By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

542K 5.9K 1K


Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 2
Never have I ever had a threesome
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 3 (final)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome II
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut]
Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]
Fake Fan (Conor x Reader) [smut]
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome III
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV (Jack x Joe x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)

Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV.V (Jack x Joe)(Jack x Reader) [smut]

15.6K 98 30
By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome part 4.5

I don't know what  the fuck this is, lol. I got a few anons like the one below, so I  decided to interject this into the timeline. It started out as a "let's  do 900 words of smut" to this. Enjoy?

"Can I just say that I was a  little disappointed when I read Part 4 and found out that the 'anal  warning' of you wasn't referred to Joeck alone? :D loved it! But would  also like to see even more action between the boys in the next parts to  come ;)"


The day was almost here. Your best friend was moving to London. You and Joe had been getting the house ready, including your room. You had received the black-light paint print from your Moxy  adventure and Joe had it framed, hanging it on the wall above your bed.

You  had decided to fly back to California for a week to help your friend  pack, so you were having a night out with Joe and a bunch of your  friends before your trip.

"What are we going to do when  you're gone?" Jack had asked, pulling you into his lap in the corner of  the night club. Everyone was beyond tipsy at this point.

"You're going to get us in trouble." You laughed, making sure no one was paying attention in the dark club.

"They can't see us." Jack drunkenly smiled at you.

Even  though you had only been intimate as a trio 10 or so times, You, Jack,  and Joe were almost always hanging out together and they had both been  whining all week about you being gone for so long. "I'm sure you'll find  plenty to keep you busy." you answered his earlier question. Leaning in  so he could hear you, you whispered. "I know Joe has wanted you all to  himself."

Jack's eyes went wide. "M-me?" he stuttered, turning to watch Joe on the dance floor with Lucy, Lydia, and Josh.

"You  can't tell me you don't see the way he looks at you when we're  together." you quietly answered, your lips grazing the shell of Jack's  ear. You felt him shiver. "I know you wanted to go further with him at  the Moxy." you continued, feeling Jack become aroused. "I could tell  when he was spanking you. You loved having Joe's hands all over..."

"You're  just messing with me, aren't you?" Jack interrupted you, tearing his  eyes away from Joe's dancing body and looking a bit hurt.

Seeing  the doubt and insecurity on Jack's face, you wrapped your arms around  him. "Love, I would never do that to you." You reassured him, continuing  when he hugged you back. "I swear. I would NEVER mess with you like  that."

You could feel Jack nod his head, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. "So he really...you know?"

You  couldn't help but chuckle, making Jack look at you. "Are you both  blind? He's wanted to go further with you since that first night you  stayed over. He just never wanted to make you uncomfortable." You  assured him.

"I didn't know." Jack said, looking back over at Joe.

"You should spend some quality time together while I'm gone." you whispered in his ear.

Jack looked back at you, his cheeks flushing pink. "I've never...I wouldn't know what to do."

"What do you want to do?" you asked, shifting in Jack's lap, feeling how turned on he had gotten just talking about it.

Jack  groaned, feeling your ass move against him "I...I want him to...you  know." Jack didn't really answer, turning his head to keep watching Joe.

Leaning  in, you continued in a sultry tone. "I love that you can't keep your  eyes off of him. Jack, tell me what you want Joe to do."

"I want him to fuck me." Jack said, his grip on your waist getting tighter.

"You should tell him that." you suggested.

"I couldn't tell him that." He said, shaking his head.

"You can absolutely tell him that." You replied, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Jack looked beyond nervous. "What if I make a fool out of myself?" he asked, loosening his arms a bit.

"Babe,  I promise you aren't going to make a fool out of yourself." you  replied, chucking. "Come on. We're going to go home to talk." You slid  off of his lap and walked up to your boyfriend.

"Hello, love." Joe said, pulling you to him, swaying to the music.

After  pulling him in for a kiss, you went on your tiptoes to talk into his  ear so the rest of your friends wouldn't hear you. "I'm taking Jack back  to ours." you said, making sure he heard you.

Joe  nodded, pulling you in for another kiss. "It's still early. Should I  follow you or should I stay here for a bit?" he asked, pressing kisses  to your cheek and the side of your neck.

"Stay here for a bit." you smirked. "Have some fun with the boys. Jack and I have some talking to do."

"You both okay?" he asked, his hands on either side of your face.

"We're great." you smiled, pulling his lips to yours. "You'll find out what we talked about, later."

"OOooo,  sounds good. Let me know you made it home safe. I'll see you later." he  replied, pulling you into a hug before you made your way back to Jack.

"I'm  going to head out front. Go say bye to Joe and join me in a minute. No  one should be paying close enough attention to know that we left  together." You smiled at Jack, grabbing your bag and walking outside.

"Jack!" Joe cheered, pulling him into a hug when he walked up.

"Hey,  buddy." Jack said, dancing with the group for a second. "I'm meeting  y/n outside in a minute." he said, leaning in to talk to Joe.

"I  heard." Joe replied, discreetly slipping his hand into one of Jack's  back pockets. Everyone was so close together, no one would notice.

"We're just gonna talk..." Jack started, but Joe cut him off.

"You're  good, mate." Joe said, before leaning in and speaking low enough that  only Jack could hear him. "Don't worry, love." Joe's fingers slowly  gripped Jack's ass tighter as he talked. "Catching you two being naughty  only means that I have a reason to spank you, again." Joe pressed a  kiss to Jack's cheek and pulled away, removing his hand from jack's  pocket.

Jack swallowed  hard, struggling to look casual as he watched Joe start to dance again.  "I'll catch you lot later." Jack said, waving.

When  he finally joined you outside, his cheeks were still red from his  encounter with Joe. "Finally." you laughed, your arms wrapped around  yourself. "It's freezing out here."

"Sorry, love." Jack said, slipping his jacket off and helping you put it on. "That should help."

"Much better." you said. "Thank you."

"Of course, love." Jack replied, putting his arm around your shoulders as you waited for your Uber back to the house.

When  you finally got home, you went and pulled on a pair of sweats and one  of Joe's t-shirts. Going in the kitchen, you opened a bottle of Rosé and  walked to the bedroom you shared with Joe, seeing Jack standing at the  foot of the bed. "He framed it." Jack said, smiling up at the picture  the three of you had taken at the Moxy.

"Of  course. It's his favorite one." you looked up at the picture of all  three of you jumping, covered in paint. You climbed into the bed,  pouring you each a glass and handing one to Jack. "You can get  comfortable." you laughed.

Jack  stripped to just his t shirt and boxers and climbed into the bed with  you, both of you sitting against the headboard. "It's funny. I always  think that one of you is going to get jealous or mad at the other, but  I've never seen you fight. Not once. Joe actually seemed turned on by  the fact that we were going to be alone." He laughed, taking a sip of  his drink.

"We don't  really fight, but we argue." you laughed. "Every couple does. We just  refuse to go to bed upset at each other. Even if that means we don't go  to bed until 6 in the morning."

Jack  crossed his legs and turned to face you. "But hasn't one of you ever  gotten jealous when you're WITH someone else? Like, have I ever made you  two argue?" he asked, looking down at his glass.

"Awww,  Jack." you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "You've only made  our lives better, babe. You've never caused any problems."

Jack  looked back up at you and smiled. "So you wouldn't be secretly mad if  Joe and I did actually mess around while you were in L.A.?"

"Don't  get me wrong, I'll be jealous, but not in a bad way." you laughed. "Joe  and I work as a couple because we trust each other and we're honest  with each other. We knew all about each others kinks way before we were  an actual couple."

"That's true." Jack replied. "How many people have you two, you know...invited to join?"

"He  had a threesome before I met him, but he was my first. It was Joe,  Emily, and I, but we had both been with girls and guys. Emily and I  practically dated our first year of college." You answered, noticing the  smile on Jack's face when you mentioned Emily. "Other than Emily,  you're the only person we've been together with."

"Really?" Jack asked, shocked.

"Yes, really. What did you think?" you asked, giggling at the look on Jack's face.

"I don't know. I guess I just assumed you two had other 'friends'" Jack replied, doing air quotes.

"Nope.  We just like you." You smiled. "Plus, didn't you tell me you'd been in  guy/guy/girl, and a guy/girl/girl threesomes before?"

"I  may have fibbed." Jack smiled, blushing. "I had been with two girls,  but Joe is the first guy I've done anything with. I just didn't want you  two to baby me."

"Aaahhhh, that explains the nerves. You got a good first, though." you said, filling both of your glasses again.

"Y/n,  There's no way I can tell him that I want to...you know." Jack started  stressing again, downing half of his drink. "He's just going to laugh at  me."

"Jack, you can tell him." you laughed. "And he isn't going to laugh. He's probably going to drool and tackle you to the floor."

"Yeah right." Jack replied, putting his glass down and laying his head in your lap.

You  started to run your fingers through Jack's hair. "Seriously, how do you  not see the way he looks at you? That morning after the first night you  stayed over, Joe couldn't stop talking about you." When Jack didn't  respond, you continued. "The other night we were talking about how much  fun we were all going to have when Emily got here and Joe actually got  jealous that we weren't going to have you to ourselves." You laughed.

"She's dating that asshole. Why would her moving here change anything?" He asked, nuzzling further into your lap.

"Maybe because she's single and crushing on this YouTuber. I think his name is Jack?" You teased.

Sitting up, Jack looked at you. "No..." he replied, waiting for the 'just kidding'.

"Oh,  for sure. She's actually really excited to see you again. And she  doesn't even know about our weird little family." You laughed.

"I  fancied her quite a bit when I met her, but then she started dating  that douche bag." Jack replied. "I'm happy she dumped him." He said,  reaching for his glass.

"Okay, back to  the topic at hand." You said, after agreeing that you were happy Emily  dumped the dead beat. "Do you really want what you talked about? I want  to make sure it's something you actually want to do, not just something  you want to fantasize about."

"No, I  really want to try it, but I don't even know where to start. And I'm way  too much of a pussy to talk to Joe about it." Jack replied, shaking his  head and finishing his drink.

"No,  you're not." You argued, setting both of your glasses down. "And I can  educate you a bit." You said, scooting over and pulling Jack into a  kiss.

"What was that for?" Jack smiled against your lips.

"Just an ice breaker." You giggled, pulling off Joe's t shirt that you were wearing.

"Consider it broken." Jack laughed.

"Oh, shit. I need to tell Joe we made it home." You said, scrambling off of the bed to grab your phone.

You - "We're home. I'm sorry. I got sidetracked."

Joe - "lol, thank you for texting. I was getting worried. And I'm jealous of whatever is sidetracking you. ;)"

You - "Oh, you should be. BUT It's all apart of something you're going to LOVE, so give us at least a half hour. ;) Love you."

Joe - "Love you, too. I'll be here for a while. Josh and I have been taking shots and dancing. This kids a riot."

You - "You love it and you know it. Just be safe. <3"

Joe - "He's growing on me. <3"

Walking  back into the bedroom, you found Jack laying in the middle of the bed  staring up at the newly hung photo. "It's all good." you said, crawling  to straddle his middle. "I told him we made it and he's currently  shitfaced and dancing with Josh." you leaned down to kiss him, slipping  your hands underneath his t shirt.

"He gives Josh a lot of shit, but I know he loves him." Jack laughed, sliding his hands up your back.

"That's  what I told him." you laughed, sitting up. "Now strip, boy." you said,  rolling off of Jack and stripping out of the rest of your clothes.

"So demanding." Jack replied, undressing and laying back down. "Joe grabbed my ass at the bar."

"Sounds  about right." you replied, grabbing something from the nightstand and  joining Jack on the bed. "He's real handsy when he's drunk. And of  course there's always the fact that he wants to fuck you." you said,  kissing your way down Jack's tummy.

"I  still don't believe that." Jack said, gasping when you took him in your  mouth. "Not that I'm complaining, but how is this educational?"

Pulling  your mouth off of him with a *pop*, you said "You'll see. Just relax,  love." Taking Jack back into your mouth, you opened the little bottle of  lube you grabbed from the night stand, putting a bit on your fingers.

"I'm definitely relaxed." he said, going up on his elbows to get a better view.

Putting  your other hand under his knee and lifting his leg, you silently  instructed him to bend his knees, pulling them up and sitting his feet  on the bed. While you were slowly bobbing up and down, you started  sliding your slippery fingers from Jack's balls to his ass, just running  your finger back and forth without any pressure.

"Holy shit." Jack said, sitting up a bit more. "I get the educational part, now."

"Calm down, love. Lay all the way back and relax." You said, trying to get Jack to relax and enjoy it.

"That is easier than it sounds. You're in uncharted territory." he chuckled.

"Then you're in for a real treat." you smiled up at Jack, taking him back in your mouth.

"You're  so fucking sexy." He said, staring down at your mouth stretched around  his dick. After you could feel him relax a bit, you added a little  pressure with your finger, hearing Jack's breath hitch. You took him as  far in your mouth as you could, humming against his sensitive flesh, and  started to slide one tiny finger into Jack. "Oh, fuck me." Jack said, grabbing at the bed sheets on either side of him.

You  knew that the more stimulation the better, so you started running your  other hand over his skin. Over his stomach and up and down his inner  thigh, starting to move your finger in and out of him. After he had  fully adjusted to one, you pressed a second finger to his opening,  slowly and gently sliding them all the way into Jack.

Jack continued moaning and wriggling around on the bed. "Y/n" Jack said, mixed with swears.

"Are you okay?" you asked, not moving your fingers, but keeping them inside of Jack.

Jack nodded, going back up on his elbows. "It feels like your whole hand is inside of me." Jack said.

"Babe, you've only got two fingers." you chuckled, continuing to stroke his dick with your hand so you could talk to him.

"No way." Jack said, making you laugh at the expression on his face.

"Patience, love." you said, bending your fingers up towards yourself inside Jack.

"Ah! What was that?" He asked, falling flat on the bed.

"That, you beautiful boy, was your prostate." you smiled, bending your fingers to run over it again.

"Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck." He muttered. "Do it again."

Sliding  a third finger in, you heard Jack moan, bucking into your hand. "Can I  tell you how much I love this? Watching you get lost in it?" you asked,  curling your fingers to hit that sweet spot, again. All you got from  Jack was a deep moan and his body jumping every time you brushed your  fingers over that tiny trigger. "Want to try a toy?"

Jack let his breathing calm a bit, going back up on his elbows. "Will it hurt?" he asked, looking at you with those baby blues.

"Not now." you answered, honestly. "You're three fingers in, love."

Jack  nodded yes. "I want to try." he answered, moaning as you slowly pulled  your fingers out of him. "This is not how I thought my night would end."  Jack chuckled, leaning up to pull you into a kiss.

"I'll  be right back." you said, pushing him back down onto the bed. Walking  back to him with the larger of your two plugs, you sat back down between  Jack's legs.

"That looks so much bigger than your fingers." Jack said, seeing what you had in your hand.

"It's  not actually. And this is a little smaller than Joe's dick, so you're  good." you winked at him, trying to make him laugh so he'd relax.

You  added lube to the toy and took Jack back in your mouth, pressing the  tip of it into Jack. "I'm so fucking nervous." He said, grabbing at the  sheets.

"You're fine,  babe, but you need to relax. Would I hurt you?" You asked him, stroking  him firmly with your hand. You slowly twisted the toy, pressing it bit  by bit further into Jack.

"No. I know you wouldn't. I'm just freaking out." Jack answered honestly. "I still can't talk to Joe about it."

"I mean, I can talk to him if you want." you said, the widest part of the toy sliding into Jack.

Jack moaned, bucking up into your hand. "Jesus, that's weird."

"Bad, weird? or good, weird?" you asked, crawling up Jack to kiss him.

"Definitely  good, weird." He answered, slipping his arms around you and turning the  two of you over. "And I need to tell him. I'll probably call you every  15 minutes trying to chicken out, though." he laughed, dropping his lips  to your chest and leaving little bites across your collarbone.

Reaching over to the nightstand, you grabbed a condom. "Come on, Maynard. I've been suffering in silence." you pouted.

"Yes, ma'am." Jack said, smirking down at you. When he sat back on his knees, you heard him groan.

"You good?" you asked.

"It's hitting that spot." He wiggled a bit, starting to breath a little heavier.

"I told you you'd like it." you laughed, watching Jack roll on the condom.

"You  look so proud of yourself." Jack said, laying between your legs and  lining himself up with you. You went to reply, but Jack thrust fully  into you in one go.

"Oh,  fuck me." you said, dragging your nails down the skin of his back. Jack  was unrelenting, not being gentle after the slow torture you put him  through. After he came, he pulled out of you, kissing his way down your  torso to finish getting you off with his always talented mouth.

The  two of you laid there coming down from your temporary highs. "Lets get  you cleaned up, love." you said, pulling Jack up to walk to the shower.

"Oh my god, this is so weird." Jack said, walking a bit funny with the plug still in his ass.

"Honey, I wore that to dinner the night at the Moxy hotel." you laughed, turning the shower on.

"You're nuts." Jack laughed, stepping into the shower with your help.

"Come here." You said, telling Jack to turn and face the wall. "Spread 'em." you chuckled.

"Now you sound like Joe." Jack laughed, stopping when your fingers gripped the base of the toy.

"I'll go slow, but you need to relax. Tell me if I need to stop." You said, slowly twisting the toy.

"Y/n." Jack groaned, his hands bracing him against the shower wall.

"Almost."  you said, seeing the toy fully slide out of him. "You're done, love."  You pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades, stepping out of the  shower to properly wash the toy and put it away.

When  you stepped back in the shower, Jack pulled you to his chest. "Thank  you." he said, pulling you under the hot water. "I know that a lot of  people would judge the shit out of the three of us if they knew anything  about our personal lives, but you're an amazing friend." he said,  pressing a kiss to the top of your head.

"You too." you said, looking up at him. "I'm a lucky girl."

When  Joe got home, he found the two of you dressed in boxers and t shirts,  cuddled up in your bed. "Love." He said, louder than he intended,  kissing your temple.

"You're home." you smiled up at him.

"And I'm knackered." he swayed a bit.

"You mean drunk." you laughed, standing up and undressing your boyfriend.

Pushing  him into the bed, he snuggled his back against Jack's chest, pulling  your back to rest against his chest. "Did you two have fun?" Joe asked,  Jack waking up and slipping his arms around the two of you.

"Your girlfriend is crazy." Jack mumbled, burying his face in Joe's neck.

"You already knew that." Joe laughed.

"Go to sleep." you said, playfully slapping Jack's arm.

"I like being in the middle." Joe mumbled, his arms pulling you a bit tighter against his chest.

When  your alarm woke you up, Joe and Jack were still passed out, Joe laying  across Jack's chest. Snapping a picture on your phone, you grabbed Joe's  phone and snapped another picture. Opening the "notes" app you inserted  the picture of your two boys and wrote them a little note. You signed  it "Love, Y/n. Ps, have a little fun while I'm gone."

You got dressed and ordered your car for the airport.

You had been in L.A. for three whole days before you finally got the "I can't do this" text from Jack.

You - "What's wrong, love?"

Jack  - "I did what you said. I've been wearing the toy for a while and I'm  going over to see Joe in like 20 minutes and I'm freaking the fuck out."

You called him. "Calm down, Jack." You chuckled.

"I  can't calm down." Jack whispered into the phone. You heard Josh ask  'who are you talking to?' and Jack answering 'just a friend'. You were  cracking up.

"Babe, you're going to be fine. Go see Joe. If you have to chicken out, he'll never know." You tried to calm him down.

"He'll know. Joe always knows everything." He replied.

"He  just wants you to think that." You laughed. "But seriously. He's one of  your best friends. Go and chill for a bit and text me if you need to."

"I'm heading out." He replied, sounding a bit calmer. "How the fuck did you wear this in public?" Jack asked.

"Tell me you figured out how to walk normally." You chuckled.

"Yeah, but I feel like everyone knows." Jack laughed. "I literally have a secret up my ass."

"I wish I was going to be there for Joe to find it." You replied.

"Don't  be jealous. We both know I'm going to chicken out." He said, the car he  ordered honking when it pulled up. "I have to go, love."

"Have fun!" You laughed. "I would say don't do anything I wouldn't do, but we already know how that ended."

"Oh I remember it." Jack replied. "I'll text you in a bit."

"Okay. Love you, you big chicken."

"Fuck off." He scoffed. "Love you, too."

Jack walked up to the front door. "Get your shit together, Maynard." He said, turning the handle and walking in.

"Jack!"  Joe called from the back of the house. "My bloody girlfriend leaves and  I don't see you all week." Joe walked up to Jack, wrapping his arms  around him.

"Oh hush, you drama queen. I was here two  days ago." Jack laughed, hugging Joe. "And to be fair, your girlfriend  is really hot."

Joe laughed, poking Jack in the side. "I knew you only stuck around for y/n!" Jack tried to dodge the jabs, but he felt the toy and moaned a bit. "You okay, mate?" Joe asked.

"I'm fine." Jack smiled. "Just pulled a muscle earlier."

"Its 6 in the afternoon,  stop acting like you didn't just get out of bed. What did you do? Pull a  muscle wanking?" Joe laughed, walking to the kitchen.

'If only you knew' Jack thought to himself. About an hour later, Jack text you.

Jack - "I can't do it."

Jack - "I want to and I'm literally ready, but I keep starting to talk about it and change the subject. I. Can't. Do. It."

You - "Just walk up to him and kiss him. Easy as that."

Jack - "Easy for you to say."

You - "You've never been insecure with us. You have no reason to start now."

Jack - "Its hopeless, love. :("

When  Jack sent the last text, you decided to give them a boost...so you text  Joe. One thing you could always count on with you and Joe is that you  listened to each other. "Don't  read this out loud or tell Jack I sent it. Put your phone down and go  kiss him. Love you, baby. <3" You smiled, knowing that Jack would be a  little braver with Joe afterwards. "Love you more. <3" Joe text back.

Jack  was walking back from the kitchen when Joe pulled him into a kiss. He  rested his hands on Jack's hips and backed him up to the wall, one step  at a time. Kissing down Jack's jaw, Joe slipped his hands under Jack's  shirt.

"She text you, didn't she?" Jack asked, running his fingers up into Joe's hair.

"She just told me I should kiss you." Joe answered. "Which I'm always happy to do."

"That's  all she said?" Jack asked, whimpering a bit when Joe dropped his hands  to Jack's ass, his fingers digging into his flesh.

"That's all she said. You can check my phone." Joe replied, curious about what was going on.

"Remind  me to thank her." Jack said, lifting Joe's arms to link around Jack's  neck. Jack leaned doing and picked Joe up by his thighs, Joe wrapping  his legs around Jack.

"You  should have just kissed me, love." Joe kissed Jack, his tongue sliding  against Jack's bottom lip, silently asking permission to deepen the  kiss.

Jack  slowly walked to Joe's bedroom, Joe's legs still wrapped around his  waist. Jack shook his head, burying his face in Joe's neck. "I  couldn't."

"Aww, you're cute when you're shy." Joe chuckled, waiting for Jack to face him again.

"More like pathetic." Jack scoffed, looking at Joe.

"Not a chance, love." Joe replied, pressing his lips to Jack's "You can talk to me, you know."

"Can I just show you?" Jack asked, allowing Joe to deepen the kiss again, feeling Joe nod.

Stumbling  down the hallway, Jack lowered Joe to the bed, stripping out of his own  shirt and pulling Joe's off of him. "This must be what you and y/n  'talked' about the other night." Joe said, sitting up and pulling Jack  to stand between his legs.

Jack  watched as Joe unbuttoned Jack's shorts, pushing them down his legs  with his boxers. Looking up at Jack, Joe took Jack's fully hard dick in  his hand, swirling his tongue over the tip. "Oh, fuck me." Jack said,  running his fingers into Joe's hair, feeling his lips slide around him.

"I'd love to." Joe smirked up at Jack, thinking he was being cheeky.

Putting  his hands on either side of Joe's face, Jack ducked down to press a  kiss to his mouth, capturing Joe's bottom lip between his teeth as he  pulled away. "Really. I want you to fuck me." Jack said, pushing Joe  back on the bed and pulling his shorts and boxers off of him.

Joe  looked Jack's naked body up and down before staring up at the nervous  expression on his face. "Don't tease me, love." Joe said, making sure  Jack wasn't just fucking with him.

"I'm not." Jack replied, going to the nightstand to grab a condom and the bottle of lube.

When  Jack turned to face the nightstand, Joe saw the small base of the toy  Jack had been wearing in preparation. "Jesus, Jack." Joe said, his hand  dropping to slowly stroke himself.

Jack  handed him the condom and the bottle and crawled onto the bed. Laying  on his back with his knees pulled towards his chest, Jack reached down  and started twisting the toy. "Joe", he breathed heavily. He couldn't  help the moans that escaped his mouth.

Crawling  to kneel in front of Jack, Joe swatted his hands away. "Let me,  gorgeous." He said, one hand circling Jack's cock while the other  gripped the toy, slowly twisting it and sliding it in and out of him.

Jack's eyes were shut tight and he kept moaning "Joe" over and over again.

"You're  doing great, love. God, you look amazing." Joe kept praising Jack. When  he pulled the toy completely out of him, he set it down on the  nightstand and put the condom on, adding lube. "Open your eyes, Jack."

Watching  Joe crawl over to hover above him, Jack's whole body flushed pink,  feeling so exposed. Jack reached up and pulled Joe's lips down to his.  "I've never done this before." He confessed.

"Don't worry, love." Joe said, leaning down to kiss Jack one more time. "I promise I'll take care of you."

"I know." Jack nodded.

Joe  held his own almost painfully hard erection in his hand, running the  tip back and forth over Jack's entrance. "Are you ready?" Joe asked, his  other hand stroking Jack.

"Yeah." Jack answered, gasping as Joe slowly pressed the tip of his dick into Jack. "I'm okay." Jack said when Joe stopped.

"Tell me if I need to stop." Joe said, sliding further into Jack a little at a time until he was fully inside of him.

When Joe hit Jack's prostate, Jack's muscles clenched around Joe. "Oh, fuck." Jack called out.

"Jesus." Joe moaned, feeling Jack's muscles pulse around him. "Can I move?" He asked, dropping to hover over Jack.

"Just go slow." Jack replied, his hands running over Joe's body.

Joe  gently pulled out and thrust back into Jack, muttering little nothings  to him, gradually picking up speed. Adjusting his angle, Joe thrust  fully into Jack.

"Ah, there. Do that again." Jack  called out, reaching down to stroke his own throbbing dick, precome  leaking against his belly. "Fuck yes. Right there." Jack pulled his  knees up a bit, his mouth hanging open and his eyes squeezed shut.

Quickening  his pace, Joe didn't hold back. "I could never get sick of watching you  like this." Joe said, getting cockier with every whimper and every moan  Jack made. "Talk to me, love." Joe said when Jack got quiet.

"I can't." Jack replied, moaning Joe's name when he slowed down. "Please don't stop." He begged, looking up at Joe.

"Come on, baby boy." Joe said, continuing to hit that sweet spot inside of Jack, close to his own orgasm.

"Joe, I'm gonna cum." Jack said, squeezing his hand around the base of his dick, trying to delay his climax.

"Don't  hold back." Joe said, his thrusts falling out of rythym as he felt his  gut tighten and his orgasm wash over him. He reached down and stroked  Jack through his climax, Jack leaving little lines of cum across his own  belly.

"Ah, fuck. Joe." Jack moaned, feeling Joe  hitting his prostate as he came. "It's too much." He cried out, his body  on sensory overload.

"You're alright, love." Joe  said, gently pulling out of Jack. Joe went to the bathroom to grab a wet  rag and to throw his condom away. Walking back to Jack, he smiled down  at the beautiful spent body laying on his bed. Skin still flushed pink  and wet with sweat. "Let me clean you up." Joe said, running the warm  rag over Jack's skin.

"I can do that." Jack said, trying to cover his body.

Joe  stopped him, leaning down to meet Jack's lips in a sweet and loving  kiss. "Let me take care of you." He said, pushing Jack's sweaty hair out  of his eyes.

Jack nodded, watching Joe clean up his  stomach and run the rag down between his legs. "Joe." Jack gasped,  feeling oddly exposed. "You don't have to..."

"Jack."  Joe interrupted him. "Let. Me. Take. Care. Of. You." He said, kissing  his way up Jack's legs. "I WANT to take care of you." Joe looked down at  him, waiting for a response.

Jack nodded and smiled, laying back and letting Joe fuss over him.

When  both of the boys were cleaned up, Joe pulled back the covers, crawling  underneath and opening his arms for Jack to join him. "Come here,  love."

Jack crawled to lay across Joe's chest. "Thank you." he said, tracing patterns into the skin of Jack's side.

"I  should be thanking you." Joe replied, flipping a piece of Jack's hair  between his fingers. "Y/n probably told you, but I've wanted to spend  some alone time with you for a while" Joe confessed. 

"She did, but I didn't believe it." Jack replied. "I'm glad she was right."

"She  usually is." Joe laughed. "Get some sleep, love. We'll wake up and eat  in a bit." Joe leaned down to press a kiss to Jack's hair.

Jack  adjusted how he was laying, slipping a leg between Joe's. "We should  tell Y/n when we wake up. She's probably waiting at the edge of her  seat." Jack laughed.

"We'll have to send her a dirty picture, later." Joe replied.

"I'm in." Jack mumbled. "Sweet dreams, Joe."

"Sweet dreams, Jack."

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