White Rose: I'm in love with...

By Akumucapt

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Weiss Schnee is a well-known cop in all Vale. She stopped many crimes, big or small. Along with her friends... More

Chapter 1: Not a good way to start the day!
Chapter 2: Who's more excited than me?!?
Chapter 3: What will happen now?
Chapter 4: Red's secret reavealed? Maybe not.
Chapter 6: Confessions
Chapter 7: Prison Break
Chapter 8: The past's gonna hurt you (part 1)
Chapter 9: The Past's gonna hurt you (part 2)
Chapter 10: A choice to make
Chapter 11: Sister's Reunion
Chapter 12: The future is gonna bring back memories
Chapter 13: Ultimate Prison Break!
Chapter 14: Convertion
Chapter 15: The End is just the Beginning!
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Chapter 5: Red's secret revealed! Or maybe not Part 2

5.5K 97 55
By Akumucapt

~~Sorry for the cliffhanger guys.. I write the previous story yesterday (midnight). So I fell asleep. Anyways, here's the part 2 of the previous chapter. Hope ya like it!~~


Ruby woke up with a pain in the head and barely hard to breath. "Ow, my head. Wait, is that Weiss?" She whispered. "What is she doing here in my room? And why am I here in the first place?"

"Ms. Shcnee! Answer me!" Chief Vasilias screamed through the phone. "Where are you? your partners are so worried about you!" 

"Don't worry Chief, I'm fine." Weiss said in annoyance. "I'll be resting for a while. Just give Blake and Yang a substitute partner." Ruby heard all about this. ~~What does she mean by that?~~ "Ok. I'll have them partnered up with Sergeant Nikkos. Be sure to report to me when you're ready to come back." Neptune said. Weiss noticed Ruby hiding her face on a blanket. "I'll be sure to do that. Sir!" "Oh, and one more thing. There is a trainee that wanted to meet you. His name is Lie Ren." Chief Neptune said calmly. "I'll go meet up with him as soon I'm ready." Weiss replied. Weiss end up the call and immediately walk towards Ruby.

"You do know that I'm aware that you're awake." Weiss said.

"Why are you here? And why am I here? Am I suppossed to be w-working?" Ruby said nervously.

"You passed out. Your aura has been drained." Weiss said while touching Ruby's shoulders. "Maybe is it because of your reckless behaviour of pursuing the NDGO gang yesterday." 

"Whait, how did you?" Ruby was stopped by Weiss. Weiss kissed Ruby's lips. "Good Morning Ruby. Or should I call you.... Red." Weiss said with a smile.

Ruby's emotions is mixed with shock and horror. "How did you know it was me?"  Ruby asked. "Well ..... When you passed out, you asked me to get your bag and take you home. And I did." Weiss replied. "I opened your bag to see what's inside. I only saw a Sniper rifle, A mask, a hood and a combat skirt. Not so shadowy anymore aren't you." Weiss replied.

"Whatever.... you can't put me to prison. You have no evidence it was me. Ruby said with a sad face. "That was a sniper rifle.... Red Reaper uses a Scythe." Ruby said while pointing at the rifle.

"Now you're guilty. The public never know Red's last name....  And you just said it... Reaper." Weiss said with a grin.

"Ah-uhm... It was a lucky shot. Ok, you got me." Ruby said. "But whatever, Don't try to capture me again... You'll just waste your energy."

"I don't need to." Weiss said. Ruby saw a thick handcuffs on her feet. "WHAT!"

"You can control your speed. But everybody has a weakness." Weiss said with a pride. She sat next to Ruby. Ruby, who's now afraid, take a seat apart of Weiss. Weiss took off her handcuffs. "And your weakness is me." Ruby is in shock. ~~Of course she knows I like her!~~ Ruby's mind was screaming. Ruby uses her speed to create an after image of her seating next to Weiss. Ruby then quickly pulled Weiss onto her, She immediately kissed the police girl on the lips. Weiss was in shock, ~~How does she know that I'll be doing this to her?~~ Weiss pulled back, she pushed Ruby which made the girl be on the bed. She kissed Ruby again. The two didn't pull until both of them can't breath. 

~~End of POV~~

"Ahh... That was a thing." Ruby said. 

"Do you like it?" Weiss said. " We can try again if you want."

"No thank you Weiss. I need to go to the cafe. And stop bad guys on the way." Ruby replied.

"You're running through the streets again? You're gonna hurt yourself." Weiss said in fear.

"If it wasn't for me, you'll be dead. Good thing I saved you from Jaune. Ruby said. "Speaking of him. I need to track him down after my work."

"Why are you tracking him down?" Weiss questioned. "What did he do to you?"

"He killed my mom. He made Yang run away, He is the reason why my Father killed himself. And why Uncle Qrow is missing! And he's the one who almost killed you." Ruby shouted. "I need to have vengeance. I don't want my loved ones disappear anymore." Ruby cried onto Weiss'shoulder. Weiss now knows her pain, she didn't want her to be in pain anymore. 

"Alright. Enough crying. I need to go back to the cafe. Wanna come?" Ruby said.

"Well... I do have a one day break from my work. Maybe I'll spend it with you." Weiss replied. "But promise me, you'll tell me if you're going to track Jaune. I don't want you to get hurt. So I wanna help."

"Ok. Thanks..." Ruby said. "Where are you heading now?"

"To my house. I need to get my clothes. I'll be sleeping here." Weiss replied.

"Are you sure? This place is dusty. It's not suitable for a delicate snowflake like you." Ruby said before laughing.

"Oh please....  My house is dustier than this." Weiss replied. "I'll walk you to the cafe." Ruby looked at the time. "Aww Sh*t... I'm late! You go on ahead. I'll have a shower quickly." Ruby kissed Weiss and head to the bathroom.

~~Aww boy. She's beautiful.~~ Weiss tought to herself. ~~I need to help her find Jaune Arc. And after that, I'll propose to her.~~ "But before that, we need to be official." Weiss whispered.

"Don't worry Weiss, we're now official!" Ruby said after going out the bathroom.

"How did you? Wait, really?" Weiss said.

"Of course!" Ruby said. Weiss pulled her towel making ruby undressed. "WEISS! What was that for!?!?" Ruby said with a blush. Weiss kissed ruby's neck. "You need to get dressed.... FAST!"

"I know... It's just embarrassing in front of you." Ruby said while getting her hood and her bag.

"Let's go dunce." Weiss said with a smile. Ruby kissed her on the forehead. "You dolt!" Weiss said with a blush.

While walking, they saw the White Fang battling ABRN gang. ABRN was beaten, some of them are killed. Ruby grabbed Weiss on a near alley, she dressed quickly as Red. "Ruby No!" Weiss said. But before Weiss can do something Ruby charged herself to the man with the black suit.

"I have a fine morning today. Now you've ruined it!" Red quickly killed half of the members of the White Fang. "Hello Red." The man with the black suit said to her.

"Hello, Adam Taurus. Leader of the White Fang, suspects of many Dust smuggling and dealing. Crimes like theft, murder and illegal possession of firearms are violated by you and your gang.

"Fall back men. We don't want to get killed by her do we?" Adam said to his members.

The White fang retreated and went to their hideout. Task Force WBY (Without Weiss) with Phyrra Nikkos rushed to ABRN, they immediately handcuff one by one.

"Well, you're late Yang Xiao Long." Red said.

"Sorry. We're really busy finding Captain Weiss Schnee, did you have any information of where she is?" Yang replied with a smile.

"Oh yes. She's inside the cafe. Don't worry, you're sister is taking care of her." Red replied.

Yang walked towards Red and whispered and said. "Really? Did you tell her how you feel?"

"She's the one who confessed to me. I did too after she's done." Ruby said.

"So you two are official now. Does she know about your secret?" Yang questioned.

"Well yeah... Only you and her. I'll propose to her after I get revenge to Jaune." Ruby replied.

"Alright...  We'll be heading back to HQ. We have a little gift to Chief Vasilias." Yang said.

"Tell him it's from me, ok"  Ruby said.

"I'll try without making him mad." Yang said with a grin.

After the encounter, Ruby quickly dressed to her normal outfit and head to the cafe. Where she saw Weiss sitting in the back with a White Rose Tea.

"I'm sorry I took so long. I encountered my sister, Yang." Ruby apologized.

"It's ok Ruby. After I'm done sipping my tea, I'll go ahead to my house then back to yours." Weiss said. "But promise me, you'll be alright. OK?"


At Task Force WBY (without Weiss) and Phyrra Nikkos:

~~Yang's POV~~

Phyrra was sitting next to ABRN. Blake is driving and Yang was silent. "Blake, my sister and Weiss are now officially dating!" Yang said trying to start a conversation. 

"Oh, that's great." Blake replied in a low tone voice. " I wish I can tell you how I feel about you right now." Blake whispered to herself.

"Hey Blake, how can you tell somebody that you like her? Even you don't know if that person won't love me back. How can you tell it without hurting yourself?" Yang said while looking through the window.

~~Oh no.. She had someone in mind! And it's a HER!~~ Blake thought. "Um." Blake was stopped by Phyrra. 

"I'll answer it." Phyrra said. "Just tell that person how you feel about her. No pick-up lines, no jokes. Just tell her the truth."

"But what if.." Yang stopped. "Ok."

"By the way, who is the lucky person?" Blake asked.

"I think I know some hints." Phyrra said.

They arrived at the HQ. "You know what guys. We're here!" Yang said. She quickly get outside the car and report to Chief Vasilias immediately. "I wonder who it is." Blake whispered to herself.

"It's you Cat Lady." Phyrra said to her while putting ABRN gang to their prison cell. Phyrra walk towards Blake and said. "Try to confess your love to her first before anything happens."

"How did you know about that?" Blake said. Phyrra walk away. "It's getting dark soon. Maybe you should stay on her house."

~~How did she know about me having a crush on Yang? And most importantly, how did she know I'm part cat?~~ Blake's mind was amazed at phyrra.

"Hey Blake." Yang said after closing the door of the Chief's office.

"Hey Yang." Blake said. "Mind if I stay on your house for the whole week?"

"I'm not sure. I'm going to visit my sister's house. My old house." Yang replied. "I'll be staying there for a whole month. But if you wanna come, then I'm happy to show you my home.  It's kinda dusty and old-looking though."

"Don't worry about dusty and old-looking." Blake said. "I just wanna come with you."

Yang hides her blush to Blake. "Let's go. It'll be dark soon." Yang said. Blake nodded.

~~I hope that Ruby's secret won't be revealed by my crush, Blake.~~

~~End of POV~~

~~Hey guys. I'll be writing the chapter 6 later. I'm having a whole week examination. So I'm not be writing this week. That is why I'm writing chapters 6 and 7 today! Be Ready Leave your comments below for this chapter and the previous ones. I need your feedback guys, please.~~

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