Only Time Will Tell

By silviaaxox

392K 12.8K 2.3K

"Sooner or later you're going to fall for me." "You forgot the 'never' option." I smiled fakely. He chuckled... More

1. Let Me Introduce You
2. Meeting the Neighbours
3. New Boy
4. Alone with New Boy
5. Welcome to Our Gang
6. Try-Outs
7. Not So Fun Fun Fair
8. Explanations
9. Patience is a Virtue
10. Trying to Impress
11. Can't Sleep
12. You Can Have Him
13. Keep Away From Her
14. What Was That?
15. Sports Awards Dinner
16. The Wedding
18. Neighbour after Date
19. Carefree
20. Taking Me Out
21. Meet My Mates
22. I Had Fun
23. Three Harsh Words
24. I Want You to Be There
25. The Kiss
26. Confused
27. The Three Words
28. My Prince on a Unicorn
29. Mistake
30. HELP!
31. You Don't Know Anything
32. Shopping Trip
33. Beach Party
34. Just Give Me a Chance
35. This Place Is Beautiful
36. Just Come Out
37. Just Stay
38. Date Night With A Twist
39. The Three Unrequited Words
40. Business Thing
41. The Match
42. A Library?
43. What's Wrong?
44. I Should Have Known
45. You Fucked Up
46. Let's Bunk
47. What Is Wrong With You?
48. You Want Me 'Cause I'm Taken
49. Romantic
50. Fight
51. I Don't Know What To Think
52. Remember
53. Think Things Through
54. The Truth
55. Venice

17. Need a Ride?

6.7K 219 13
By silviaaxox

Chapter Seventeen

I didn't like Kyle. I couldn't. Not even as friends. Even though I tried so many times to at least be on friendly terms, it proved to be impossible.

And yet I couldn't get over what Steph said last night. Most importantly what she did with Kyle last night.

Every time I thought of something else, it'd pop into my head. Why did I react like that?  I shouldn't care. It wasn't any of my business and let's face it, I didn't care about Jade. But hearing it from Steph hurt. In a way I couldn't explain. It was a new kind of pain which I couldn't figure out.

"Need a ride?"

My focus was taken back to reality while my head snapped in the direction of the voice.

I sighed in recognition. "I'm fine walking."

"Oh please princess, I insist."

"And I'll pass." I shrugged carrying on. "Plus you're on a motorbike."

I heard a chuckle. "So if it was a car, you'd let me give you a ride?" 

I gritted my teeth. "Why are you talking to me anyway?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kyle asked. 

"Well, how are your knuckles?" I asked slyly.

"Couldn't be better." He grinned. 

I rolled my eyes knowing he wasn't going to give in. "How was Steph?" I stopped walking and turned to him wanting to see his reaction.

At the same time he cut the engine and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I see." I laughed subconsciously.

"What the hell are you on about?"

"So you're going to deny every proof of the quickie you had with Steph?" I asked. At that moment I realised something. I wanted him to say yes. I wanted him to deny it and for it to be a lie. But his answer couldn't be more opposite. 

"Oh that."

"Yes Kyle. That."

"That was nothing. I needed company, she was desperate. It happened. It meant nothing though." He shrugged. How could he act this way?

"You have a girlfriend!" I pointed out.

"Oh come on Hannah, you don't care for Jade!" He chuckled. "Why do you care? Are you jealous?"

I laughed humourlessly. "I have a boyfriend for god's sake!"

"Aah yes. Archer gay boy—"

"Kyle don't start." I warned.

"Fine I won't." He backed out. "As long as you let me give you a ride."

I looked at him losing my patience. "You know I don't like motorbikes!"

"Let me change your mind." He winked.

"Kyle I really—"

"Oh come on princess. Just this once. If you don't like it, I'll stop and you get off. How about that?" He raised an eyebrow.

I examined the bike. It was big so I probably wouldn't fall of it. Kyles ridden a bike since the start of fucking high school so I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually trusted him in this circumstance.  Oh and it looked pretty damn cool.

I sighed, giving in. "Fine. But if I say stop you stop straight away, understood?"

Kyle smirked. "Of course you had to add a twist." 

"Fine I'll walk—"

"Okay okay. Fine. You've got my word." He sighed. 

"Great." I smiled.

We stood there in silence looking at each other. "Are you hopping on then?" He broke the silence. 

I jumped at the sound of his voice even though I was looking at him for all that time. "Ah! Yes." I slumped my bag over my body and threw my leg over the motorcycle so I was sitting behind Kyle.

That's when I realised the only problem, there was nowhere to hold on except for—

"Put your hands around my waist." Kyle ordered not even turning around.

This is what I wanted to avoid. It was awkward. Inappropriate. It would give him reasons to tease me in the future and for Jade to kill me. I hesitated to touch his body.

"Oh come on! You're not that shy are you?" He chuckled.

I took a deep breath and put my arms around his waist as I was told.

"A tip, if you want to survive by not falling off, hold tighter." He smirked. 

"I'd rather fall off." I smiled smugly.

He rolled his eyes. "As you wish princess." I could barely hear the end of his sentence before the engine roar and the motorbike made a curb. As Kyle sped up, automatically my hands clenched to his waist or should I say abs, holding onto dear life.

I could feel his muscle tense and wondered why he reacted this way...


"! Can we go again? I want to go again!" I screamed jumping off the bike at the school parking lot.

Kyle looked at me as if I was mental. "I thought you hated bikes."

"! I LOVE bikes." I grinned.

"Princess, you look like you've been dragged into a tornado and then it spat you out." Kyle laughed.

I shot him a glare, he just ruined my mood. I started walking towards the building, but he caught up. "I joke princess. You obviously look beautiful." He winked. Shit. I could feel my cheeks turn crimson. Control yourself Hannah! "To be honest, I think you like the holding onto and feeling my abs part more than the actual ride."

"Err, you wish!" I punched him playfully, but my laughing stopped as I came to a halt in front of Luke.

He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Hey."

"Hey Luke." I kissed his cheek. As I did so, I could feel him smirk probably at Kyle but I didn't understand why.

At that moment Kyle snorted. "I'm going to go." and without even a bye, he walked back in the direction of his bike.

"What was that?" I asked Luke as he took my hand and we walked to the building. 

"I could ask you the same."

"He just dropped me off." I shrugged. 

"You could have called me." Luke told me. "Besides, I thought you two weren't talking."

At that moment I kind of felt guilty putting Luke into such a situation. "Yeah so did I. I'm annoyed at him still. But I don't want to hold a grudge."

"I understand." Luke nodded. He looked at me with a smile on his face. I just couldn't resist. I stood on my toes and placed my lips on his. They moved in sync before he slowly parted. "I've got an idea."

"Oh really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Josh had mentioned it before that he and Layna have a date tomorrow and he said it'd be great to make it a double one."

"Oh my god! That's a great idea! I'm totally up for it." I grinned.

"Perfect.  I'll let him know." Luke placed another quick kiss on my lips before disappearing into the crowd.

I stood there slightly confused. As if on cue, Kyle walked past. I smiled but he just looked at me and they carried on walking. 

What was that about?

Gosh that boy was bipolar! This wasn't okay! I wasn't going to let him treat me that way!


Half the day had passed and I hadn't seen Kyle once. I didn't know whether that was a good or bad thing...

As I rummaged through my locker I heard a tap on the metal. My head peered out of the locker to be met by a girl whose name I did not know but I recognised her as one of the popular girls that were a year younger than me.

"May I help you?" I asked kind of getting creped out by the way she was staring at me.

"You're Hannah Jones." She beamed.

"Ya." I didn't even bother keeping the conversation going. Whatever it was this girl wanted she'd say it anyway, so I returned to look for my car key that I had left in my locker before the weekend, hence the fact I was planning to walk to school this morning.

"What's going on between you and Kyle Richards?" The girl's voice was getting more annoying every time she spoke.

Once again, I peered out of the locker to look at her. "Excuse me?"

"You and Kyle Richards. What's going on?" She asked again. 

"Nothing. He has a girlfriend, and I have—"

"A boyfriend, yes, Luke Archer." She finished my sentence.

As my keys caught my eye between my physics and Geography book, I grabbed them and slammed the locker shut before turning to face the girl. "You're creeping me out. But my point is proven."

I turned to walk away but she caught up. "And yet, you came to school with him today?"

"He's my neighbour."

The girl gasped.  "He's your what?"

"My neighbour. It's usually someone who lives next door to you." I looked at her pathetically and slightly irritated. 

"How come I never knew this?!" This wasn't a question directed to me. She was thinking aloud.

"Maybe because it's none of your business. And its fucking creepy you know this much anyway. Please leave me alone." I sped up so she couldn't catch up.


"Bye stalker!" And with that I quickly took a right turn to the P.E. corridor, and into the changing rooms.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere in the changing rooms wasn't much better. As I entered, everyone went silent and all eyes were on me as I walked through the crowd of glares and stares to my usual changing spot I hoped someone would speak to break the silence. No one did though. Even as I started undressing everyone was still staring.

"Can I help you?" I snapped.

Suddenly everyone turned around to their own shit and left me to be. Except for one person.

"Actually, you can." 

I sighed. "Always willing to." I faked a smile.

"Good because I have a few questions for you." Jade crossed her arms across her chest as she slowly walked up to me, trying to look like one of those badass bitches, but failing as all she could be was a bitch.

"Oh the joy!" I faked a smile.

"Let's start off with something I thought I made clear." She glared s she took a step closer. "You were meant to stay away from him."

I cringed at how close she was to me. "Jade, you're way too close for my liking."

"Yeah well your way too close to my boyfriend for my liking!" she snapped.

"He just dropped me to school. Chill your tits—"

"Oh wait, it'd be possible if only she actually had something behind those push ups." Casey walked in with a smirk on her face. She sure had good timing.

"You bitch!" Jade screamed.

"Oh shut up. For fuck sake." I muttered. "You're hurting everyone's ears." 

"You two are going to pay for this!" Jade screamed rushing out of the room.

The changing rooms erupted in laughter. Casey winked as I high fived her, also joining in with the laughter.

"But seriously Hannah, what the hell?" She wriggled her eyebrows.

"I was just walking to school and he made me get on the bike." I shrugged it off.

"Made you?"

"He brought up Luke. And that always ends badly. He promised to shut up if I got on." I explained. "Plus it was fun." 

Casey laughed to herself. "Does Luke know?"

"Well, he saw me getting off the bike."

"Shit. What did he say?"

"Well he wasn't exactly happy. But he changed the subject soon after." I shrugged tying my shoe laces. "I don't get why this situation is so difficult."

"I know right!" Casey threw her arms up. "It's not like you even like Richards in that way!"

Something about the way Casey said that made me actually want to say I do for a second.  But then I realised, what the fuck? I barely liked him as a friend. The thought confused me and I couldn't think straight. 

Casey gasped. "Wait, you don't do you?"

My eyes widened. "No! No." I laughed nervously. "I like Luke. Only Luke." 

Casey smiled but raised an eyebrow as if to say she didn't believe a word of what I just said.

I pulled her by the arm out to the gym. "Come on. Let's go. They'll start without us!" 

That was so confusing.

A/N: Sorry guys this doesn't belong to my best chapters. But I hope you liked it none the less. xx

Hannah's Outfit:

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