Revolution (Book 2 in the Ris...

By Culper581

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Sequel to Rise. I have ignited the revolution. George Washington now rallies the colonists and this country m... More

Some Pictures, a Knock Out, and a Chase
A Different Point of View, A Useless Key, and a Board Game
Back in Time, an Interrogation, and a Super Hidden Blade
The Green Mile, a Really Long Rope, and a Double Take
Back to Normal, a Piece of Paper Signed by a Bunch of Old Dudes and a Cliff Dive
A Mix Up, a Beating, and an Unlikely Alliance
Strange Money, the Difference, and a Giant Coat
A New Captain, an Annoying Father, and a Slippery Little Bastard
A Conversation Not Meant to be Heard, a Broken knife, and a Couple Explosions
A Bossy Father, a Chase, and a Really Cute Officer
A Speech from a Trailer, a Betrayal, and a Remembrance
A Couple Cannons, a Stupid Commander, and a Crazy Meeting
Defending a Tiny Ship, Some Mines, and a Freaking Fake Broken Fort
A Rescue, a Storm, and a Butt Slap
A Traitor, a Major General, and a Really Bossy and Rude Dude
A Sarcastic Officer, a Chase, and a Pleading Traitor
A Traitor, A Battle, and a Fake Letter
A Hideout, an Overdramatic Ending, and a Final Death

A Bossy French Dude, Some Fog, and Another Near Death Experience

883 39 6
By Culper581

A Bossy French Dude, Some Fog, and Another Near Death Experience

“It’s too early for this,” I complain as I pull on my captain’s hat over my loosely braided hair and then move to tighten the laces on my hidden blades.

Connor chuckles. “This is what you get for staying up so late last night.”

“Well, that’s because you just had to freaking tear your robes!” I say in an annoyed tone putting my hands on my hips.

Connor holds his hands up in defeat. “That would not have happened if you had not taken off so fast after that traitor yesterday.”

I roll my eyes as I look out to the open waters where a large French vessel floats soundlessly on the waters.

“Our charge, captains,” Mister Faulkner begins as he suddenly appears on the upper deck. “The Belladonna under Roderigue Hortalez and Company. She appears Spanish for intents and purposes, but rest assured she's a French Vessel.”

“French are bringin' in a boatload of powder and guns forOld Georgieand hisPatriots,” David Clutterbuck adds as he sits on the railing near his gun post. “Some Colonial boats were supposed to escort her up the coast but they left her behind. She been waitin' ever since.”

I shrug. “Typical.”

“We will make sure Washington gets what he is expecting,” Connor says calmly as he glances at me before taking the wheel again.

I grin at him before walking from the captain’s deck to look out towards the large French yellow and blue boat floating soundlessly on the water. I look towards the end of the ship and see a small long boat making its way towards us. There’s a snobby looking Frenchman in it who wears a fancy blue coat and pretty little black captain’s hat.

When the long boat gets here, he is the one who comes up onto the deck. The man, who rowed him here, went back to the Belladonna.

“Where is le Capitaine?” He calls in a heavy French accent as he walks towards us seeming to ask me the question.

“I am right here, and there’s another one over there,” I say gesturing to myself and then pointing to Connor.

“A little girl can’t be a captain!” he says to me with a stern voice then he turns away from me and walks towards Connor who was watching at the wheel.

“Oh, no he didn’t!” I snarl and I unsheathe my hidden blades and start marching towards him. But before I can get any closer, I feel strong arms holding me back. Mister Faulkner is gripping my arms and pulling me back from the Frenchman.

“Take it easy,” he says to me.

I growl angrily. “That asshole just called me a little girl.”

“Yes, but so does everybody else, let it go.”

I groan rolling my eyes and then I slowly sheathe my hidden blades and stop struggling.

Faulkner releases me and walks back towards Connor and the snobby Frenchman.

“You are late,” he says to Connor in a loud and heavy French accent with annoyance filling his tone.

“We came as quickly as the wind allowed,” Connor replies calmly.

“Too slow!” The Frenchman complains.

“And what happened to your escort?” Connor asks trying to change the subject.

“Le Randolph started with us then departed without warning. Typique,” he scoffs. “This is why le Lieutenant insisted I come aboard.”

“I told you guys, the Randolph was bad news,” I say to Faulkner and Connor as I make my way up to the captain’s deck where the three boys are.

I catch the French dude give me a sideways glance and roll his eyes at me then turn back to the front and then of course, he yells at everyone, “Patrons!”

I roll my eyes and mumble, “We’ll go when we’re freaking ready.”

“What?!” the man exclaims then turns to look at me.

But I reply just as calmly. “The Atlantic is a dangerous place for a lone ship, especially one laden with such desirable stock. You must be glad to see us.”

“Bof,” the man scoffs. “It is hot here. My Lieutenant is not excited for the cold of the North.”

I turn to look at Connor who is controlling the wheel. “Is this dude being serious?”

“Focus, Riley,” Connor says to me. “Anybody searching for the Belladonna could be upon us in an instant with this fog.”

“Aye, captain,” Mister Faulkner says to Connor. “I've got a monkey's fist in my gut."

I snigger at Faulkner’s remark.

“English are on us, cap'ns!” A sailor suddenly calls to us.

"Battle stations, men!" I call to our sailors who immediately jump into positions at their cannons and sight railings."

Connor gets ready to call for fire when we both turn our heads to the Belladonna that has already fired the first few enemy sloops.

"Well, crap," I mutter.

I hear the annoying French dude laugh and call out from behind me, "The power of the French Navy is clear!"

I roll my eyes as I mutter, "not for long."

"They picked the wrong ship to pirate," Mister Faulkner snarls. "Why in God's name are the English here in such force?"

"Because Biddle sent them," I say to the boys.

Connor answers Faulkner's question while ignoring my comment. "I do not know but we must get the Belladonna out of this fog."

Of course, he's right too. For some odd reason the fog is becoming thicker as we go deeper into the Atlantic ocean.

Connor suddenly calls for a fire when a frigate decides to take a shot at the Belladonna.  I run to the edge of the Aquila and look over the edge to see the whole fleet of English ships making their way towards us.

"You've got to be kidding me," I say in my famous complaining tone.

The French dude takes notice to my distress and runs to the edge of the deck where I am and he too panics.

"Why are there so many?" He cries running towards Connor and Faulkner. 

"It does not matter!" Connor says. "We fight!"

"Aye," Faulkner agrees. "We're sitting ducks on the pond in this soup and you can be sure they've more on the way."

"But what can we do?" The Frenchman asks.

“Naught but pray they don't find us again,” I say with a shrug. As the ships get closer I call for, "FIRE!" at the men who quickly release a spray of cannons at the frigate and three sloops closest to us. The sloops go down but it takes another round of bullets and a swivel shot to take down the frigate.

I look over at the Belladonna and panic when I see that the main sails are gone.

"Connor, we've got a problem," I say quickly.

"I noticed," Connor says as he makes a hard turn on the Aquila with the wheel.

"No, not that," I say as I run over to him and point to the Belladonna.

Grand Dieu!” The French dude exclaims looking over the railings. “La Belladonna's mainmast is down, capitaine! We must stay close to her!”

“You are right,” Connor says as he turns the Aquila towards the Belladonna.

“MAN-OF-WAR!” A crew member suddenly yells.

All heads turn towards the huge ship coming our way with row after row of cannons and guns.

“Aww great,” I say as I place my hands on the railings in front of me.

“Bloody hell!” Faulkner yells. “Pummel that leviathan!”

“No! We board her,” Connor says. “We must know how the English knew about the Belladonna. We take her a prize, men!”

The crew lets out woops of excitement as they prepare the cannons once more.

“Board her?” The Frenchman cries. “Es-tu fou?”

“Yes, we are crazy,” I say with a triumphant smile.

“Hook us in!” Robert yells. “Bring her close! To arms! To arms!”

The crew members scramble to get below deck for cannon balls and more ammo. And Connor continues to get closer to the monster of a ship as he gets at the right angle.

“Man the swivels!” I shout from the captain’s deck. “Cover from the quarter deck!”

“FIRE!” Connor calls and the men are able to break the main masts of the ship and set most of it ablaze.

“Secure the aft lines!” I call to the men. “Tie off the bow!”

I jump down from the railings in front of the helm and down into the main deck. I run towards the main mast and make for the top where I can get a better view of the battle. I do not wear my bow or arrows so that is out. I take to using my gun and sword.

Once on top of the main mast, I run along the long narrow pole that holds up our sails and then I jump to the other side dodging gunfire and fallen bits of wood and debris scattered about the deck.

“Connor, meet me below deck!” I call to Connor who is defending himself from a redcoat.

I run towards the captain’s cabin as I push past a crew member fighting an officer.

Connor is right behind me when I quietly duck under the deck and into the quiet of the lower chambers. The walls are lined with boxes and barrels of supplies and the hallways are lit with small candles and lanterns hanging on various hooks.

I push aside some rope netting as I walk ahead of Connor to almost be stabbed in the stomach by a sword pointed right at me.

“Holy, sh-“

“Riley, duck!” Connor shouts as he grips my shoulder and pulls me aside to rip out his gun and shoot my almost-killer.

The shot rings out in the still air and there’s a cry of pain and silence as a man dressed in a fancy uniforms falls to the ground from within the shadows.

“Oh, God,” I whisper as I step back bringing my hands to my mouth.

Connor turns around to look at me. “Are you hurt?”

I quietly shake my head as the two of us lean down to examine the man at our feet. He’s still alive. But barely.

“How does the British Command know about the Belladonna?” Connor asks the man.

The man coughs up a little blood before speaking. “British Command knows nothing of this.”

“Then how are you here?” I question.

“We were led here by a Patriot,” The man replies.Nicholas Biddle.”

“Who does Biddle work for?” Connor asks.

This time, the man coughs harder as he looks at both of us. “I think you know, Assassins.” With that, he rests his head back on the hard wooden floor and dies.

“I told you Biddle was a Templar,” I say to Connor as we both get to our feet.

Connor grins lightly as we exit the lower deck.


“What did the captain tell you?” Faulkner asks us once Connor and I are back on the Aquila. And thankfully, the French dude is gone.

Nicholas Biddle led them here. He set –“Connor begins before I interrupt him.

“Connor, the Randolph!” I point out to the large vessel on the water past the Belladonna which watches from afar.

“The Randolph?!” Faulkner exclaims. “Beat to quarters!!”

“Belay that order!” Connor shouts. “He is putting us to his rudder. We cannot leave the Belladonna undefended.”

“He’s right, Faulkner,” I say calmly.

“But, captains!” he complains.

“She is incapacitated and vulnerable,” Connor says calmly as well.  “Let him go. We will see each other again soon.”

I smile then turn back to Connor who is at the wheel looking out at the open sea. “I think it’s time we went back to pay our good friend Major General Arnold one more visit.”

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