Jinchuriki of Water (Shikamar...

By KatieNara

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Kaida Morino Yoso is my name. Yeah, I've got two clan names but my dad, Ibiki Morino, doesn't know that I exi... More

Prologue: The Yōso History
Chapter One: Prison Break
Chapter Two: A Warm Welcome
Chapter Three: Meeting My Father
Chapter Four: Shikamaru
Chapter Six: The Chase
Facts for the Confused Reader #1
Chapter 7: Yukari
Chapter 8: Alone
Chapter 9: Contract
Chapter 10: Ibiki's Student
Chapter 11: Coping
Up Coming Chapters
Chapter 12: Hiroshi - Knee Deep in Sand Trouble

Chapter Five: Unpleasent Memories

4.6K 194 36
By KatieNara

Pic of Kaida-Rin on the side! ... Not! see, it's a file and i need to put it on the internet some how so that i can put it in here... GOMEN! (lol! go-men. *giggle* i'm so immature!) If you have any drawings of Kaida PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME!!!!! But there is another pic on the side that is kinda funny instead. :)

This chapter is dedicated to "hungryakimitchi" for his/her(s) enthusiasm towards meh story. Hope ya's enjoy!!!!

Chapter Five: The Hospital

*** Shikaku’s POV ***

Hokage – sama wanted me to take her to Inoichi to look into her memories. So I suggested that Kaida and I go to the hospital to get her shots and knock her out somehow to take her to Inoichi’s team. I’m afraid of what he’s going to find and I’m sorry that I have to trick her into it. Maybe I can talk her into it. She did say she couldn’t say anymore out loud because it hurt too much to talk about it. She’s a very sweet girl with a strong constitution. I’m sure she’ll agree or at least understand.

“Where are we going?” She asked sounding bored with an undertone of curiosity. She was looking straight ahead with her hands in her pockets. I approached the hospital subject carefully, not wanting to scare her.

“We don’t know what diseases you might have or what you’re immune to. We have to go to the hospital to get your vaccinations and get some disease tests done.” She tensed and stopped I stopped and look back at her. “These people are doctors, not scientists. They are trained to help patients, not harm them. Kaida, you know it makes sense. You don’t want to hurt others by accident, do you?” She bit her lip thinking hard. She suddenly jumped on the tall brown fence next to hang upside down with her arms swinging loose. After a few moments, she sighed in defeat and flipped off the fence to right side up. She nodded signaling me to continue. I nodded back, complying and completely ignoring her antics that (apparently) help her think. We soon reached the hospital and I turned to her. “I will protect you no matter what.” I promised. “Do you trust me?” She thought for a moment.

“Yes.” I could feel her intense gaze even though I couldn’t see her beautiful eyes. I ruffled her hair and hugged her. I took her hand and we walked through the doors of the hospital. Kaida stuck to me like glue. I felt awful putting her through this, but it was necessary. I gave the receptionist the code name Hokage – sama had given her – Yukari. We were led to a room and Kaida was given a hospital gown to change into. I turned to leave for a minute while she dressed. “Um… Could you just turn around please?” She asked, once again, timidly. I couldn’t resist her plea to not leave her alone.

“Sure.” I faced the corner like a gentleman and turned to face her when she said. Her entire body was covered in bandages.

“Kaida, why do you have so many bandages on?” I asked concerned.

“… Scars…” She answered ashamed, then cleared her throat. “I don’t really have normal looking skin. It’s all wrinkled and discolored …it’s disgusting. Trust me.” She said it matter – of – factly, but I knew she was dying on the inside. She was truly ashamed of herself. I’d have to talk to Ibiki about her low self – esteem. One false move on his part could shatter their fragile relationship.

“You have a beautiful soul, and that’s all that matters.” I assured the little girl. She sent me a small smile.

Wait… if she is so scarred… wouldn’t her face be distorted too?’  The door opened and the doctor walked in. Suddenly, Kaida sat ramrod straight, shoulders back, head held high and a displeased frown securely in place. She looked so much like Ibiki it was laughable. From this angle, I could see a long thin scar, several shades lighter than her skin, run from the left side of her hair line, just above her emerald eye and temple, to the corner of her pale jaw, where it pivoted and ran the length of it down to her chin. A person could only see it if they were really looking for it and most of it was hidden by her currently misplaced side bangs.

“Hello! How are you today?” the male doctor asked joyously, expertly ignoring the air of authority in the room.

“I’ve been better.” Kaida replied stiffly.

“Are you Yukari?”

“Obviously.” She replied, a very annoyed frown in place. She had like alias that I suggested, just not the setting.

“Excellent! We’ll get started on your physical examination. Open up and say ‘Ahhh’” Kaida complied and that’s how it went for a while. The doctor, telling her what to do and Kaida cooperating. When the doctor pulled out a hammer, Kaida backed up on the table in outrage.

“It’s a rubber hammer to test your reflexes.” I tapped my knee and kicked to demonstrate. She slowly sank down into her previous sitting position and let the doctor tap her with the instrument. She outright refused to let the doctor look at her eyes and smacked his hand away when he tried to remove them himself. After several threats from her and many scoldings from the doctor, it was clear that stubborn frown on her face wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. But other than that, she passed with flying colors.

Now for the worst part....’ The needles were next and she’s been strong so far but I could sense she was having a meltdown. I sat on the table with her and held her hand. The doctor walked in again sooner than she was comfortable with and drew blood. She didn’t look and was holding my hand in a death grip.

 “I’ll be back in a few minutes with the test results.” The middle – aged man informed us.

It was silent for a while as I looked out the window.

            “What are you thinking about?” she asked me.

            “The clouds.” She stood up to stand by the window with me.

            “That one looks like a key.” she seemed calmer looking at the clouds.

“Hmm... I was thinking a lizard.” I replied. We continued cloud watching and guessing shapes until the doctor walked in with a clipboard. She tensed and jumped back up on the table.

***Melody’s POV***

“You have tinea favosa which is basically patches of tiny ringworms. But it’s treatable, so don’t worry too much. It’s a good thing that you kept it covered up though, it’s extremely contagious.” The doctor looked at me over his clipboard my impassive expression didn’t change. “Right,” He sighed, disappointed to not see any positive emotion within two feet of me. “I’ll give you this prescription, then. I’m sorry, but it’s going to take a week at the least to get such a severe case to leave for good.” I nodded in response.

Suirō, is it possible for you to speed up the process?’ I asked my dragon spirit.

‘Yes, but I need the medication first. I’ve done my best to keep it from spreading so far with chakra.’

Thank you!

“Anything else?” Shikaku – san asked.

“One more thing, Yukari has evidence of parasites in her system and we are going to have to call in a specialist because no one currently in this hospital has ever seen anything like this.” I pressed my lips together and glared, not liking the concerned note in his voice. ‘Who is he to care? He doesn’t know me and I don’t know him.’ I thought annoyed.

‘Of course he cares. It’s his job to care, that’s why he became a doctor,’ Suirō explained.  I sighed, calming down.

You’re right, but it’s still annoying.

“Who is going to come in?” Shikaku – san asked putting on a calm face.

“Shibi Aburame.” The doctor replied and Shikaku – san visibly relaxed. ‘He must trust this guy.’

“Who is he?” I asked.

“He is the head of the Aburame clan.” The doctor informed vaguely. I glared at him when he didn’t elaborate and turned to Shikaku – san for further explanation.

“The Aburame clan can control bugs through telepathy and let parasitic insects live inside their bodies and feed off of their chakra in exchange for using them in battle as ninja weapons.” He explained. My eyes widened and I grinned.

“That… is … so … cool!” I gushed. I grew up with three older brothers, what can I say? I’m sure that they would have loved to do that too.

“I think that is the first time I’ve ever heard a woman from another clan say that.” Floated in a stoic voice from the doorway. I jumped three feet in the air and my head snapped in the direction of the sound in shock to see a man sporting round sun glasses and a mustache with a high collared gray shirt. I sweat dropped at his stealth.

“Uh, when did he get here?” I whispered to Shikaku with an eye-twitch.

“My name is Shibi Aburame, nice to meet you,” He held out his hand to shake and I saw beetles crawling around on his wrist. I took his hand anyway, unlike most people. I felt his bugs tickle my wrist.

“I have poisonous chakra.” I informed him seriously, figuring they were going to eat my chakra as they do his.

“I can tell. The insects I sent to you are already dead.” He replied void of emotion. I thought that was weird.

“I’m sorry.” I looked down in shame of killing a life or two unintentionally.

“Don’t be. Death comes hand in hand with life.” He pulled out a purple scroll and opened it up to reveal an odd series of kanjis. “Put your blood in the center.”

“What does it do?” I asked warily.

“It will show us the problem” He said patiently. I bit my lip. ‘Shikaku – san trusts him, he’s a bug expert, he’s the head of his clan and he’s giving you the time of day. Just do it.’ I hooked my hair behind my ear, decided. I picked up a scalpel from the side table and swiftly cut the index finger of my left hand. I let the blood drip freely onto the center of the scroll, not wanting to smear it and mess up the kanjis. Shibi – san did a set of hand signs and muttered some words that I didn’t catch. He then bit his thumb and slammed it down on the paper.

I watched in amazement as said blood started to sizzle and smoke, and then turned into an array of colors. Shibi – san pulled a book from out of nowhere and started to read. My eye twitched. ‘Didn’t he have to read the colors?’

“What are you doing?” I asked with a hint of annoyance.

 “Reading the colors.” He responded. I sweat dropped and looked in his book. It was completely blank but the insects were crawling around on it in no particular order to my eyes.

 “Shibi – san there isn’t anything in there.” I explained, thinking he was a little slow for not realizing that himself.

“That’s the point. If others could read this book then it wouldn’t be a secret technique.”

“What are you talking about?” And that is how I learned about secret techniques and ninjutsu.

***20 minutes later***

“You have gnathostoma spinigerum.” Shibi – san informed me out of nowhere, breaking the comfortable silence. I nearly jumped 5 feet in the air and off the table in surprise.

“What’s that?”

“A rare parasite that can live undetected for up to ten years and enters the body through uncooked meat. Regular anthelmintics should take care of the problem but just to make sure, where did you used to live?” He looked me in the eye, or in this case he stared into my glasses, while I stared into his. I chewed on my inner lip and decided to play it safe.

“The west.” I answered vaguely with an extra dose of bored. There was no use in showing my panic.

“Ah. Then regular anthelmintics should definitely take care of the problem, then.” He nodded to himself. I held back a sigh of relief that he didn’t want or need any specifics. Shibi – san went to tell the doctor the problem and the solution and they walked back into the room together.

“I’m glad that you are going to be okay, Yukari, but how did you get the disease in the first place?” He asked curiously. I thought about how to say it without anyone being too disgusted. I sighed when I realized they would be grossed out no matter how I said it.

“When a person is starving, survival instincts kick in and they don’t really care what they eat as long as they get something in their system. I had to eat uncooked frog meat because it was too dangerous to light a fire,” I watched their faces turn from chill to either concerned or grossed out. “I killed it first, so calm down.” I finished with annoyance. The doctor still looked like he was going to puke, so I decided to have a little fun with his discomfort. “It wasn’t all that bad. Especially because I was so hungry I didn’t taste a single slimy bite.” I assured him smartly. He shivered and I smirked in victory.

“I’ll be back…” he muttered and nearly tripped over his swivel chair on the way out the door. I sighed in relief that he was gone again. I jumped off of the table and looked out the window up at the clouds. I hated the smell of this place. It reminded me of the … chambers. I quickly opened the window and stuck my head and torso out of it to inhale several times. I was shocked that I was able to do this so far… maybe my body knew what my head did – they weren’t trying to hurt me.

I was called back into the room and was greeted by the doctor’s kind smile and … Suddenly my eyes widened and my pupils dilated, I started shaking and hyperventilating. The room twisted into a torture chamber, and the doctor’s kind smile turned into a cruel one with red lipstick as he turned from a middle-aged man to a young woman with red eyes… holding… ‘Needles…’ My world shattered as flashbacks commenced. I had lost it.

***Shikaku’s POV***

It started with her glasses falling down her nose and her eyes widening. No one saw it coming. Her grip tightened on the window sill and she started hyperventilating. I quickly put my hands together, predicting what was coming next. Kaida’s pupils dilated and she kicked the needles out of the doctor’s hand. She smashed the window and got one leg over the window sill before I caught her with my shadow stitching jutsu. She did all of this in a blur and it was ridiculously difficult to get her back inside because she was fighting me with the immense strength that came from true terror. She clawed at the scaffolding as Shibi-san attempted to make an insect sphere around the struggling girl. With a muffled cry from Kaida, the bugs fell from their formation, completely drenched as her glasses shattered on the tile floor. She raised her arms and the water separated from the insects and formed like a floating rope around her torso. Her eyes were challenging even though they still held wide-eyed fear. This was getting nowhere fast and even though I knew words weren’t going to do much to help, on instinct I started talking anyway.

“Kaida… You need help and we can help you. The doctors are here to help you and so are we. This is for your own good. We talked about this… remember?” I said slowly, reasonably. My voice seemed to make her panic even more and she lashed out at me with the water. It stung as it hit my shielding arms to the point where I was nearly blinded with pain. I doubled over and she repeated the process on Shibi and again with the doctor. As I looked closer, Kaida seemed to be holding the water in a whip-like formation her fingers gripping the translucent handle so tightly, her knuckles were white. There were small spikes made out of what looked to be ice and were coated in black while the rest of the water was clear. Before I could get up, she was out the window and probably down the road. “We need to get to the Hokage…” I said weakly with determination ringing strongly in my voice, though my body was barely responding. Shibi-san nodded with the same feeling, agreeing. The doctor was passed out on the floor and other medics could be heard from down the hall.

“This way!”

“Over here!”

“Hurry up!”

“No, that can wait, let’s go!”

I shakily stood up as many doctors and nurses piled into the small room. “We need to get to Hokage-sama… has he been informed?” I panted and strained with the effort to stand.

“Yes.” A doctor with brown eyes replied, “But for now, we need to give you a check up.”

“No, I need to report the Hokage… Yukari could hurt herself in her mental state.”

“Sir, I strongly advise that you stay here. We don’t know what she did to you and other ninja can take care of the problem-”

“Kaida isn’t a problem!” I exclaimed suddenly, forgetting the code name. “Sorry…” I said after a moment. “I didn’t mean to say it like that. She’s very sweet and I don’t want the others to get the wrong impression from listening to this one event.” I explained wobbling towards the window. “Let’s go… Shibi!”

“Hai!” he replied.

‘Hold on Kaida, don’t hurt yourself or the village because I don’t think I can help you if you do…”


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