Forbidden Desires (A Shadam F...

By Liliana_Fae

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Adam is split between morality, society, and his ever confused heart. He questions whether signing up for a f... More

Chapter 1: Unknown Desire
Chapter 2: Starry Night
Chapter 3: Invisible Competition
Chapter 4: Unveiling Truths
Chapter 5: Sunburn Sucks, So Does Love
Chapter 6: Alcohol and Pool Tables
Chapter 7: Indecisions
Chapter 8: Midnight Affairs
Chapter 9: And the Battles Begin
Chapter 10: Blondie's Night Out
Chapter 11: The Fate of a Midmorning Drive
Chapter 12: Nerves and Smiles
Chapter 13: Facing Fate
Chapter 14: Trapped
Chapter 15: Good Job, Piqué
Chapter 16: Healing and Pain
Chapter 17: Good Gone Bad
Chapter 18: A Stranger
Chapter 19: Say Goodbye
Chapter 21: A Step in the Right Direction

Chapter 20: A Night to Remember

962 16 29
By Liliana_Fae

~Shakira’s POV~

“Wow...” was all she could say as Adam led her through the elegant glass doors into the dining room of the most expensive restaurant she had ever been in. Everything was glass and gold, all surfaces laiden with intricate glittering designs. Now she knew why Adam had gotten that dress.

“I think I might have made a small mistake picking out that dress. You’re getting quite the attention.” Shakira realized the truth in Adam’s lightly teasing words and blushed deeply, looking down at her feet. He chuckled and tightened his arm around her waist.

They were shown to their table, decorated with white candles and little gold charms hanging from the candle holders. A few moments later they ordered their food, then sat back to enjoy the piano player and the female singer in the middle of the room. Shakira didn’t know what they were singing, but they sounded very beautiful together. As they waited for their food several people approached Adam to say hello and ask how he was doing, always taking a moment to compliment Shakira and making some sort of comment about their relationship hitting the news in less than a week. Thankfully, no one inquired of Gerard, and she didn’t bring it up. But she knew. With every questioning look, there was going to be another headline in the morning.

“Hey, you alright?” Adam’s gentle voice brought her back, and she smiled warmly at him. He looked absolutely stunning in his tux. She glanced at his tie and resisted grinning. He had tried so hard to get it on. Eventually, after a lot of cursing, he gave up and let Shakira do it, who was able to do it in two minutes. She looked back up at his eyes and was able to breathe a little easier.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” They shared small talk for a few more minutes about The Voice and their contestants and who they think had the best people. The food came out and they ate, Shakira realizing she never had such a delicious meal before. And the wine was by far the best she had ever tasted. At the same time that they had finished their food, the two singers were finishing up.

“How about some good music?” Shakira looked up into Adam’s eyes, instantly seeing the excitement in them. He looked so damn cute, she couldn’t think of any reason that she would say no. Not that she wanted to; she loved his voice.

“Oh? That wasn’t good enough for you?” She teased him, anticipation starting in her stomach. She grinned as he gracefully stood up and walked over the overseer of their banquet room. After a few hushed words and a large smile from the burly man, Adam winked to Shakira as he walked to the middle of the room. Her stomach was turning excitedly as he sat down at the piano and played the first notes.

All at once, the room seemed to quiet down ten notches and all attention turned to Adam. Shakira forgot how to breathe. Or think. She couldn’t see anything but him, feeling his voice hum through her body like never before.

“Every time our eyes meet

This feeling inside me

Is almost more than I can take

Baby when you touch me

I can feel how much you love me

And it just blows me away

I've never been this close to anyone or anything

I can hear your thoughts

I can see your dreams...”

Shakira realized she was fighting tears, and she had her hand covering her mouth. She had never been sung to before, especially in a public place such as this. But more so, no one had ever gone through so much effort to express their feelings for her. She didn’t know what to do. When he continued singing and somewhere else in the room picked up the backtrack, he stopped playing the piano and made his way over to her, still singing perfectly. All eyes followed him as he slowly made his way over, eyes never wavering from her face.

When he reached her, he held out his hand, still singing. She took it without hesitation and he gently raised her from her seat, singing inches from her face. His voice had dropped to little more than a whisper. Shakira was trapped in his gaze.

“Every little thing that you do

I'm so in love with you

It just keeps getting better

I wanna spend the rest of my life

With you by my side

Forever and ever

Every little thing that you do

Oh, every little thing that you do

Baby I'm amazed by you”

The moment he finished the song and the music tapered off, he bent down and placed the most gentle of kisses on her lips. She resisted grabbing him when he pulled back, a satisfied smile on his face.

Suddenly, their surroundings came rushing back as the room broke out into enthusaistic clapping. Shakira could care less, however. She couldn’t believe what just happened. Still smiling, he sat her back down in her seat, dazed, and returned to his own.

Shakira blinked the tears out of her eyes and couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. It was the most amazing five minutes of her life.

“Was that okay?” He knew the answer; he didn’t need to ask. She couldn’t even answer him, as she was still speechless. She just nodded and smiled bigger.

He laughed and the waiter came over, offering more wine for them.

“I think this will do it, Barry. Thanks. I think I’m gonna take her home now.” He paid the check and stood up, helping her up as well. He helped her into her coat and then wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked out, every eye in the room on the two.

The way home was spend in content silence, with Shakira laying on Adam’s shoulder the whole way back. She still couldn’t believe the turn her night had taken and how fortunate she was to have Adam. Her heart still ached though, and she thought painfully of her son, unable to picture where he could be.

When they returned back to Adam’s house, it was still early in the night. Shakira was going to question as to what they were going to do when Adam suddenly slung her into his arms bridal style.

“Ah! What are you doing, Adam?”

“You’ll see. I’m not done with you yet.” The way he said it sent Shakira’s mind scattering in a million different directions and as they passed the couch where they had gotten oh-so-intimate, she couldn’t help the rush of anticipation that flooded her body. However, he seemed to have other plans.

They reached the large front porch and, still holding Shakira, Adam deftly flicked the stereo on. Fun, light music poured out of the quality speakers. Dancing music.

“I know how fond of dancing after wine you are, and how extremely talented you are, and thought maybe we could have some fun?” He placed her down and looked at her expectantly.

Like I could say no to you.

“Sounds great to me.” She giggled as he instantly grabbed her hand and swung her around, bringing her back to his chest. He leaned his head in so that their mouths were inches apart. “I was hoping you’d say that,” he growled. Goosbumps flowed over her skin as he twirled her back out.

They proceeded to dance to every song for the next two hours, only stopping to grab another couple glasses of wine and continue on again. As Shakira was walking back in the room with her second glass, she noticed a change in the music. It was much slower, more romantic. Instinctively she placed the glass down on the marble table and walked over to Adam, who wlecomed her with open arms. The glass of wine forgotten, she fell into rhythm with Adam and the music. Laying her head down on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around her, they circled the room slowly and peacefully. She concentrated on his breathing, his scent, letting it all wash over her. Their surroundings gradually faded away until the only thing in existence were her and her other half holding her securely. If she had to guess what heaven felt like, she was pretty sure it was damn close.

What happened in the next five minutes would always be a blur to her. One second she was swaying gently to soft music and the next she was up in the master bedroom with hot breath tickling her bare neck and sending wicked shivers down her back. What followed after her would be crystal clear in her mind for years to come.

She vaguely remembered Adam slipping the dress off of her, only because the cool rush it brought to her bare skin. It didn’t last long however, due to Adam’s body covering her’s directly after and melting her with little kisses all over her face and neck. His clothing soon followed her’s and then there was nothing but skin. Shakira thought she was going to explode with feelings and sensations. Once did Adam stop and ask if she was okay, if she was sure about going on. Her answer wasn’t a result of the heat of the moment; it was true. She was finally going to give in to her desire and feelings for Adam. With her willing permission, she let him take control and together they rode over the edge time and time again. She had never felt so alive, so complete. With every wave of emotion came a flood of joy that she had never experienced before and loved every second of.  

Shakira didn't feel like she belonged anywhere else, curled in his arms afterwards in between the silk sheets. She buried her nose in his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his gentle breathing, a smile dancing on her lips.


~Adam’s POV~

It hurt. Worse than anything he had ever felt before. Like something was ripping his heart straight out of his pounding chest. With extreme effort and shaking hands, he sealed the envelope and placed it as gently as possible with the rose on the pillow next to her’s. After finally letting it go and retracting his hand, he stood there a moment, staring at the most beautiful thing in his life, the last thing that would ever make him smile.

I’m so sorry.

Gulping air, he backed out of the room, closing the door quietly and tip toeing down the stairs, careful not to bump into any walls. It was only two in the morning so it was fortunately still dark, and therefore easier to leave without her knowing. It only made it worse, however, knowing he could let the tears fall and no one would see them then or ever again. Or him at all, for that matter.

He grabbed his jacket, forcing his legs to walk into the kitchen and grab his keys, then walk back out to the foyer and put on his shoes. Almost in a trance, he walked out, closing the door slowly behind him and crawled into his SUV. He figured he leave his nice Ferrari for her to enjoy. Starting the vehicle with unsteady hands, he waited until it warmed up a bit, then pulled smoothly out into the deserted street.

Adam looked up at the bedroom window, seeing blinds but knowing full well what was behind them. His chest got unbearably tighter but he didn’t move until his eyes were so blurry he couldn't see anything but white. Blinking the tears away, he looked back at the dark road in front of him. His future looked as dark as the starless, black sky looming over him.

Goodbye, love.

His last silent message sent, he put his foot down and started moving forward, leaving everything he had ever known and loved behind.

I am super sorry for not updating in a while and if you cry by the end of this chapter I apologize for that too xD I hope none of you hate me for it. But anyhoo, the song I used was Amazed by Lonestar and I though it fit perfectly with the scene. I hope to be updating again soon, so it'll be a little better, I promise :)

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