10. A Week in New York

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Roxanne's pov:

Where in the month of August and I'm just here at home taking care of Jaz and Freddie. It was just the three of us. I can't believe Jaz is 9 months and Freddie is 8 months. Jaz was born on December 26, 2015 and Freddie was born January 21, 2016. The funny thing is that they are a year apart. Can't believe that both are going to me 10 and 9 months next month. They both started to crawl which was so cute. If your wondering if I still have my cast, nope. That was taken off last month. My phone started to ring. It was from my studio. I answered it. "Hey what's up Mari," I said. "Umm could you come down to the studio and help me out," she said. "Yeah I'll be there in 20," I said. I got both baby bags and put Freddie and Jaz in their car seat's. "Gomez could you give me a ride to the photo stodio," I screamed. "What car do you want to take," he shouted from the outside. "The Thor one," I said back. (Picture on the side.) It looks like the Superman car but it has the Thor hammer on the hood and on the seats. My dad got me three West Cost Custom cars which was a surprise to me because I didn't even know he has the cars there. And after the car crash he got Gomez diving me places I mean he's already my bodygaurd. The owner from WCC is one of dads friends. Your wondering who is Gomez. Well he was hired by me and my dad about a month before my moms death to be my body gaurd and my driver. My dad and I knew he was in the army and he was going to get called back. He's in the army when I was 16 he left for almost two years. He joined when he was 18. And he's 25 going to turn 26. He just goes back and forth. He's either at the recuding office's or at my house. To me he's bomb and he's a muscle head. I would date him if I didn't see him as a brother.

He brought the car out and helped me put Freddie into the car. I put the baby bags on the trunk while he put Jaz in the car as well. I got in the passengers side and he got in the drivers side. "So when are we going to NY," Gomez said. "What do you mean by 'WE'," I said with air qoutes. "Your dad hasn't told you yet. I'm coming with you guys," he said. "And why is that don't you rather be here at the studio and keep and eye on your sister," I said. "She's coming with us as well. She's going as your stylist," he said. I just smiled. Once we got to the studio I seen a lot of cars and some of them I know. There was paparazzi's by the door. Once they seen that Gomez was parking the car on the side of the studio they ran where we where. I haven't even got out yet. I called Naomi so she could open the back door. By the third ring she answered. "Hey what's up," she said. "Could you open the back door. And if your wondering how I know your in the studio I seen the car," I said. "Damn you should be a fuken side kick or something," Jay the twin said. I just smiled and hanged up. I nodded towards Gomez to get off first. Then I got off and got Jaz off from her seat and put her sweater hoodie over her head and she put her head on my shoulder. Gomez had Freddie. He handed me Freddie so he could be in front of me to push the Paps like a body gaurd would. Naomi was at the door already and she grabbed Jaz off my arms. "Well hello to you to Naomi," I said walking threw the door as well as Naomi and last it was Gomez.

I seen basically my whole family. As well as Harry's family and the boys. "Are we having a meeting that I didn't know about," I said. "Well I called this meeting because I got some good news for you and me," my dad said. "And why couldn't we have this meeting at home and what's the good news and I have a feeling you have bad news as well," I said.  "Well my beautiful baby daughter. Your going to New York as you know your there for two reasons. You think you aren't wrestling but guess what that's the bad news, you are. And your there also because of the MTV VIDEO Music Awards Performance. The last good news is that I'm starting in a movie called Moana which comes out in December 3, 2016," my dad said. "That's good dad another movie. Is it about people from Hawaii. You know is Samoan people. And do I really have to wrestle," I said. "Yeah but this time in this movie they want us both to do a voice for like the two main characters. And yes I mean your just like me. Your still signed with WWE," he said. Everyone started to cheer. "When and where are we going to start," I said. "Well your going to be in NY a week early. So your going to be there for three weeks. After the MTV VMA's your coming back here and get rest that Monday and then if you want to start right away you could come with me," he said. "Ok then. Who and who is going to go with me to NY for those three weeks. And I'm going a week early is because I have to practice for both right," I said. My dad nodded

Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Naomi, the twins, uncle Roman, Mari and Gomez raised their hands. "Anymore volunteers willing to go with me that's not them," I said. Nobody said anything. I leave this Sunday night and its crazy. That I went from just daddy's little girl. To following his footsteps on becoming a pro wrestler, to a movie actress to a singer and then to top it all off going to collage to get my degree to be a photographer. That was my goal and I'm happy to just have my own personal business. And the thing was that I worked to get this for my mom and doing the things I love while getting my degree and now it's just crazy. I mean yeah my dad spoils me when he wants to but I really don't let him.

"While we're still here could I ask you guys something," I said. "Well I was planning to do a charity maskared party. Because you guys know me I like to donate to those who have less then me. Its not to get attention and be like 'Oh look at her she's just doing this because she doesn't know what else to do with her money'. And no that's not true because everything that I want and need is right here in this room/store. I'm grateful to have you guys in my life. So I want to give to those who have nothing. And thsoe who come could give a new toy doesn't matter where you buy it from but it has to be new or money. There will be a table set up for the toys and a box for money donations. So what do you guys say. Are you guys in or out. By the way I'm going to be doing something for thanksgiving and Christmas as well for those who don't have family like for the homeless. And donating toys again for those who can't be home for Christmas," I said. "And to who is all this money going to," my uncle Roman said. "To people in Africa to help those students that go to school get clothes anything for their studies. Or to the family's that have kids in the hospital who are battling for their lives that have cancer and homeless people," I said. "She's a keeper Styles," Louis said. "And why is that Mr. Tomlinson," I said looking at him. "Becasue by the looks of it you dont seem like the ex's of Harold here. They only dated him for his fame and money but you missy. You are the way opposite of what he had in mind. You really ain't about money. You give and but not want nothing in return. Your not spoiled," he said. I just smiled.

"So Baby Rocky did you bring you car today," Jimmy the twin said. "It dependes on what car your talking about," I said. "The Thor one," he said. I knew he wants to drive it so I just gave him the key. Once I did everyone started to run outside and left me in here with Gomez and the babies. I just smiled. Can't believe my dad ran too and he's the one that got me the car. And he could get the keys any time he wants and take it but yet he doesn't. Gomez and I got an uber to go home because they left us car less. They didn't even remember about us. I had a feeling that they where going to my dads house so they could all test the car out on his street. There goes my day.

(A/N: Sorry I took along time to update. But I hope you guys like it.)

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