The Beasts Curse

By LibKitten

18.9K 721 30

Anna and her father, Xavier, have been on the run ever since her mother was mysteriously murdered when she wa... More



150 16 2
By LibKitten


"How is that even possible!?" I yelled. Renee's agonizing screams rent the air, and tore at my heart. "She was disconnected, the bond was severed!" I turned to Dimitri and Alex. They stood at the foot of the bed, their faces a mixture of shock and disbelief.

"I'm sorry Alpha, there is no possible way that this could be happening. There have been Severing's before, but never has there been a reconnection." Alex grabbed Dimitri's arm. "Something's happened. It's different. The air around her has felt different since she met Vladimir."

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to tune out the sobbing coming from Renee. It would take up to an hour for her body to complete the first change. I gently placed my hand upon her forehead.

"Dimitri, get a bath of ice. She's burning up."

"Yes Alpha. Alex stay here and help our Luna in any way you can." He placed a kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Alex knelt on the other side of Renee. She brushed my hand out of the way and replaced it with her own. She placed her right hand just above her breast an inch above her heart.

"What are you doing?" She didn't answer. Her eyes were closed and her lips were moving in a silent chant.


Is it ever going to stop?!

It felt as if I had been in this haze of pain for as long as I could possibly remember. I could hear Knight's voice above the screaming. Was I even screaming anymore? I couldn't see anything, wether that was from my eyes being closed or I had momentarily lost the use of my eyes.

Not all that long ago, I had felt a coldness slide up and around my body. Encasing me. Protecting me.

It didn't last long.

I could feel the cold become wetness. As if I were laying in water. And through my clouded mind I couldn't help but think how preposterous that sounded. I had been in my bedroom. Had it been my bedroom? Or... what was his name? Alpha's?

Yes, maybe that was it. I had to have been in my Alpha's room. He had been there. I had heard his voice and felt his precense. The Alpha would not have just casually been in my bedroom.

Do not let the pain of our transformation block the true memories. You are Luna. And though by pack standards you are technically a cub as this is your first turn, you are still a pack leader. You must think. Open your eyes and see yourself for who you truly are.

I tried to sit up. My eyes still refusing to open. But as I tried to move my body the way I normally would, it flopped back. I felt water encase my head and I struggled to stand. It wasn't until I had rolled over, expecting to be on my hands and knees did I realize that I was no longer in a human body.

I'm a wolf?

And doesn't it feel so wonderful! And freeing! Oh how grand it is. Feel the way our muscles bunch at the thought of movement. Or how our tail, though weighted down by water, is just... magnificent.

My vision was coming into focus. I could feel the dull ache of the pain still residing in my muscles. But, as I looked up over the edge of the porcelan tub I could see Knight. His eyes glazed in amazment. A smile, one of pure joy, on his face. I tried to say his name but my tongue wasn't working as it should, and all that came out was a whine.

I shook my head, trying to grasp that I was no longer human. Though my past life was there in my memory it was as if this mind wouldn't hold onto the fact that this was real. That I really was a Were.

"Renee. Oh my sweet Renee." Knight was beside me now, his hand resting gently on the side of my face. "You are so beautiful." He kissed the top of my nose, or was it snout? Muzzle? I didn't know anymore.

I wanted to hug him. I wanted his arms wrapped around me. I needed his warmth. I was so cold. I began to shiver. And as I tried to climb out of the tub Knight wrapped his arms around me as if I was some dog that needed help after a bath.

He gently placed me on the floor, my legs, all four of them, collapsing underneath me. Knight grabbed a towl and began to gently rub me down. If I had been a cat I would have been purring.

He chuckled, his head shaking back and forth.

"Don't worry love, if you want to purr I'm certain I can make that happen for you." He placed a kiss on my side.

I wanted to know when I would be human again. How long did I have to stay in this form? A day? A month? Goddess forbid a year?

Oh dear, you are the goddess. It's up to you. When you are ready, to change back. Once you have fully come to terms with who and what you are. Most cubs can make the change back in a couple hours. However, they were also raised in this life. They know exactly what they are as soon as they are born. You are just going to need more time.

"Can you make it back to the bedroom? I can carry you if you'd prefer." Knight was kneeling beside me. His face a mask of concern. I could feel the tug to finish the imprint. To complete our mating. And yet I also felt the need of the wolf in me. To run free and hunt. Though the thought of meat disgusted me, the wolf wanted it. Craved it.

It was as if there was a war raging inside of me. The wolf and the human in me. Fighting for dominance. I was half afraid of which would come out on top.


I am so so so sorry for it being what? Almost a year? Over a year? Since my lst update? I honestly don't know what happened. At first it was a writers block and I was going to wait like a week, maybe two before I came back and then it turned into months and for a while I pretty much forgot all about it, but I had some freetime and I was checking my email and I found one from wattpad about someone commenting on the story. I came and checked it out and decided to write the next chapter. I can't tell you when the next update will be, but it certainly won't take as long as this one did. Once again I am so sorry.

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