Book One: My Ghostly Wolf Pro...

By Pantera06

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CayLynn Mathison, is your average normal girl, or is she? While she doesn't have friends, it's by her choice... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Thirteen

234 5 0
By Pantera06

It's been a week and a half since my rescue. My leg is still messed up and still in pain. Some days it's worst than others. The pack doctor gave me pain killers for it though, so it's not to bad. I float on cloud nine, then everyone gets to laugh at me. So it's worth it. After everything that has happened, we all need laughs. 

I guess my dad sat there, watching Donna and Byron fight. He told me while he was pale and nauseous from watching it, he wasn't going to run. He loves Donna a lot, to even consider. That's good. Byron told me about the fight, but I didn't freak out. Some fights get bloodier than others.

Roman is my slave! Even though I told him I was joking, he said it was the least he could do after injuring me the way he did. So, I let him do things for me. Nothing major, just little stuff. He is happy with that.

Byron talked to me about me getting my mark. I told him let me heal first. He agreed. I understand why he wants to do it, so he knows my emotions, as well as being able to connect with me threw the mind. Would be very helpful. Mainly after what has taken place.

Axe's body is here, in Tallis's bedroom. Tallis is always by him. Only time he leaves is to eat, and go to school. I feel so bad for him. Axe is here but at the same time he isn't. I know it's killing him. Axe is always by his body. I am trying to figure out how we can his soul back into his body.

Everyone else just try to get into the flow of things. I am currently staying at my mate's house until my legs heals. My dad helped move Donna's stuff into our house. They are so happy to be together. I told dad how mom came to visit me. Told him she was happy for the both of us. He smiled.

The next day, I was sitting in the living room watching TV. Well mostly having it on as background noise. Nothing was actually on. I just so bored sitting here. I can't go to school until next week. I hate it. Who the hell wants to sit on their ass doing nothing. I'm not a school geek, but that's better than nothing.

"Hey hon, how you doing?" I heard Ellie ask me. I looked over to see her standing the doorway. Her hair was pinned back on top of her head. She was dressed in denim jeans and a tank top. 

"Bored. Want to be in school." I sighed, looking down at my hands.

"Oh, you will be back soon. Next week, my dear." she smiled. I smiled back and she headed out the front door. Nice everyone gets to leave but me.

"Hey, what you want for lunch?" Roman asked.

"Just a ham and cheese sandwich, pop and chips." I told him, smiling a little. He nodded, walking out back to the kitchen. I sat back waiting. 

About ten minutes later, Roman came walking back in with lunch. He set the tray down on my lap and sat down in the chair across the room with his lunch. We ate in silence. It was a good silence, though.

"Bet you're ready to get back to school?" he asked me. I looked up from my tray, nodding.

"Oh yeah! Four more days and I'll be able to got back. I can't wait." I laughed. He chuckled.

"Yeah I remember back in, maybe 1930 or 19831, I had to be out due broken bones and having then reset. It was a pain." he looked thoughtfully at the wall.

"How long were youout for?" I was curious. That had been something. Worse than my injury by far.

"Oh, a few months." he shrugged like it was nothing. My eyes widen as I stared at him. He said it like it was nothing.

"Damn!" was my reply. He nodded.

"Yeah it was something. Pain to have bones reset. Let me tell you." he mumbled, griming at the memory.

"That bad, huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, that bad. Heck, most wolves get bones to reset so they don't fuse back together wrong, cause we heal so fast." he explained. I nodded. Makes sense to me.

"So, how old are you?" I inquired.

"Two years older then Byron." he answered.

"Were you born here in the states as well?" I wondered.

"No like Byron and many others our age or older, I was born in Europe. We can here to run from the hunters." he told me.

"Hunters?" I looked at him confused.

"Yeah. There are Vampire, Wolves, Demon, Angel and many more type of hunters. They think we are an abomination to the world. That what we have become, is something we asked from Satan himself. I don't know how any of came to be, but I doubt it's because of Satan." he looked at me with a brow raised. "So they hunt and kill us."

"Well that is fucked up." I grumbled.

"I agree." is all he said. The rest of the day went like that, until Byron and other pack members got home from school. They played video games, while kicking Roman and I out cause we wanted to talk. My own mate kicked me out for video games. The jackass. Roman laughed about hit, which I got him back with my crutch. He howled when I smack him in the shin with it. It was my turn to laugh.

The next few days past in a blur, thanks to Roman. Byron and him appointed Roman my personal bodyguard. That meant I got to go outside, as long as Roman was with me. YAY! A babysitter. Then again my own dad, made it were I couldn't go outside without Roman either. Nice way to gang up on me huh.

He takes me on walks. Alright I sit on his back and he walks me around. He is helping me to explore the land more. To know the boarders. Everyone agreed when he told them about that. He would take me to a lake on the land and we would just sit for hours talking or he would lay by my side in wolf form while I read to him.

Some afternoons he would take me into town to eat and hang out. He isn't so bad once you get to know him. I also told him what I was. He thought it was awesome. I told him not when a whole town calls you a freak and makes your life hell because of it. He said we are all freaks in our way. Some more than others and if no one likes it, tell them to stuff it up their asses. That had me rolling in laughter. He was so dead serious about it too.

Currently it was Sunday afternoon and we were making our way up to the my house to visit. I love this house. Red brick with hunter green shutters. The door was hunter green as well with stain glass for a window. It wasn't huge. Four average size bedrooms, one bath, living room, small dining room, kitchen with it's own eating area, pantry and washer/dryer room. We had a small shed out back. an attached garage. It was just beautiful. The old willow tree out front made it all the better. Gave a homey touch to it.

We got to the door, where i unlocked and went inside. Roman lives here with us. I am not ready just yet to move in with Byron. He understands and is cool with. He was the one who also suggested that Roman stay here with us. One, so I would have someone to talk to besides my parents and two, as extra security. My dad was fine with that, as well as Donna.

"Kids is that you?" my dad called from the kitchen.

"Yeah dad. Roman and I are here. Byron and them will be by in a bit." I called back.

"Ok, dinner will be in ten minutes." he called back.

"Alright." I yelled. We went into the living room, sat down and put the TV on. We put on a movie channel. Since there was nothing else on, like usual. We were watching The Ring, which I found out scared Roman to death. I was laughing every time he jumped. He would huff at me and send a glare my way.

We were at the part where the guy was playing with his video equipment and the TV just turns on. He got up to look and that's when the girl popped out. At that moment I poked him in the side, which cause him to jump up, screaming. That put me into a fit of laughter so hard, I was crying, my sides hurting and fell off the couch, hitting my bad leg on the table. Causing me to laugh and cry in pain.

"That wasn't funny." I heard him grumbled. I was calming my laughter, but still in pain. "Come on, get up." he said helping me back onto the couch, where my laughter finally died out.

"Kids, dinner!" my dad shouted. Roman helped me up into the kitchen and into my seat. My dad served up all the food and we dug in. The conversation was lively and fun. After dinner Donna did dishes with my dad and people started arriving. We were having a little get together. Ok, big get together, is more like it. 

Monday morning and I was able to go back to school. I was beyond happy. Roman was coming cause he got put in some of my classes, to look after me. As much as I love Byron he isn't the brightest bulb out there. He admits it. Roman, is very smart. I have Byron in two classes. Roman is in two and Tallis is my last two. Trevor is in three and Jayce is in three. So i always have someone with me. It does make me feel better.

I was getting dressed. Track pants, tank top with a lught zip up sweater. I put one converse on. Nice huh. I pulled a brush threw my black, with white and red highlights. Yes white. I thought it  would be cooler looking. Added eyeliner and mascara to make my blue eyes stand out more.

I heard a knock on the door followed by, "Are you ready Cay?". It was Roman.

"Yeah!" I said back. He walked in and took in my appearance.

"Nice. I like the whole one shoe thing, you have going on." he snickered.

"Thanks! It's my new fashion statement. They others will follow?" I asked thinking.

"Maybe. I so would." he laughed at me. We headed out of my room and down the stairs. Ok, he carried me. Like I couldn't do it myself. Once we got down the stairs he put me down. "Byron's coming to get us." he announced to me. We waited by the door and about twenty minutes later, Byron and crew pulled up in his big truck. We loaded up and headed off to school.

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