Married to a Rockstar. Sequel...

By winterclifford

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 26

473 2 0
By winterclifford

-Alesana's POV-

Our weekend with CC's family was awesome. It felt like we only had one day together, but in reality, it was three. They left early Sunday morning so they could beat traffic and get home on time for his sister to work.

We put the air mattresses back in the garage and CC said, "I'm going to go dow to Hunington Beach with Jeremiah and have sushi for lunch. Wanna come?"

I shook my head. "Nah. Can't have sushi. Pregnant lady here. You go and have fun with Jeremiah, but don't be late, mister, or you're grounded."

"So my curfew is..?" He said with a wink.

I laughed. "Um, whenever. You're a grown man, Chris. Come home when you want."

He smiled. "Will do." He changed into his black pants and Smashing Pumpkins tour shirt, teasing up his hair and putting on a bandana around his forehead, kissed me and Carolyn, then he left us to fend for ourselves. A girls day. So I called Rosie.

She answered on the second ring and said, "Hullo?"

"Why hello there beautiful."

"Hey Alesana!" I could hear the smile in her voice. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing, Chris just left to go have sushi with a friend down in Hunington Beach. So do you wanna go hang out on the beach in Venice?"

"Sure! Want me to come pick you up now?"

"Uh, yeah, if you can. Since Chris took the car."

"Alright. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Okay. Bye love." I hung up and changed into a pair of blue jeans I rolled up to mid-calf, and an ADTR shirt I cut into a cropped tank top that hit a few inches below my belly button, showing a tattoo on my hip. I got my black Converse on and then changed Carolyn into a light purple t-shirt and a white, purple, pink, and black tutu that looked so cute together.

I put her hair into pigtails and left mine down, putting some black eyeshadow on myself. Then when I grabbed my purse and her diaper bag, Rosie rang the doorbell. I walked downstairs with Carolyn and opened the door.

She smiled. "Hello, gorgeous."

"Hello beautiful."

I walked out, gave her a hug, and Carolyn hugged her as well, then we went back out to her car. She said, "So we're both pregnant, huh?"

I nodded, smiling. She said, "How cool."

I muttered. "Oh shit. Hold on." I ran into the house and into the garage to grab the extra car seat then went back out. I quickly put the seat in then put Carolyn in. I sat in the passenger's seat and we were off to Venice.

I tweeted: Off to Venice with Carolyn & @AskingRosie :) Girls daayy.

Then as I went through my twitter, I saw CC tweeted: Sushi lunch with @jeremiahofdoom. What's up Hunington Beach?

I chuckled and said to Rosie, "So how've you been girly?"

She smiled. "I've been great. I really haven't been better. Wedding is completely planned out, so we're excited for the wedding next week."

I smiled. "Well that's good! I'm so excited."

"Me too! It's going to be so much fun!"

"Wait. We haven't tried on our dresses all at once yet. I wanna see how we all look."

"With what I have planned, you all look gorgeous."

"And your wedding dress. Haven't seen that yet."

She smirked. "Look through my phone. There's a picture of it in there."

I picked up her phone and went to her pictures. Then I saw her dress. "Whoa. That looks beautiful. Just beautiful."

She grinned. "Thank you."

I put her phone back down and we drove down to Venice, listening to the Misfits on the way down. We got down there, got a sandwich to share and a sandwich for Carolyn, then sat on a blanket on the beach, people watching.

She said, "It's awesome that we're both pregnant now. I just think it's cool."

"Me too. But the thing that sucks is they're on tour when my appointment is to go and have a check up and hear the hearbeat. But they'll be in San Diego on that day so maybe we can leave early and do that and hurry back."

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan."

We walked with Carolyn by the water and went back to the blanket. She said, "When do you think Chris will be back tonight?"

I shrugged. "Probably late. But he's a grown man. He makes his own decisions and whatnot."

"True. Remember his bachelor party?" She started laughing.

I groaned. "Ugh. That was a nightmare in the morning. To top it off, I had morning sickness as well. And I felt like sh*t for the rest of the day."

"They got back at 3AM, drunk off their asses, Jake and Ash went streaking, CC threw his pants on the chandelier, then one of them threw up everywhere-"

I shuddered.

"- and Andy's face had black sharpie all over. Who could forget the amount of trash and puke in your kitchen in the  morning?"

I groaned. "That was terrible."

"Well we were better for the party, since you were pregnant."

"Well all we did was go out to a club, barely anyone drank, then us 'Black Veil Girlfriends' went back and watched movies until 4AM."

She laughed. "But it was awesome."


"Wanna walk over to the mall?" She asked.

"Sure. Let's go." I picked up Carolyn and our bags and we walked back to the car. We put the blanket back in and walked to the mall, which was a few blocks away. She needed maternity clothes, so I told her how to shop for these and what's more comfortable to wear. Normally at home, I wore oversized band t-shirts and leggings. Pajamas was the same thing but substituting panties instead of leggings. If I went out, it was maternity jeans and cute shirts I would pick out from different places.

It took her awhile to find the things she wanted, so when she finished at about 4PM, we decided to head back home. We drove home, Carolyn fell asleep and I almost did as well, but I didn't so I could keep Rosie company the rest of the ride home.

We got home at 5:30 and Carolyn was still asleep. Rosie dropped me off and once I got inside, she drove off. I went upstairs with Carolyn, put her on my bed, and napped next to her.

The next thing I knew, she was sitting next to me, just looking at me and saying, "Mommy. Mommy."

I rubbed my eyes and stretched.  I sat up and looked at the clock. 6. I only napped for a half hour. I smirked and got up, walking to the dresser. I changed into my black pajama pants and white tanktop then changed Carolyn's diaper and changed her into her Disney Princess pajamas.

I gave her the inhaler after trying to keep her hands away from her mouth for a couple of minutes. I walked downstairs with her and put on a movie for  her; Monsters Inc. , as I made us mac and cheese for dinner.

When I finished, we ate as we watched the movie and we watched Toy Story after Monsters Inc was over. I washed our dishes and put them away and when Carolyn climbed up the stairs, I went up and did laundry, finishing it up.

Time passed and it was 11. Carolyn finally fell asleep and I sat downstairs watching Easy A, waiting for him. Then I found myself asleep again.

And then I woke up and I wasn't on the couch anymore. I was in our bed, curled up in blankets. I walked downstairs and saw CC and Jeremiah asleep on the couch. I started thinking about what could've happened, but I let it go.. I would ask him later.

I went back upstairs and laid back in bed, being the lazy bum I am sometimes. I went into Carolyn's room and she was awake, jumping in her crib. I chuckled and  picked her up. "Hello baby," I said softly.

"Hi mommy!" She said.

I kissed her head and walked back into our room. I put her on my bed and sat with her. I took out my phone and had her make some cute/funny faces and I would make some as well, taking pictures as I waited for there to be someone awake downstairs so I don't wake someone up.

Then I heard tired voices downstairs. I picked up Carolyn and walked downstairs. They were awake, but still laying on the couch.

Jeremiah said, "Top of the mornin' to ya, Alesana."

"Hello Jeremiah," I said.

CC said, "Good morning, love."


I put Carolyn on the counter as I started making waffles for breakfast, Carolyn playing games on my phone. Then I looked over by the refrigerator and said, "Chris?"

"Don't yell," he muttered. "What?"

"Why are your pants over here?"

"What? Oh.. well I didn't know what happened with those." He just laid there. Jeremiah got up and said, "I'd better head back. The wife will be furious."

"Bye brother!" CC said.

"Bye, man. Thanks for hanging out with me yesterday."

"Oh no problem. It was fun."

"Indeed it was. Bye you three!" Then he walked out the door. I said, "Hangover?"

"Yep. Sorry love."

"Why are you sorry? Yeah, you got drunk with a friend. It's fine."

"No it's not. We're expecting another kid. I shouldn't do that."

"Hey, you have your time with your friends. It's fine. Really."

He sighed. "Alright."

"What time did you two get home anyways?"

"Well, about 1AM, and I was sober enough to pick you up and take you upstairs. Then we came back down and drank some."

"Some." I muttered, chuckling.

I finished making waffles, put Carolyn in her high chair and she ate. CC got up and had some as well, moving slowly, restlessly. He said, "That was such a fun time though. I haven't done that in awhile. But won't do that again in awhile."

"Why not?"

"You're pregnant. It's not right to be getting drunk with my friends while you sit here taking care of Carolyn and the one in the oven."

"Well it's really your choice, I'm not going to be super controlling to where you can't go anywhere without me knowing everything about who you're with or where you're going."

"Okay," he said, eating. I got myself a plate and ate as well. He finished and said, "I'm going to shower."

I nodded. "Alright, love."

He kissed my cheek and walked upstairs. I cleaned the dishes and got Carolyn down from her high chair, so she ran around the living room, singing. I chuckled and watched her. I turned on the TV to a rock music video station and a Crue video ended, leading into "The Legacy". Carolyn was rocking out, dancing around the room. I recorded it all on my phone and watched her.

 Then my phone started ringing: it was my brother. I picked up: "Hey bro."

"Hey, Alesana! What's up?"

"Watching Carolyn dance around. What about you?"

"Aw. She's so cute. And uh, I guess nothing, just hanging out with my fiance."

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah. So I just now got your text and-"

"Just now? I sent it three days ago."

"My phone was broken."

"Oh.. okay."

"So as I was saying, congratulations sister!"

"Thanks so much!"

"No problem." Hearing the smile in his voice made my day.

 "So what are you two up to today?" I asked.

"Well .. I have news for you."


"Well, we're thinking about moving out to London."

"London?! Why so far?"

"Her family's out there and right now things are so crazy at home. It's best if we do."

"Wow. That's really far."


"Wow. I'm really happy for you guys but what about the wedding?"

"Oh, it will be in New York. Then after the wedding, we fly out to London."

"When is the wedding?"

"That.. we don't know exactly. But listen, I have to go, and I will talk to you later."



I hung up as CC came downstairs. He smiled. "Hello."

"Hey love." I smiled at him.

He walked to me and kissed my cheek. I said, "Oh hey, you're wearing blue  jeans."

"Well it matched this t-shirt." He laughed.

"You missed it. Legacy came on and Carolyn was dancing."

"Aw. She's funny." He chuckled and looked over at her. She was running around with her dolls. He said, "Well we might need to give her inhaler to her sooner."

"Mhm." I said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said, "You look so beautiful right now."

"Pssshh. Stop," I said.

"I will not. Neverrrr."

I laughed at the way he said that. "I love you."

"I love you more," he said, smiling. He pulled me closer and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he picked me up off of the floor. When we parted, he smiled. "Well it sucks I'm having a hangover. We could've done something today."

I shrugged. "I have you and  Carolyn here. It's a good day to start with. Do you want anything?"

He said, "I'm just going to keep my water and find something to do here."

"Like what?"

He shrugged. "I'm going to lay down. I feel sort of light headed."

I nodded. "Just please tell me if you need anything."

"I will, love." He went upstairs to our bedroom. I sat on the couch and went through twitter. Then I tweeted: Husband has a hangover and we're not doing anything today. What are you all up to?

A lot of replies in minutes. I tweeted again: I have a surprise for you all soon. I'll share it in awhile. But right now @ccbvb is napping, so I need to get to cleaning.

I cleaned all of downstairs and started on laundry, playing with Carolyn every now and then until I brought her upstairs for her nap. I went into our bedroom and laid next to a sleeping CC, falling asleep shortly after.


I heard a click of a phone camera that woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw CC laying there, looking down at his phone. He looked up and smiled. "Good afternoon baby."

"Good afternoon, love." I stretched and looked at the clock. Four. A three hour nap actually was nice. I said, "How do you feel now?"

"A lot better. A whole lot."


"Yep." He kissed me and got up. I got out of bed as well and he walked to Carolyn's room. She was awake, surprisingly, and he gave her the inhaler after she pushed it away a couple of times. We walked downstairs and I made lunch for us. We ate and he helped me clean upstairs.

We went back downstairs and put on a movie with Carolyn. I said, "So tour starts next month."

"Yup. I'm excited that you're coming this time."

"Me too. It will be fun."

"Indeed it will. Back to bunks and rare hotel showers."

"Woop." I chuckled.

 I saw him hide a yawn. So I yawned as well, since yawns are contagious around here. He said, "So what's for dinner?"

I shrugged. "What do you want?"

He thought about it. "Does Chipotle deliver?"

I shook my head. "You want it?"

He nodded. "Kinda in that mood to go out."

"Okay. We'll go get ready and go."

"Mkay." I picked up Carolyn and we walked upstairs. I went and changed into black torn jeans and a Crue tour shirt with black ankle boots, CC still in the same thing he was wearing, blue jeans and a Lamb of God t-shirt. Carolyn was in her Hello Kitty dress that I put her in earlier with pink leggings.

I grabbed my purse and we walked downstairs and out the door to the car. I got Carolyn in and got in as well, then he started the car and we drove off to Chipotle. CC said, "Burrito time, bitches!"

I hit his arm. He said, "Oh! Dam- I mean I should watch my mouth."

"No kidding."

He chuckled and kept driving. We got there, ate and became so full, then came back home only to put Carolyn to bed and to just fall on the bed. I said, "So Ash and Rosie's wedding is next week."

"Yup. Then 3 days after is Halloween."

"Then a week after is tour."

"Busy life."

I nodded. "But we still have fun."

"Amen to that, love." He smiled.

His face was right there, close enough for me to hold his face there to kiss him. I looked down at his lips and back at his eyes. I saw him do the same, leaning in. Then, as I closed my eyes, our lips touched. And like every time we do so, I felt we were just made for each other. It felt so perfect.

His hands held onto my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his fingers spread out and he held my waist a little bit tighter, so I deepened the kiss a little bit. It lasted for a bit.

We parted and took a few breaths. I said, "Well that was.. nice."

"Yeah," he sighed. He got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, changing into pajamas and brushing his teeth. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, pulled my hair into a high bun, and laid in bed with him.

He said, "Sweet dreams, love."

"Sweet dreams." I smiled, "I love you."

"I love you more." He kissed me gently.

Then just like that, we fell asleep.

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