You're My Injustice

By RileyMizfit

7K 118 20

Kayla Marie Montgomery is one of the biggest face Divas of the WWE. Despite all the chaos that's been going o... More

Raw After WrestleMania
Main Event, SMS & SmackDown Tapings
Girls Day
Injustice Solved
Tapings Before Tour
Glasgow, Scotland
Double Shows
Raw: April 29, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 3, 2013
Raw: May 6, 2013
SmackDown Taping For May 10, 2013
Raw: May 13, 2013
Main Event, SmackDown Taping for May 17, 2013
Extreme Rules 2013
Raw: May 20, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 24, 2013

SmackDown Taping in London

236 5 0
By RileyMizfit

So tonight we have Main Event and SmackDown to tape in the O2 arena like Raw last night. Since I competed last night and had won the battle royal to become number one contender for the Divas Championship, I was feeling pretty good going into tonight. I didn't have anything booked tonight for Main Event or SmackDown so I basically had a night off from competing at least. It was another early day, and I actually shared a room with Nattie this time since well she had my stuff from last night and it's fun sharing a room with her. And Dean and the others weren't too far down the hall so he was happy with that at least. We were going to have a girls day today before we had to be at the arena for the tapings. After breakfast in the hotel, we took a trip to the gym, even though neither of us would be competing.

"So, I heard that you won that Battle Royal last night. Seems as though we have a new number one contender on our hands."

"You heard right and yes we do. I can't be more happy for myself. Oh and thanks again for hanging onto my stuff last night."

"It was no problem. You know I like to help you out when I can."

"I definitely can't wait to get back to the states though."

"I know how that feels." She nods. " and Dean..." She trails off. 

"What about me and Dean?"

"How are things going between you two, now that you're together?"

"Things are going well. Actually he's kind of a little bummed out that I'm sharing a room with you tonight, but he'll get over it." I laugh. "Can't share a room with him all the time. I mean I already share a car with him and the other two so..."

"Right." She nods. 

"Speak of the devil." I chuckle as my phone starts to go off, signalling a text message. 

"Already misses me."


I text him back before putting my phone down and continuing with my workout. When she and I got done a few hours later, we cooled down before heading off for lunch.

"We should do this more often. Having down time with you is always fun."

"Oh definitely." She nods. 

"You're like the sister I never had. The best person to be around."

"Aww. I feel the same way...well the best person other than TJ."

"Right, right." I laugh.

After we finish lunch, we head back to the hotel to take showers and change, before getting our things ready for the tapings tonight. I had gotten changed into a strapless top with ruffles down the middle and copper coloring to it in places and jeans. I had heels that matched the top, and to top everything off, I had put on a leather jacket.

"Are you trying to give that boy a heart attack?" Nattie chuckles, referring to Dean when he ends up seeing me.

"Well, not doing anything tonight show-wise, so why not dress to impress?" I grin, fixing my hair in the mirror, before grabbing what I needed and heading out with her. 

We head down to the car and get in, heading off to the arena. When we get there, we grab our things and start to head inside, waving to a few of the fans before going through the doors.

"So nice to have a night off for once. Especially after all the travel these past few days and so on. Even though I kind of figured I would have a night off after working hard twice last night."

"And that hard work paid off. You won both matches last night." Nattie nods as we reach the Divas locker room and head in.

"I did. And soon I'll be Divas Champion. And it would be an absolute honor to defend against you sometime once I win it."

"Likewise." She nods. 

Then I get another text that comes across my phone, Dean asking where I am. 

I'm at the arena with Nattie, you?

On our way. Meet me outside?

I suppose. If I'm not outside when you pull up, just let me know when you're here.

After that I put my phone in my pocket. 

"Hey Nattie? I'm gonna head out for a minute. Dean's on his way with the others and he wants me to meet him outside."

"Oh yeah, that's alright. He hasn't seen you all day so, give him that satisfaction. Let me know how he reacts to your outfit." She laughs. 

"I will." I nod with my own laugh, before heading out.

Doesn't take me too long to walk out to the parking lot. Just as I had reached the door, I got a text saying that they had just pulled up. I text back a reply before exiting through the doors, walking outside. They were unloading their things from the back, and I grinned before starting to walk towards them. Seth is the one to notice me and he gets Dean's attention and points over to me walking towards them, and he almost drops one of the bags on the ground.

"Dean, you almost dropped that on my foot." Seth remarks. 

"He's distracted....clearly." Roman chuckles. 

"Hey guys." I greet them as I reach them.

"Hey." Seth and Roman greet back. 

"How was the day with Natalya?" Seth asks. 

"Oh it was fun. Did typical girl stuff together you know?"


"Someone's awfully quiet today." I remark about Dean, snickering. 

"That's because he's you."

"I can see that." I giggle.

"Snap out of it man." Seth says, punching him in the arm, just enough to snap him out of it.

"What up with the violence Seth?"

"You're the one who was spaced out. I had to snap you out of it somehow."

"My bad." I state.

"Uh huh. Now, are you gonna come inside with us or are you going to stand here and stare all day?" Seth snickers, as he grabs his things and starts to follow Roman towards the entrance. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Don't worry your little two-toned head about it."

"Sorry for the distraction." I laugh. 

"It's alright. You look great by the way." He grins, kissing my cheek, before grabbing his things and taking my hand before we head for the entrance ourselves. 

"So you have a match tonight?" He asks as we walk through the halls to the locker room. 

"No. Night off actually. Kind of glad though after last night."

"Which was amazing. I know you have what it takes to win that title."

"Whenever that shot will be. You know Creative."

"Right. But nonetheless, you get the shot."

"I do." I grin, as we reach the Superstar locker room.

"I'll be right out okay? Don't go anywhere."

"Promise." I nod, before he disappears through the door.

I then take out my phone and text Nattie, telling her what happened when Dean saw me. 

So, Dean died when he saw me.

Told you. 

Yeah. He went all spacey, almost dropped a bag on Seth's foot. Seth had to punch him in the arm to get him to snap out of it. 

Just as I got a reply back, the door opened and Dean walked out. I reply to Nattie quick before putting my phone away. Dean then wraps an arm around my shoulders before we head down the hall.

"Let's go find out what they have planned for The Shield for tonight shall we?"

"Sure why not?"

So we go find out what's going on for him, Seth and Roman tonight only because I know I have nothing planned after last night's busy shows. We found out that they're doing a promo and Dean has a one-on-one match against The Undertaker. After finding that out, we made our way back the way we came. Now I knew Dean was excited that he had a match one on one against the Undertaker. He didn't show it, but knew that inside he was freaking out. I'll admit I was just as happy as he was, because he just came here 6 months ago and he's battling the most iconic Superstar there is. We hang around the backstage area until the show starts, making up for the time lost today. Once the tapings were getting ready to start, he had let me go find Nattie, but not without a quick kiss to send me on my way. 

"I'll see you before your match okay?"

"I would hope so."

"Another kiss to hold both of us over until then?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He grins as takes my face in his hands and presses his lips to mine again, in a kiss that had enough feeling in it so that it would hold us over until the time his match came around.

"Alright. You go. Nattie's waiting for me in catering." I laugh, after the kiss is broken. 

He chuckles before letting me go and walking off down the hall, and I turn to head in, only to almost bump into Nattie herself. 

"Oh hey Nattie. Where you there the whole time?" I ask as she stands there smiling. 

"You two are just so cute." She compliments, causing me to blush a little. "And you're blushing." She adds, clearly my face turning red.

"I turn any more red and I'll be a lobster."

She just laughs and we head in to catering to hang out for a bit and get a bite to eat as we watch the tapings. The Main Event tapings had already begun as we grabbed our food and sat down to eat.

"So what does he have tonight, that we're gonna have to be watching?" She asks about Dean. 

"Promo and a one on one match with The Undertaker. He's pretty psyched. Of course he didn't show it, but I knew on the inside that he was freaking, because I was too. I mean, he just came here like what...6 months ago and he's already facing people like The Undertaker. It's just gotta be surreal for him you know?"

"Oh of course."

"Oh and by the way,  I think I'm gonna room with him when we're back in the states for Raw."

"That's alright." She nods. 

"So much easier to do the states schedule than the overseas. Being booked on two shows in one night, only to come back here tonight. So much travel. Definitely taking advantage of time off after Raw and the tapings next week."

"I don't blame you. I can't wait to actually go home to TJ."

"How is he doing by the way?" I ask. 

"Good. The rehab is going well. I can't wait for him to come back and to get back into that ring."

"You and everyone else."

It wasn't long before the Main Event taping was done and over with and they started to set up for SmackDown. Nattie and I had finished in catering at this time and went to the viewing room to watch SmackDown.

The show kicks off with a rematch from last week's SmackDown, where Jack Swagger with Zeb in his corner, would go one on one with Alberto Del Rio, with Ricardo in his corner and this time there would be no DQ. Swagger was the first one to use that stipulation to his advantage, as he takes possession of a kendo stick, using it to assault the already injured knee of Del Rio. Shortly after this, Del Rio would come back on the outside of the ring, delivering a suplex to Swagger onto the steel ramp. He then pulls out a ladder from under the ring, propping it up on the apron and drops Swagger face first onto it. Later on in the match, Swagger would grab a steel chair, and prop it up into the corner, but Del Rio would regain the advantage, trapping him in the ropes and wearing him out with kendo stick shots to the back, followed by the Back Stabber. After a back and forth battle, with both of them trying to lock in their signature submissions, Swagger shoves Del Rio into the steel chair he previously propped up in the corner, but is unable to keep Del Rio down for the count. He then heads to the outside to grab a ladder, but when he slides it into the ring, Del Rio hops onto the ladder and drives the steel into Swagger's jaw. 

"Oooh." I wince. 

Shortly after this, Del Rio is able to lock in the cross armbreaker on Swagger, but Zeb hands the kendo stick to him, who wastes no time in using it to break out of the cross armbreaker. After wearing Del Rio out again with kendo stick shots, he tosses the steel ladder on top of Del Rio before dropping him with the Swagger Bomb and picking up the hard-fought win.

Once the ring was clear, it was time for Divas action. Aksana had gone out to the ring first, followed by Layla, being her opponent.

"Layla's so got this match. Home crowd, home turf advantage again."

"I know. Aksana doesn't have a chance. I mean, competing against Aksana is like fighting a broomstick." I remark, causing Nattie to laugh. 

In the end of the match, after a lot of offense from Aksana, Layla caught her with her Infinity roll up to pick up the win.

"Thanks for coming Aksana." I snicker. 

As Layla was heading up the ramp to head to the back, they cut to the backstage area where it was The Shield's backstage promo.



"Ambrose. Monday Night, we stood face to face with the tag team champions Team Hell No and the Phenom himself, The Undertaker."

"And what happened? What always happens. Justice prevails and The Shield were victorious."

"We broke the unbreakable. It's an injustice that Team Hell No are still holding the tag team titles."

"Not for long. The true injustice is that The Undertaker escaped Raw with his soul still intact."

"Not for long. Yeah, we did what we said we were gonna do on Monday Night. But still feels like something's missing. I didn't feel total satisfaction. I think it's 'cause the Deadman is still walking. He's still breathing. Tonight I face The Undertaker one on one, and I got an itch that needs scratching. I'm going to do what nobody's been able to do in 21 WrestleManias. Tonight I'm going to beat The Undertaker. When I say that, you better believe that if it's the last thing I do, I am going to beat The Undertaker tonight. And justice, not you, will be immortal."

"Undertaker, at the hands of The Shield, you will not peace."

"But you will believe in The Shield."

"Have to say, I do enjoy the backstage promos." I remark, a big grin on my face.

"I can tell." Nattie smiles.

"That obvious?"

"Well yeah, you were kind of staring nonstop at the screen."


The next match of the night would see Fandango go one on one with Justin. In the end, it would be Fandango landing a leg drop off of the top rope on him to pick up the win.

"Well that was lame. Justin so had that won."

Once the ring was cleared, the next match would take place. Sheamus would go one on one with Big Show. During the match, Sheamus would climb to the top rope, but Mark henry would come out of nowhere, distracting Sheamus long enough for big Show to level him with the KO Punch to pin him for the win. I wasn't paying attention to the matches because they weren't entertaining for me as much, so as I was sitting there on the couch with Nattie, I had started to text back and forth with Dean. But with our texting, it was getting close to being his match. So we stopped texting so that he could be ready for it. 

Yeah, just text me where you are and I'll have security walk me over.

He sends a text back, before I go back to watching the matches, the end of Randy vs Mark Henry being shown. That's where Sheamus got his payback on Mark, blasting him with a Brogue Kick, and after the match Randy hit Mark with an RKO as well. As soon as that match was over, I had gotten the text from Dean telling me where he, Seth and Roman were so that I could be there before they head out. I text him back, telling him I'd be there in a few minutes.

"Alright Nattie, I'm gonna head off now to be there before Dean goes out there with Seth and Roman. See you by the locker room when the show's over?"

"Yeah sure. Have fun." She nods, getting up with me and hugging me.

"I will." I laugh, before heading off.

I get some security to walk me there to protect me from the fans I'll be walking by on the way there. I acknowledge them as I'm walking, and when we reach where the guys are, they keep the fans back, and I walk up to Dean, wrapping my arms around him in a hug, not caring that the fans are watching, or what they think.

"Have fun with Nattie?"

"Yeah. But I'm glad I get this short time to spend with you."

"Any time spent with you is good enough for me."

"Of course. So pumped for this match?"

"Oh yeah. I so got this. The Undertaker has no chance against me."

"Oh no, of course not. You just be safe out there."

"I do my very best." He nods. 

It wasn't long until Undertaker came out first. Since it was a long entrance, that gave Dean time to get even more pumped and ready for the match, with pushups and everything. Once the music faded, The Shield's music goes off next. I get a quick kiss from Dean before they all head out. Once they disappear through the curtain, I get security to walk me back to the backstage area so that I can be in an area where I can watch the match. I get there and get to the point in the match where Dean had neutralized Taker, had him in the ropes and hit him with a dropkick to the chest. He goes for the cover, but Taker kicks out. Dean helps him up and into a hold, hitting him with a neckbreaker. Again he hooks he leg and Taker kicks out. Dean starts to taunt him and hits him with right fists. He taunts him again, before mocking him and Taker catches him by the throat and gets back to his feet. But Dean fights out and it turns into a punching back and forth kind of thing. Dean did end up kneeing him in the gut, but it did little damage, as when he comes off the ropes, he gets caught by the throat again, being hit with a chokeslam. Seth gets knocked off the side and Taker moves his thumb across his throat, that being the signal to end the match. 

"No no no, not a Tombstone."

Roman however caused a distraction and Dean got up hit Taker with a low blow, before hitting a DDT. He goes for the cover, and Taker still kicks out. And then, Dean goes over to him and gets caught in Hells Gate. 

"No no no no no no."

Dean ended up tapping out to Taker. But as soon as Dean did and got away, Seth and Roman attacked. However, Taker would come back fighting all of them off. He tries to chokeslam Seth on the outside, but Roman charges and drives Taker through the ringside barricade with a spear. 


They then pick Undertaker apart as Dean drives a steel chair twice into the spine of him, before all three of them drill him through the announce table with the Triple Powerbomb.

"And that's how it's done."

Since I was near where they would be returning to the back, I stayed put. It took a few moments before they returned to the back.

"Now that's the way to end a show guys." I remark as I see them come through to the back, and I walk over to them, throwing my arms around Dean. "And don't worry, he didn't beat you I know. You just got yourself out of a situation where you could've gotten hurt. And go figure, the one move I said to be careful for."

"I know. So is Nattie waiting for you or...."

"Actually she is, we're meeting at the locker room before she and I head out and back to the hotel. If you wanted to, you could walk me there."

Dean looks back at Seth and Roman.

"Go ahead man, we'll wait up for you afterwards." Seth nods. 

"See you back at the locker room." Roman says, before he and Seth walk off in that direction.

"Well let's go you." Dean says, draping an arm over my shoulders and starting to walk me down the hall.

"Ew Dean, you're all sweaty."

"Too bad, never letting go." He chuckles. 

"Of course not. Oh I can't wait to be back in the states after this tour is over with."

"You're telling me. This time difference is kicking my ass."

"Ugh, I know. I just can't wait to get some sleep tonight. I'm exhausted. And I know, you want to sleep next to me tonight, as you keep telling me. When we get back to the states, promise. Think you can last that long?"

"I can try." He nods. 

"As long as you do that." I say as we soon reach the locker room where Nattie is waiting with our things. "Well here we are."

"Hope you've been taking good care of my girl Dean."

"Don't worry Natalya, I have."


"So see you tomorrow then?" I ask. 

"Of course." He nods.

He then lets me go and I turn so that I'm standing in front of him. He leans down and presses his lips to mine in a brief kiss, his arms going around my waist and mine going around his neck. After we pull away, we rest our foreheads against one another's. 

"I'll text you before I go to sleep once we get back to the hotel alright?" He asks. 

"Like always." I nod. "I'll be up waiting for it."

He kisses me one more time before letting me go and I turn and walk over to Nattie, who gives me my things and we start to head out.

"You two are just perfect for each other." Nattie says before we turn the corner and we're out of Dean's sight.

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