The Hangout (formerly the Han...

By RyanMPorte

949 92 53

Tiara Marks a lonely college student finds herself on the brink off losing everything she's worked so hard f... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 2: Riding Waves
Chapter 4: Bad little Girls and Boys
Chapter 5: Flirting With Danger
Chapter 6: The Call
Chapter 7: Can't Love them Cant Kill Them Either
Chapter 8: The Base Dropped
Chapter 9: Hide and Seek
Chapter 10
chapter 11 Intense Expectations
Luke's Stupidity
Pretty Panties
Songs and Serenades

Chapter 3: Stuck on This

87 17 9
By RyanMPorte

"The Chang's are considering dropping out of our agreement. I can't believe you would put the company in danger like this. You have always been a reckless child but this has got to be the most absurd by far. William if I have to drag you to her by your hair. You will not let me down."

Williams fathers voice didn't carry through the air as he was rushed away from the front desk. The space of his mind was busy but he did respond. He had heard this all before and knew his next move.

He followed his father all to aware of their next destination. They made their way inside the faculty only elevator. The mirrors reflecting their images back at him.

He turned his eyes away and as they hit the top floor. William's body was reluctant to follow. They used to live together here, in this sterile empty prison.

"Ill go change since I'm here." He rushed upstairs and to his room it was on the left immediately after the stairs. The door was black and shiny. The feel of the cold door nob seemed eerily familiar as the door swung open freely.

The walls to his room were an ashy navy color which brought the green accents out of the aloe plants and succulents decorating the book filled room.

Everything was as he left it. His new suit laid on the bed not a single hair was out of place. Dust covered the flat screen tv which was still was even still muted.

He sat on his California king and turned it off falling into the memory of his father banging on the door.

He stood swiftly answering to his father's call but before he could react he felt a sudden ringing to his head and jaw.

He was staring at the golden flooring wiping at the copper taste dripping from his mouth.

He finally looked up into the shocked and furious eyes of his father who wasn't taking, wasn't screaming, just breathing.

Heavily. Evenly. Full of rage.

His fathers eyes were wild like an animal finally set free. He knew.

"I love her." h e said hoping it would protect him from his mistakes.

His fathers eyes widened his mouth opened and shut. He turned from his son and walked away from him groaning.

William shot up then furious and desperate.

"What would you have me do?" His father didn't speak one word to him. He yelled then, "DAD. I LOVE HER!"

"Love! What do you know of love? WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF SACRIFICE?! The things I have sacrificed for you, you ungrateful pup. You have done this unforgivable..!" He stopped short, paced shaking with unimaginable power.

" NO. You will end it William! The girl will terminate her pregnancy and you will make her do it."

"I can't do that." He stumbled over his thoughts, he never though his father was ever capable of taking things this far.

"You can and you will."

"We can't force her! You can't make me." His voice quieted at the sight of his father's resolve. His father seemed huge. Bigger than he's ever seemed. His eyes were colder than ice. His voice was--

"I can force you." His father chuckled in his face and William could smell the reek of booze on his breath. He could taste the blood still fresh in his mouth. His whole body burned with humiliation and powerlessness. He knew his father could and would deliver on his promise, in fact, he meant to.

His eyes began to burn but instead he articulated. He was calm and meant every word.

"Fuck you. I fucking hate you."

He struggled to breathe as he fought his fathers hands from around his throat. He felt his arms flail about the hallway wall knocking over a few items that sat on the floating shelf.

His hand closed around the thick candle stick stand and as it impacted to the back of his fathers scull.

He was sure he had just become a murderer. His hand was engulfed in blood. His father's body hit the floor loudly and did not move.

He gasped for air finally free to breathe it seemed it never quite come soon enough. He was horrified as he could fell to his knees into his fathers blood.

He looked at his fathers unmoving body and took off falling down the stairs.

He recovered and ran past the door his father voice chasing him warning him to never come back again.

Everything had happened too fast that night. He thought silently to himself as he came back from the past.

He had not seen when his father had even moved that night or how he was able to get back up so soon or at all. Maybe he was the one who was drunk?

He swiftly put on his new suit and carefully watching his every move observing every detail in the hallway mirror of their modern hotel home.

His father walked away from him heading down the wood style free-handing stairs, instructing William as he finally reached his strawberry shake.

"Im here dad. Im committed to this." William rushed down the stairs looking strait into the eyes of the painting of his mother like he used to do. "I will be a gentleman, okay. Ill be sure to have this done with before midnight.

His father nodded before grabbing a brown paper bag from the fridge and planting his self on the sofa. He snacked greedily leaving his lips quite pink. William though about mentioning the red dribble but continued with his mission. That didn't matter. What mattered was what he was going to say to woman whose heart he continually chose to break.

William stood outside of his fathers home on the top floor and stared for a moment trying to center himself. It was always weird to be inside there even as he left it reminded him of when he was a kid. Time when his mom was around and would make them smoothies. It was a vague memory but somehow when ever he came home he couldn't stop seeing his moms black hair. He tried to picture her face but just couldn't. He couldn't remember what she looked like and he was sure that painting looked nothing like her.

He pushed the thought away and got into the mirrored elevator. Hopefully Tiara will call him sometime.

The sunlight poured into the elevator, the doors opened and sweet wisps of her voice met his ears as he got closer to the desk his mind felt easy and light. She hug the phone up and seemed to be scribbling as he came to her side.

"Hey, " he buzzed around her as she wrote quickly on her pad about all her angst, not paying to much attention to William.

"Hey."She said her voice was downcast though she tried to sound apathetic. He could feel the pain rolling off of her in growing waves. Earlier, before they were interrupted by his father, her cousin had developed a dialogue with important people and insinuated her cousin was stupid and ugly. That had to hurt deeply."

"So I know this joke wanna hear it?" She sighed but pushed away her anguish and hid it with a beautiful smile "Sure."

"So a bear and a rabbit are both taking a poop in the forest," already she cracked a smile and her eyes lifted, " the bear turns to the rabbit and asks if he had a problem with poop sticking to his fur. The rabbit says no so the bear says ok and takes the rabbit and wipes his butt with him." She was giggling before he got to the punchline.

"I love that joke."

"Me too." He smiled at her lightening the mood. His mind buzzed with questions. That had to be the cousin she lived with.. did moments like that happen often. Maybe he wasn't the only person with horrible family relationships.

They definitely had that in common.

"You should come stay at my place. I need a roommate and things are pretty boring. I dunno you seem, not boring." He shrugs his hands safely tucked away in his pockets.

"My suite is pretty nice and we get all the room service we want, you'll never have to cook if you don't want." She pretended to think about it ashamed if she looked desperate for the opportunity but then she really thought about it and became unsure if she should.

"And plus if things don't work out and you really are a terrible roommate moving back you into your old place isn't a problem. I'll help you, I'll fix it. " she smiled definitely happy but a painful part of her was ashamed. Ashamed and embarrassed she needed his help. That she had no place to call her own, that she was so far behind everyone else, especially those she admired.

"Say yes. Is that a yes? Come on you want to say yes, I know it. I'm a lonely wolf, feed me. I'll rub your feet if you want, come on, I'm proposing here. " He said sounding like a Timone from the lion king. "Be my Pumba. "

"I can't promise anything but I'll think about it.. give me a few days. "

"Great text me your info so I can come down and help you move in! I have to go to work for a bit but maybe we can hang out later if you are free?"

"Sounds great. Thanks, Will."

He nodded and headed out. He turned around and shouted across the lobby, "See you best friend"

She waved. It was cute.

"Ill see you later!" He said to her. She smiled back a him in acknowledgement. He left the hotel and continued to drive toward The old home he had visited Amina in many many times before.

Her house lied in the hills where all the teenage pill poppers originated. The ration of clean kids to dirty ones had be 1 to 7. The air smelled of vanilla and all the homes had that model home neighborhood feel to them. The money was old and the kids had nannies. The families were made of closet racists and all the fathers had sugar babies many of them asian and white girls who had injected themselves with so much plastic you knew what type of job she probably worked and you knew it wasn't blue collar or cheap, thats for damn sure.

His face twisted in different directions in the darkness. Jasmine carried through the air like a funeral parlor. "This is where people go to die."

He pulled his car up to the gate and punched in the key announcing his name and business at the Chang's.

He pulled up the rest of the hill passing many rich homes engulfed in immaculate lawns and expensive looking everything and parked in the back. Walking up to the front gave him time to rehearse and practice smiling.

His smile stayed put as he greeted the Chang's maid and butler both William remembered very clearly.

Leslie was about five feet tall and she was quite round in shape. She had had six kids by the time she was in her 40's and not by choice. Her husband wanted a son and the first girl was disappointing but he loved her all the same and they tried again and well it went on and on until baby number six. Her long blonde hair was just how he remembered thick, shiney and trailing down her back. She wore all black and pulled her hair into a twisted bun at the base of her neck greeting William and quickly sprucing before anyone should notice she was not prepared.

"Late again Leslie?" Marcus taunted waving at her to hurry so he could open the front door. His large muscles made the movement seem weird and bulky. His olive toned skin was deep and very clear. William would kill to have that kind of skin. He wasn't a full blown pizza face but he had some flaws here or there nothing noticeable except for his back.

"Are you kidding? How can I be late I hardly have time off long enough to leave." Everyone took a second to take a deep breath before entering.

No woman had seen William's back in years, his future wife would but that was far from his mind as the door swung open. Marcus walked in first followed by Leslie and then Will.

The grand entrance way was huge and perfectly highlighted the double staircase and seating area. Accents of silver and gold pulled the room together the royal purple walls made everything seem so regal.

"William." Amina's appeared from nothingness to William's left. She was wearing a beige or peach colored cocktail dress. It hugged her gentle and light curves snugly without making her appear without asset. Her hair was pulled in an upright curly ponytail and as she tilted her head and the light caught the glitter making it shine in her hair.

Her eyes were full of ice. She looked at him like he didn't matter. His eyes darted around avoiding her gaze as his face flushed. He needed to relax they would not respect him if he broke down now.

"William." He looked up and focussed he had moved too quickly but the image of Lilly drinking wine at the top of the stairs bore into his corneas. "Follow Amina into the dining room we are about to eat dinner." She walked down the stair like she wasn't real. Like she floated her long mulberry dress pooled down the steps like a poisonous running river.

There was something scary about her, always has been.

The dining room table was too large.

As they ate in silence only the sting of utensils whispering against fine china. It was awkward.

"I imagine you have some schmoozing planned. Some great excuse to change my mind?"

"No ma'am" he looked up doe eyed from his turkey with cranberry sauce, "Amina I came to apologize to your mother and you most of all. I was fearful and ashamed and I didn't want to face you after all this time. My actions ruined many lives. I am very sorry."

She chuckled. "So long as you swear it on everything you hold dear."

"Of course. I swear. I've come to my senses and I know what I must do and I'm ready to make right my promise."

It wasn't a lie. He was ready, somehow he felt less lonely. He needed to grow up and if things between his father and him would ever be as they once were he had to earn his fathers respect first before he could have his love.

Lily didn't look at him while they ate. Not even once. Her face gave nothing away and she knew one way or another she would have what she needed. William had no idea how much was at risk. It was far more than just money in her knowledge was a sadness.

"Then I accept." Lily said as they finished eating in silence.

Dinner ended quickly and Amina decided to walk William back to his car. The sky was pitch black but a few stars peaked out from behind the city smog.

They exited through the back like old times. He should have felt something but he didn't. Amina fought the happiness that was plain to see on her face. He must have said something right.

"I want to say Im sorry about Da--"

"Don't William... I need to say something and if you keep talking I will lose my nerve." William fell silent and watched her gently, careful not to bare into her eyes.

She leaned against the hood of his car. "I still love you and I forgive you, ok. But don't do this to me again... ever. We made a promise you and I.. four years ago. I need for this to be it. No more games. We were meant for this and I know you will warm up to our life together. " She looked into his eyes.

"Together we won't need anything or anyone. I'll support you how ever you need. We will be happy again but don't ever bring this up again. Don't say her name. If we are to continue and move on she has to stay part of the past."

His eyes widened but he quickly recovered. This was who Amina was, selfish. Self serving, demanding, commanding, inflexible...but she was also loyal, kind, energetic, talented, and full of resolve.

He nodded, "I understand. I'll call you." When he kissed her she pulled him into a bigger deeper kiss. It was far more than he bargained for. She pressed against him and placed her hands on his face before pulling away. "Get home safe."

He nodded at her but he was thinking very hard. He wondered if his resolve really was enough. Could he be happy with a woman like her?

He decided finally it didn't matter, happiness wasn't the goal.

His mind began a light buzzing on the bridge of his nose between his eyes. He climbed into his sports car and took off home wondering if Tiara was still considering his offer.

By the time he settled into his place and into a pair of sweats he couldn't sleep. He tossed, not even his phone could calm him.

He needed noise, sounds. He stared at his phone for a second.

3 am trip to Dennys?

Tiara was deep in a game on her phone when suddenly it vibrated. She shook and it toppled down hitting her strait in the face. Her eye pulsed and her cheek flushed a dark red.

She cursed but picked it up to see what was so damned important. She read the text out loud.

Depends who is this

Its Will. Come up to the lobby and we can get some grub.


Tiara was wearing a pair of sweat pant capris and a jogging bra. Most certainly not appropriate. She threw on a cute black T-shirt that said "no cream, no sugar" before putting her hair back in a ponytail and throwing a little water on her bangs, tucking them behind her ears.

The basement level was always frightening at night it had an dangerous feel to it. She stared at herself in the mirrored elevator. She looked decent enough for a Dennys trip.

The door opened and she looked up to see him look right at her.

"Hey. "

"Hey." She stood in the elevator for a beat.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah." She smiled a little embarrassed but followed him. He was wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and a gray hoodie with nothing underneath. She could tell because his hoodie wasn't zipped up al the way and his muscles were...very nice.

Its funny the memories she had of them were faint. They used to live in the same slummy motel in the hood. Their parents were friends. He was her boyfriend when they were like 8 and 10. She often got picked on because of her frizzy hair but he would defend her and beat up the other boys.

Looking at him now he seemed the same even though she knew beyond a shadow of a thought that they were different and nothing would ever become of their friendship but that. Friendship. But that was what she wanted more than anything at the moment. She needed a friend and if they could be friends.. well, thats more then enough.

"You cold?" His voice cut through her thoughts.

"Huh?" She held her elbows arms crossed against her chest, "How did you know?"

"You are shivering. " He chuckled turning the heat up.

"Thanks." They rode in silence as the blackened night occasionally bout light to them. It was pretty dead this late so William's foot was heavy.

The car took turns so well. It was comforting."Where did you go earlier?" She asked unsure why it was important for her to know.

He answered a bit distracted because he was parking, "I..went to go see my fiancé Amina and her mother Lily. I had to beg forgiveness and reconnect with Amina."

"Ah. " The jumped out of the car and into the cool shadow of night. This Denny's was like any other. They took a booth next to the window where they could see the car. Their waiter was a nice gentlemen who William knew really well. Hey smiled at each other and he said he would bring them waters. Tiara couldn't really understand him when he spoke because his accent was so thick.

"How was your trip to see them..was it successful?"

"Eh, I think so. Hopefully my father will think better of me or at least feel better of me to not kick my ass again. Gotta say I still haven't quite recovered from the last one you getting a build your own?"

Tiara raised her glass to that and took a small sip. "Oh, I know.."she let her statement stand before adding, "Course thats the best damn thing on the menu. I want double eggs, bacon, and hash browns. "

William ordered for them and broke the silence with, "Why did you get a lemon in your water? He didn't give me a lemon. What did you do today when I left?"

"I held down the fort bro. After work I tried to do some homework but accounting killed me. "

"Have you given my offer some consideration huh?" He nudged her shoulders energetically.

"I'm thinking about it." She sipped her water tapping her fingers against the plastic cup.

William watched her commit to the repeated action and it reminded him of something.

"Hey do you remember dancing together at Christmas?"

"When we were kids yeah. Well, Vaguely." The food came and they fell silent for a second. Tiara took a few bites then said, "I remember kissing under the mistletoe. All the adults cheering us on and I was shy and you grabbed my cheeks and gave me a big old peck. I was so embarrassed."

"I loved your red dress with the poof thingy for your hands. I thought you looked sparkly." His smile reach all the way to his eyes. "My father kept telling me how cute we looked together, he was always trying to get us to kiss."

"I know and I was kinda shy so I was embarrassed."

"You face still gets red and you get the same look on your face even now."

"You do too! You haven't quite out grown that secret dimple of yours and look at this facial hair who knew you'd grow up to be so dashing little king." She teased.

The stresses of the day melted away as they ate and laughed and reminisced of simpler times and customs. For a time they sat in silence and enjoyed the amity. They both had spent too much time in the company of loneliness.

Rejected by those who were supposed to be family. Those who should love them most of all they were the same and there was a comfort that came from the knowledge of a shared experience.

They rode the elevator up to William's apartment together he wanted to show her something.

"See the spotlight above the door? It casts a shadow here because of the door frame. Just put your hand strait up and pull on the black tape here. " She watched as a black key came off easily. "If you ever need to come to my place in a hurry or just finally decide to change your mind about my offer. You can come here any time. Wether I'm here or not, kay."

"Thanks." She gave a weak smile kinda bummed she couldn't say yes. She could use a new start and the company.

"You sure you don't want me to walk you home?" She shook her hair around her face coving her blush.

"I'll manage. Ill see you tomorrow night. Thanks for tutoring me I really need the help."

"No problem. See you tomorrow." He gave an upward nod and she reciprocated as she turned to catch the elevator in font of his door.

The ride down with each floor she frowned harder and harder though she was not aware of it. When she finally got into bed she caught the time 1:30. She coughed when dust caught in her lugs when she yawned.

It was time to turn over and go to--

"Tiara! I know Tiffany told you a long while ago to come and see me when you finished work! Get up!"

Tiara shot up and at the same time a textbook smacked her as it fell from the shelf. Shit! She totally forgot! Aunt Dawn was not gonna let this slide two days in a row.

Tiara got out of bed and went to Tiffany's she fumbled. "God damned light." She was a bit weak on her feet and the blinding brightness of Tiffany's bright yellow apartment didn't help any.

Her blurry vision came to unveiling an open living room with large screen tv and a plush white sectional.

"Close the door." Her aunt came round the corner. Her stern face and green angry eyes pierce strait through Tiara.

She knew she was in the shit.


Thanks so much for reading guys! If you liked reading 

Please SHARE , VOTE, FAVORITE. Don't forget to Follow me to get all the updates!

My parents had big expectations of me. She always told me to strive to be the best and go for it and because of that Im a pretty strong, well rounded individual with valuable life skills. 

My favorite spot to hide when I feeling pretty angsty or just wanted to be alone was actually under our kitchen table. I grew up in a small apartment so not much space in the house and outside the house was not an option so I had to be creative and work with what I had. 

It was kinda like a built in fort! <3 It was so peaceful and I felt well hidden and would often scare my little brother from time to time. 

Thanks Mom for making my childhood a magical place even in the most darkest of times.

  >^-^)>   <3


P.s. Do you guys feel your parents are demanding why and why not? Why do you think Tiara and Will's family/parents feel they need to be demanding? 

Where is your secret place? and Whats it like?

Let me know below!

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