Oh, Angel. (1)

By bellamarwan

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She fell in love with someone who was impossible to love. He thought being in love was impossible until she c... More

Chapter 1: Macallan 18
Chapter 2: Millionaire
Chapter 3: You have my word
Chapter 4: Conflict of interest
Chapter 5: A deck of hearts
Chapter 6: Dimples and giggles
Chapter 7: Stay
Chapter 8: Rules
Chapter 9: Beauty behind the lie
Chapter 10: Danger
Chapter 11: Veins full of liqour
Chapter 12: Well fuck
NEW COVER: not an update
Chapter 13: Styles theatre
Chapter 14: Love always, Emma.
Chapter 15: Hurt
Chapter 16: Gone
Chapter 17: I swear to you
Chapter 18: Why?
Chapter 19: Beautiful
Chapter 20: A day with him
Chapter 21: Complicated
Chapter 22: Until next time
Chapter 24: His heart
Chapter 25: CHILDish
Chapter 26: Perfume
Chapter 27: 90 days
Chapter 28: Say something
Chapter 29: The H word
Chapter 30: The M word

Chapter 23: The reveal

57 1 0
By bellamarwan

"I met you in the dark, you lit me up."


Dinner time rolled around really fast, I had made my way back at Harry's and made some oven chicken pasta and salad on the side. Simple but delicious, it was honestly the best meal I could make.

Harry walks into the kitchen in a black knitted sweater and black jeans. He smiles and leans in pecking my lips and I kiss him back. "This smells delicious Angel." The way we kissed felt like we've been doing it for years.

"Thank you!" I smile wide as I take the pasta out of the oven and set it on the cooling rack.

The doorbell rings and he sighs looking at me. "I'm not ready for this."

I rest my hand on his cheek, "Breathe, I'll be right beside you the whole time." I say and I peck his cheek. "You set the table and I'll get the door." I suggest.

I take off the oven mits and make my way over to the door. I open it and it revealed the stunning Emma. She was holding something wrapped in aluminum foil.

She smiles at me "I thought I'd bring a cake since you two made dinner."

"I didn't even think about dessert. This is wonderful thank you!" I say as I take the cake from her and stepping aside so she can come in.

She steps inside and takes off her coat slowly as she looks around the entrance. "Wow, just even your entrance is stunning."

I giggle and smile wide as I close the door, "It's not mine."

"You don't live with him?" She asks looking shocked.

I shake my head "Not yet, we are in the process." I walk past her and start walking to the dining room. "This way." I walk into the dining room and there stood Harry standing beside his seat with a drink in his hand.

The table was set and the food was placed neatly on the table. I look over at Emma, "You can sit wherever you want." I say as I take a seat next to Harry and Emma sits across from us.

"Well dig in." I say as I clap my hands together and start grabbing myself salad.

Harry quietly grabs some pasta to his plate while Emma takes a sip of water waiting for one of us.

"So Emma, what brings you to New York ?" I ask trying to make conversation.

She sets her drink down and looks at me, "Just work."

"What do you do ?" I ask

"I have my own fashion line. I just opened my fifth store and it's here in New York." She says proudly.

"Wow what's it called??"

"De Luca."

"Oh gosh! I love your fashion line, I have so many heals and signature skirts." I say smiling wide, she seems really nice and that gave me some relief that she wasn't some revengeful bitch ex type.

"Thank you thats very kind of you, and what do you do ?"

I froze, I wasn't about to tell her that I work for an escorting company.

"How long have you been back ?"

I turn my head and notice it was Harry that said it, he was looking straight at her now. I look at his glass and there wasn't a drop of scotch left, this wasn't good.

Emma's eyes shift away from him uncomfortably "About 4 months now."

He nods and looks down at his plate. "I see." Then he stands and I grab onto his arm.

"I can't do this, I can't sit in front of her and pretend it doesn't hurt to see her face. I can't sit here and eat this meal like we were only just some long lost friends, that this dinner is some fucked up catch up game. I had a billion of questions to ask her, so many things I needed answered but now the one person that caused me so much destruction is sitting right in front of me and I have no words at all to say." He sighs and pulls his arm from me slowly. "Excuse me." He says before leaving the room.

I frown and look back over at Emma and there's a tear coming down her face. She notices me starring and wipes it away.

"I think you should go talk to him." I say

She offers me a small smile "It isn't my place."

"Maybe not, but I'm not the one he wants to talk to right now. Believe me, go talk to him." I say smiling as I stand up and collect out plates. "He's probably out back on the deck."




There was not enough air in the world that could keep me alive at that dinner table. I had to leave, seeing her just sitting there in front of me alone felt like a dream. I would dream about her sometimes, like she never left and we lived our lives in my dream.. happily. But, I would wake up and my nightmare hit. My nightmare wasn't when I fell asleep, it's when I was awake. That's how I felt like everyday living on this earth, just a continuos nightmare, until Mia came along. She brought light into my night mare and made it worth living.

But seeing Emma made everything feel like it was crashing around me. Everything I ran from, all the missed therapy appointments, avoiding my friends, avoiding my mother, it all caught up to me and beat me the fuck up.

I hear the clicking of heels behind me, "I'm sorry I ran off like that Angel. I just co-"


It was as soft as the wind but I could never mistake that voice for as long as I live. I turn around to see Emma, and I take a step back. She notices and stays where she is. We just stare at each other, and I don't blink because deep down I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if I blink, she'll be gone all over again.

"I guess I should explain."

I nod not knowing what to say.

She sighs smiling and looks up at the sky, I know that she wants to cry but she's trying to stop herself.

"I never wanted to leave like that. That was never how I had my life planned out to be. But everything changed so drastically one minute we were enjoying our time in California after graduating school on vacation. Then all of a sudden we we're in New York married and you took over your fathers company."

I look at her and I feel pain, I felt like she never wanted that.

"I put everything on hold for you, and I was happy to. But when Lucy came into the picture I knew you weren't ready. I didn't want to expect a lot ou-"

"Woah wait, who's Lucy?" I ask confused

Her eyes go wide and she puts her hand over her lips as if she couldn't believe that slipped.

"Emma. Who's Lucy? I'm in no mood to play games."

"Lucy is my daughter."

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