Arranged Marriage To Harry St...

By SmileyVicky1

2.4K 38 0

"I want you to make me a promise before I die," my mom said. "Anything mom. Just tell me what is your last wi... More

1. About Me
2. Our History
3. Dinner
4. BBQ & A BombFire (part 1)
5. BBQ and bombfire (Part2)
6. Car Crash
7. Hospital
9. Home Sweet Home
10. A Week in New York
11. Halloween
13. Surviver Series & The AMA's
14. Surviver Series & The AMA's Pt. 2
15. Thanksgiving
16. Thanksgiving pt. 2
17. Changes
18. Practice/Family time

12. Holloween Pt.2

35 2 0
By SmileyVicky1

Roxy's POV:

I still can't believe Harry just left like that. I just told myself that it won't effect me at all. I didn't want to be by myself here alone so I called Gomez. I got up and walked from where I came in. The good thing was that there wasn't a lot of people yet so well have our seats. On the third ring Gomez answered his phone. "Hey was up baby girl," he said. "Awe you called me baby girl," I said. "Aye you are a baby and your a girl. But was up," he said. "Umm i want to tell you if you could come join me at the school. Thats if you are not busy," I said. "I'm not and I'm on my way. But didn't you go with Styles," he said.  I couldn't believe my eyes. Is this really happening in front of me. It can't. "Auntie Roro," Jojo said pulling my shirt. "Johnson are you there what's going on. I'm getting off the car as were speaking," he said hanging up. Jojo look where I was looking. "Really. Really this is why you just wanted to leave Freddie with me," I told Harry. He broke his make up session with Ms. James the teacher. I had water coming down my face. "Roxy Roxy. My dear look at me who would want to resist this. I mean come on look at you and look at me. You can't put yourself at my level. You dress in baggie boy clothes, while I dress more girly girl more professional unlike you," Ms. James said. Gomez came running and looked at us 6. "First off you really don't want to start anything with me because you don't want to get on my bad side. Second of all I don't give a fuck how I dress as long as I feel comfortable and not looking like a prositude that has to go work the corner right after school is over. At the end of day one of us is going to end up  with the guy. Oh wait that's me. And styles enjoy this day while you can because once word goes out to my family your a dead man. So I suggest you start running as in right now," I said looking at Gomez. That little bitch tried getting at Gomez right after I had finished and pushed her aside where she fell on the floor and he grabbed jojo and we walked off.

Jojo was crying. I stopped Gomez and I told him to put her down and grabbed Freddie and Jaz. I sat on the floor cris cross and put her on my lap. "What's wrong baby. Talk to me. I hate seeing you cry," I said. She got up and wrapped her hands around my neck. "I hate seeing you cry. I just wanted to tell you that if he's not the one. Don't cry over him," she said. I just looked at her damn for a 8 year old that was something I was impressed by. "And I don't want to but its a promised I made my mom before she left us. It was her last wish. And I know she's looking down at me right now. Baby this isn't something you should worry about. You stay as young as you can. Don't grow up on me or change. Don't let anyone tell you how to dress or how to do you. Unless if it's your mom, dad, or me. If your godfather Seth or uncle Dean try to tell you any different come tell me so I could kick their but myself. Just be yourself and stay true to you ," I told her. My uncle Roman made Seth and me Jojo's godparents for her baptism. So I love her like she was really my daughter. But I love all of them the same. The Twins made Dean and me godparents for Jay's son and Jimmy's son.  And Gomez and me are Jimmy's daughter and Jay's son their godparents. And Seth and I are Jojo's godparents. That's why Seth always spoils her when he sees her. And Gomez with Jimmy's daughter. But I myself spoil each and everyone of them. I wiped Jojo's tier's away. And I got up and took jaz from Gomez. We walked back to where I was sitting at first. "Do you want to talk about it," he asked me. "I do but this isn't the place or time. I'll talk to you when we get home," I told him.

The kids started there little parade to see who has the best costume. Jojo and two other kids where the top three. Jojo was dressed as half beauty and half beast. The other two kids where power ranger and flash from D.C. Jojo ended up winning. I got up and started cheering for Jojo. She came running to me with Justin, Jake, Ethan, and Bridget. I kissed her and hugged her. I took a picture of her self and send it to her dad. I took a picture of all 7 of them and send it to the twins, Naomi, Jay's wife, Roman, his wife, Louis, Lauren and my dad. My uncle Roman was face timing me and I passed it to the kids. Looks like he's with Jimmy, Jay, Naomi, Dean, and Seth. "I heard that my goddaughter won best costume," Seth said. She just started laughing. We all walked around for awhile. The kids got on every ride while Gomez and me talked to the guys on the phone. It was around 3 when I finished the call because my phone was dead. Gomez made me tell them while he got on baby ride or ride with the kids. They all got mad. I'm used to it. But I'm scared for Harry's own safety. And mines in a way. Because my uncle and the twins won't hit me or dare to but they have Naomi and Jay's wife to do it and when it comes to that I'm shitting it. I start running around the whole house and even up and down the neighborhood like a headless chicken. Naomi doesn't care shell still go after me. There was a time where my dad had to bring out a bullhorn because the neighbors had came out and looking at us crazy.

But anyways back to the point. I know my family. My dad doesn't like the idea of his baby girl getting hurt by a guy. When my dad finds out who knows what will happen. If I got a crazy respond from my uncle, the twins and Naomi I could just imagen my dads. I know I won't like it at all. Once we got home there was nobody home. I forgot that my dad took a flight to some interviews that be had to do for his new movie moana. And Lauren was at the studio. I cooked some lunch for the kids so they could eat. I put Freddie and Jaz on there high chairs. I just sat down and started thinking to my self. Is this really the right thing. I'm I really sure I want to go threw this. Could I just choose someone else. "Auntie Roro could we go to the back yard for awhile and play," Jojo said taking me out of my thoughts. I looked at the time and it was 4:30 in the afternoon. I nodded and we all went outside I sat down on the backyard porch with Freddie and jaz. Gomez had went somewhere I forgot but he said that he was going to come back around 5. I got a call from my dad. "Was up pops," I said. "Nothing much just calling to make sure your ok. And I have some news for you," he said. "And what is the news. Are you calling me as my dad or manager," I told him. "As both. But are you ready for the news. I know that in a way it might be good news to you but who knows," he said. I forgot to mention that my dad was my manager. And I was signed with flo rider. "And what is this news you want to tell me," I said. "Well your uncle Hunter called me and Flo Rider called me as well. Hunter asked me to tell you if you want to be part of surviver series and Flo Rider asked me to tell you if you want to do a performance at the AMA's. Both will happen on November 19 in Canada. For Surviver Series its a five on five traditional women elimination match. And it starts two hours before the red carpet and the women's match is first so what do you say. I mean your with team Smack down live. But that means that you have to get ready at the arena before you leave to the red carpet," my dad said. "Are you kidding me I'll do both. OMG!! Dad this is crazy. Just know I'll win this and nail the performance for you. Tell Flo and uncle Hunter I'm in," I said. "Alright then get ready and start practicing your voice and your ring moves. I'll call you in three weeks. Send my hellos to Harry," my dad said. Before he hung up I told him what happen with me and Harry. The good thing was that he has a busy schedule and he was going to be free Thanksgiving week.  And we where having his and our family's together. It was 5:15 when we hunged up and I got up and called the kids.

"Go get your bags or baskets so we could leave," I said. I went to go change in my Thor costume. I came back downstairs because there was a knock. I seen that it was Harry. "What do you want," I said. "Did you forget that we where going to take the kids out trick or treating," he said. His face was painted and he was supposed to be a skull or something like that. "As far as I know it got canceled because of what you did earlier. I mean you could still come but I'm not talking to you just know that. Now could you move out the way so me and my children could pass," I said. The kids went running passed and went where Gomez was at. The whole night we didn't say a word to each other. Him and Gomez where having a talk which I didn't pay attention to.  It was around 10:30 when we decided to go back home because the kids where getting tired and the baby's where asleep. We got home and we put the kids in my room on my bed. I got some blankets and a lot of pillows and put them on the floor and I put Freddie and Jaz there and I laid there just thinking about life. And sooner or later I feel asleep.

(A/N: Here's another update. Please vote to let me know you guys are reading so I could continue😊😊☺🙂)

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