The Alpha's Human Mate

נכתב על ידי SunFireRising

307K 8.3K 590

Calla moves to a new town with her mother to get away from a 'divorce' but Calla finds out there was a differ... עוד

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
AN*** Video of how Calla redirects lightning
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapte 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

The Apha's Human Mate

36.6K 441 165
נכתב על ידי SunFireRising

                                                      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO CASSIDY AKATYSZEWSKI             

  Chapter One

Moving to a new town, new school wasn't easy. My Dad left my mom and I, and we left to 'get away' or at least that's what she calls it.

My mother was babbling about the amazing house she bought us while I was starring blankly out the window, thinking about how much I will miss my friends and my amazing school life.

"Calla, what's wrong? You are going to make new friends." I sigh, Dammit! she read my mind.

"Mom I know I will, but I will always miss the ones I made when I was 6 years old."

My mother shot me a sideways glance and said, "I know, I am sorry. but change is good. Anyways you never know you could make even better friends."

I sighed and I knew I wouldn't benefit from arguing with my mom. I stayed silent the rest of the way. 

When the car jerked to a stop, my eyes flew open. My eyes got big when I took in the huge mansion in front of us. I realized my mouth was hanging open and I snapped it shut. I jerked my head towards my mother, seeing she was grinning at me.

"Mom! This house is HUGE! Its to big for only the two of us!"

My mom smiled and said, "I wanted you to be comfortable. I didn't want a dump."

I smiled at her concern and compassion. "thanks mom!"

I opened the car door and ran out and sprinted to the huge doors of the mansion. I was literally jumping with excitement when my mom arrived at the doors, keys in hand. She unlocked the door and swung it open, displaying the inside for me to see.

I couldn't believe the sight. Expensive art, glorious and very expensive furniture. My mom encouraged me to go and explore. I ran in and sped down the hallway, seeing all of the painting and portraits. The kitchen was huge with amazing stove tops and cabinets. I skipped the rest and ran up to my room. I hesitantly opened the door and saw the most amazing sight of the night.

My room was all zebra print! The walls were painted in the style and my king size canopy bed was zebra and so was the walk-in closet. It was all beautiful. I had my own bathroom\spa. I smiled and then I stopped in my tracks. How could my mom afford all of this... that's when the thought clouded my mind. There was a man she was seeing.

My mom confirmed there was a guy she had been talking to for awhile and he offered to take us in so he could be 'closer' to my mother and 'get to know' me. This sounded like a bunch of bullshit. I stormed off to my room and stayed there the rest of the night.

I had school the next morning so I woke up at 7:00, not caring if I would be late. I took a nice, steamy shower and got dressed in tight black skinny jeans that showed off my ass real nice and a white laced tank top with black heeled boots. I straighten my hair so it fell at the top of my jeans. I didn't wear makeup. I looked at myself in the mirror... admiring my golden locks, my perfect nose, my freckles, my light brown eyes, and my amazing body structure, my boobs were a size C so I was normal.

I smiled at myself and grabbed my bag and walked down to the garage... I wanted to drive to school but I needed a car to borrow. I flicked on the light and there were 10 very expensive cars lined up in a row. I walked down admiring each and everyone. I came to a stop when I saw a blue porche that had a note on the windshield. I picked up the note, opening it carefully and reading...

              Dear Calla,

                      This is a gift from Marco, the man I am seeing. we hope you like it, Drive safely to school I love you!     -Mom

I looked from the note to the car that was apparently for me, then thought hell yeah!!! I like this Marco guy already. I hopped in the Porche and started the car, hearing the perfect engine purr I started my drive to school. The school was like most, big and boring. Except this school seemed to have large kids, and I mean in the built way. The guys were bulging with muscles, and the girls were slutty and following the hot guys around like they were life-lines.

I parked in the back of the parking lot, not wanting to get into fights about parking spaces. Before I got out I checked my hair and applied lip gloss and said to myself "Im ready." I opened the door to see people leaning on their cars and walking to the school, but with their heads in my direction.

I was nervous about all of the stares but I shook my head and started walking confidently with my head up towards the school. I strutted and acting like I was queen of the world. Earning hoots and whistles from guys, and evil and jealous glares from some of the what I think are 'the school hoes' I continued until I bumped into this girl, she obviously didn't see me there. She looked like the popular, petty, and preppy type.

She looked me up and down before saying "watch it new girl."

People around us started "ooo" ing.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Okay I understand this, you think you run this school cause your popular. that's great, I could give to shits about your awful attitude and your overly done face. Get out of my way before I ruin your new nose job."

The people around us yelled "BURN!!" The girl narrowed her eyes at me and said "Your gonna regret you said that bitch." and stalked off towards what I believed was her 'popular group' I rolled my eyes and strutted into the building.

I went to the front office and asked the desk lady for my schedule. the woman smiled and said "Here you go Calla Gold, hope your first day goes well, oh and make sure your not late to your first class with Mr.Bernier, hes a strict man." I thanked her and walked to my locker, #72. I took out a mirror and stuck it to the inside door and closed it, then took a huge glittery sticker that said "Calla" in rhinestones and stuck it to the front so people knew it was my locker. I smiled and walked to room 101 for Mr.Bernier's class.

I walked in to a room full of teenagers and a pissed looking teacher in the front of the room.

I walked in and went to Mr.B's desk and said, "Hello Sir, you must be Mr.Beriner. I am so sorry I am late, I got lost finding my locker and then your class. I promise it wont happen again."

I fluttered my eye lashes at the old man and he seemed to feel sorry. "Miss. Gold welcome to History, I will let this tardiness slide because its your first day in a big school. Please sit next to Mr.Adams as your assigned seat." 

I thanked him as he handed me my books, I turned to the front of the class, and Mr.B told me to introduce myself.

I smiled sweetly before saying, "Hi, My name is Calla I moved here to Colorado from Denver. Im 17 and im afraid of nothing."

People just starred at me as I walked to the only open seat in the class room, next to who I thought was Mr. Adams. I looked at him as I sat down. He had a toned body, dark hair that emo boys had, striking green eyes and full lips. He was wearing a black T-shirt that hugged his abs and muscles perfectly, then jeans that hung at his hips.

I smile, "Hi, Im Calla."

The boy looked at me and smiled, "Hello Calla, How are you liking it here so far?"

I sigh, "I had a run in with a 'school bitch' apparently, but I could care less about what people think."

He laughs, "I can tell, But don't worry about the people here, they don't matter."

I nod, "Yeah I know. Ive know that my whole life."

He stares at me in awe for the rest of class but I simply ignore his stares, and I focus on the teachers boring lesson. When the bell rings I bend over to grab my books and when I look up a girl with strawberry hair, blue eyes and freckles on her nose with glasses, thin lips, and is about 5'3" smiles at me.

"Hi Calla! My name is Abby. Ill be your guide for the day, and your new bestie!"

I laugh, "Nice to meet you Abby, and thank you. Plus I do need a brand new bestie, and you meet the standards!"

She giggled and motioned me to follow her out of class, I walk with her to our next class, I showed her my sceduale and she was happy to see she had history and science with me, but I was alone for gym. GREAT!

We walked into a room that I guessed to be the science room, the teacher looked at me and smiled brightly, "Hello, you must be Calla. The new girl! Welcome to science. Im Mrs.Hanlon, would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

I smile, "Nice to meet you Mrs,Hanlon, and id love too."

I face the class and smile, "Hello! I am Calla Gold, I love to make friends, and Im not into drama so don't drag me into it. Also I hate rumors, so don't spread them about me! I live with my mother and her new boyfriend, and I miss my old school."

I blush when a couple guys in the back row wink at me. I walk to the middle of the classroom to sit where Abby is sitting... I don't want to be a loner.

Mrs.Hanlon went into her lesson teaching about the solar system and how many AU's all of the planets are from earth. (AU's are astronomical units)

The bell rings and Mrs.Hanlon wishes us and great day and we all leave, Abby smiles at me, "You know everyone adores you so far?"

I laugh, "Trust me, no one 'adores me'."

She rolls her eyes and pushes me into the gym, I head over to the gym teacher that is wearing a blue jump suit that's to tight on his crotch. I smile at him, "Hi Im Calla the new student."

He looks at me and points to the changing rooms, "One of the girls in there will give you a uniform. You must change everyday to pass this class, and if you don't you will have me a lot more. Also I hope you enjoy this school."

I mumble a thanks and I walk to the changing rooms. Girls are changing every where... I couldn't help but look. Yes I think im bi-sexual but what ever.

I cough and everys head turns towards me, "HI, Im Calla... The gym teacher said one of you would give me a uniform?"

Most of the girls smile but others, which I notice is the popular girl from earlier with her group of barbies, sneer at me and pretend im gum on the bottom of their shoes.

A black hair girls with beautiful mocha skin, grey eyes and full pouty lips, she looks about 5'6, and shes wearing a friendly smile steps towards me, "Hello Calla, I am Shaunee but you can call me Shani!"

I smile, "Nice to meet you Shani."

She motions me over to a changing stall, it has a rack of uniforms, the uniforms are blue shorts that stop after your top thighs and then a tank top shirt that is also blue. She hands me one.

I giggle, "Thank you, I didn't want to stick out from not wearing a uniform."

Shani laughs, "Your welcome darling. Also hunnie bear don't worry about those snotty bitches out their, they are just mad they don't get the hawtie Jace's attention."

She winks at me when I blush, "Trust me, I don't want his attention..."

She smirks and walks away so I can change. I pull my hair into a pony tail and I tug on my uniform, and I grab a pair of the given white running shoes the school makes everyone where.

I walk out of the changing rooms to see Jace and a bunch of his friends are staring at me, Abby told me he was the guy who was sitting next to me. I blush and look down at the floor, ignoring the stares im getting.

The gym teacher huffs and walks towards me, "Calla since your new here you have to be tested, strength, speed and agility. Can you handle that today or do you want to do it tomorrow? Also be aware the whole class will be watching."

I gulp and look at the kids sitting in the bleechers... I sigh and close my eyes. Taking in a deep breathe. I open my eyes to see the teacher waiting for my answer.

I smile bravely, "I do everything today."

He frowns, "Yippe..."

He motions me over to a bench presser... I frown, I don't really do this but what ever... I did do a lot of gymnastics and boxing and martial arts... different training gear but the same strength.

I sit down and wait for instructions... He looks down at me, "Ok so im going to add more weight on to the bars and see if you can lift it, im going to keep going unti you cant lift the weight I put on."

I nod my head and lay back so the bar is above my shoulders. He huffs, "It has 20 pounds on it now, lift it."

I nod, and I place my hands on the cold bar lifting it... man this is easy. It feels like a babies weight.

He adds 5 more pounds so its 25. I roll my eyes but lift it with ease.

He adds 5 more, I lift It with ease... jeez just cause im a girl doesn't mean I cant lift.

I sit up and look at the teacher, "Sir if you don't mind, I would like to put the amount of weight I can lift."

He looks surprised but he smirks, "Go on princess, but I was taking it easy on you. I didn't want you to embarrass yourself."

I scoff at him, "I would never embarrass myself."

I get up and walk over to the weight, I slide two 50 pound weights on each side, when I look up and see mostly everyone is laughing at me, other then Jace, Shani and Jace's buds.

I shake them off and lay back down under the bar, I put my hands on the metal, and close my eyes. I push with my strength against the bar, lifting it in the air, and then back down and up again. I open my eyes to see everyone staring at me with shocked expressions.

I smirk and get up and add two more 50 pound weights, I get back under and lift that up in the air, so its 225 pounds Im lifting... HELL YEAH!

The teacher coughs and I stop lifting, "It is obvious you don't need to be tested because you are in extremely good shape... You are free to enjoy the rest of class chilling out."

I thank him and skip over to Shauni in the bleachers, "Hey Girl, how did I do?"

She grins, "Amazing, honestly I didn't know you were that strong."

I shrug, "Me either, I knew I was strong but I didn't think I could lift 225 pounds with ease.. But what ever."

I look over at Jace to see him smiling at me, "Hey Jace, how are you?"

He smiles, "Good. Just amazed and pissed off at the same time... Quinn is annoying me."

I frown, "Whos Quinn?"

He points over to the girl that argued with me this morning. I sigh, "Just ignore her, shes a raging bitch."

She looks back at me as if she heard what I said, "Excuse me bitch? What did you just call me."

I frown, "I called you a bitch... Im only speaking the truth Quinn."

She glares at me and growls, "You know NOTHING! Your just some skank that came to this school, wanting to be popular. Hunnie it will NEVER happen."

I laugh, "Trust me, I don't want to be popular. I could care less about what you or anyone else thinks of me. Also I don't need to know a lot to know your a big bitch for know reason."

She growls at me again... what the hell? "Im going to ruin your life!"

I smile, "Don't worry Quinn, some day someone will love you for you, and not your skanky slut act you put on to be popular and noticed."

People 'ooo' and I roll my eyes and walk out of the class, and changing back into my clothes.

The rest of my classes breezed by and I had no homework for the night, so I left my heavy books in my locker. Its funny, when I opened up my locker a whole bunch of notes fell out, when I bent over to retrieve them someone tapped my shoulder.

I turned my head back down to grab my notes then I stood up and leaned against my locker. Jace's green eyes locked with mine.

"Hey Calla, im sorry about earlier. Quinn can be a real bitch."

I shrugged it off "It's fine Jace, you cant control her, no one can." I laugh

When he heard my laugh his eyes changed to a clouded black. I couldn't help but not meet his gaze. I opened the notes seeing it was a bunch of names and cell numbers. I chuckled and looked up to see his eyes were green again.

Jace glanced at the notes and then asked "What do they say?"

I smirked, "Its a bunch of love notes with cell numbers. Cute right?"

Jace growled when I said 'love notes' jeez a lot of people need to get their throats checked out. He reached for the paper and he accidently touched my fingers as he took the paper notes from me. 

Our eyes met his as I felt these weird sensations ripple through me, I could tell he felt them too. He stood their shocked and confused but he quickly composed himself and muttered a good bye, then walked off.

WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED???? Why did that happen when he touched me? Why did his eyes change to black? Why did he growl at me? These questions were flying around in my head as I drove home. I needed answers... and I will get them.

Hey Guys!! This is my new story im making, I hope you guys like it. Comment your thoughts and suggestions and I will upload another chapter quick! I promise!!! Love you <3

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