𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 «Zayl...

By jasminefj

383K 8.5K 1.9K

Story Status: [ on going + revising ] In which a girl named Selena falls in love with a frat boy named Zayn... More

C A S T & D E T A I L S
🎶Curated Playlists for character relationships:
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10.3K 238 13
By jasminefj

Stars Dance
Chapter 2
Zayn's Point of View

I HELD HER arm with the grip of my fingertips with a slight firm grasp. I planned to make more conversation with her however, some drunk dick nearly bumped into her that caused me to take hold of her grasp. I heard a small sorry from her lips, and didn't turn around until she realized that I didn't let her go. So she grew defensive.
"Let go of me." She said.
"A thank you would have been great." I whispered back harshly against her ear over the boom of the large music.
"Thank you." She said shrugging me off.
"You don't have to be a dick about it." I added.
Her eyes grew wide as she probably didn't expect that I would say such a thing, however I wasn't that kind of guy. She didn't say anything else, and moved away from me into the crowd of dancing bodies.


Selena's Point of View

I woke up the next morning to see a passed out Lucy on her bed next to mine, still in her dress with her pumps, on the floor and her hand dangling from the bed. I quickly got up and when I realized that I had class in an hour, and I had no time to waste. I went into the shower, and after that I quickly go dressed ready to go. As for Lucy she was still in a deep sleep, I didn't know her class schedule so I assumed she would be ok. I grabbed my bookbag and walked out of our dorm, locking the door behind me.
I knew I wasn't going to make it so, I need coffee and fast. I spotted a coffee shop on campus and walked towards it. I stood in line and placed my order. I sat I one of the tables with chairs waiting for my order as I scrolled through my phone. Once my name was called, I got up to get my drink and I walked out of the coffee shop, in a hurry as I didn't want to be late for class and I wanted a decent seat.


Zayn's Point of View

The cold breeze hit my face as I sat on top of one of the picnic tables with Levi and Jake. I was waiting for my class to start, but at the same time if I could, I would have ditched a long time ago. I never wanted to be here. But I was forced too. It was either that or military school my father at one point threatened. My mum got tired of my bullshit and called up my father to lock me up here, cause that's how I feel. I felt like that since last semester. Imprisoned. That asshole didn't think twice.
I looked about the crowd of people quickly trying to get from one place to another. Levi motioned me a cigarette and I took it from his grasp. Lit it up and inhaled and exhaled into the air. I was just making time until it was the time to go to my first class of the day, my father had stated that even if I missed one fucking day, it was off to military school. Fuck that. I thought.
That's when a figure caught my attention in the distance, it was that girl from the party last night as she seemed to be in a hurry. I put the cigarette up to my lips and I blew the smoke out. Taking the lit nub and putting it out on the floor with my shoe. "Where are you going?" Jake questioned.
"Don't worry about it." I told him, and with that I walked off in her direction.


Selena's Point of View

I was walking in the direction of the building in which my class was in. When a figure stood in my way, I focused my eyes and it was that guy from last night at the new years party. I stopped on my tracks, and there was really no way to avoid him. I was going to look stupid if I did. Especially in public.
"Glad to see you made it to your dorm well last night." He said with his hands in his jean pockets. I gave him a careless small smile and pushed past him. He scoffed. "Never in my life have I met such a rude person." He chuckled.
"I'd say the same." I bite back.
"Last night, I was just being honest." He shrugged his shoulders. "You did pull a pretty dick move."
"And I said thank you, in which you should have let go." I argued back.
"You didn't even let me get the chance to properly introduce myself, I had good intentions." He smirked.
"Sure." I rolled my eyes and walked off towards my class.


I had walked into the room where the class was going to be held in thinking that I was late. Luckily there were still some decent seats available, I sought out the perfect one for myself and set my coffee down on it and sat in the chair. Just then the lecture room began piling in with students. I noticed that the professor walked in and set his stuff on the desk in front.
Once he noticed a decent amount of students sat in the chairs, he cleared his throat and suddenly there was a wave of silence. He introduced himself and began to explain what was expected of us and what was expected of this course and want kind of assignment we were to begin with.
We were eight minutes in when I saw a figure walk through the door and it was him. "Mr. Malik great of you to join us." The professor called him out.
Our eyes locked for a second and I quickly focused my attention towards the front. "Cleared my schedule just for you." So called Zayn said sarcastically back to the professor which he gave him a glare, but Zayn didn't care.
The professor continued explaining the first assignment that was due at the end of the month. It was a two person project and that he expected who ever we were paired up with, to work together. He continued to explain that we were to work together with his person and learn everything about them. The professor then picked up his clipboard and began matching names with each other.
He was reading off the list of attendance, as he called out name after name. Finally when he reached my name. He looked at me and pointed in my direction with his ballpoint pen and scanned the room with is eyes. "Ms. Gomez, you will be paired up with..." He said looking down at his list. "Zayn Malik." When he said those words. I completely froze.
The professor then said to go with our partners and begin discussing times and places to meet so we could begin working on the project. However, I couldn't even move. I just couldn't believe that this was happening to me. Out of all people I thought. It just had to be him.
He approached me and sat right in the chair next to mine, when the professor dismissed class. Everyone was beginning to walk out of the lecture room, just leaving him and I behind. I couldn't even look at him, and I sighed.
"This going to be interesting." He said.
This was going to be one hell of a month.


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