Tell It To The Crows(a Sons...

By mc_cassie

147K 2.8K 308

Libby Parker is running from her past. Granted, she's only seventeen ( almost eighteen) While she's running... More

Charming... Not Really
My First Shift
Back Again
I Have No Idea Where I'm Going
Yes, You Were Right. No, I Will Never Admit That.
I'm not Fooled
Bedrest? Pssh, Who Needs Bedrest?
Come On,Lass. Tell Me Somethin'
Jax Doesn't Like Our Relationship?
The Rooftop and I Have Become Best Friends
The Failed and Unexpected
Stupid Blond MC Hitler
It Was Just A Talk,Jax.
Why Isn't This Size Nine Converse Up Your Ass Yet
Hitch Hikers and Junkie Whores
So Will You
Hello? I Am Talking To You!
I Need To Talk to Libby
I Need to Talk to Libby (Part 2)
Uh Oh
Officer Asshole
Number One Sad Baddie

I Told You So

3.7K 74 0
By mc_cassie

Still Jax's Point of View:

And of fucking course,I was right. It was a very long day. I had Opie and Juice blowing up my phone about the whole, Find a Rat Inside The Mayans operation, Libby was trying not to murder Angel,and Clay was yanking me in one direction while Gemma pulled me in another. Lemme tell ya, if you ever become a VP of an MC, Lord be with you.

"Jackie,I need to-" Chibs started out, but those words made me snap. I couldn't handle anymore right now!

"What!? What the fuck could you possibly have to say to me that you can't take to our Prez?! Jesus fucking Christ,people!" I screamed, starting to get in Chibs' faces, who in return, stared blankly at me, waiting for me to finish. Finally, he blinked twice and raised an eyebrow before he asked in his thick accent that only Chibs can claim, "Are ya done now, boy?"

"Yes." I sighed in defeat, sinking onto a barstool. He sighed as well once he took the stool beside me then asked,"What's wrong, Jackie? Ya seem stressed out, and more so than usual. What's going on inside ya head?"

I glanced up from my staring spell from the floor then declared, "Everything is going on and it seems like nothing's going right! I've got Juice and Ope blowing up my phone to let me know what's going on with Half Sack and the Mayans, Clay and Gemma is pulling at me from all directions and to top it all off, Angel is learning how to press Libby's every self destruct button!"

He nodded and glanced over towards the two girls where Libby was trembling as Angel continued to talk to her, before he replied,"Aye, Angel's always been good at dat. Lemme talk to Libs, brotha. She looks like she needs a day off." We both gave Libby a once over then nodded in agreement before Chibs walked over and begun chatting up the girls.

Libby's Point of View:

Never in my lifetime have I been so relieved to hear a Scottish accent. I gripped onto Chibs like a lifeline then exclaimed,"Chibs!" He grinned down at me and stated,"Hey, lass, you up for skipping work for the day?" I bobbed my head up and down eagerly then chanted,"Uh huh, uh huh, let's go!"

We walked to his bike and I hissed, "Thank you so fucking much."

"You just turned 18, lass, can't have you being shipped away so soon. Plus, I think your ole man was gonna have a heart attack if you stayed beside Angel any longer by yourself." I smirked and stated,"Jax worries too much. I have perfect self control around Angel."

"Right, and I got tolerance for assholes blowing up my Clubhouse." He pulled me into the Clubhouse and further into the room to Church where my boyfriend is heads up on the Reaper Table, causing me to frown.

"I got this,Chibs. Thanks for saving me." I whispered to the Scot. He nodded and replied, "Shut the door on your way in, darling. I think you'll need the silence. He needs a relaxer and you need a distraction from Angel. Help each other out. I'll watch the door."

I nodded in agreement then closed the doors in his face which caught Jax's attention.

"What are you doing in here? You're not-"

"Supposed to be in here, yes, I know but Chibby let me in. He said that you've been having a fucking heart attack watching me and Angel. That and you're dealing with a bunch of Club shit. Let me relax you." I declared, walking towards him. He scooted his chair back from the table and patted his lap so I took his invitation then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm thanking fuck for you, darling." he stated, taking in a deep breath. I grinned and pressed a kiss to the skin of his jaw then replied, "Ditto, sweet cheeks. Hey,have you seen Opie or Juice around? Or even Half Sack?"

His blue eyes quickly averted mine before he muttered, "Out on a run that Clay sent them on. Said Half Sack needed some experience and that Opie and Juice needed to teach him." I raised an eyebrow and kissed lower. He's lying to me...but then again, its Club shit. I'm not allowed to know anything when it comes to that.

"Are they going to be safe?" I asked, running two fingers down his chest. He shivered and stated,"Course they're gonna try to be safe,darlin'. But nothing's set in stone." I smirked and sucked a hickey in his neck before I begun playing with the waistband of his jeans.

"Darlin', we can't." he protested, only to relax in his chair as I unbuttoned his pants.

"Shh. Chibs is watching the door for us. Besides, its not like you haven't fucked a croweater in front of your brothers. Hell, I bet you even shared one with somebody. Opie maybe." I whispered as I shimmed down the denim to his mid thighs.

"You're the Devil." he accused, throwing his head back. I grinned and replied,"Hell no, I'm your Angel in disguise, baby. Now just sit there and enjoy." Lucky for me, he decided to go commando. (In case you hadn't noticed, this incoming smut... Ish...)

I traced the head of his cock, causing him to hiss at the pressure before I wrapped my hand around his girth and pushed downwards. He bit into my shoulder, which made me squeeze my hand slightly before I stated,"You're already hard. What's the matter,baby, did Angel and I arguing turn you on?"

"Shit, Libs, anything that has to deal with you turns me on." he grunted, hips twitching. I smirked and jerked my hand up and down in a quick pace then continued for a while.

"Close.... Darlin'?" He cursed at the use of my own nickname being used against him and murmured,"God, yes, please. Don't stop,please, Libby." I begun twisting my hand in circles and I could feel his dick twitching then he cursed out as he pushed into my hand faster.

"Oh for Christ's sake!" Clay cursed out as he and several other Sons burst into the room.

"Jesus, can you give me five minutes? Your fucking VP needs to come, otherwise, somebody is losing their head!" Jax barked, stifling a groan in the process as I continued the hand job.

"For fuck's sake, man, I'm jealous." Tig chuckled,earning a glare from Jax.

"I swear to fucking God, I'll kill you all if you do not get the actual hell out of this room." my boyfriend threatened. I grinned then leaned forward and whispered,"Why do they gotta go,Jax? Shouldn't you be showing that you're the only one that gets a hand job from me?"

That's all it took. He stifled his groan by latching onto my neck before I ran my thumb over the head of his cock, coating my hand in come.

"See you when you get done, sweet cheeks." I called to him as I started out the door before I turned on my heel and sucked a finger in my mouth, winking at Jax. Finally,I left the Sons alone with their jaws dropped.

Jax's Point of View:

"You're a lucky bastard,Jackson. Donna wouldn't even give me a hand job outside of the bedroom, let alone in the Clubhouse where anyone could see us. Goddamn." Opie stated with a grin, nudging me. I rolled my eyes and flipped him the bird as I finished cleaning myself up.

"Okay, one, if you're gonna have any form of sex in the Chapel, at least lock the doors next time. Two, let's get down to business." Clay stated as he claimed his spot at the head of the table. I pursed my lips and nodded before I stated,"Well I could've saved you the trauma but some moron left the door unattended. What happened,Chibs?" The Scot chuckled and replied,"I knew what was coming.. You think I wanna hear that shit when I consider Libby a daughter to me?"

"Shit,man,I'd want to hear it. That girl is hot as fuck." Tig chimed in, causing me to shoot him another death glare.

"Trager, I can arrange your death without even calling for Mr. Mayhem." I threatened, loading my gun. He chuckled and slid slightly away from the table before we turned our attention back to Clay and the run we sent Ope, Juice, and Half Sack out.

"Well, we found a rat alright. New kid, Julio. His mouth runs like a goddamn sewing machine. All Half Sack had to ask was about Libby's parents and the kid spilt his guts. It's true, Jax. Alvarez killed her parents. Forced 'em to write the letter before shooting them. Even brags about it. Sick bastard." Opie informed us.

We turned to Clay who tapped his fingers a few times then he ordered,"Alright, tomorrow, have Half Sack call this kid and make him meet us in an alley. He'll be expecting the prospect but we'll be waiting for him. Get him to squeak out a few more secrets before we kill him. All in favor, yay or nay?"

"Yay!" we chorused, slamming our hands on the table.

"Motion carried, dismissed. Jax, go tell Libby the news." Clay ordered, turning seat from the table to walk out of the room. I nodded and left the Chapel before I went in search of my girlfriend. Where I found her, I was not happy about it.

"So, have you and Jax had sex yet?" Angel questioned, glancing down at Libby. She clenched her he's in place then spat," Not your fucking business."

"Libs, we need to talk." I called for her, waving a hand at her. She nodded and stood up to meet me only to freeze as Angel said something too low for me to catch but whatever she said, it was enough to make Libby swing on her.

"Libby!" I shouted, hurrying over to her and Angel as they started trading punches. I tried to tug Libby away but with her hands wrapped around Angel's neck, there was no way I could get her away from my friend without her strangling the other.

"You motherfucking bitch! Who the hell do you think you are, huh? You may be SAMCRO blood, but I'm a soon to be old lady! And old ladies come first!" Libby shouted, drawling back another punch.

"Jesus, Opie, Juice, I need help!" I shouted,prying Libby away from Angel. The leggy brunette spat blood in my girlfriend's direction then snapped,"Like hell you are! You're nothing but a fuck toy for Jax and if you think you'll make it past the next month or even the few weeks, you're dead wrong. You're dead wrong!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Libby screamed, launching herself back against Angel, laying into her again. Opie and Juice ran outside of the Clubhouse and my best friend tore Libby away from Angel while Juice carried his ex away from the scene, the two girls still screeching harsh words at one another.

"Libby, what the hell just happened?" I demanded, gripping her chin in my fingers. Her chest pushed up and down heavily with pants then her dilated eyes met mine and she spat,"The bitch told me that Alvarez was going to strip SAMCRO to the ground using me. She said that she knew the truth about my parents and that they were worthless drug dealers."

"Baby, you know that's not true. I protested, shaking my head. She tilted to her head to the side then asked,"Do I,Jax? I mean, c'mon,who are you trying to fool? Me or you?" I sighed then sat her on the picnic table near the front entrance of the Clubhouse before I stated,"I need you to listen to me and I need you not to freak out and want to go on a blood hunt. We sent Opie,Juice, and Half Sack to find a rat in the Mayans and we found one. He's new,so he should be pretty open to spilling Mayans' secrets."

"Jax-" Libby started but I shot her a warning look then stated, "Listen to me and don't interrupt either. You're gonna wanna hear this. The new kid spilled his guts to Half Sack about Alvarez and your parents. He did it,Libs. I'm so sorry,he forced them to write the note before he blew their brains out." I heard her mumble a soft curse under her breath then I took the chance to finish explaining the plan to her,"We're having the kid meet Half Sack tomorrow probably towards the night. We're gonna get him to spill a bit more of his guts before we get him to set up a meeting between Alvarez and I."

"Are you going to kill him?" Libby asked in a soft toned voice,causing me to look up with wide eyes of surprise before I answered,"I honestly have no idea. Why? I thought you wanted him to die?" She nodded once and replied,"That's exactly why I asked, If Marcus Alvarez dies, I will be the one doing it. I know I've said it before, but this fucking bastard deserves to die and it has to be by my hand. Or I swear to God, I'll never forgive you,Jax." I gave a quick few nods then said, "I'll talk to the guys about it but I'm sure they won't mind."

"Thank you,Jax." she murmured,wrapping her arms around my lean waist. I shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal but the truth was, her thanks meant the world to me. Opie peeked his head back into the room then stated,"Sorry to break up the love fest,bro,but the Reaper calls. Actually,Clay does but they might as well be the same person." Libby snorted and squeezed my hips then replied,"Truth hurts,Ope,but don't let him hear you say that."

My best friend rolled his eyes then joked,"Keep mouthing off,Parker, and I'll tie you up by the lift."They shared a laugh as we separated in opposite directions.

A/N:Hey,guys,I tried to update yesterday but my day was a nightmare. So happy late Christmas to all of you amazing people. I hope you had a very wonderful Christmas. Anyway, here is the new chapter. Comment,vote, and I hope you enjoyed this.

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