so much
do you Benjamin Florian Beast take Malefi...Mal Bertha....
*mal whispers under her breath*
Mal: no last name
FG: okay, do you take Mal to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, for better or worse til death do you part?
Ben: I absolutely do
*ben reaches a joke to Doug who hand thin the ring then he takes Mals hand and gently places the ring on her finger*
FG: alright, Mal do you take Ben to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and health, for better or worse till death do you part?
Mal: I do, more than anything
*she puts her hand back, Evie puts the ring in it, she then takes bend hand and slides the ring on his finger*
FG: well then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife
*Mal takes a deep breath as Ben turns to get her crown and fairy godmother gets her wand, Evie and Doug move either side to help Mal kneel down in her dress*
FG: and finally it's my honour and joy to bless our new queen
*she taps her wand on both of Mals shoulders as she had when Ben had been coronated then steps back with a smile*
Ben: do you swear to be fair in all your judgements, carry out your duty to the people of Auradon and always maintain the laws of this kingdom as long as you shall reign
Mal: I do
Ben: then it's my absolute honour and delight to crown you my queen
*he gently placed the crown down on her head then puts out his hand to help her up, she steps back up level with him, they kiss slowly and passionately, eventually they break away and then they turn back to the people of their kingdom, hand in hand*
Ben: Long live the queen!
*everyone joins in and chants it as they take their seats upon the two thrones behind them*


There may or may not be a nature scene coming up to finish this and lead us into the sequel, it's up to you guys so let me know xoxo

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