The Hangout (formerly the Han...

By RyanMPorte

949 92 53

Tiara Marks a lonely college student finds herself on the brink off losing everything she's worked so hard f... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 2: Riding Waves
Chapter 3: Stuck on This
Chapter 4: Bad little Girls and Boys
Chapter 5: Flirting With Danger
Chapter 6: The Call
Chapter 8: The Base Dropped
Chapter 9: Hide and Seek
Chapter 10
chapter 11 Intense Expectations
Luke's Stupidity
Pretty Panties
Songs and Serenades

Chapter 7: Can't Love them Cant Kill Them Either

28 1 0
By RyanMPorte

"Hey! Pretty girl." William said as he came through the door.

"Oh my god, It's the handsome prince. Tell me, am I everything you imagined?" Tiara inhaled some ramen into her her mouth slurping intensely in her silky pajamas.

"Oh so much more." He boasted dramatically "so you're going to hang out with your cousin that should be fun. " He sat down on the couch placing down his cross body bag he used for school.

"Oh god, please spare me. " She jumped up from her ramen rushing to the closet. William was home which meant she needed to leave soon to meet Mr K. She rustled through the closet looking for a decent sweater to wear around her cousin. "If I have to listen to one more speech about how wonderful, How magical, how predestined their union is so help me god. "

"Hey." He yelled startling her as his voice echoed through the room, "Tim Sean Gainsay, he's a big man, you know, with big dreams and a big." She measured with her hands with ample space apart.

"Yeah and his daddy's got a big wallet too." She chuckled.

"Could you resist it?"

"Shit no, but I'm different from my cousin, while she's been given every advantage in life I've had to fight and work twice as hard to get half of what she has. Money should mean nothing to her it's not like she's never ever had it."

"And if there's anything I know its that it never satisfies her. I wish that was my problem. All I've ever wanted out of life is a loving husband, lots of babies, and financial stability." He chuckled at her as she threw on a purple sweater and put some dark blue jeans on top of her boxers.

Wait, was she wearing his boxers? He smiled so hard he could barely feel his face as we watched her from the bed. He was wondering were that pair had went. She must have grabbed them fresh out of the dryer.

"Seriously. It's every girls dream to meet a man who--" she yelped as he suddenly picked her up and spun her in his arms like a little girl finishing her sentence.

"Finds her beautiful and takes her away from all her problems and gives her babies and a home and money and—" He spoke in a way that made her blush.

"They live happily ever after." She smiled down into his eyes as he lifted her up, she felt safe. Like she had a friend someone who genuinely craved her presence. Someone who enjoyed and looked forward to her being together with no alternative or ulterior motives.

"Know very few girls deserving of that but if there is one thing I do know it's that you are more than deserving of that kind of love. Any man would be lucky to have you." She looked away as she felt herself being drawn in deeper and deeper, a warmth building in her chest making it hard to breathe.

She could feel the muscles in his arms and chest were strong so she didn't struggle or flinch instead she reached out a cute finger and poked his nose.

"Thanks pooch."

"Woof." he released her gently, setting her to her toes. "Have a great day."

They gave a quick hug, "You too." He watched her gather her bag and called after her. A tightness and worry in his chest. "Should I call you a uber? I could drive you?"

She was by the exit, pretty much out the door as she held it. "No, I'm going to catch the bus so its cool. Thanks though Will. Muah. Love you!"

"You too." She left quickly by the looks of things she was happy and that made him happy too.

The apartment felt full when Tee was there with him her things lightly scattered around the apartment. She was one of his best friends and if one thing came of this whole situation the tightness in his chest was gone. The pain behind his eyes in his sinuses lessened significantly.

Tiara arrived at her class for accounting just in time. Her white dress was definitely a win. Mr. K was a respectable man he just didn't get much physical attention from his wife so naturally at times he had a wandering eye. He stared as Tiara pretended not to notice him gawking at her legs in her nude six inch stems. She walked over to Mr. K. "I'm here!" she rushed a little to her seat and pulled out a pencil. "I got this."

"I should hope so. I'm giving you this one chance so don't fuck it up. Here, feel free to begin. You have til the end of this episode of real housewives of Atlanta so 30 minutes tops. It's almost over."

"Real housewives--got ya." she breezed through the test almost too easily so she stared at the test. Mr. Kopecheski was staring at her cleavage, still. She shifted to the left as if uncomfortable in the college desk. In the corner of her eye something moved.

She shifted once again slouching a little to the right. She was sure this time one hundred percent sure. Mr. K was still trying to stare at her boobage!

I mean it was so funny she couldn't be annoyed she just smiled at her test. She felt powerful as she noticed him make micro-movements to accommodate her every move. Eyes fixed to her shape, possessed by her body. She played for the rest of her time before wrapping things up and turning her test in.

"Thanks Mr. K I appreciate the help." She gathered her things quickly letting the energy flow away from her thinking about work and helping Tiffany. She loved her cousin but she really wasn't in the mood for being cannon fodder.

Would she rub her happiness in her face some more? Embarrass her like she always did any time she got the chance to? She didn't know but it was still her cousin and still her special day. She would just remember to rub her happiness so far in her cousins face on her day, that shed be shitting bricks all year. Either way she didn't really think on it so much. For some reason she just didn't seem to care as much the tightness was disappearing.

Hanging out with Tiara was becoming the most fun and pleasant part of Will's life. Waking up to her smiling eating meals together. Singing drunk karaoke--life became colorful again. Life became adventurous as they busted missions for bacon and eggs at 3 am at the local Norm's—best breakfast in the area.

Come to think of it all he wanted most days was to go places with Tee. He planned on taking her to the zoo in a few weeks maybe after Tiffany's wedding, since she hasn't been since she was nine years old.

Unfortunately for today day he's stuck helping his father make preparations at the hotel for Tiffany.

She tried to hide her discomfort and disdain but she was no match for Tiara's radar.

William cleared his throat. "So Tiffany I have spoken with your mother and she let me know my father said to double check with you on your travel arrangements to the airport.."

He paused waiting for Tiffany to say something, anything. The room suddenly felt stale and fully static.

"Are you brain dead or is there a question you are trying to ask me...?"

Tiara's big eyes stretched larger as she watched her cousin roll her eyes at William in a way that made everyone uncomfortable.

His lips pressed into a tight line. She had never been so rude with him before why was she being so rude now?

"What car do you want? Or should I just put you down for the black limo?"

"No that's too generic. Go big perhaps the Hummer? Tim will like that?" Tiara interjected. Tiffany's slender fingers ran through her hair as she turned her hot gaze to her cousin.

"Why are you doing that?" Tiara didn't answer her at first

"What?" William had only just arrived but he closed his eyes and let a sigh escape his lips. "I can see my presence offends you, Tiara I'll leave you to it, text me the details, kay." He gave a weak smile and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before disappearing from Tiffany's living room.

Tiara watched him wishing he would stay but her cousins face shook at her.

"What?" She asked with a dramatic drawl.

"No wonder mom thinks you slept with him." Tiffany whispered the last bit.

"Whoa! Why am I being attacked?"

"Attacked?" Tiffany snorted, "Are you sleeping with him?"

"I am getting really tired of being accused of being a whore. Especially by you! Of all people you know I'm not the dumb whore you are constantly accusing me of being. We are supposed to be planning your stupid wedding can we get back to that please."

"You make deals with the devil and you wonder why we are suspicious of you. You act like you love him, always hanging out. You live together!"

"You hate him, don't you? Why." She whispered to Tiffany. Tiffany had a habit of being passive aggressive but this was too direct.

"Oh cousin, I hope I'm not that transparent."

"Well you are and you totally know you are." Tiara finished her thought cautiously. "Why? Why do you hate him?"

"Listen really don't have to say everything you think." She pushed her perfect long hair up into a cute ponytail.

Tiara mouthed bitch when Tiffany wasn't looking.

"Look lets just focus on the wedding okay. I know you need attention and that, why you let THAT happen but not all of us are stupid enough to let him have their trust. That man may pay for your education and housing and gave you a job but you have to wonder why."

"He was a close friend of my fathers, Will is basically my big brother."

"Mm-hm, since when?" She spoke with her neck, "Yeah, well, since lately. Which is a hell of a lot more than what I've had most of my life."

"He's connected to our family in a lot of ways but that doesn't make him any less of an asshole. " She blurted out voice even as she picked up a magazine.

"I like assholes. They are honest. More than I can say about some people." Tiara said her eyes fixed upon her legal note pad in front of her. Her hands giving her a bit of a tremor that flowed through her whole body. She hid it well however, she felt it in every fiber of her being. The crippling anxiety. The anticipation of a fight. She began to sweat as her nerves itched and burned.

"Oh," she chuckled and teased, "The poor baby's got fangs. Well I wasn't sure but now I'm sure something happened between the two of you. No matter I'm sure he got what he wanted out of it." Tiff circled a dress in her bright red marker.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You are just pining for attention all the time aren't you."

"You are one to talk." She said quietly taking the her cousins magazine and putting it in a folder on her desk. "You know I'm trying to be happy for you. Don't make this hard on me."

"Oh yeah, okay. Anyways, when have you ever been really happy for me Tiara? Be honest. If not with me then with yourself. " She tried to snatch her magazine back but Tiara moved it aside tossing it a distance away. "Look know what food I like. I want to go dress shopping with my mom." Tiffany grabbed her coach bag and stood from the couch in a hurry.

"Tee you know I love you, you are my cousin, but all this fake pretending you are happy for me bullshit, makes it hard to tolerate you. Ever since Alicia disapp—" Tiffany went to leave but tiara caught her by her sleeve hands trembling noticeably.

"Thats not fair. You embarrass me when ever you get the chance, you boast in my face twenty-four seven. " Tiara crossed her arms becoming more visibly upset, arms tight against her chest. "You swore to never bring that never miss an opportunity to humiliate me, you enjoy it."

"I do NOT enjoy it. I am going through something alright. I'm sorry--" turning her back she hid from tiaras dark and heavy gaze.

"You do enjoy it. . .You wanted the honest conversation Tiff, let's have it. You have not been going through some thing for 15 years."

"Will you just take my apology and drop it!?" Tiffany yelled and her voice exploded through the air bouncing off the walls.

Tiaras voice was gentle and honest suddenly.

"No..I can't because I can't tell if you just want to bury the hatchet so you can get the best help out of me or not." Tiffany was the one who was fighting back tears.

Tiara took this as a sign, maybe there was a logical reason for their strife but it didn't matter. It wasn't something that could be solved in a matter of few hours.

"Forget it. Just have the menu choices selected by the end of the week or I'll go bridezilla on your ass. Thanks cousin you have been a great help. I'll tip you." The door slammed behind her leaving a stale taste to the air.

Tiara fell horrible but what could she do? What was she supposed to do?

Her gaze fell to the floor where the mangled magazine lie. She picked up her pen and started drawing menus choices.

Only the best for her bitch of a cousin. Maybe steak and some bad ass salads. 


Thanks so much for reading guys! If you liked what you read Please SHARE, VOTE, FAVORITE. Don't forget to Follow me to get all the updates!

I feel like Willam and Tiara both love shows like Adventure Time and Rick and Morty but William Sr., Will's father and Tiaras  Aunt Dawn don't watch tv at all. 


P.s. Where do you guys see the story going? Do you foresee good things or negative things?

#TeamWillara or #TeamTill

I think #Willara sounds cute <3

Let me know below!

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