Queen of the Swords & Lord of...

By OBrien_has_Stiles

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Secrets are secrets, and Esmeralda's path is unknown to her. But walls start breaking down, and she finds out... More

Queen of Swords & Lord of the Rings (a LOTR fanfic)
Part 1 - To Know Chapter 1: The Fellowship
To Know - Chapter 2 - The Fellowship is off
To Know - Chapter 3 - And so it begins
To Know - Chapter 4 - Lifes shall be shaken
To Know - Chapter 5 - Walls of Moria
To Know - Chapter 6 - Darkness surrounds us
To Know - Chapter 7 - We need a break
To Know - Chapter 8 - They are coming
To Know - Chapter 9 - Even the strongest fall
To Know - Chapter 10 - Please come back
To Know - Chapter 11 - I'm fine
To Know - Chapter 12 - The Past comes back to me
To Know - Chapter 13 - Gently down the stream
Part 2 - To Feel - Chapter 1 - A long run
To Feel - Chapter 3 - Time alone
To Feel - Chapter 4 - Off to Helms Deep
To Feel - Chapter 5 - Over the edge
To Feel - Chapter 6 - Seeking answers and purpose
To Feel - Chapter 7 - Dangerous obstacles
To Feel - Chapter 8 - Victories in Wars
Part 3 - To Love - Chapter 1 - Victorious Feast
To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive
To Love - Chapter 3 - Star Gazing
To Love - Chap 4

To Feel - Chapter 2 - I'm glad to have our wizard back

1.8K 75 20
By OBrien_has_Stiles

Hey guys! sorry I haven't posted as quickly as I wanted to. I was SUPER busy with Christmas and stuff. Anyways, enough of my ranting. Enjoy the chapter!

To Feel - Chapter 2

The two horses ran quick and swiftly. We covered more ground much quicker than if we had ran on foot, like we had these past three days. I stayed quiet as we rode on the steeds. Aragorn steered Hasufel from behind me, letting me sit comfortably, slightly leaning against his body but he didn’t seem to mind. From the corner of my eye I could see Legolas shooting me glances every now and then. But he would always look back in front of him with a frown on his face, a look that didn’t suit him at all.

We finally approached the pile of smoke and dead Uruks. I looked at the pile with disgust, anger and relief. Disgust for the nasty creatures that served evil. Anger because they kidnapped two close members and killed another. Yet I felt relief, happy that these file creatures are no longer alive and destroying any other innocent beings.

Aragorn unmounted Hasufel and I quickly followed after. We immediatly started to search through the pile of bodies, wanting to see a sign yet we hoped not too. Gimli made a grunt, when he pulled something from the pile, and we turned our heads to look at him.

"It's one of their wee belts." He spoke softly in his gruff voice, as he held a burnt peice of a belt that belonged to a Hobbit. Everyone's eyes dimmed, and our hearts filled with sorrow. Legolas broke out into a silent Elvish prayer for the two, and Aragorn turned away from the pile. Only to kick a helmet and yell out his anger and dispair. He fell to his knees and in that moment I've never seen a man so broken. My face was grim and I let a few tears escape from my eyes, as I stared at the pile of bodies before me.

"We failed them." Gimli said softly. We were all brought out of our thoughts as Aragorn muttered to himself.

"A Hobbit lay here." He spoke, and traced his fingers softly over a ruffled part of ground. "And the other there." He pointed out prints in the dirt, that only an experienced Ranger like him would've spotted. "They crawled." Still on his knees he started crawling to follow the tracks, the rest of us behind him. "Their hands were bound." He held up a broken length of rope. "Their bonds were cut." Aragorn exclaimed, estonished. He stood up and jogged following the tracks. "They ran over here. They were followed. The tracks lead away from the battle into..." He stopped jogging when he saw where the tracks led to.

"Fangorn. What maddnesss drove them in there?" Gimli questioned out loud. Aragorn stepped forward to start going through the forest.

Hopefully they are fine. I just wish I can know where they are. Where they are. My eyes widened at my own stupitity.

"Oh my gosh!" My sudden exclamation surprized the others and they stopped to look at me, but I paid no mind as I ranted to myself. "Esme, your such a stupid girl. How can you not THINK of it before. Ugh, I need to be more open minded." I groaned to myself, as I made my way over to the nearest tree.

I rested my hands on the trees trunk, and I let my mind travel through the tree's surface. It took me a while, but I managed to enter the mind of the tree. my held fell back, when I felt all the sudden thoughts enter my head. There were so much unexpected information from the tree, that it shocked me. Yet I kept my hand on the trunk and I searched through the tree's latest memories.

Two small beings ran from the chaos behind them. Men on horses surprized the Orcs, and the killed the Orcs swiftly. The two Halflings quickly escaped the battle unseen, except for one hungry Orc. The lone Orc chased the two Halflings deeo into the forest, yet he went slowly as he limped from a sword wound.

We can lead you to your friends

I was taken aback by the tree's comment, yet I let it tell me where to go. With my eyes still closed, I started walking forward letting my hands touch each tree, as I passed them, for more instructions. It wasn't long before the trees told me to stop going further, and told me someone was coming. I stepped away from the tree, coming out of my dazed state. Behind me, I heard Aragorn tell Gimli to lower his axe.

"Aragorn, nad na ennas." Legolas, said while looking around. (Something is out there)

"Man cenich." Aragorn asked him. (What do you see)

"The White Wizard approaches." I spoke up.

"Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us." Aragorn informed us, as we got ready to attack. My hands came up in a protective way in front of my face, ready to use my powers if need be. "We must be quick."

In a swift movement, we all swung around to attack. Gimli's axe and Legolas' arrow were deflected when they released their weapons. Aragorn's sword seemed to start burning up, and he dropped it. I was about to send the Wizard a gust of my powers, when I froze. I couldn't move, making it unable for me to use my powers. We were unable to see the Wizard, instead we saw a blinding, white light.

"You are tracking the footsteps of two Hobbits." The White Wizard spoke.

"Where are they?"Aragorn asked.

"They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?" He spoke up.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Aragorn demanded. The light dimmed to reveal Gandalf dressed in all white instead of grey. I smiled at the sight of him.

Legolas, Gimli and I bowed to him as Aragorn stood, dumbfounded.

"It cannot be. You fell."

"Through fire and water. From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak, I fought with the Balrog of Mordoth. Until at last, I threw down my enemy and smote his ruin upon the mountainside. Darkness took me. And I strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and everyday was as long as a life age of the earth. But it was not the end. I felt life in me again." His eyes found their way to me. "I've been sent back until my task is done."

It is wonderful to have you back, Gandalf. I told him in my head, knowing he would hear me.

"Gandalf?" He seemed confused at first, but soon came to relization. "Yes... That's what they used to call me. Gandalf the Grey. That was my name." He smiled before turning to look into my eyes.

Have you told the rest? He asked me in my head.

Yes, they know.

Good. A smile was apparent on his face.

"Gandalf!" Aragorn exclaimed, happily!

"I am Gandalf the White." Gandalf said with a twinkle in his eyes and Aragorn grinned. "And I have come back to you now at the turn of the tide."

We followed Gandalf out of the forest, and it wasn't long before we saw the sun again.

"One stage of your journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed." As Gandalf finished his sentence, he whistled a peircing whistle. A neigh answered him and soon a whitew horse appeared from over the plain, answering Gandlaf's call.

"That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell." Legolas said in awe. The horse came to a stop in front of Gandalf.

"Shadowfax. He's the Lord of all horses, and has been my friend through many dangers." Gandalf said.

We mounted the horses, and rode on to Edoras.

I'm glad to have our wizard back


So that is the end of Chapter two for Part two.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Gandalf's back!!!!!!! So happy now, but I prefer Gandalf the Grey.

Which do you prefer?

Gandalf the Grey or Gandlaf the White?

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