The Hangout (formerly the Han...

Bởi RyanMPorte

949 92 53

Tiara Marks a lonely college student finds herself on the brink off losing everything she's worked so hard f... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 2: Riding Waves
Chapter 3: Stuck on This
Chapter 4: Bad little Girls and Boys
Chapter 5: Flirting With Danger
Chapter 6: The Call
Chapter 7: Can't Love them Cant Kill Them Either
Chapter 8: The Base Dropped
Chapter 9: Hide and Seek
Chapter 10
chapter 11 Intense Expectations
Pretty Panties
Songs and Serenades

Luke's Stupidity

21 0 0
Bởi RyanMPorte

A few weeks had passed by before Tiara knew it. She saw less and less of William. She hadn't enjoyed Norms's in about a month but she really needed his help. The thought entered her mind, what if this one is the last one. It felt like it could be the last one. They had barely studied together meeting at the restaurant or in the garden maybe once in the last month and a half.

Every time she called or texted Amina found some way to need help. Their time was limited but they were almost strangers now. Tiara sat on her bed looking about her study packet in her lap. Her elmo slippers kept her feet warm as she moved around the bed kicking her phone occasionally.

Her phone was right there..she could just ask.

What was the harm right. I mean the worst was already present.

Hey best friend imu and I also really need some help with this math packet...3am Norm's?

She did not have to wait long before she saw him typing away.

How about midnight?

Perrrrfect <3

She stirred her raspberry lemonade focusing on the ice clashing against each other. It was six p.m. The restaurant was pretty full. It was different from the quiet and serene three am trips they usually made.

He was smiling at her from across the table and her breath seemed stuck.

They did not speak they just smiled taking in the atmosphere of silence.

"Sorry I was late." She shook her head at him.

"I hear you and Luke are planning a thing?

"It's a surprise. He hasn't told me a thing and I'm horrified. I hate gifts."

"You always liked mine.

"Of course, I misspoke. I don't like surprises. And you are the only man I know to do surprises right." She chuckled and the air thinned coming back to usual. Well maybe a new normal.

"You know, when you have a surprise it has to be relevant."

He nodded smugly which pulled a grin from her.

"In any case I'll be gone through the weekend, we won't be back until Sunday night or Monday morning so he says."

"Well I know you will have a wonderful time."

"Thanks, so how are things with Amina? I feel like I haven't seen you."

"I know I am sorry about that things have been a bit hectic since she moved in. She brings a lot of her things on the weekends when she isn't working with her mother. It's. .disorientating."

"Being in a relationship can be hard when you have to share."

It was more than that. He wanted to tell her he was unsure of how he was going to make things work with Amina.

He looked away from his coffee and looked at Tiara's soft hands clutching the mason jar tightly. She smoothed her thumb against the glass trying to soothe herself but it put him on edge.

He wanted to push her fears and anxieties away not that she was wrong...he was sure he was the source of the stresses she suffered from now. Having had her one friend abandon her, did she still see him as her friend? Or did she feel coddled by his presence. Could she feel his self loathing the fact that everyday he felt more and more guilty for loving her?

His mind swirled with questions his hands became sweaty and he looked more visibly nervous.

"Yeah." He wondered was this the last time? Could it be?

Luke's mustang raged as he sped down PCH as fast as he could to try to beat the California traffic.

"So where are we going again"

"It's a surprise." He beamed at Tiara and she smiled, he took that as a good sign as she gazed out the window. Luke watched Tiara out of the corner of his eye she danced to the music.

"So, I feel like you have been distant lately."


"Yeah, I don't know I could be wrong but I think you miss Will."

Tiara grinned maybe she missed William this last month but that wasn't what was wrong.

"Stop that." Luke said sternly as he gripped the wheel of his car.

"Stop what?" She asked a little annoyed by the base in his voice.

"Stop doing that if you want to frown, then do it. I brought you out here so you could stop pretending."

The view bounced as she shook her head.

"I don't know how to do that." She laughed. "I have no idea what you are talking about Luke."

"Yeah okay. Can't bullshit a bullshitter but I'll drop it. But seriously boo you need to start doing what you want to do. It's okay to make choices for you. It's okay to do something for you."

She looked at him letting the sting of his words pass. Her slender finger reached out from his peripheral and landed on his cheek. "I know that. And I'm having fun. Okay so don't worry about me."

Her tone was gentle as she caught the song playing and began to move her head to the provocative beat.

He bounced his head and sang with her as they made the time pass. There wasn't much to look at at first just flat dust. The dust gave way to grass and then a tree. Tree after tree and soon they found the selves seeing nothing but thick forests before they pulled up to a gate that had four security guards.

The guards were dressed in all green camo or all black. One with black hair was wearing what seemed to be a gun holster the other three standing behind him as he approached the car.

"How can I help you?" Tiara found herself leaning closer to see him. His black hair and icy green eyes may have pulled her in but almost immediately she changed her mind.

She knew as soon as she looked at his sharp butt chin she did not like this guy. In fact she hated him."

"Don't play with me Bane. Open the gate man. What's with the audience?"

"Bears and uh wolves have been seen near by."

"I sorry what now?" Luke choked out.

"Yeah, it could be dangerous for you."

"You guys are so nosey. You had to get a look at her didn't you?"

"Your father did send us." Tiara looked past Bane to a female guard. Tiara had not noticed her before but she had strawberry down hair and spoke as if she was raised by a man.

Not an ounce of femininity came from her. Her cadence was so male Tiara double checked to be sure she wasn't mistaken but much like her figure her face too had such a plainness to it. Tiara was left a little curious.

"I don't care." Luke said with a coldness to his voice it tore Tiara back to the present. The other guards turned and walked into the small guard tower without any other arguments.


"Luke, call me Luke. You always forget." The guard smiled and disappeared into the dark room. The large iron doors swung open slowly as they glanced at one another.

"Slowest door ever."

"Yup. Blim-blam out." They entered the park resort and though Tiara looked outside of the window she wasn't being aware. Her mind was far far away thinking hard on things that had yet come to pass.

"You know those guys." She asked with an insensitivity she wasn't used to.


"Are you like cousins?" She swished her mouth around back and forth

"Yes, well no but yes. We are related."

"Well just an FYI I dont like your cousin."

Luke laughed hard and loudly enough her shoulder flinched at the gesture but she laughed too.

She thought on things her cousin told her feeling immediately conscious of her every last move. His cousins came to see her. Was this the first time Luke brought a girl around his family.

Maybe she did need to let herself experience different things and lifestyles. How could she keep up with Luke?

A life unloved isn't worthy of air. Her breath came a little faster as she sighed. Her chest was tight. A nervousness took her.

Her breathing became shallow not that anyone cared she just so fucking—

"We are here, finally! Did you bring your bathing suit?"

"Yeah, I'm wearing it." Her smile tried to hide the insecurities that were rising lately like the bile rising in her belly. Tiara shook her head to try to snap into the present, away from the growing prison of her mind.

"I hate surprises..but I'm excited to be spontaneous. I'm up for anything! Well, just about." She forced a smile but behind her eyes her anxiety was still there, still waiting just beneath the surface.

She had put on a good face and her nerves simmered down.

Getting out of the car was freeing. The fresh air and all the trees all around helped her to steady her mind. They walked around the grassy field before Luke said, "So I have a surprise. Do you trust me?"

Tiara's mind screamed at her NO. She was waiting for this whole gift thing to blow up in her face. She didn't trust him, she could barely trust herself. She planted herself into the ground and nodded, " 'Course." Her palms shook feverishly.

"Close your eyes." Her eyes widened at his request. Don't be a coward she repeated as she closed them.

Why are you so stupid, tell him you are afraid! Why are you doing this? Tiara felt a soft material hush across her eyes. Her hands became sticky with sweat as she followed where he lead.

"We have been walking a while." He's going to throw you in the garbage, watch.

"Trust me, Tiara." Something about the way he said her name calmed her thoughts. Her mind fell silent and but some time Tiara's feelings changed. The cool wind licked on her skin aggressively shoving past the hot California weather.

It was a comforting feeling as the wind whipped against her body and whispered in her ears.

"Are you ready?" Luke's voice echoed and dread seized her nerves as she realized she could possibly be somewhere very high up.

"I'm not—are we," was as far as she got. Luke pulled the blindfold from her eyes revealing a beautiful horizon full of oranges, pinks and blues. The sky was a canvas of endless color. Her face was blank but her eyes were wide.

Luke took that for wonderment and it was for a time but it was then that Tiara saw the bottomless drop. She tried to wear a smile and tough through the building pressure in her mind.

Tiara couldn't appreciate a sky full of pigment anymore than she could appreciate a gun wound. Her breathing deepened and her mind swam with the anxiety and a forceful pull toward the edge of the cliff.

Her mind was as blank as her face but she could hear a small voice.


It was pulling on her very soul. She wanted to.


She was only a foot from the jagged edge of a cliff to a deep fifteen foot plunge into a great body of water. She could taste blood in the back of her throat.

"Now. . .Lets jump!" Luke emoted smiling at her.

"I—" She tried to choke out some words anything to avoid the situation before her.

"Are you scared?" he teased placing an arm around her shoulder holding her hand. He kisses her temple gently but still he does not see her fear. His excitement touched to the heavens. He could not wait to jump. It had been some time since he last got to live in excitement.

He relished the moment taking a deep breath.

Shaking her head as sweat beaded on her forehead, "Nope, I'm not scared, not even a bit. But I—"

Before she could continue Luke hollered into the sky, "Then lets go!" She was falling then and Luke was gone there was only the clear blue water below and a burn in her nose.

Tiara fought the water to reach the surface. She was in the deep blue of the water but she could feel the wind. She could feel her lungs desperation for air.

She was drowning. . . again.

She flailed her arms and legs all about her the sound and pressure was all too familiar. She remembered nightmares. The crunching of metal, being knocked outside of her body.

"Tiara, Hey! Hey! Are you okay?!" She slowly was drawn from her hysteria and slowly the blue dulled from around her sight and she saw Luke hovering above hazel eyes wide with fear.

"Thank god! Are you okay? You passed out before we even hit the water! She didn't respond to him she just touched the sides of his face wiping the water away from his skin staring at it in her hands.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital—"

"No!" She whispered. " I am fine. I'm just disorientated." She managed a weak smile.

Luke stood her up. "I can walk." She said gingerly.

"No." She tried to protest but she was leaning against him as he lowered himself so that she could catch a piggy back ride. She gave in and accepted the ride more concerned that she could not stop shaking.

Her whole body shivered aggressively.

"Tiara. Hey!" She looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. She was sitting next to him on a soft couch near a fire place. Her clothes were still wet and tea sat beside them on the end table.

She leaned against Luke.

"Man, looking back that was reckless I'm so sorry Tiara." She snuggled closer to him. She was freezing but his warm body felt good against her. "I'm fine." she said again. "I just need rest."

"You are so lucky my phone is water proof." She joked.

"I can buy you a new one if it stop working an iPhone is cheap." She had forgotten how rich everyone around was, except for her.

Her phone vibrated and Tiara knew it was her aunt. Although every fiber of her being was hoping it was William.

Have a great weekend with Luke, Sunshine. I'm sorry for all the stress I've put you under. I'm proud of you and I hope you know that I mean well. —Auntie Dawn

"I'm going to make you a sandwich. Okay. I'll be right in the kitchen."

She sunk down into the couch closing her eyes. Maybe she should stay awake but maybe this was a dream, she shuddered.

Her aunt hadn't called her Sunshine since she was a kid. She was proud of her for dating Luke? Or maybe she was just happy to see her happy?

Her body trembled erratically as she tried to force herself to sleep but now she was feeling too hot. She felt like she could be sick. Her head felt too heavy to hold up. She had to stop thinking so hard.

Tiara grabbed her phone off of the glass end table and sent a quick text.

Please come get me, right now. I need you. PLEASE.

She sent William her location and tried to keep it together to receive his response but she couldn't.

Silent free flowing tears fell from her eyes as she pressed them closed trying to force them out quickly so soon they would be gone. She was trying to form the words to let him know she was going to get a ride home.

"Tiara I have the sandwich for you."

"Okay. I think—"

"I contacted Will. I think he should take you home, if you don't wanna go to the hospital."

She didn't argue with him she kept her eyes shut and gave the couch behind her a strong pat-pat for him to sit behind her. "I'm cold." He sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She turned into his arms to rest her face against him.

He smelled nice. As much as she wanted to be angry with him she just couldn't be. This was all her fault, If she had not lied and told him she was scared things would have been different...Her chest felt congested with blame and guilt.

You are going to be alone forever. You just complicate everything. Things that should be simple. She rubbed her head why was she thinking this way lately.

She snuggled against him trying to get as much of his body touching hers as she could possibly get.

"Tiara I think I should move. You'll over heat."

"No," she said desperately, "I'm cold. Stay." She was so cold but the heat was quieting the chaos of her mind. Her eyes fell closed, she was slowly sinking into sleep as some time began to pass. Her symptoms felt as though it was beginning to subside.

She buried her body into the warmth of his chest but soon he was trying to escape the entanglements of her arms and legs.

"Please stay. The heat is helping." Luke shook his head beginning to sense Tiara needed to see a doctor. He could feel her fever was getting worse not better. She clothes were barely damp but sweat pooled around her lips, she was sweating down her neck.

"No Tiara, your fever is getting worse--" He tried to gently convince her to let him go.

"My headache is getting better. I—I promise." She whispered with a weak voice. Luke tried not to look into her eyes it was hard to say no to her when she looked at him like she needed him. Her wet hair smelled of perfumes and her legs had her grinding into him. He tried to keep focus but she kept doing it.

"Tiara I think that I'm going to go. I called Will to tell him to pick you up. Tiffany is still studying to be a nurse right?"

Tiara placed a small kiss on his lips and leaned in close. "I won't ask again." She felt him tap against her unintentionally and cracked a small arrogant smile.

"Stay with me. Please." He sat up then but she held him in place hand fixed to the couch. Luke stood up and she didn't fight it. He knew she couldn't. She had run out of energy. She must have exhausted herself or is having some type of fever induced break down he thought. Her voice sounded like it wasn't even her for a second.

As much as she tried to she couldn't hide the paleness of her cheeks, the sunken darkness enveloping her eyes and the clamminess of her hands. He could see it. He let her legs run atop his lap in compromise but he pulled away from her and sat at the end of the couch.

"I do want you to stay and that's why you have to go...I'm sorry I feel like I messed up."

"You did mess up jack ass!" William's voice could be heard coming from the front door of the large cabin.

William emerged from the darkness in his cloud pajamas and looked pretty pissed. "Don't be mad at Luke. He was trying to be impressive and exciting. I should have told the truth."

Her eyes weren't really open or closed but something in between.

"She's delirious right now. I doubt she really understands what's going on." Luke grabbed Tiaras phone off of the floor and handed it to Will. "Try to get some rest kay Tiara. Go to sleep. I'll be right out to say goodnight."

William easily picked Tiara up. She may have been eating better but she still didn't seem to be putting on any weight. William moved more clumsily than Luke. It left Tiara unable to orient herself. Everything seemed to shake. Tiara couldn't keep her eyes closed so she opened them and tried to focus as Will slid her into the car.

Luke was by her suddenly, "I'm so sorry Tiara. Please feel better. Here." He placed a suede black box on her lap with a large, velvety, black bow on top.

"Thanks, I'll call you. We can go on another date just don't have us jump off a cliff next time." She smiled and he kissed her lips gently. Will cleared his voice loudly in protest and passing his arm around tiara's head rest.

"We have to go now. No kisses for you Luke you fucked it all up." Luke placed his hands in the air as if he was about to be arrested.

"You're right. Goodnight Tiara." She didn't respond because Will didn't give them the chance.

The car took off leaving dust and screeching in its wake..

"So talk to me. what are you feeling? Luke said I should take you to a hospital so that's what I'm going to do."

"No." She said in protest. "Just take me home." He watched her as she savored the feel of the cool air against her face.

"I'm fine really I'm just an emotional person. If I knew what we were doing I would have said no. He didn't know that I don't like heights. I'm heart just and my head is so . . loud. "

"You can't seem to stop shaking and your hair is still wet. I think we should go." He protested.

"No. . .Do you think we should have left Luke there by himself? I hope he's gonna be okay."

"Luke? You are in shock and you're delirious or something and you are worried ABOUT LUKE!" Will watched as she flinched away from him as he yelled.

His temperance kicked in. Did she really think he would hit her? The way she frowned burned her brows pressed together as she avoided his view. He sobered.

"You need to take better care of yourself." A hum sounded from his pocket for the third time in the past two minutes.

"I try." Hum.

"Yeah well try harder." Hum. Hum. Hum. Hmm.

"Why are you mad at me? Don't yell at me. Please." She whispered.

"I'm not--I'm not mad. I'm sorry its just Amina is pissed at me keeps texting me. I don't know if she will forgive me for just leaving her in bed like that."

Oh that's right Tiara thought as she looked up to the blackness of the sky. It was pretty late. Will and Amina were probably about to have sex or just had sex.

The thought put a sour taste in her mouth. "Well I'll explain to her. I'll make her understand."

"I don't know if that will help."

"I'll talk to her don't worry about it."

The rest of the trip was silent and quick as Will sped through the night and as she watched him. The street lights reflected against them and the breeze swept across them and her body found a peace there.

Through near closed eyes she watched a slow hand reach over and take hers.

It was warm. "Close your eyes, Ti. I'll get you home safe so go to sleep. You will feel better before you know it."

William watched her as she seemed to glow, a gentle smile emerged across her face.

"We will be back soon. I mean it love, close your eyes."

She was half way asleep when she felt a softness tickling her cheeks rousing her from sleep.

"Hm," graced her lips as she tried to resist but soon they were walking. As they made their way back to the elevators when William said, "Come to my place I wanna see what he bought you."

The door was open before William could put his key in the lock, before Tiara had a chance to answer his invitation. Amina's anxiety ridden voice escalated to the sound of her rage fully pulling Tiara from her sleepy haze.

Amina stood in the hallway in a long, red silky gown. Her long black hair pulled into a braided bun.

"It's been two hours! Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry dearest I didn't—" He tried to kiss her lips but she turned from him and he settled for kissing her forehead. "And why is she here we need to talk!" She pouted.

"Be nice. " William said as he motioned Tiara to come in. She followed as Will led his almost wife deeper into the room to chat. Amina's dress dragged against the floor in waves of red and Tiara watched it dance to keep her focus away from their side conversation.

That dress had to be a couple thousand dollars.

She placed her gift onto the kitchen table grimly wondering how long she had been clutching it tight. Whatever it was it could have been crushed by her stress fueled grip.

She stood holding her right elbow.

"I'm sorry I had to leave you but Luke pushed Tiara off a cliff. Be nice to her she's had a really rough night and I think she's in shock." Tiara couldn't see it but she could hear it in Amina's voice.

"Oh my god. Is he that stupid? Really? Take her to a hospital." William pointed to Tiara, "She won't go."

"I don't like heights, or hospitals..I also don't like feeling like I'm drowning."

"Well frankly you look like shit in shallow ass water. You should be in bed." Amina walked over to Tiara and stood not an inch from her face.

"Luke got her a gift I want to see whats in it."

Tiara looked at her beautiful gift and pulled on the bow releasing the ribbon from the box. The lid came off with a little bit of suction before revealing a pair of bright red Elmo slippers.

Tiara tried to hide her joy but couldn't. She smiled honestly reaching inside to touch its fur. William having prepared already snapped a Polaroid of her reaction whilst she was distracted.

She picked one of the slippers up and looked at it before clutching it to her chest tightly. "They have my name embroidered on them in my favorite color." Some of the stress built up in her tissues fell off of her in a huge wave of happiness.

Amina watched as William smiled at Tiara, "Do you need me to walk you upstairs. Sorry to make you wait to get to bed." Amina went to answer 'no, she can walk herself up' but Tiara had already responded.

"No. But thanks for the hospitality. Thank you, Amina. Wish we had met under different circumstances. William talks about you a lot so I've heard a lot of great things."

"Likewise. Now," Amina cleared her throat and rubbed her forehead. "Get strait to bed and we can call it even. That's the only thing that will make me feel better."

"Will do. 'Night" Tiara said as she gathered her things and left. 


Thanks so much for reading guys! If you liked what you read Please SHARE, VOTE, FAVORITE. Don't forget to Follow me to get all the updates!

Has anything like this ever happened to you? Ive been there suffering due to someone else stupidity. Usually because they didn't have good home training. 


P.s. How do you feel about Luke? and Tiara and their possible intermingling? 

still  #TeamWillara  or do you think you are more #TeamLura now?

Luke has me swooning buuutttt.... Idk still!  

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