Complications (a black veil b...

By XxkittykittyxX

4.9K 162 23

Lea and Andy finally think everything will be perfect but there are some complications... Sequel to The U... More

Complications (a black veil brides fanfic sequel)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22


286 9 0
By XxkittykittyxX

Lea's POV


It had been a whole year sense I had seen Andy and the others. I had seen my parents at Christmas, but the guys were on tour. I really miss them, especially Andy.

Andy and I talked everyday, but it had been about a month sense we had video chat. Mainly because Jinxx was using it all the time sense Sammi had their baby. Her name is Tabitha Ferguson. She's so cute.

My friends and I are graduating later tonight. Christian told me they couldn't come, but they'll pick me up for warped tour next week. I was nervous about seeing Andy, mainly because I look different from when we last video chatted. My hair was now white, purple, pink, blue, and black. It was also longer. I'm not sure if he would like it.

I hadn't cut for over a month, and I was eating 3 meals a day but still purging after dinner. I also only ate healthy food.

Faith and I were getting ready for graduation and she asked, "are you excited about graduating?"

"Ya I guess, but we won't see each other after," I sighed, running a straightener through my hair.

"We'll still talk. Besides maybe you could introduce me to one of your BVB friends," she smirked at me.

"They aren't coming tonight," I replied, rolling my eyes.

Did I forget to mention her and Drake broke up? He's still our friend, but he switched schools and they couldn't do a long distance relationship. They're both happier now so it turned out good.

"Fuck. Ok, maybe I could visit when warped tour comes to my city," she shrugged.

"That would be great," I said, smiling.

We finished getting ready and started taking about summer plans, we heard the door open and someone say, "Faith, Lea, come on we're gonna be late if we don't go know."

"Coming Keith," we said in unison.

"Hey guys. Wow you look beautiful," Tom said when we walked out of the bathroom.

"Thanks. You guys look very handsome," I smiled, looking at Keith and Tom in their graduation gowns.

"Your room looks so different guys," Keith noted, looking around.

"I know, it's so weird to take down everything and just have all our stuff in boxes," Faith spoke sadly.

I nodded and we left.


We were sitting down in front of the stage waiting for the principle to call our class up to wait in line. When he did we stood up and walked up to the stage. I stood in line looking down.

When I was next in line I heard him call my name. I walked up to the podium and got my diploma. "Would you like to say something?" The principle, Mr. Ceshler, asked me.

I nodded and stepped up to the microphone. Looking into the crowd and saw my parents, then sitting next to them I saw Andy, Christian, Jinxx, Jake, and Ashley.

I took a deep breath and spoke, "these past few years have been hard. There were struggles, there were times when I wanted to quit and leave. But I stayed. I stayed so that I could feel like I've accomplished something.

I stayed because I knew I would be proud of myself. I stayed because I knew my friends and family were counting on me. And when everything's tough you just have to remember 'there is absolutely no one in the world that can tell you you can't do something. You're the only one that can set that limitation.' Those were great words by a very close friend of mine," Andy smiled after I quoted him.

"Well thank you Lea, that was very inspirational," I shook his hand and walked off stage, sitting next to Faith again.

She smiled, giving me a thumbs up.


The principle finished talking, said goodbye, then walked off stage. Faith and I stood up and held hands, jumping up and down in a circle like when we were kids. She smiled and said, "I'm gonna go find Tom and Keith. Probably in a closet making out. Be right back."

"Ok," I waved after her.

I turned around and saw Andy walking towards me. I ran and jumped into his arms and he spun me around. I wrapped my legs around his waist and smashed my lips against his. Oh how I missed the sparks.

He slid his tongue along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, giving him entrance. He pushed his tongue into my mouth, rediscovering every inch. We heard someone yell behind us, "get a room!"

I pulled away and turned my head to see Jake standing there with Ella. I smirked and smashed my lips against Andy's again, making sure he could see our tongues. I heard him make a fake barfing noise and I laughed into the kiss.

Someone coughed behind us and I pulled away, turning my head to see my brother. I smiled and jumped out of Andy's arms, running up to him and almost knocked him to the floor in a hug. He laughed and smiled at me, "I missed you."

"I missed you too," I said, pulling away.

"I got a girlfriend. Lea meet Lauren," he pointed to a pretty girl with short blond hair. She was skinny and average hight, very beautiful.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I said, shaking her hand.

"You too, CC's told me so much about you," she smiled.

"Cool, I wish I could say the same," I laughed softly. She laughed and went to go talk to Ella.

"Hey L," I turned around and saw Jinxx.

"Did you just call me L?" I asked with a laugh.

"Yep I did," he laughed, smiling proudly at his choice of nickname. Weirdo.

"Ok just checking," I smiled. He smiled back and gave me a big hug.

"Where's Ashley, he HAS to meet my friend. They would be perfect together," I said, going on my tiptoes and looking around.

"I'm right here," I turned around and hugged him.

"You need to meet my friend Faith. She's perfect for you," I smirked, dragging him to Faith.

I pushed him into her then ran away back to Andy. My Andy. The one who loves me. The one who came back for me. I smiled as I came up to him.

"Hey babe," he said, kissing my cheek.

"Hey," I said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled and blushed. "I love you too."

"So you're off school now. What do you say about living with us and being paid to take pictures of events?" he asked, smirking.

"Only your band?" I asked, biting my lip.

"No, any band who's there," he said, tightening his grip on my waist.

"And when you say live with you, you mean..." I trailed off.

"With ME," he said, kissing my cheek.

I smiled and nodded. Turning around a pulling out his grip as I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and gasped, seeing.....

OK SO THIS IS THE SEQUEL TO MY OTHER STORY K BYE. Man coming back to this who knows how much later. I suck at cliffhangers but I had to try. Whatever.

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