By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

542K 5.9K 1K


Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 2
Never have I ever had a threesome
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
I'll be your date - (Josh x reader) - part 3 (final)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome II
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut]
Welcome Home II (jack x reader) [smut]
Fake Fan (Conor x Reader) [smut]
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome III
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV (Jack x Joe x Reader) [smut]
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome IV.V (Jack x Joe)(Jack x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)

Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)

7K 128 14
By TwoGirlsHoldingHands

Sitting in the back of an Uber car, you couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your face.

"Are you alright, miss?" The older gentleman driver kindly asked.

Smiling and making eye contact in the rear view mirror, you started nodding. "I'm great, actually. Definitely happy tears."

"Well that's good to hear." the driver chuckled, seeing you lift the small ultrasound picture so he could see it in the mirror. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." you stared back down at the picture.

You had found out you were pregnant almost a month ago, but the doctor had warned you that there may be complications. He was unable to get a heart beat and he couldn't get a clear image of the baby. You had hesitantly told Jack, but the two of you had kept it to yourselves and tried your hardest not to get your hopes up.

You hadn't told Jack about your appointment today, but you were beyond excited to tell him the results. After worrying for another month, your baby girl was healthy and happy at 18 weeks.

You sent out a group text to the rest of the boys. "Hey everyone. If Jack is by you right now, don't read this text until later. I have a huge surprise for him BUT YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT. We need everyone to come over tonight (I'm telling Jack we're having a movie night) and I want everyone to bring a pink food or drink. Anything. The pinker and girlier, the better! [you can probably tell what his surprise is] Everyone should arrive around 8:30. Love you guys! See you later!"

You replied to a load of congratulations texts you had received back and everyone was in. Joe suggested he invite a few more of their YouTuber friends that weren't on the group text. You agreed knowing the more of you that got together, the better time you always had. Joe had practically doubled the number of people showing up.

After straightening the flat, you sent Jack to shower. Filling in Conor on the plan, the two of you hid cameras all over the flat.

Sitting in the living room watching the boys play Fifa, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." you said, letting in the first group of guests. Joe, Caspar, and Oli all walked into the flat, greeting the boys on the couch.

"Oooo, what'd you bring?" Jack asked, staring at the TV trying to beat his brother.

"Ice cream, cupcakes, and a bottle of Rose." Joe called out, taking everything to the kitchen and joining the boys in the living room.

The doorbell rang again straight away. Josh got up and let Simon, JJ, and the Cals into the flat, pointing to the kitchen. "Just put the food in there." he said smiling.

"Holy shit. We're going to have so much food left over." Conor said, causing Jack to look up.

"Ay! Haven't seen you guys in a while." Jack called out, still focused on the video game.

Simon handed his food off to one of the other guys and walked over to watch Fifa. "Ooo, your team is shit, mate." Simon commented, making the boys in the living room laugh.

Cherries, a few more bottles of Rose, strawberry jello shots, and pink chocolate covered strawberries had been added to the food. Your kitchen was looking very pink. Zoe, Alfie, and Marcus joined the group followed by Abe and Alex and a few of the boy's non YouTube friends. This added Strawberry Lemonade and vodka, pink cookies, a tray of watermelon, bags of different pink candies, and raspberry sorbet.

You loved that the flat was full of your friends. Between JJ's loud ass laughter, knowing Jack was going to freak out, and watching your friends catching up with each other, you couldn't keep a smile off of your face.

Jack beat Conor in Fifa and they switched out controllers with JJ and Simon. You had left a Pink frosted cake in Mikey's fridge as a way to get Jack out of the flat for a few minutes. "Hey babe, can you go get the cake I made? It's in Mikey's flat."

"Why can't Mikey get it?" he fake whined.

"Do you really trust LP to not drop it?" you laughed, going up on your tip toes to kiss Jack. "Please?"

"Oh, alright. I'll be back in a few. Where is it?" He asked, grabbing Mikey's keys from him..

"The fridge. Thanks, love." you called, shutting the door behind him.

"Alright. He'll be back in a few minutes. How can we make it to where he knows right away?" you said, watching the boys pause the game and put the controllers by the TV.

"I think we should all be holding one of the pink foods when he walks in." Caspar suggested.

"He's going to shit." Conor laughed, helping you hand the food out. "I'm not going to hold anything so that I can grab the cake before he drops it."

"Perfect." you said, waiting by the door. "I'm so nervous." you couldn't sit still.

Conor pulled you into a hug. "Don't be, love. He's going to be so happy."

You could hear footsteps approaching the door. "He's coming." you whispered to everyone standing in the living room.

When Jack opened the door, you could tell he was focused on not dropping the cake. When he saw you standing there waiting for him, he asked "Babe, why did you make a pink cake. You hate pink." He laughed and tried to hand it to you.

"No reason." you answered and told him to hand it to Conor instead. When he rounded the corner and handed the cake to Conor, he saw everyone standing there facing him with big smiles on their faces. "What's going on..." he laughed and started asking, but froze when he realized that all of the food was pink.

Jack turned to face you with his mouth hanging open. His eyes dropped to your stomach and then back up to your face. "Are we...? Is everything...? It's really..." Jack stuttered, tears threatening to fall from his watery eyes.

You had already started crying again. Nodding, you tried to wipe the tears from your cheeks. "You're gonna be a dad."

Jack ran back to you and pulled you into his arms, spinning you around. The whole room was cheering, shouting out congratulations and laughing. "She's alright?" he asked once he had sat you back down, his voice muffled by your hair.

"She's perfect." you replied. Everyone had started setting down the food and had surround the two of you in one massive group hug.

When you finally broke apart, you were congratulated by everyone individually. Some of the boys opened the alcohol and had pulled Jack out onto the balcony, everybody pulling out their vlogging cameras.

The rest of the night was perfect. You were happy that so many people had showed up. You did end up ordering pizza so that no one died of a sugar overdose. Games were played, your friends vlogged, and you got to catch up with some of your favorite people.

After making sure everyone had a safe ride home and sending most of the left over food home with people, you guys set about cleaning up. Jack was silent the whole time, but he had a huge smile on his face. "Lets go to bed, love." he said, walking up behind you and slipping his hands over your tummy.

"Sounds good to me." you smiled, putting your hands over his.

After changing into comfy clothes and finishing your nightly routine, you crawled into the bed and waited for Jack. When he finally joined you, he immediately pulled the covers down and snuggled his face against your stomach.

"Is she really okay?" he asked, softly running his fingers back and forth across the skin of your bare belly.

"She's completely healthy." you said, smiling but yawning. "Lets go to sleep, love." you started running your fingers through Jack's hair.

Crawling back up to kiss you, Jack pulled you to lay across his chest. "Sweet dreams, mommy."

"Sweet dreams, daddy." you replied, letting the rhythm of Jack's chest rising and falling lull you to sleep.

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