The Alpha's Human Mate

By SunFireRising

307K 8.3K 590

Calla moves to a new town with her mother to get away from a 'divorce' but Calla finds out there was a differ... More

The Apha's Human Mate
Chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AN*** Video of how Calla redirects lightning
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapte 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 3

11.2K 331 10
By SunFireRising

Jace's PROV 

I cant believe she tried to seduce me.

My wolf groaned, "you should have let her" I sigh.

I knew my wolf wanted to be with our mate but she dosnt know about us.

"Just tell her already" I give him a mental eye roll.

We cant just tell her "Hey im the alpha of my pack, oh and im a werewolf and your my mate so that makes you the packs Luna." I chuckle at the thought of telling Calla that.... Calla. I love her name, when she straddled my lap last night, pushing her core against my hard member... It felt so good. I look down, urgh great. Just thinking about it makes me go hard. I NEED a cold shower. I glance over at Calla's sleeping face, she looks so peaceful. I guess I should go take one quickly.


I opened the bathroom door to the spare room, I sniff the air and I know shes going to awake soon. I throw on my jeans and shirt and sit next to her on the bed. I can see her peeking through her eyelashes. I smile, ohh shit! She must be embarrassed about last night, I better say something.

 "Calla, I know your awake... about last night..." Calla's eyes shot open and her light brown eyes locked with mine... I get lost in them every single time. I shake my head to fall out of her trance. I shut my eyes tight and reopen them to find Calla having tears running down her cheeks. I feel saddened. I reach my hand out and cup her face, I use my thumb to wipe away the tears.

"Don't cry Calla, im not mad about last night. I wasn't expecting anything like that to happen, I don't hold anything against you, you were drunk."

Calla cocked her head to the side, shes probably surprised I am not pissed, ive been treating her strangely. I just want to be cautious with my mate. I look down at my lap. Calla bursts into fits of laughter, I snap my head up to see her smiling widely.

"I didn't expect you to be mad, most guys like it when I 'seduce' them. I was just nervous you would... be more strange around me then you already are." She shrugged.

She has noticed the way I act. I growl. Not liking that she has seduced other men. My eyes darken and I see the worry and fright in her eyes, she gets up and sits on my lap and tried to get a closer view of how they changed color.

I flip us around so im laying on top of her on the bed. Last night I took her booty shorts and shoes off because I thought see would be uncomfortable. My wolf comes to the front.

"You cant seduce any other guy but ME."

My hips push her legs apart and I put my hardness against her core. I hear her breathing quicken and I also hear her throaty moan. I unzip my pants so my erect is poking through my briefs. I push my hardness against the wet pool in her panties.

I groan at the feel of her. "We shouldn't be doing this" Calla moaned.

"But you aren't stopping me.."

I push with much more force then last time into her core, her moans make me even harder, if that was possible. I push again and I have finally lost control. NO! I yell at my wolf in my head. I push up from Calla, who groans sadly from the loss of contact. I zip up my pants and leave the room so I wouldn't have to smell her sweet arousal in the air.

Calla's PROV

OMG! what just happened? I was seduced by the hottest guy in school. Jace. I thought he wasn't attracted to me, but by the very hard erect I felt I knew different. I wonder why he left, he could have at least given me a reason to why he wanted to stop. I sigh. I know I was a virgin but it felt right for him to do those 'sexual' things to me. I missed him... what the hell Calla??

You barly know him and he like tried to get into your panties. HE IS TROUBLE! I knew my mind was telling me the truth. I looked around the room to find it was a simply guest room. Since I was a guest I thought it would be alright to take a nice shower to wash the smell of alcohol from my body. I get up off the bed and strut to the bathroom... hmm its weird I don't have a hangover.

I jump in the shower and wash for at least 40 minutes, making sure I could only smell DOVE shampoo and conditioner and body wash on me. I didn't need Marco giving me a 'parental speech' of how alcohol is for adults and how it ruins your brain. I have received that speech from my mother multiple times. I search through my purse trying to find the extra clothes I brought.

AHA! found them. I brought black stretchy leggings and a white laced corset top and of course an extra pair of panties and socks. I dressed quickly, wanting to get away from this destroyed house, I collect my things like my phone and my booty shorts and shoes Jace stripped me out of and opened the room door to find Quinn passed out on the floor right next to my door. I smirk at the sight. I cant leave this bitch her like this.

I laugh evilly as I open my purse and pull out my cell phone that has a camera in it and 2 sharpies. I write "Calla's Bitch Now" on her forehead in red sharpie then write "I Am a Fake Barbie" on her tummy, the lost her shirt somewhere in the house. I smile at my beautifully done work.

I snap a picture of her with my writing on it, I grab her phone from her pants and take another picture and then I upload it to: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and all of the rest of her social networks and on every post I write "I am Calla's bitch now." haha this would totally bite her in the ass later.

Even though she was mean to me, and I felt bad for her that she always put on this act... I needed to show her I wasn't afraid of her. 

I needed a ride home... ehh ill just walk or maybe just call Abbey to pick me up, she left early.

Just as I was about to dial Abby's number Jace as by my side, "I'll take you home Calla." I looked at him and his eyes where black, once again...

Hey Guys!!!! I hope you like this chapter... im sorry if it wasn't good. I was interrupted a couple times so I couldn't get everything I wanted to in. I will write another chapter very soon!!! Don't forget to comment down below, Tell me things you like, hate or want to see happen! Love you <3333

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