Our Burning Love-A Clato Love...

Summer___Rain द्वारा

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Poverty, her mothers hate and being friendless doesn't stop her. He is to arrogant and rich for his own good... अधिक

Prolouge: Backrounds
Chapter 1: looking at the locket
Chapter 2: Meet my crush: Cato Emerson.
Chapter 3: time to confess
Chapter 4: Are you sure you were going to say that?
Chapter 5: sword fighting
Chapter 6: Awkward moment
Chapter 7: Lets talk about the games...
Chapter 8: memories hurt.... I know that
Chapter 9: Ronnie's birthday
Chapter 10: The so called 'Date'
Chapter 11: Bloody Mother
Chapter 12: I was a mistake
Chapter 13: My sweet 16....not really
Chapter 14: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 15: My birthday, The reaping And Shit
Chapter 16: Train Cars and Love Stories
Chapter 17: The Tribute Parade
Chapter 18: Shocker!!
Chapter 19: This is love
Chapter 20: Private Training
Chapter 21: "Straighten your back.."
Chapter 22: The Interviews and Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 23: The Bloodbath
Chapter 24: Beautiful Friendships.
Chapter 25: Tracker Jackers.
Chapter 26: Death
Chapter 27: Explosions
Chapter 28: ''The rule change that changed my life''
Chapter 29: Thinking
Chapter 30: The Feast
Chapter 31: Waiting
Chapter 32: Thresh.
Chapter 33: The Mutts
Chapter 34: The Finale.
Chapter 35: The Crowning
Chapter 36: Home And The District Winner's Ball
Chapter 37: Being Busy.
Chapter 38: Kelly "Chase" Mitchell
Chapter 39: Old and new faces.
Chapter 40: Why she left.
Chapter 41: A better boyfriend.
Chapter 42: Apologies & Our Date.
Chapter 43: More Then Once.
Chapter 44: Drunk.
Chapter 45: Reunion & Rumours.
Chapter 46: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Chapter 47: The Result & Your eyes.
Chapter 48: Don't you remember her?
Chapter 49: Aftershock.
Chapter 50: Taylor Burditt
Chapter 51: If I lose myself.
Chapter 52: Moving On?
Chapter 53: Take Over.
Chapter 54: The Truth.
Chapter 55: I have lost myself
Chapter 56: I'll ruin your life
Chapter 57: The Engagement Party
Chapter 58: Realisation
Chapter 59: Clarisse's Baby
Chapter 60: My kind of day.
Chapter 61: Glowing.
Chapter 62: Calm before the storm.
Chapter 63: Suprise!
Chapter 65: Alien
Chapter 66: My life
Chapter 67: Disappointment.
Chapter 68: Blood.
Chapter 69: Execution.
Chapter 70: Tweet Tweet.
Chapter 71: Bridges.
Chapter 72: The beginning.
Chapter 73: Electric.
Chapter 74: The Edge.
Chapter 75: Confusion.
Chapter 76: Final Three.
Chapter 77: Loneliness.
Chapter 78: How I want to end it.
Chapter 79: Smile.
Chapter 80: Home never felt so good.
Chapter 81: Misunderstandings.
Chapter 82: Things are looking up.
Chapter 83: Number Two.
Chapter 84: What else happened.
Chapter 85: Holding Hands.
Author's Note.

Chapter 64: Despair

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Summer___Rain द्वारा

Clove's POV

* * * * * * * * *

23 July 3114

* * * * * * * * *

I have never felt this much insecurity in my life. I was never so unaware of what's going on. Cato tried to reassure me this morning,  but I don't know. Reaping day always brings fear.

I dressed Nazera in her best dress that u bought her with a bow hairband. Cato is in a red flannel shirt and jeans. He looks amazing,  but that's the last place where my attention is at.

I stand in front of the long mirror in my blue dress. It comes to my knee, has a sweetheart neckline and thick straps. I have a brown belt around my waist and brown heels on.

My hair is up in a bun with a tiny poof in the front. My fingernails and toenails are painted with white tips. I have no mqke up on, but I do have all my jewellery on.

I shimmy down the stairs and into the kitchen. "You okay babe?" Cato asks.

"I suppose, are you?"

He groans and picks yp Nazera from her highchair. He kisses the side of her fuzzy hair.

"We're meeting Roni and Kyle there, right?"

"That's what they said anyway." Cato says finishing with a laugh.

"Okay then. Will we head?" I mumble.

"Hmm? oh, yes. C'mon." he instructs me. And just like thqt, we're in the district square, lining up to get our fingers pricked. Once Cato and I are done a peacekeeper tells us to go to our areas.

I take Nazera off him He pulls me into a kiss and then just holds me. "I love you, Clo."

"I know you do. I love you too."

"I'll see you in an half an hour or so, we'll head home, yeah?" he says, trying to stay positive.

"Yeah, yes I'll see you then." he squeezes my hand and winks at me before he lets me go and disappears into the crowd. I can't even seem to find anyone.

Every single person over twelve has to be pricked and sorthed into their groups. I manage to find Clarisse though.

"Hey, hon'" she drags out. "How're you?"

"Where's Eoyn?" I asks her. "Oh and I'm fine."

"He's with Bristle, you know boys with boys." she laughs, nervously.

"Did you see Roni?"

She nods her head. "Yeah, she seemed pretty tense, she told me to tell you to stop worrying and that everything will be fine."

I laugh, that sounds like Roni. The sun is hot, scorching actually. It hits my legs, arms and shoulders and sets them on fire. Everyone can feel the heat as people fan themselves frantically.

We all stand in the male or female groups in front of the stage. The stage is beginning to crackle from the heat. There's a microphone and a stand in the middle of the stage. Two glass balls with thousands of names in them are balanced on two podiums.

The ancient Justice Building is right behind it. "Clove, calm down will you? You're making me nervous!" she snaps, but then laughs.

I rest Nazera on my hip and bounce her up and down gently. She can feel the tension. She looks around, frazzled, as if desperately searching for something.

"Easy girl, calm down Zera." I coo. Her bottom lip quivers. I know all the confusion and noise is unappealing to her and is probably giving her a headache.

It's only when I see Darcy Leckv walk across the stage, high heels clacking,  that I remember my excitement last year.

I tap my foot anxiously against the burning concrete ground. I try to focus on my daughter in my hands, she's still uneasy. She's still confused.

"Welcome to the 75th annual Hubger Games, the Quarter Quell reaping!" Darcy beens through the microphone. She's in extravagant neons and her heels are about ten inches high.

Her skin is a shimmering white and her hair is a fluorescent aqua. I scowl.

"Now," she cheerps. "As this is the Quarter Quell, there has been a rule change. Anyone over the age of twelve is eligible to be reaped. But before we get to the main event.." she giggles.

"There's a short little movie from the beloved Capitol." I hiss at the mention of their names. I feel Clarisse's eyes on me.

I completely zone oit while it plays, I block out all sound and emotions, I feel... numb?

"Wasn't that just fabulous?" Darcy asks gaily. She looks back at the Mayor who is sitting with his wife behind her.

She struts towards the furthest glass bowl. "Ladies first!"

Her long, slender l, dainty fingers swirl around in the bowl of thousands. She smiles at the camera that is recording this event. Then, she sharply yanks her hand out of the bowl with a single slip of paper.

Her heels clack as she approaches the microphone. She delicately opens the slip and her purple eyes scan it.

My insides flip and in a moment of desperation, I grab Clarisse's hand. It can't be me, there's thousands in there. It can't be Roni either.

"Nevaeh Emerson."

I breathe with relief until I realise who she just said. Cato's sister,  my soon-to-be sister-in-law. I hear Astrel scream from behind me, Carlee's gentle sobs come from a different direction.

Clarisse squeezes my hand as every other female sighs with relief. I look for Cato, I can't see him!

No! Not Nevaeh, she'd be killed in the bloodbath! I can't let this happen!

She walks to the edge of the crowd and two peacekeepers stand either side of her. She walks towards the stage.

"Any volunteers?" Darcy asks the crowd.

"I heard the female tribute quit this year.." a girl behind me whispers. I hear a few people mutter responses.

"No?" she repeats. Nevaeh is now on the stage. I can't let her die.

"Yes!" I scream.

"Hmm?" Darcy sounds.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Everyone steps back from me, enclosing me in a circle. I bite my lip.

"Clove, darling. Come on up!" I kiss Nazera's forehead and I hand her to Clarisse. She's just staring at me.

I depart the crowd and almost shamefully walk towards the stage, accompanied by two peacekeepers of course.

I did it, I'm going back in.

"I'm sure you all know Clove?" Darcy laughs. I snap out of it and push my head up high, shoulders back and I proudly walk up the steps.

I need sponsers, I need to win.

"Very well Clove, if you come over here. Thank you Nevaeh." Nevaeh scampers down the steps into her mother's arms.

Roni is bawling into her friends dress. Carlee, Madilyn, Avery, Sienna, Tiana, Harper, you name them, they're all in shock.

I look at the male group. I spot Cato instantly, his clear blue eyes are now icy and cold. He hates me.

I give him a look, a look I know that he'll understand. I motion slightly towards my engagement ring. His eyes widen. He gets the message; you volunteer, we're over.

"And now the boys!"

I block Darcy's irritating voice out and think about what I put myself into. I'm pregnant and engaged and I volunteered for the Hunger Games.

Im going to be torn away form my home and family, actually I won't, I'd rather go then have Nevaeh go.

I have Nazera and Cato, and I'm leaving them. How stupid am I? I have to beat 23 people to come home. I need to survive and get sponsers all over again.

I'm going to die...

"Aleka Sandri!"

A man in his late thirties with medium size muscles,  black hair and warm brown eyes steps out. I see a woman begin to sob and a young boy do the same.

I can tell that he has has no training whatsoever, but that doesn't mean that Aleka won't be a competitor.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Our tributes for the 75th annual Hunger games: Clove and Aleka!"

We were rushed off stage and into the justice building. We were instantly seperated and pressed into two different rooms. this is our last goodbyes to our loved ones.

I saunder around the vintage room, looking at books int the bookcase out of bordem. I scowl at the layer of dust. I trail my fingers along the fabric of the curtains.

Astrel, Carlee, Rosalie, Oakley and Nevaeh are the first in. And instantly, I'm slapped across the face by Nevaeh.

"What did you do that for? Hmm?"

"I don't want to see you die." I say strongly.  She burts into tears.

"Thank you, Clove. I love you for this." she yanks me into a hug and holds me tightly.

Astrel is next, she instructs me to come home, Cato needs me, badly. Rosalie and Carlee are in bits. They soak the thick sleeves of my dress with their tears.

"Clove, come back to us, please?" they beg simultaneously. You can see that they're sisters.

"I'll do my best."

"Your best isn't enough!" Rosalie sobs violently. "This isn't fair!"

"Rosalie, don't do that.."

"Time's up!" the peacekeeper orders opening the door. The five of them smother me in a hug and they all tell me they love me and to come home.

Clarisse, Bristle, Roni, Kyle and Madilyn are in before Cato's famy are out. Roni charges at me and wraps her skinny arms around my waist.

I bury my face in her hair and take in her floral scent. I love it so much. Clarisse rests her head on my shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, for what you did." Kyle meekly says, trying to break the silence.

"That took a lot of courage Clove, something I don't have." Madilyn tells me, agreeing with her husband.

"Don't go?" Roni whimpers.

"I have to, silly."

"No! Nevaeh should have to go, not you! You don't deserve it Clove! Not after all you've been through!"

"Now please tell me you can remember how to throw a knife?" Bristle jokes.

"How could I forget that?" I respond in a laugh.

"One minute!" we hear.

"I'm sorry for everything!" Kyle rushes out. I smile and pull him into a hug.

"It's okay. Bristle, you take care of Clarisse and Eoyn, right? And Roni, I need you to look out for Cato and Nazera for me, promise?"

"Only if you promise you'll come home!"

"I can't do that Roni.." I moan.

"You're my best friend, you have no choice but to come back."

"Clarisse, stop harassing the poor girl." Bristle warns his girlfriend.

I hug each one of them individually again, I mumble a few words to them until I get to Roni.

"Veronica Rambin, dry those eyes, I'll be home before you know it. I love you Roni!"

I hear a muffled I love you too. When the peacekeeper comes in and instructs them to leave, she begins to scream which awakens Eoyn who begins to cry.

Roni claws at the peacekeeper, roaring crying and I sit there feeling guilty. She's soon forcefully yanked out by an annoyed Kyle.

Enobaria and Corden are next to visit me. They sit peacefully on opposite sides of me.

"Mason told me to tell you that he loves you and the best of luck." Cordwn informs me. I smile sadly.


"Yes, Clove?"

"I'm pregnant."

"You're what? You're pregnant and you volunteered for the games? You could die, and Cato wouldn't have even met his own child!" she hollers at me.

I hang my head as I tell her that he doesn't know.

"We need a strategy." Corden announces. Enobaria makes a humming soumd.

"Be ruthless in the arena, make the audience enjoy it. Still be sweet but sarcastic, but just make sure the audience like it, they'll sponsor you. Form a group of careers and be in vharge a big group. Get them to trust you, you also have to trust them but not that much. Got it?"

I nod frantically.

"Get a high scores in training and get to your knives in the bloodbath. Don't do an Annie Cresta on it, do an Enobaria on it."

Corden laughs at his fiances joke. She kisses her teeth. I lick my teeth out of boredom and plain deflation.

"Make them like you. But remember not to get to attached like you did last year. Water's sweet, but blood is thicker"

I nod and play with the hem of my dress anxiously. "What have I done?"

"You've said Cato's sister's life! That's amazing Clove!" Corden says trying to cheer me up.

"You did it last year, and you can do it this year. You're an expert on this kinda stuff. I believe in you."

"Thanks Enobaria, Corden and Afiya."

"Time's up, last visitor!"

I hug Enobaria and Corden tightly, I thank them for their advice and I watch them leave. Cato and Nazera are the last ones.

"Are you mad with me?" I ask him as I take Nazera.

"What? No Clove, how can I be mad with you? I love you!"

"I love you too." I rest my head against his chest and bury my face into a giggling Nazera.

"Can you take care of her on your own?"

"Yes, me and Zera are going to watch mommy being amazing on the tv every day. We're gonna see President Snow put the crowd on mommy's head aren't we?"

"Cato I-"

"Don't even start Clove. I know you can win and I believe in you baby. I'll be waiting."

"Enobaria gave me some advice aswell, it was really good actually. It helped."

"Well I have one, no two pieces of advice for you. One is to take you bipolar medication the morning you go in to keep you calm as long as possible. I don't want you doing something mad and getting hurt. And the second thing is to not get killed."

I smile but then I frown. "What if there's someone like Thresh and I get severly injured? Who'll be there? No one!'

"I had your back last time, you gotta have your own back this time. And when you get home, we can get married as soon as you want, yeah?"


"Forget about Thresh and Katniss. This is a new year."

"I love you so much Cato."

"I know you do baby girl. And Clo, thank you for saving Nevaeh."

"Anything for my pretty boy."

"Mr Emerson? You must leave now!" the peacekeepers calls, steping into the room.

"Nazera baby, will you be a good girl and look after daddy for mummy?" she squeals euphorically. I hlfeel my eyes dampen ans I smile down at her.

I then look into Cato's eyes before I press my lips on his. We stand there, just holding each other. I'm so, I don't even know how to describe it.

"Mr Emerson?"

Cato pulls back but rests his forehead on mine. He kisses my nose and whispers "I love you baby girl, always and forever. I'll be routing for you. Stay focused as I know you can get a little unhinged."

"I love you too!"

"See you soon, right?" he asks. I stroke his and Nazera's face.

"Yes, yes you will."

"I love you Clover!" he calls as hes pushed out the door. "I love you both!" I call after him.

"I'm... pregnant." I call but realise that it's futile as he's already left me. I wanted to tell him before I'm brutally slaughtered on national television.

"Clove sweetheart, time to bord the train." Darcy calls from the corridor. I exit the room and scowl at the peacekeeper who provided me with such little tine with my family.

I meet Darcy and Aleka at the end of the corridor. "I need to speak with you, missy." she snaps.

Darcy storms ahead of the two of us and Aleka and I follow. I catch Aleka staring at me.

"What?" I snap at him.

He looks at the floor and I sigh in annoyance and finally power ahead. I exit the Justice Building and am swarmed by about a dozen photographers.

I angrily storm to the train. I pull myself up and look around. The same red, black and gold decor as before. A buffet of little treats are set out for us.

I roll my eyes. "Clove!" I hear Brutus call me.

"I swear to God, if I hear my name once more today, I'll kill someone."

Leven and Brutus don't respond. Leven must be nervous, this is her first year nentoring. And this is only happening because Enobaria is heavily pregnant.

I steadily walk out through the main automatic glass doors and down the corridor, towards my old room.

I slam the wooden door as hard as I can. I lock the door and when I turn around and the memory of crying in this room returns to me.

I sprint towards the glass window. I lay my hand against the melting glass. I yank off my heels and then I feel the train shift beneath my feet.

I fling my heels to the other side of the room. District Two zooms by. We shortly pass the meadow and I catch a final glimpse of my house next to the lake and the tree.

I rest my head against the glass. I refuse to pity myself,  I refuse to cry.

But what I do pit is my unborn baby, Cato and Nazera. Moments later we fly pastthe district border.

I creep over to the mirror and pull my dress up to my chest. I stare intently above my undetware to where my baby is growing.

No sign of even the smallest bump. I rub my baby gently, as if trying to soothe it.

If I come home, I'll soon have two chuldren to care for. Nazera will have a little brother or sister.

I taste the salty tears before I feel them. I flop onto the large red bed. I curl into a ball and sob into my knees.

I've obviously signed up for the death of not just me, the death of my baby who's the size of a half grain of rice

* * * * * * * *

24 July 3114

* * * * * * * *

"CLOVE!!" I hear a feminine voice. I open one eye and peak around the room. it hurts when I realise where I am.

"Is she dead or something?" the same voice calls. "This ia ruining everything!  Darcy's on a ranpage, she'll kill me if I can't get her out."

"Babe, calm down." I hearBrutus say. "She's probably awake, and she's being hormonal. If anyone, it's Clove who knows how important sponsors are. She leatned that after she got hit in the head with a stone."

"Are you sure?" Leven asks.

"Yes, she wouldn't miss being in front of the puvlic."

"When I was pregnant with Dalton,  I couldn't do anything. How is she going to survive the games then?"

I guess Enobaria told them both. "I don't know. C'mon love, just leave her alone."

I stare at the clock on the wall and see that it's 10:30am. I groan and drag myself to the wardrobe. It's pointless havibg a shower.

I change my underwear and bra. I pull a silky black dress over my head. It's skirt sticks out a small bit and it has straight, thick straps. It has a tiny sweetheart neck line.

I brush my teeth and wash my face before I decide I don't want to wear make up. I make sure I have my engagement ring, locket and the bracelet and ring Cato got me.

And when I do, I tackle my messy hair. I let it down from my bun and notice that it's straight.

I take a red elastic from my en suite and pull my hair up into a high ponytail with a small poof in the front.

The red bobbin stands out against my chocolate hair. I search the end of the wardrobe until I find a pair of black heels with a red sole.

I slip my cold feet into them. I skim my eyes over my reflection and nod in approval. It's just turned eleven so I just made it.

I unlock my door and shimmy throught the corridors. I head towards the open doors in the main room.

Dracy, Leven and Brutus are up by the apartment block where the tributes stay ever year.

I step out of the train and Aleka glares at me. I smirk at him as everyone cheers my names. I walk about forty meters until I reach him.

"Clove! Clove! Clove!" I lick my teeth and sneer. Everyone cheers. I place my hands on my hips and stand next to Aleka for a few pictures.

I try to look menacing. I think it's working.

I look at Aleka and roll my eyes. I pass him out and sway my hips as I walk yoeards Leven.

I hear Aleka's steps behind me. "Good work." Brutus whispers and I smirk at him. I enter the main lobby and am immediately dragged by Zeus to the elevator.

He slams his hand on the number two and we fly upwards.

"Good to see you again Clove."

"I'd prefer it was in different terms."

He dashes through a few corridors when the glass doors open. I try to ignore the millions of memories that flood me.

I enter a room and find the rest of my prep team waiting for me. They tackle me in a hug and I'm swarmed in a pool of orange and green and pink and red.

"Girls!" A white Zeus calls. Delini and Patrecia back away and I notice that Delini is the one in pink and red and Patrecia is in orange and green.

"We've missed you hunny!" Delini giggles. I smirk slightly.

"You too." I lie through gritted teeth.

"Well, we don't have time for each other's lige stories. Patrecia, asscort Clove to her bath and wash her hair. When she gets out I'll do ger make-up, Delini you the nails and Patrecia the hair. Got it? We must be ready for half four and it's already 11:15am."

Delini nods and bites her pink lip. Patrecia puts her darjed skinned hand on my wrist and she leads me to the bathroom.

I'm greeted by a bath of a slimy, hot pink gunk. It has little flecks of gold dispersed in it.

"Hop in honey." Patrecia encourages me. I take off my shoes and pull down my hair. I then stand dumbly and stare at her.

"Ugh, fussy!" she turns her back and I race against time to pull of the dress. I practically junp into the goo.

"You can look now." she spins around and grins at me. Her electric blue eyes peer into my soul as she search for a certain plastic bottle.

"Did you miss the Capitol?" she asks me tugging on her orange peplum top and then focuses on her green skirt. "Found it!"

She squeezes the now open bottle onto my head and begins to massage it. "Very." I lie.

She blows a strand of her golden hair oit of her face. "How's Cato?"

"Great actually, thanks."

"Zeus is in a horrible mood. Be careful." she warns me as her nails stick into my raw scalp. "Did you see the new high heel shoes out?"

And at that vey moment,  I zone out. Nodding and agreeing occasionally.

About thirty minutes later, and a whole lot of scrubbing and pointless chat, I'm aloud out. She hands me a white robe and I quickly dry myself before slipping into it.

We go back to the main room and I spot Leven sitting down on her own.

"Clove honey, I've just told them that you're expecting, and anything you don't want to do, you don't have to."

"No waxing!" I instantly say.

Delini laughs as she curls a piece of auburn hair around her yellow finger. Her red dress is very provocative with a large pink belt around the waist.

"Don't worry, that tablet Zeus gave you last year ridded you of all you body hair. You're fine."

"I couldn't listen to her complaint for an hour or so like we had to last year." Zeus snaps running his hand through his spiky blue hair.

"Leave her alone. You okay now?" Leven kindly asks, playing with the hem of her green day dress.

"Yes, thank you."

"If you need me, shout." She laughs to break the awkwardness. I join her in her attempt.

"I will, I'll see you later." I thank her from saving me from these... physcopaths. Leven gingerly gets up and walks out of the cream and gold coloured room.

My hair is immediately pinned up and I'm stripped of my robe, standing naked in front of them. To be honest, I'm not even embarrassed at all, yesterday was too rough.

I'm rubbed down with a silky lotion. Once I'm 'dry', I'm instructed to lie down, so I do. Patrceia instantly pulls out this silver device and pushes a switch and it blows hot air towards me.

She blows the hot air on my hair and before I can protest, I feel Delini taking off my old polish and beginning to file them into the 'correct' shape.

When I see Zeus hovering above me with a rather large brush, I freak out. "Not much makeup, please?"

He doesn't answer me but he just stares at me and rolls his eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"See you soon, good luck tonight sweetheart!" Delini calls, shutting the wooden door behind her. I hiss.

I weakly walk to the mirror and examine my image. My hair is up in a huge bun, there's a french plait from the back of my neck up to where the bun begins. Two pieces of hair frame my face.

My nails are painted a mauvy brown with black lines through it, making them look like a brick wall.

My lips are the same brown, but a lot glossier. My eyes are actually fantastic, the same brown is deep and detailed and spreads outside my eye. And I have a final flick of eyeliner on my upper lid that extends to about a centimetre outside my eye. With mascara of course.

I just have light powder foundation on as my skin is in quite good condition. I sit down and play with the hem of my fluffy robe.

I hum to myself gently to soothe my pounding heart.

"Fancy meeting you here again!" I hear Clara's sweet voice and a wave of relief overcomes me. I run to her and hug her.

"Miss me?" she laughs, returning my hug.

"It's all a mess Clara!"

"Woah, honey, are you okay?"

I don't respond.

"Obviously not! Let's get some lunch and we can talk, hmm?" Soon our lunch is delivered my an avox. While Clara digs in, I poke at mine.

Clara looks as stunning as ever. Her hair is now longer and has gentle waves going through her caramel hair. She's wearing a royal blue dress with black heels. Her lips and nails are blood red.

"What's up hon'?" she aks.

So I tell her everything. From the amnesia to the cancer, the bombing and getting Nazera, the adoption and finding my real parents,  when Cato proposed and when I found out I beat cancer then the fact that I am pregnant.

"So Nevaeh is Cato's younger sister?"

"Yes, but the worst thing is that he doesn't know I'm pregnant. I left him with Nazera and there's a very slik chance that I'll come home without him here with me."

"Have you seen the other tributes?" she asks me, almost desperately.

I shake my head no. "No, I didn't watch it."

"Gloss from district one volunteered again. He won a few years back. Female volunteer from one and four had volunteers too. There's a huge man from district eight. This is going to be a tough one."

"There's another victor?" I gasp.

"Oh and Titus from district six. He's about forty, but I hear he trains tributes."

"Two victors.... any older people?" I ask her.

"Well there is an older woman from nine. Oh and do you remember Rue?"

"Of course I do."

"Her sister, Faye got picked."

"No!" I moan. Clara nods and smiles sadly.

"Very, very tough year honey. Let's get started, hmm?" she asks as she pushes herself up and she walks over to the wardrobe and pulls out a black underware and bra set.

"I toned it to masonary a lot this year. Very stone and brick like. Put these on." She instructs handing me the underwear and bra. I nod and head into the bathroom and change.

"Is this really necessary?" I ask as I re-enter the room where Clara is. She nods as she pulls out some sort of fabric from a black bag.

She gingerly slips it over my head and begins poking at it.

"Are you done?"

"Almost.... Voilá!" she cheers clapping her hands. "What do you think hon'?"

I stare at the dress intently. Around my shoulder and neck there's this brock design, brown, of course. And it's the same down the end of it by the hem.

From my collarbone to my mid-thigh is a see through black sheer material. You can see the black undergarments in it.

"If you don't like it, I have something else!" she rushes out.

I smile, even though I'm like three quarters naked, I really do like it. It's sexy, but represents my district well. "No, I like it." I say with a convincing smile.

"Oh thank God, I was so worried to be honest!" She laughs nervously. "Here are your shoes."

She hands me a pair of mauvy brown heals with a fat, chunky heal on thwm. I slip my feet into them.

"Am I allowed to keep on my jewellery?" I whimper.

"Yes, I'll let you this once Clove. Your a chancer, you know that?" She laughs spontaneously. "It's time." She hooks her arm through mine and escorts me downstairs.

I see Aleka is a brick like costume too. He's obviously not half naked though. There's twelve chariots with two black horses ready to pull each. Leven, Brutus, Darcy and Clayton stand next to Aleka. We walk over to them and suddenly I feel vulnerable.

"Clove, darling! You look absolutely beautiful!" Darcy exclaims. Brutus gives me a smile and Leven agrees. Clayton hugs me and compliments me.

"Will you all come here for a moment?" Brutus asks everyone except myself and Aleka. When they leave, Aleka frowns at me and walks away.

I stroke the horses neck until I hear footsteps behind me. I don't jump, there's too much noise and excitement around to startle me.

"Clove Rambin, I thought I'd never meet you." I hear a thick, almost silky voice.

"Gloss." I respond before turning around to face him. I'm not going to lie, he is handsome, but not my type. His golden hair falls shaggly over his forehead and his green eyes pierce out from under it. He's quite muscular with high cheekbones.

He's wearing a silk suit with jewels for buttons and pockets. He has a trail of large feathers behind him. Diatrict One, luxuries.

"I like your costume, provocative enough to get sponsors. Think I should strip naked too?"

"What do you want Gloss?" I snap, I can't believe I have to be his ally. He's about thirty.

"Why so harsh bittercup? I don't bite, that is unless you want me to bite." he smirks as I grimace. He's worse then Finnick Odair.

"That's disgusting. Why not try it on with your district partner,  she seems more... your type." I quickly say back, nodding towards the pretty blonde girl with almost purple eyes. She's about eighteen and she's taller then me.

"Aloe? Oh she was so boring last night, I think you'll be more fun."

I hiss, baring my teeth. "I'd rather die in a hole. What did you do to the poor girl, she looks fragile enough." he laughs loudly and obnoxiously. I try to look anywhere but at him.

"Mm, I mean in the last games she lost her boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" I ask, trying to contain my shock.

"You knew him well, didn't you? Marvel? Confessed he was in oove with Glimmer on national television. Must be hard to see the person you thought you loved cheat on you."

"Like you'd know anything about love." I inform him. He guffaws as I roll my eyes.

"One thing, I'm your ally buttercup, better get used to me and I know a lot more about love then you do."

"That's why I'm engaged and your single, hm?" I ask him sarcastically.

"I like you, you're funny. Meet me and Aloe tomorrow in training, we're going to sort out the career pack. We're going to check out four and that Aleka. We're also looking at a few others."

"Sure, whatever."

"Fine?" he asks, confused.

"Goodbye Gloss." I draw out. I turn away from him and pull myself up onto the chariot where Aleka already is. I run my finger over the edge of it as I wait.

I hear Claudius Templsworth's voice tell the people it's 'beginning'. Everyone drags themselves onto their chariots. I catch Leven winking at me so I nod my head in return.

"District One; Aloe and Gloss!" their chariot squeaks before it is pulled off and out into the Capitol town streets.

Twelve,  thirteen,  fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen....

I push my shoulders back and my head up. I plaater a smirk onto my face and adjust my dress.

"Good look, amateur." I whisper to Aleka, he laughs.

Exactly thirty seconds later, Claudius' voice calls; "District Two; Clove and Aleka!"

Our chariot shakily rolls out until the horses begin to get a good pace. I raise my hand and leave it there at an angle, just like I did last year.

The sky is dark and there's street lights illuminating the long street. People are banging drums in sync, which doesn't mix well with the Capitol people screaming my name.

Aleka doesn't wave, he just.. well he doesn't actually do anything! He doesn't smile or move. No one chants his name which must be a let down.

Having the word Clove! chanted in your ear a million times a second must be annoying,  bug I like it. Roses and all sorts of flowers fall in front and behind us.

I sneakily look behind me to see district twelve pull out. No fire this year, so my evil smirk gets even bigger. I just have Gloss, Aloe, the pair from four, Titus and Aleka to worry about.

But there's Faye, Rue's sister.

We pull up to the front of President Snow's mansion. I instantly groan.

After we all get fixed up, he emerges and the Capitol roar with excitment.

"Welcome to the 75th annial Hunger Games. We welcome you previous victors, volunteers, young and old people to the Capitol. We thabk you for willing accepting your place in the games. This is our third quarter quell so things will be very different. We never had something like this before, and we'll never have something like this again. So enjoy it, while it lasts. Thank you."

Enjoy it huh? Oh sure, I'll enjoy it!

* * * * * * * * *

A/N- WOAH!!! And she is back in the games! And I am back in my playground!

Fan; if you're like "Woah!!!"

Vote; If you like Gloss

Comment; on what you initially thought and what you think will happen.

Next update; Before Christmas?

Teaser; "I don't have to prove myself to you, I won last year, did you?"

Clf xxx

Cheers! ;)

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