Oh, Angel. (1)

By bellamarwan

2.4K 100 29

She fell in love with someone who was impossible to love. He thought being in love was impossible until she c... More

Chapter 1: Macallan 18
Chapter 2: Millionaire
Chapter 3: You have my word
Chapter 4: Conflict of interest
Chapter 5: A deck of hearts
Chapter 6: Dimples and giggles
Chapter 7: Stay
Chapter 8: Rules
Chapter 9: Beauty behind the lie
Chapter 10: Danger
Chapter 11: Veins full of liqour
Chapter 12: Well fuck
NEW COVER: not an update
Chapter 13: Styles theatre
Chapter 14: Love always, Emma.
Chapter 15: Hurt
Chapter 16: Gone
Chapter 17: I swear to you
Chapter 18: Why?
Chapter 19: Beautiful
Chapter 20: A day with him
Chapter 21: Complicated
Chapter 23: The reveal
Chapter 24: His heart
Chapter 25: CHILDish
Chapter 26: Perfume
Chapter 27: 90 days
Chapter 28: Say something
Chapter 29: The H word
Chapter 30: The M word

Chapter 22: Until next time

53 1 0
By bellamarwan

"I think I'll miss you forever."



I couldn't feel anymore awkward at this situation. When Mia saw Emma she invited her to dinner tonight at my house! Why couldn't she be like any other girlfriend and just be jealous? But she wanted to make friends with Emma to show she had no ill will for her.

Fuck this, I didn't want her there. I didn't know the first thing I would have said. I froze at the cafe after she said my name.

"Harry freaking styles." She finally says.

I froze, I had no idea what I could've said next. I mean I could've asked how she was? I could've said a million things, all the questions I had for her just disappeared.

"Hi I'm Mia, it's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." Mia steps in offering her hand to Emma.

Emma smiles back and shakes her hand. "Emma, I've seen a lot of you in the papers."

Mia giggles and looks at me. "You should come have dinner with us tonight! At Harry's ?"

I look at Mia almost trying to signal her that I DIDNT want that.

"No I couldn't." Emma says, I can tell she really didn't want to go and she felt uncomfortable.

"I insist you come, 7 pm." I say. Now I wanted her there, I needed answers. I deserve them. I gave her the address and walked away after grabbing our drinks and food.

Well there you go, complete and utter disaster waiting to happen.

"How much do I have to pay you, to cancel this dinner tonight?" I ask Mia as I did my tie.

"Hmmm, 40 million."



"Mia." I mock her tone.

"Stop being a baby."

I groan, "I'm not! Why would you even do that?! I'm not even sure on what to say first. I have no fucking clue on how to even talk to her, I'm so angry.. so angry," I say as I tug at my hair.

"Hey it's going to be alright. Breathe, go to work and don't worry about a thing. I'm going to go home get some more things to bring here then go grocery shopping for dinner." She says as she rubs my arms comforting me,

Surprisingly her touch was working because I felt calm. "Fine, but if this turns into shit I get to say I told you so." I went over and grabbed a set of keys giving it to her.

"What's this ?" She asks

"The keys for the Audi in my garage, you do know how to drive right ? Randy is off since I told him we would be gone for the week."

"I can take a cab Harry, it's fine." She says as she shakes her head not taking the keys.

"Mia darling, just take the car. No need to waste your money on a cab just don't crash the car, not for the cars sake but for yours." I say

"Aw you care about me more than the care that's sweet."

I snort "Of course I do I'm not a monster. I don't care what happens to that bloody car, you're what's important." I say and I walk over to her then I do something I didn't think twice about doing.

I grab her face in my hands softly and I run my thumb across her cheek bones. I lean in and our lips touch finally, we start kissing in sync. Her soft lips moulding into mine so perfectly. I pull her closer to me and kiss her deeper slipping my tongue past her teeth.

No cameras, no paparazzi and I'm kissing Mia. She kisses me back with the same passion and everything inside me is exploding. I lift her up by her bum and she wraps her legs around my waist.

I couldn't get enough of her, she tasted like candy but made me feel like I was high on cocaine.

She sighs and smiles on my lips tugging on the bottom. "You need to go." She whispers.

I lean my forehead on hers. "No I don't."

She pushes away from me slightly and I let her down. "Yes you do silly, or else Liam will have my head. Now go, we can do this later."

I raise my eyebrows and lean in kissing her deeply one last night before leaving. "Until later Angel."


The drive back to my apartment I just felt giddy and happy. I kept biting my lower lip and smiled so wide my cheeks hurt. I could still feel his lips on mine and they're so soft, now I know Harry feels something real for me. There were no cameras and he kissed me with so much passion.

I parked the car and walk into my apartment, to the elevator. I make it to my room and sigh with happiness as I turn the key and open the door.

I froze in place, stood right in front of me is Ethan. He froze also, he had his coat on and shoes looking like he was on his way out.

"Uh..." He rubs the back of his neck and chuckles lightly. "This doesn't look good does it ?"

I close the door behind me and just stare at him, not knowing the first thing to say.

"I came to return some of your things you left at my house and your key of course. It's all on the kitchen counter there." He says as he gestures towards the kitchen.

I nod and set my purse down on the side table near my door. "You didn't have to do that."

He shoves his hands in his pockets and nods. "I needed to for me.. It hurts too much to see all your stuff within my stuff. Like you're still there but.. I see now you don't belong with me anymore." He finally looks up and he looks tired, not himself like every last bit of himself is drained and left somewhere.

I did what I did next without thinking, it was just my instinct. I wanted to love him so bad, I wanted to be with him more than anything. He was the perfect boyfriend, always understanding, always there for me, always sacrificing and fuck I never deserved him.

I walk over to him and I wrap my arms around his neck tight pulling him close to me. I can feel his hesitation but he wraps his arms around me and holds me back. I feel his chin on the top of my head and I run my hands in his hair.

"I'm sorry for not being what you needed."

He sighs and rubs my back "You are everything I've needed, but I wasn't and that's okay."

He pulls back and I look up to see a tear streak down his face. "Ethan I-"

"You're soul is so beautiful and I hope he sees that as much as I do."

He chuckles and rubs my arms as he steps back from me, "I always hated goodbyes. But lets not say goodbye hm?" He leans over and kisses my cheek letting this kiss linger. I close my eyes leaning against his kiss and he pulls back slowly.

"Until next time Mia." He whispers and with that he leaves.

"May we meet again Ethan." I whisper.

And that was that, he was gone.

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