Ripper (A Harry Styles fanfic...

By Harry_curlystyles

43.1K 1.1K 148

"I am obsessed with the whole Victoriana thing, the whole Jack the Ripper London era, the grayness of it, the... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

10K 102 13
By Harry_curlystyles

Hey everyone this is my first story and I want to start off by saying it is inspired a little by American Horror Story: Murder House but it's also inspired by the Victorian era of London since my story is based in 1890. It's alot different though and as a few twist and thrilling moments. I hope you like it ! xx



The city is a pearl grey. The grey buildings emit the same cold elegance, but ahead of me a house shimmers with a deceitful beauty. Its massive windows and impressive gates rise up to crown the top of the neighborhood. The yard is manicured with trimmed trees. Geraniums and ivy trail down from the windows on almost every floor. Mighty lions head are carved into the center of two dark red doors that are two times my size. 

I head to the road to get over to the house. I cross with a few kids, they don't see me but together we dodge the puddles. I slowly stalk to the front of the majestic home intimidated by its size. How can such a house exist? As I'm about to rethink my decesion, the lions head are slowly pulling back revealing a woman that's most likely in her fifties. She was Mrs. Margerett Mae the owner of the house. She looked nice .. well nice enough to even give me a job. To her I'm only a stranger from a different town in desperate need for a job just as this to keep me away from ... certain things.

To be a house care taker at my age would seem pretty foolish. What sane person would hire a girl of barely 21 to be in charge of keeping this enormous house in tack. But this job was perfect. The house was big enough that Mrs. Mae allowed me to live here.

I walk up to the front of the house to settle in my new home. In the inside chandeliers hang draped with tinkly strings of topaz crystals. If this were a vacation I'm sure I'd be charmed but I'm not on vacation. I'm here to live and I feel small.

"Hello dear so nice to see again" Mrs. Mae greets me but her tone tells me other wise.

"Hello, I just want to thank you again for hiring me and letting me into your home" I want to make sure she knows I'm grateful and to also make sure that we get off to a good start.

"Oh stop with that nonsense. I'm always in need of a maid. I mean look at this place it's huge" she smiles big while examining me. "Anyway dear come, come make yourself a home you'll learn your way around, it can become a tad ... spooky" she says with a wave of her arms "but all you need is a little confidence to ward the fears away"

I felt dread.

"It's alright. Not much scares me" I try to convince her with a nervous laugh.

"Don't fool yourself everyone's inner fears are visible, it just takes an expert to pull them out"

"What are you afraid of then?" The words are out before I can stop them. She just seems wise in her old age but the happiness that is shown is only like a mask. I can see she's was not truly happy.

"Everything" she answers truthfully "life will do that to you" wasn't expecting that type of answer but she looks strong and not to be taken likely.

We head up the stairs as she shows me my new living arrangements and I must of exhaled a little too loudly.

"Belle" Mrs. Mae touches me on my shoulders "you can start tomorrow don't worry yourself today, just adjust yourself" she continues "your work schedule will be Sundays through Thursdays, but heed my warnings just because it is your duty to go throughout this house, I never want to find you sticking your nose places it shouldn't be ... I will have boundries. There are places in this house that are off limit, for example, the shack out back you got that through that pretty little head of yours?" she pauses for a moment fiddling with her necklace as I nod

"There are reasons why I was in need for a new maid" she say. I don't know if shes's directing that towards me or just outloud but she stares at the floor board for a while. She begins to exits the room until she turns to me "I have almost forgot I have a daughter, don't be afraid to shake her up a bit. She's sort of a monster love her to death though she can just ... pop up unexpectably."

She's then gone and I'm alone. I flop on the bed with great relief until a hand is wrapped around my ankle causing me to jump off of the bed and almost out of my skin with a yelp. A small figure crawls from underneath my bed.

"Wh-who what??" I try to stay calm

"I'm Admira Mrs. Mae's daughter" she innocently says as she rocks side to side batting her eyelashes over her big blue eyes. The little girl had long blonde hair and pouty lips. She also had a peculiar skin pattern. Pale but a few scattered freckles that painted her nose just slightly. 

"Well Admira, I would appreciate it if you wouldnt scare me anymore, okay?"
She quickly nods her head up and down. But then there's a change in moods.

"Go away!! I don't like you!!" Admira is screaming at me.. not at me but behind me. I turn around to see the disturbance; a boy with a towering form.

"You get out you little brat" the stranger says with a surprisly deep and raspy accented voice as he sticks his tongue out and Admira returns the gesture

"You're mean" she says as she hauls a pillow at his head and runs out giggling. He shakes his head a little dazed and that's when I notice his hair. That's the first thing I notice about everyone actually. It's dark brown and messy with a few curls poking out on both sides of his head. Somehow it's short and long at the same time. It's I-pretend-I-don't-care-but-I-really-do kinda hair.

Beautiful hair.

After the little episode between Admira and myself the tall boy doesn't frighten me as much as he should. He only sparks my curiosity. His eyebrows are furried as he licks his lips. I've never seen a man with so much dymention before, it's somehwhat breath-taking. 

"Who are you? I demand. He just looks at me like I'm crazy or half deaf. "Hello!?" I wave my hand at him.

"Harry" he finally speaks up.

"Okay and do you live here too?" Mrs. Mae never mentioned anything about a son. You know unless he's a psycho she's ashamed of that has now escaped his chains from the attic that he was forced to be locked away in. The idea sends shivers down my spine, so I quickly shake the thought away.

He examines me then the room. "Uhm no I live ...I live around" he gestures his hand in circles. Around? What does that me. Ever since he's been here our meeting has been written in riddles.

"How'd you get in then .. I swear this house has been in constant secrets since I got here" though I've only been here for a few hours.

"Secrets? you have no idea" he grins "but Mrs. Mae left her back door open you if must know nosey Martha"

"My name is actually-" but he waves his hand at me gesturing me to stop talking.

Silence then drapes the room as I grab my arm closer to my side. Maybe he shouldn't know my name.  Harry finally breaks the silence. "It's this house ... it's secrets. I just like this place" okay so I was right this guy is a psychopath. Whoin the right mind would be obsessed with a house?

"Okay well I think your visit here is over"

"Oh buggar off. I just heard that Mrs. Mae had hired a new house taker, you, obviously" he says as he gestures to me "but I didn't think you'd be this ... Young" he says eyeing me again. "Anyways I'm only here, now, to give you a welcoming gift"

He hands me a small black velvet bag and I open it cautiously. I pull out a bundle of green plants. "You burn it, to you know, to get rid of any" he comes closer to me and whispers into my ear "bad juju" he takes a step back "I'm sorry I've forgotten your name?"

"Right it's because I never got the chance to say it" I correct him "it's Belle"

"How perfectly fitting. Well.. Belle, I hope you enjoy your stay more so than the last care taker." He plays with his bottom lip "and don't feel too troubled about me ... I'm not the one you need to watch out for.. not too much at least" I give him a doubtful look and he grins.

A strange mix of butterflies and churning erupts in my stomach. I don't know what Harry's intentions were, but something tells me I'll find out soon.

And now I'm paranoid.


Hi everyone! It's my first attempt to a fanfic and I wanted to make it more haunting but also relationship. I just had to introduce a few ideas first. I have so much more planned to come good things always need a back story first thought right?

I hope you all keep reading on I'll try to update often please comment and vote ! Xx

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