Marc Bartra Imagines

By znhlle

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Just some cute imagines some may be a little dirty this is my first time writing anything so don't judge plea... More

Will You Marry Me?
Marc's P.O.V.
Hoping For Some Seriousness
Hoping for Some Seriousness Pt. 2
My Ex.....Bully?
Dancer Pt. 2
Just Plain Sweetness.
Restaurant Waitress Person.
College Parties.
Fight Night
Fight Night Pt. 2
Blind Date
Blind Date Pt. 2
Wedding & Honeymoon.
Neymar's Fucking Ex.
Neymar's Fucking Ex. Pt. 2
Durm to Bartra
Perfect Illusion
I'm Alive. (Perfect Illusion Pt. 2)
Beg For Me.
It's Complicated.
Beach With FC Barcelona

It's Complicated Pt. 2

631 19 2
By znhlle

*Not only is Marc gorgeous but the view is two.  I would get into a career of exercise for a view like that.

Marc's P.O.V.  

"Why the hell would you do that to Eric?"  She screamed at me.  Well it was honestly an accident but I wasn't sorry that I elbowed him in the face either.  I mean I could have been more careful but I just didn't want to be careful around the guy that was with the girl I loved.

"Marc! I'm talking to you!  Why the hell would you do that to him?"  She screamed again.  I guess I really was out of it if I didn't answer the first time. 

"You know why y/n."  I answered simply shrugging my shoulders, like I said I wasn't sorry, or feeling any kind of remorse. 

"No I don't so please spell it out to me why the fuck would you elbow my fiance in the face!"  My stomach clenched, fiance.  That would have been me if I hadn't fucked things up.  I broke things off with Melissa a while ago, the only thing that kept me connected to her was Gala.  And I loved Gala, apparently so did Melissa because neither of us wanted to let her go.  Thus we both moved when I transferred to come after y/n. 

"Because I'm fucking jealous y/n!  Erik would have been me if I hadn't messed up!"  I shouted back at her.  Well I didn't mean to shout but it had been four years since I saw her in person.  

She paused for a second.  No, it couldn't be.  The only reason she would pause for that was because she wanted to hear those words coming from me.  Finally!  I was doing something right!

"Well too bad!"  She bit back.  "You messed up pretty bad considering that Gala showed up right around the time that I left.  Either Gala happened that same night, or right around that time.  Showing me you weren't at all heart broken!"  My gut wrenched and I wanted to take her into my arms and kiss her hurting better.  But I knew I would end up with severed balls if I did so just hold the urge to kiss until a little later maybe.  

"Y/n if you let me I will apologize for that the rest of my life, but I didn't know what I wanted.  I liked you so much it was scaring me.  Hell, I loved you.  I still love you.  I moved to another country to make sure that you know that I love you. I came after you!  Just please hear me out!?"  I asked my voice pleading almost broken.  I prayed to God she would give me a chance to explain, how sorry I was.  I prayed to God that she could see that I was about three seconds from crying my eyes out in front of her.  I prayed that she knew I would get down on my knees for her.  I would give up soccer even. I didn't care about anything anymore.  

All I knew was that I could have had her four years ago and I could have had Gala with her.  But I messed up.  And I would sell my soul to the devil, to go back and fix that night. 

"Well I moved to another country to get away from that supposed love that you have for me."  She sneered.  "And I found better love with a better guy."  Tears came to her eyes and she slapped her hands over her mouth before a sob could escape her body.  She turned and ran down the tunnels again.  Probably going back to her fiance. 

"Y/n!"  I called out after her.  "Y/n"  My knees buckled and my chest heaved.  Suddenly I felt something drip onto my hands. A tear.  The first one in four years.  

After I lost her there really weren't any tears to shed.  It was my own stupidity that landed me in that pain.  That love had scared me away from her, and that same love is making me want to run to her and hide myself in her arms.  

I remembered the night I stole a kiss from her and my heart bled.  Her lips felt awesome against mine and her small body pressed against my larger one was like being on cloud nine.   Her hands had wrapped into my hair and pulled me closer still.  I remembered her feet as she stood on her tip toes to press in closer, my teeth had snagged her bottom lip and she had moaned lightly.  

At the time I had been quite turned on by her small moan, but now it only served to thrust another knife through my heart. My hands clenched around my head trying to get the tears to stay in but I had to get out of here before the river started.  And I knew this time I wouldn't be able to stop it.


Y/n  P.O.V.

The next day for practice I had already considered leaving athletic medicine and going to normal medicine but Erik talked me out of it.  I had already run from him.  This was my ground, we make him run this time.  

Not that he could with the contract and all.  

Some part of me had liked what he said, he loved me then, he loved me now.  Now that I think about it, I didn't really say I love you to Erik.  I mean I would say it, but he would mostly just kiss me and stuff.   

Erik wasn't all that bad with words either, so he could say what he was feeling, without any problem, the most I had gotten was an 'I like you a lot' after our third date.  

Maybe he just forgot to say it a lot, or even at all.  I mean all the times that I had slept with him, all the times that I had told it to him.  He never said it back.  

I have to see about that with Er-

"Y/n!  Help Marc will you?"  I spun around in my office and watched as the players dragged in Marc.  I watched as they flopped him on the bed and tried to pry the bottle away from him.  

"See if you can get him into shape for training today.  Or back in shape at all.  I am going to have a chat with this boys manager."  The coach scoffed closing the door after him.  

I hadn't seen Erik walk in with them.  I guess he didn't care for the well being of Marc after he elbowed him in the face.  Some part of me wished that Erik would be jealous that I was alone in a room with Marc and come to hang out with me or something.  

But another part of me knew that, that wouldn't be happening. 

"Y/n?" Marc mumbled rubbing his head with his hands.  

"Yes, Marc?"  I asked lightly trying not to hurt his head to bad. 

"My head fucking hurts."  I chuckled almost silently. 

"Really now?  How much did you have to drink?"  I asked, arching an eyebrow even though he couldn't see me since his eyes were screwed shut.  

"Do you think you could turn the lights down or something?"  He asked his hands covering his eyes still.  I nodded but then hummed a yes, because he couldn't see me.  I turned off the lights but the lamp on the desk provided enough light for me to not go completely blind. 

"Why where you drinking Marc?"  I asked.  I knew it most likely had something to do with me.  But just in case it didn't I needed to know before I went through all that guilt. 

"Because a beautiful girl that I have loved since four years ago is with some other man. And she thinks that this man can treat her better then I could.  It's tearing me apart that she thinks that. I realize what she is now and I wouldn't give her any less then she deserves.  And she deserves way more then a queen does, or way more then what that other man could give her."  His hand reached out and stroked my cheek as I leaned over him to check his pupils making sure he didn't hit his head a long the way or anything.

I didn't answer.  I knew that I was supposed to.  But Marc wouldn't stop going after me unless he realized that I was happy with Erik.

"Y/n?"  Marc asked after a few moments of silence. 

"Yes."  I answered cleaning up a cut on his arm.  "Where did you get this from?"  I asked him before he could ask me his question.  

"I think I tripped and I had a bottle in my hand or something.  By the way do you know that the girl is you?"  He asked his hand still staying on my cheek as I tried to clean up his arm with his hand holding my face.

"I had my suspicions."  I said quietly.  Might as well humor him, he probably won't even remember. 

"Do you know that I love you and can give you way more then Erik can right?"  He asked his hand finally dropping to his side. 

"I know that you think you love me but that you can give me more then Erik?  That is not true.  Erik gives me quite a lot already."  I answered.  

"Does he tell you he loves you?  If he really did, where is he now?  Why isn't he jealous like I was when I found out you were dating him?"  He asked.  Wow, how the hell did he now that, that was my insecurity about Erik.  Oh yeah, I forgot.  Marc could always tell what I was feeling, it was like we were connected. 

"He's a much nicer guy and he trusts me that's why he isn't jealous."  I answered.  I went over to the cupboard and pulled out one of my personal cups.  Not only was this the nursery there was all of my personal at work stuff in here.  I grabbed an Advil and some water.  

"Drink this up."  I said.  Marc took a sip and then shook his head and turned it away.  

"I'm not done talking to you."  He mumbled as he pushed my hand away.  

"No, Marc, no more talking, you aren't going to talk me out of marrying Erik next year and you definitely aren't going to talk me into taking you back, especially not when you have Gala and Melissa to worry about."  

I forced the cup and the Advil into his hand and walked out the door.  I heard a small shout and then the glass slammed into the wall breaking into a million pieces the sound reaching my ears.  I leaned against the door and slid down it.  

"I'm not going to stick my hands back in the fire again."  


*Two Years Later*

Marc somehow got his contract pulled and he was gone again before me and Erik could set a precise date for our wedding.  

We were now married, but we didn't have any kids yet.  Erik said he still wanted to wait. 

No matter how much fun we had though, I felt like I was missing out on something in life.  Like I wasn't living it to the limit.  And trust me, me and Erik did some pretty crazy things as newly weds.  I mean even two years into the marriage.  

"Y/n? I'm home."  Erik huffed as he walked in the door. 

"Hey Erik!"  I said happily from the other side of the room.  I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck leaning in for a kiss. 

He avoided my lips and pushed me away lightly.

"Listen I have something to tell you.  I filed for a divorce today and you will get the papers in a few days.  I found someone else.  That I love more.  So I will give you until tonight to clean up your things and find a hotel room or something."  

"W-what?"  My voice cracked.  This had to be some sick joke.  

"I don't love you anymore.  I love someone else."  My heart sank.  I gave up the love of my life for this man, just because I couldn't risk getting hurt again.  And I got hurt even more hurt then I could ever imagine.  Just when I thought things where going fine, and we could start a family.  

Everything always falls apart. 

"Fine.  But don't expect me to get my things out.  You get to do that.  Since you are set on this happening.  Just send my things to Barcelona."  

"You can't go back to Barcelona y/n!"  Erik said after he reacted to what I had said. 

"Why?"  I spat.  "I can't believe you just nonchalantly come home from training and ask for a divorce because you love some other girl, but I can't go back to my family for some support, through this sudden hell?"

"Marc is there!  I won't have you running back to him!"  Erik started to get angry and that pissed me off further.  Angry tears fell down my cheeks as I grabbed my keys and slipped on my sneakers.  I grabbed my wallet and my emergency cash from a drawer. 

"My family is also there Erik!  And they love me a lot more then you do right now!  So I am leaving!  I am going to them, and I am telling them everything that my 'dream husband' did to me.  And I am going to find comfort in the fact that I am not the only one hating you right now."

I left the house and got into my car.  

What the hell did I do to deserve this?


I took a deep breath before I got out of my car and walked to my parents house.  I saw another car outside but I figured they had just recently bought another one.  Not thinking much about it.

I knocked on the door and took in a breath.  I knew that my parents still lived here so I didn't have to worry about running into someone else.  And there wouldn't be anyone else here because we never had people over at our house.   My heart started beating faster as I saw a silhouette walk towards the door and I heard footsteps.  Someone slowly opened the door.  My eyes were at around the height of where I remembered my mothers eyes but I frowned when I didn't see anyone there.  

I looked down when a little voice called out to me.  "Hi!" 

The pretty little face that looked up at me was slightly familiar but I had no idea who she was unless my parents adopted or moved while I was away.   

"Hi."  I answered and sniffled.  I got down to her level and wiped under my nose trying to look more presentable for the little girl for some reason. "Who are you!?"  I asked trying to sound happy.  

"My name is Princess!"  She squeaked excitedly, I knew that wasn't true of course but I chuckled at her happy face. "Who are you!?"  She asked not loosing an ounce of energy.  

"I'm A/n (Another name.)"  I answered attempting to smile at her.  Hoping I didn't scare her off. 

"You're lying!"  She accused.   I was taken back for a second, how did she know that I was lying? "My daddy says that when you are little we are all princesses, and when we get bigger like you!"  She smiled and pointed at me. "We all become queens!  You are a queen not A/n!" I smiled.  

"Is there another queen that lives here?  Or are you the only Princess?"  I asked already sort of knowing the answer.

"There is another queen.  But she has whiter hair!"  She giggled and twirled her own hair.  "And there is a King, he is helping daddy with his soda problem."  I arched an eyebrow. 

"Soda problem?"  She nodded her eyes wide. 

"Gala who are you talking to?" A voice from inside sounded. Gala?  Oh, god, no.

"A Queen!"  She exclaimed.  "But she looks sad daddy we should help her!"  The door swung open farther and my heart stopped.  Of all people him. 


"Y/n?" He asked, his voice cracking and his eyes wide.  My face probably mirrored his, except for all of the smeared make up.  

"Are my parents home?"  I asked his face only triggered the memories of Erik and tears started to fall down my cheeks. 

"No, but god, come in!  Please!"  He basically pulled me in and my skin tingled where it came in contact with his. 

"Do you have any alcohol?"  I asked walking over to the cupboard where we used to keep all the alcoholic beverages.  My hand pulled on the handle but it didn't budge.  "Why is it locked?"  I asked turning to Marc. And I watched as his hand scratched at the back of his neck.  

"That's daddies soda!"  Gala pointed at the cupboard.  "But he can't have any because then he gets really sad and talks about some queen!"  Her face scrunched up and then she turned to me. "Are you that queen?  He said that one day I would get to meet her!  And she would be really pretty!"  My heart lept, Marc said that?  

"Wait soda problem?"  I asked Marc turning to him and pointing behind me with my thumb.  He nodded slowly and I could tell it was a touchy subject.  Part of me felt guilty.  "Did I do that?"  I asked. 

"Gala go outside and put your toys away, I need to help this queen be happy again okay?"  He knelled down to her level and she nodded.  Before she ran away. She said to him, "Don't have any soda daddy please."

"I won't."  He smiled lightly.  

"So?"  I asked after a few moments of silence.  "Did I do this to you?"  I asked.  I waited for the answer that I was dreading.  

"You don't want to know."  He answered.  

"Fuck!"  I leaned against the table and the tears came again.  "I did this."  I gestured to the cupboard.  

"No, y/n I did that.  It was the only thing to keep my mind off of you.  I was the one that caused us to go down hill.  I should have been a man and taken the pain but I just couldn't so I turned out to be a horrible father.  I mean Melissa even left me and you couldn't adore me more then she did.  It was kind of annoying.  But God, y/n, this isn't your fault.  Don't you dare blame yourself for it."  His hands went to my shoulders but lifted my head up when I wouldn't look at him.  

"But I pushed you away the second time.  I caused both you and I unbelievable pain.  I can't believe I was so blind."

"Come on, we need to get you cleaned up before your parents come home and blame me for ruining your make up."  I chuckled lightly as I remembered my father threatening to kill Marc if he ever messed up my make up.  I wished my father would fly to Germany and kill Erik.  

Marc had hoisted me up onto the counter using his hands, on my thighs, so that was awkward.  Considering I was in the process of getting divorced.  Well, scratch that, it wasn't awkward I enjoyed it.

His fingers held the make up removal tissue over my cheeks and he lightly rubbed it under my eye trying not to get it in my eye.  

He threw that tissue away and reached for another one.  I watched his body language and noticed that his shoulders where as stiff as a board.  I could also tell that it was killing him to know what had happened.  

I took a deep breath and prepared to tell him.  

"He supposedly fell in love with someone else."  I said slowly.  Marc's fist came into contact with the side of the sink and I jumped I wasn't prepared for that.  "Where are you going?"  I asked as his body turned and he burst out of the bathroom.  

"I'm going to go kill him."  I ran after him and stopped him before he could do something irrational.  

"Marc, don't!"  I cried out.  I reached for his hand and he turned around quickly startling me again.  

"Why the hell can't I?"  He asked.  

"Because you haven't removed the make up from my face!"  His stance stayed the same so I decided to give him a better answer.  "Gala!  You can't leave Gala here with me. She will miss you!  You need to stay with her."

His jaw clenched and he took in a breath.  He took a step towards me and I froze.  

"For two years I drowned myself in a bottle because I missed you so fucking much!  But I hoped that it was all worth it!  That he was treating you correctly and that you didn't regret your decision!  Two years of my life down the drain!  Two years when I could have been winning you back!  Just to spare you all of this! But no!  He caused all of this and I am going to kill him!"  His voice had dropped deadly low and I knew I should be scared, but I wasn't.  

I grabbed his face and pushed my lips onto his.  Hoping it would calm him down.  

It took him a second to react but his hands went to my waist and his lips moved against mine. 

"For two years I was wondering if I was really happy, now, even though you are screaming at me in anger.  I know that the only person I am going to be happy with is you." 

* I'm guessing this is the ending ya'll wanted?* 

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