What Happens When the Lights...

By xXMeXx627

6.1M 53.6K 7.8K

Brookelyn Winters and Ashton Patterson are two people that should not be together, but yet they're perfect fo... More

1.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
2.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
3.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
4.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
5.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
6.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
7.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
8.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
9.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
10.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
11.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
12.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
13.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
15.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
16.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
17.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
18.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
19.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
20.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
21.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
22.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
23.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
24.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
25.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
26.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
27.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
28.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
29.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
30.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
31.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
32.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
33.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
34.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
35.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
36.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
37.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
38.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
39.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
40.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
41.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
42.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
43.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
44.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
45.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
46.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
PART TWO 1.What Happens When You Grow Up
2.What Happens When You Grow Up
3.What Happens When You Grow Up
4.What Happens When You Grow Up
5.What Happens When You Grow Up
What Happens When The Lights Go Out/You Grow Up: Epilogue 1
What Happens When The Lights Go Out/You Grow Up: Epilogue 2
What Happens When The Lights Go Out/You Grow Up: Epilogue 3 (Carter's POV)
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry One
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Two
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Three
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Four
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Five
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Six
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Seven
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Eight
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Nine (END)

14.What Happens When The Lights Go Out

109K 1K 176
By xXMeXx627


Ashton and I walked to his house hand in hand. We got inside and his mom immediately brightened up. "Brooke! Ashton! How did it go over at your house?"

Ashton coughed uncomfortably. "Let's just say it could have been better."

"Oh dear. What happened?"

I went on to tell her all the gory details.

"Well I'm sorry Brooke, but your mother's behavior to Ashton and you was totally unacceptable."

"Oh don't apologize. I know it was. I just can't believe someone acts like that and thinks it's okay."

"Yes. I'm obviously a mother and I would never treat my children like that."


She smiled. "Well if you ever need a mother I'm always here sweetheart."

I hugged her. "Thank you Theresa."

"No problem sweetie. Now I have to go make lunch. You two play nicely alright?"

"Alright mom." Ashton grabbed my hand and we raced out of there to his room.

I sat on his bed. He turned to me. "Okay it's another time. What's the 'incident'?"

"Oh." I said looking away.

"Come on Brooke tell me."

I sighed. "I was six years old. Family friends were getting married. I was forced into a disgusting dress that was itchy and I hated it. We didn't have any shoes my size, they were all too small, so I had to get hammy downs from my sister. The shoes were a little too big, but we thought it would be fine." I paused for a second. Ashton motioned for me to continue. "Well everything at the wedding went fine, but disaster struck at the reception. There was a little boy that kept making fun of me and pushing me and bit by bit I was getting more pissed off at him. I finally got so mad I snuck into the kitchen, stole a bucket. I looked around and got any sort of liquid substance. Anything I could get my hands on. I was only going to throw a little on him. Well there was a balcony above the bride and groom and I was running across that because it was quicker to the hiding spot where I was going to throw the stuff at him. So as I was running my foot slipped out of my shoe and I fell. All the stuff in the bucket spilled over the edge and, naturally, onto the bride and groom." I put my face in my hands.

There was silence for a couple seconds then out of nowhere Ashton started laughing. "Are you serious?! That was the incident?!"

"It's not that funny! They still won't talk to us!"


"The Thornfields. After that disaster they hate me."



"I know them."

He sat there thinking for a second then a surprised look crossed his face. "No way! I was the mean boy!"


"I totally remember it now! I remember making fun of you in that ridiculous dress and then a bunch of red goo and people screaming."

"You were the boy?!"

"Wow funny that we were the same way back then."

"It's all your fault!"

"Oh give me a break. I was six and I thought you were cute. Cut little me some slack."

I just sat there staring at him with my eye slightly twitching. Then I whipped around and turned my back from him. "I'm angry with you."

He chuckled. "Oh really?"


"How angry?" I felt him move closer.


"Well if it helps I thought you were cute."

"No." I felt his arms reach around me.

"Come on Brooke."


He leaned down and kissed my neck lightly. I shivered a little. "Don't be mad."

"You know I can hold a grudge."

"Not for long." He kissed me near my ear.

"Yes. I once didn't talk to my sister for two months straight for embarrassing me in front of my friends."

"But you're talking to me right now."

"So? Now I guess I won't talk to you."

"That's fine with me."

He took my chin and had me face him and crashed his lips onto mine. He pulled away smiling.

I smirked. "That's cheating."

"I like to think of it more as a loophole." And with that he kissed me again.

He had one hand on my waist and another in my hair. He deepened the kiss, and who was I to protest?

All of the sudden I felt a pinch on my side. I jumped and laughed breaking the kiss. He tickled me! "Ashton!" I yelled while giggling. He continued to tickle me.

"Still mad?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said in between laughing.

"I won't stop until you say you're not!"

"Fine! I'm not mad!"

He stopped and I was still slightly chuckling. "Jerk."

"Hey it worked. I didn't know that you were that ticklish."

"Ssshhh...it's a secret." I said putting my finger to my lips.

"Well I'll use that to my advantage more often." He said pecking me on the lips.

"You better not."

He just shrugged and started walking out the door. I followed him to the kitchen.

I saw Theresa standing in front of the microwave. "Oh! Hey you guys! I'm just making some lunch! Come sit down." We sat on a little table in front of a big window that was right next to the kitchen.

She came over and set a plate down. On the plate were, believe it or not, dinosaur chicken nuggets. Then at the same time, Ashton and I both whispered, "Yessss!" We looked up at each other instantly, then at the same time asked, "You like Dinosaur nuggets too?!" We busted out laughing.

"But the question is, which end do you eat first?" He asked me.

"The head because I feel as if when I eat the butt, they have to suffer more. If you eat the head first it ends the suffering."

He stared at me with wide eyes. "I thought I'm the only one who does that."

"Well you aren't. It's funny though that you're this big jock at school, but you do things like this."

"Well we all have our guilty pleasures." He said smiling and eating the head of the dinosaur. "I mean what about you? You do this too."

"Yeah well I wouldn't hide it. But I mean wouldn't guys on the football team think it kind of weird?"

"You would be surprised."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really."

"Well what other weird things do you do? I mean, you jump out of people at the mall, you have a 'doing evil stuff in the night clothes', you eat dinosaur nuggets head first, and you love playing pranks."

"Well I can probably kick your ass at Mario Kart."

"Oh! Speaking of kicking someone's ass we never had our wresting match." I said smiling. "Oh and I can also kick your ass in Mario Kart."

He got a serious look on his face. "Let's settle this."


We started walking into the living room, but before we went I quickly grabbed one more dinosaur nugget.

We walked into the front room and moved some stuff out of the way. I was lucky that I was wearing my stretchy jeans and baggy sweatshirt.

I threw my hair up quickly. I had my back to Ashton though. Bad idea. I felt myself being lifted and then I was pinned to the ground. Not hard though. It didn't hurt.

"Not fair! I wasn't ready!"

"All is fair in love and war." He said smirking.

I quickly moved tangled his legs making him fall and pinned him face down. "So true." I kissed his cheek.

"Well played." Then unfortunately he over powered me, because there was no denying that he was stronger. And I was once again pinned to the ground. "But I'm still stronger." He said smiling down at me.

"I could use one advantage, but I'm not that mean."

"And what's that?" Then he noticed that I was in a perfect position to kick him in the nuts. He quickly got off and backed away, protecting himself. "That would be cruel!"

"Hey! I said I wasn't that mean!"

"Fine. But now I'm too afraid."


"Yes I do in fact want to have one, one day."

I laughed at that. "Come on let's go watch you lose at Mario Kart."

"Yeah. That sounds much safer."


It wasn't much safer. We got way too into it and I accidently hit Ashton in the face. His eyes watered a little and I felt bad, but then we laughed. I gave him a black eye..... I guess I one the fight.

After dinner I had to leave. Ashton walked me home.

We were holding hands and as we passed the park a little girl came up and kicked him in the nuts then proceeded to yell, "There you icky boy can't have babies now!" Then ran away. Most random moment of my life? I think so.

He was on the ground in pain. "What the hell was that about?!" He yelled. I was trying to cover my fit of giggles.

"I don't know, but aren't you happy I didn't kick you there today so you wouldn't have had twice the pain."

"She looked about six! How does she know those type of things?!"

"I don't know, but I think someone just got a piece of the sex talk."

I laughed and helped him up and we continued back to my house. He was kind of walking slow then slowly got faster.

"Okay I think I'm a bit better now, but man that little girl can kick!" We were at my driveway.

"That was one of the funniest moments of my life so far, I'm not going to lie."

"Yeah yeah whatever."

"I'm sorry a little six year old beat you up." I kissed his cheek.

"Hey don't be mean! That hurts like a bitch and I totally wasn't expecting it!"

"I know."

I wrapped my hands around his neck. "I am really sorry about the black eye."

"I know. It was an accident." He said smiling. He kissed me, but unfortunately our moment was ruined.

"Brookelyn! Get in this house right now!" My mother screeched. I sighed and pulled away from Ashton.

"I'll see you later."

He nodded. I walked up to the house and waved goodbye. He waved back and walked away.

I stomped inside and started up to my room. "Brooke! Why did you just leave today? That was completely unacceptable!"

"Mom I didn't want Ashton to stay any longer to here you go on and on about what a horrid child I am."

"Brooke I don't want you seeing that boy anymore. He's a bad influence."

I just stared at her with my eye twitching. "Bad influence?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Wow how wrong you are mother."

"You're grounded. Break up with him. That's final." And she walked away.

I laughed to myself. Break up with him? HA! Not happening.

I'll see him at school tomorrow anyways.

**Hehe so yeah i can't stand writing about her mom. But alas i must. So i know there are random parts, but i find them so entertaining, if you think it's dumb well just don't read this story. =) Anywho i promise that the next chapter will have the plan! I'm sorry but there was a lot in between lol. Let me know what you think. =) Like it? Hate it? What do you want to see happen? Let me know! Oh and for those of you doing the one shot contest i'm going to set a deadline soon if things don't pick up. Also i'm still accepting entries. =)**

EDIT: The video is really creepy but i like the song lol =P

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