Merry Christmas (FINISHED)

By jamiethetrans

46.1K 1.9K 343

Set after season 5. It's Christmas and the Mills gets a pleasant surprise when they discover the presents wai... More

December 1st
Decemeber 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 8th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
December 16th
December 17th
December 18th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 23rd
Decmeber 24th

December 22nd

1.6K 68 12
By jamiethetrans

I'm sorry :'(
When Emma woke, she could instantly feel the coldness of an empty bed. She groaned and rolled over, finding the other half of the bed indeed empty. She sighed and got out of her bed walking over to the closet looking for some clothes, but suddenly she saw something shiny. She furrowed her eyebrows and squatted down coming eye to eye with her gifts for Regina. She was not opening them. Not that it came as a surprise for Emma. But she was glad that Regina hadn't thrown them out at least.

She sighed and flicked her wrist, making Regina's next present appear on top of the rest before taking one of her jumpsuits and putting it on. She walked down the stairs and was met by Crevan on the floor looking at her. She smiled and walked over to him, taking him into her arms.

"Hey sweetie"

Crevan leaned in and Emma smiled and leaned in letting their noses touch and Emma couldn't stop loving him. He was her everything. She kissed his head a couple of times before placing down on the ground and took his bowl walking over to the kitchen, Crevan following, only to be immediately met by Regina making breakfast. She smiled and walked over to the woman kissing her cheek before walking over to the cabinets and taking out a can with food for Crevan. She filled the bowl before walking back out, Crevan following her all the way and placed the bowl down, letting Crevan dig in. She smiled and scratched his ear before walking back into the kitchen and walking over to her girlfriend hugging her from behind.

"Morning", Emma whispered into the woman's neck and Regina couldn't stop herself from smiling a little. She wanted Emma to learn her lesson, but it was hard when the blonde always was so touchy.

"Good morning. Is Henry up yet?", she asked trying to ignore the blondes attempt to turn her around and said blonde knew she was trying to. So she sighed and shook her head.

"No. I think he's tired after last night"

"What happened last night?"

"We went outside and played in the snow. None of us could sleep so I asked him if he wanted to go out and play", Emma answered and smiled wide, but Regina simply widened her eyes and turned around eyeing Emma almost confused.

"Emma! You aren't supposed to play in the snow at that time of night! You both are sup– what's so funny?", she started, but stopped as she saw the blonde's face slowly turning from smiling into laughter and soon Emma cracked a huge smile, chuckling loud.

"Ha ha, I made you turn around", Emma said and brought her hands to the counter on each side of the brunette, trapping her. Said brunette sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You're such a child", she said and turned around, only to be stopped as Emma stepped closer, trapping her too much to even turn around.

"Emma, I'm trying to make breakfast"

"And I'm trying to get a morning kiss from my girlfriend"

Regina sighed and leaned in kissing the blondes cheek before pulling back.

"There. Happy?"

Not to the brunette's surprise, the blonde shook her head, with her mouth formed in a thin line and Regina rolled her eyes. She brought her hands to the blondes cheek, gently caressing them with her thumps. She leaned in and stopped as they're lips were only inches apart, smiling wide.

"You don't deserve such a kiss", she whispered before pushing the blonde back gently smirking at her. Emma pouted and walked over to the cabinets, starting to set the table.

"That's not fair"

"Lying to me is not fair"

"Hey that was not fair at all!", Emma said turning to her girlfriend with a serious look and said girlfriend turned to the blonde with her own serious look. She wanted Emma to learn her lesson, but she couldn't do it to her. She loved Emma too much to punish her like this. So she turned off the stove and moved the pan before walking over to Emma and taking the plates from the blonde placing them on the kitchen island. She brought her hands back to the blondes face and leaned in, connecting their lips in a sweet soft kiss.

Emma sighed into the kiss and brought her arms around the brunette bringing her closer. Regina immediately deepened the kiss and Emma couldn't help but open her mouth, letting her girlfriend's tongue meet her own. Both women moaned as they felt each others tongues and Regina could feel Emma scratch her back under her shirt. She could feel Emma's nails finding their way to her skin and a shiver ran down her spine.

"We need to stop", Regina said breaking the kiss and Emma immediately continued to kiss the love of her life down her sharp jaw and neck.


"Be-because... He-henry", she let out and Emma immediately stopped sucking the woman's neck.

"And you just ruined the mood", she said and Regina couldn't stop herself from letting out a chuckle, as she caressed the blondes neck. They stood in silence for a few seconds, enjoying each others company, foreheads against each other. They could both feel the love they had for each other, the love that was floating in the air around them and one of those moments were Regina's absolute favorite ones.

"I'm sorry Gina. I'm really sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted to give you and Henry a good christmas"

Regina smiled and nodded.

"I know. And I love you for that. Henry's has loved your present for him. He absolutely adores them"

"I know. He can't stop talking about them", Emma said smiling and Regina chuckled nodding.

"Indeed he does. And hopefully next year, this little bump here is gonna get the same thing"

Emma smiled and looked down at her girlfriend's flat stomach and gently caressed it with her hand.

"I will give this little bump everything I have"

Regina smiled and kissed the blonde once more feeling tears running down her cheek.

"I love you so much. Please never leave me", she suddenly cried out and Emma furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden sadness, but nodded hoping to see her girlfriend smiling again.

"Of course I won't babe. I would never leave you"

Regina smiled and brought her arms around her girlfriend, hugging her tight. On the other side of the door, stood Henry, a big smile plastered on his face.
Later that day, Emma walked inside Granny's and met Ruby and Mulan by the counter. She smiled and jumped up down, getting the snow off her body before walking over, sitting down next to the worrier.

"Hey guys"

The couple turned to her and smiled wide.

"Hey Em. Thank's for the snow. We really needed that in here", Ruby said nodding towards the snow on the floor in front of the door and Emma rolled her eyes at her before flicking her wrist, making the snow disappear.

"Thank you. So. How are you?", Ruby asked and Emma smiled at her.

"I'm great. We're great"

"Great? So everything is fine between you and Regina?", she asked a little worried. She still felt the huge amount of guilt in her body after Regina found out Emma was the secret admire, and she knew she had to make up for it.

"We're fine Rubes. Don't worry about it, alright?", Emma reassured the brunette taking her hand and squeezing it gently. Ruby smiled and squeezed it back, but Emma could practically feel the guilt around the diner.

"How did you get here? The weather is crazy with all that snow", Mulan asked and Emma smiled at her.

"Trust me, it wasn't easy. Our parking is covered in snow, not to mention my car. So I walked over here. Took me about fifteen minutes", she said chuckling and Ruby and Mulan chuckled along with her.

"I get you. That's why I'm staying with Ruby at the moment. I usually live in one of the apartments not far from the mayors house, but it's a little further away. So Ruby asked if I would stay with her until the storm has settled and it's safe to drive again"

Emma smiled at the couple as they shared a loving look and she couldn't help but think of Regina in that moment. God how she loved Regina. That woman really is the love of her life, and she's mentally killing herself everyday for not seeing that before.

"So. Why are you here anyway? Is the mayor asking you to pick something up? I don't remember any of you ordering something", Ruby asked looking back at the orders she had written down and Emma smiled bringing herself back from her thoughts of her love, shaking her head.

"No, actually I'm meeting my mom for lunch. She's wanted an update since.... forever", she said and Ruby nodded in understanding. Snow White was always one for asking how you were doing and she couldn't imagine how she must be since Emma and Regina got together.

"I can't imagine", she said and at that moment, the door opened and Snow White walked inside smiling at the trio.

"Hey guys", she greeted them, hugging them all. They all smiled and hugged her back and Snow smiled before turning to her daughter "So. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, Rubes you know what we want", Emma said and Ruby smiled and nodded before the mother and daughter walked over to a booth and sat down.

"So. How's it going?", Snow immediately started and Emma smiled and rolled her eyes.

"It's going fine I guess", she said and Snow raised her eyebrow.

"Fine? So you and Regina talked last night?"

"Yeah, I apologized and she accepted"

Snow smiled and took her daughters hand in her own squeezing it tight.

"I'm so happy for you Emma. And congratulations!"

It was Emma's turn to furrow her eyebrows and Snow smiled and explained.

"You and Regina are expecting"

"Ah, ye-yeah we are"

Snow noticed the hesitation in her daughters voice, not to mention the frightens showing on her face. She sighed and opened her mouth, only to be stopped as Ruby came over with their two cups of coffee and the two women nodded their gratefulness.

"What's wrong sweetheart?"

Emma sighed and looked down at her coffee.

"I'm just scared you know? I failed being a mother with Henry, giving him up and now I'm having another kid with Regina and everything is going so great at the moment, but I just know that once the baby comes, I will freak out an—"

"Emma Emma, sweetheart relax. You're rambling", Snow stopped her daughter smiling at her and Emma sighed feeling the comfort in her mothers hand in her own.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize sweetie. It's okay to be scared. It may not be your first time to take care of a baby after Pan's curse and everything, but I know it still might be frightening to get another kid"

Emma looked up at her mother expecting more to come. And true enough, the mother started once again.

"I remember when your father and I came back from Pan's curse and found out I was pregnant with Neal, we were both scared. Really scared. We never took care of you as a baby, and we had never taken care of any other baby before. But after a couple of talks and help from Regina and many of the other mothers in this small town, we made it through. So you and Regina are going to do fine. You are going to do fine"

Emma smiled and squeezed her mothers hand, receiving a squeeze in return.

"Now. Tell me about little, red, shaggy Crevan"

Emma smiled and disconnected their hands.

"He's great mom, he is really fond of Regina at the moment. I think he has swapped owner", she joked and Snow smiled at her daughter.

"I don't think you should worry about that sweetheart. Foxes intends to find a partner, or in your case an owner, and when they have found that person, they intend to be with that person for the rest of their lives. No matter who they otherwise gets fond of in their life, foxes was very known for being true to their partners. Loving each other forever and always and always having each others back"

"Sound like you and dad", Emma couldn't help but say smiling and Snow smiled back.

"Yeah, you might be right about that. But it also make's me think of you and Regina"

Emma furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before sighing and smiling at her mother.

"Thank you"
It had been almost fifteen minutes and still no sign of the red fox in that stupid big house. Regina was almost losing her mind. She couldn't find Crevan anywhere, and she had been looking over the house twice now. She sighed and walked upstairs towards Henry's room knocking slowly before walking in.


The boy looked away from his book and up to meet his mothers eyes.

"Hey mom"

"Hey, uhm you haven't seen Crevan recently have you?", she asked slowly and Henry's face paled.

"He's not in the house?", he immediately asked worried and Regina sighed and leaned against the door.

"I have looked everywhere Henry, and he doesn't react when I call for him. You didn't open the backdoor did you?"

"Of course not. Have you called mom?"

Regina sighed and shook her head before walking fast down the hall and into her bedroom, taking her phone from her nightstand, and calling her girlfriend.

"Come on, come on, come on, pick it up Swan dammit!"

"Hey Gina"

"Emma thank god! Please say you took Crevan with you to lunch!", she said into the phone, but after the few moments of silence, she knew it wasn't possible.

"Uh, no I didn't, I learned not to do that the last time"


"Regina? What's going on?"

Regina mentally slapped herself and took a deep breath before feeling tears in her eyes.

"Crevan's gone, Emma. I have been looking for him the past twenty minutes and I have searched the house twice. I have tried to call him several times, but I haven't got a single response"

Emma flinched as she heard the first sentence and Snow stopped mid-eating at her daughters action and immediately became worried.

"What is it?"

"Crevan's gone", she whispered and Snow could see her daughters face paling quickly, but before she could answer, a loud gun shot was heard and they the whole diner jumped in shock.

"You don't think that's...?", Snow trailed off and Emma hung up and immediately ran outside, jacket long forgotten. The storm hadn't settled. More the opposite to be exact. There was snow everywhere and it was almost impossible for Emma to see anything.


"Emma!", she heard Ruby's voice behind her and Emma turned to her.

"Ruby! Please tell me you can find him!", she begged and Ruby sniffed Emma's smell to her nose, and Emma couldn't stop herself from frowning at the brunette.

"He smell's like you", Ruby said and Emma nodded, letting the brunette do her job. Soon she was done and she ran off towards the strong smell and Emma ran after as fast as she could.

"Mom! What's going on?", Henry asked as he saw his brunette mother putting on her thick black coat from when when they went to the underworld and Regina turned to her son.

"Emma need's my help. Something happened, and I need you to promise me to stay inside this house, okay?"

"Mom look at the storm, you're going to get freeze to death", Henry argued and Regina sighed and brought her arms around her son kissing his head, before pulling back.

"Henry I need to go. Don't let anyone in, unless it's your grandparents"

Henry sighed but nodded and Regina smiled and kissed his forehead before walking out of the door, running toward the street.

"Ruby how far?", Emma yelled in the storm, and Ruby held her ears.

"You don't have to yell Emma, I can practically read your mind!", she yelled back and Emma sighed.

"Not far yet. We're almost there"

Emma nodded accepting the answer and soon enough they stopped and Ruby could see a dark figure in the distance, an arm outstretched.

"Who is it?", Emma asked standing behind the brunette and Ruby sighed and shook her head. She turned to see a red figure laying in the snow.

"Emma! It's Crevan!"

Emma turned and saw Crevan's form in the snow and she instantly ran towards his body, ignoring Ruby's voice behind her as she yelled her name. She came closer to Crevan's body and once there she got down on her knees, feeling tears in her eyes, as she saw the blood in his red fur.

"No no no", she whispered to herself, taking his cold body towards her own warmth. She could feel the coldness in his body, the life rushing out of him. It was too late. He was gone.


"Emma!", Ruby's scream was heard from the distance, but Emma ignored her. She was loosing one of her most importing souls in her world and life and universe. Tears streaming down her face, cries heard even in the distance. She looked up as she saw a dark figure approach and felt more tears coming.

"Now it's your turn", he said and Emma closed her eyes, ready to leave with her best friend, only to feel the familiar magic around her and opened her eyes, seeing Regina in front of her, suddenly she heard choking and the dark figure fell dead to the ground. Emma could just make out the familiar face in the storm. It was Robin. Regina turned to her girlfriend and saw the lifeless body in her girlfriend's arms.

"Emma", she whispered, and despite the storm around them, Emma heard her perfectly clear. Regina got down on her knees, ignoring the cold and wrapped her arms around the crying blonde.

"He's gone Gina", the blonde cried out and Regina nodded, tears falling of her own.

"I'm sorry Emma. I'm so sorry, it's all my fault"

Emma didn't say anything, as she cried her heart out against her girlfriend neck, Crevan's lifeless body in her arms.
When Emma opened her eyes, she was laying in her and Regina's bed. Her mind wandered back to the event's of the day and instantly felt tears in her eyes. Crevan was gone. He was dead. Her best friend, her everything was gone. She felt the tears running down her cheeks and soon she laid in the bed, crying her heart out once more, as she held onto the pillow tight. But it wasn't Crevan. She flew out of bed and ran down the stairs only to be met by Regina, Henry and her parents at the dining table.

"Emma", Regina whispered standing from her seat and Emma turned to her with a worried look.

"Where is he?"


"Where is he Gina?", Emma interrupted her and Regina sighed and walked over to the living room, Emma following suit. They walked in and Emma instantly saw Crevan's body lying on the couch. She walked over to the couch and sat down, taking his body into her arms, feeling her tears run down her cheeks. The door opened and Henry and her parents walked in, all eyes red from tears.

"I'm Regina's secret admire", Emma suddenly said and turned to see none of them react.

Of course they all knew

"Emma you didn't have to—"

"I did. It was the reason all of this started. It was the reason Robin felt threatened by me. It was the reason he started texting you. It was the reason he killed Crevan! It's all my fault!", she interrupted her girlfriend and screamed the last sentence. Regina turned and silently asked Henry to go and wait for them to be ready. She loved her son more than anything and he deserved to be there and be there for his mother, just as much as the others were, but she didn't want him to see his blonde mother breaking like this. Not this time. And Henry understood. So he walked out of the room and Charming followed him, knowing Emma would want her mothers support at the moment more than ever.

Snow sighed and walked over to her daughter sitting down beside her. Emma cried as she held Crevan in her arms and Snow cried too. She hadn't known Crevan for that long, but he had obviously been important to Emma and that was obvious now.

"I'm sorry sweetheart"

Emma nodded accepting her mothers apology as she continued to cry and Snow shared a look with Regina, who unconsciously stood with her hand on her stomach, tears running down her cheeks. Snow stood and wrapped her arms around the brunette.

"It's like loosing a son", Regina whispered in a cry and Snow nodded in understanding. Regina may have had her troubles with Crevan for starters, but everybody knew how the fox had stolen the former queens heart almost just as quickly as Henry once had.

"I'm so sorry Regina"
They decided to put Crevan in a box and Regina did a spell on his body, stopping him from rotting. It had taken Emma almost an hour to say goodbye to Crevan before she laid him down in the box kissing his head one last time and leaning her nose against his, like he would have done. At that action, Emma had broken down and Regina had instantly brought her arms around the blonde, letting her cry into her neck. It had only taken Regina and Henry ten minutes or so to say their goodbyes, but both of them still cried more than they both had expected. What a single pet can do to your heart and soul.

Now they had all gone to bed and Emma was laying in the bed, trying so hard not to cry, and Regina could practically feel the cries and tears Emma was holding back. So she moved over and brought her arms around her girlfriend bringing her closer and that broke Emma and the tears and cries came out once again, filling the whole room. This was probably one of the worst nights for all of them and they couldn't do anything about it. They couldn't go down to the underworld to get him back. They couldn't just split a heat. They couldn't do anything about it. He was gone, and while none of the others knew it, they all blamed themselves.

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