Forsaken Blood [Weekly Update...

By OneLessFantasy

8.1K 743 635

| Galaxy Book Contest - First Prize in Fantasy | | Golden Weekly Awards Winner | One queen, two kin... More

Bonus Chapter: The Letter
Eleven (I)
Eleven (II)
Bonus Chapter: Once Upon A Time...
Seventeen (I)
Seventeen (II)
Eighteen (I)
Eighteen (II)
Twenty (I)
Twenty (II)
Twenty-two (I)
Twenty-two (II)
Bonus Chapter: Gabriel's POV
Twenty-seven (I)
Twenty-seven (II)
Twenty-eight (I)
Twenty-eight (II)
Twenty-eight (III)
Twenty-nine (I)
Twenty-nine (II)
Thirty (II)
Thirty (III)
Thirty one (I)
Thirty-One (II)
Thirty-four (I)


277 26 24
By OneLessFantasy

The sun was just peeking above the horizon as Rochelle stood on her balcony. It had been four days since the ball. Four days since her uncle had been stung by a chimera.

And only yesterday was he able to get out and about. The entire kingdom had wanted assurances, reports and she could see her cousin cracking under the pressure.

But they had pulled through and the kingdom was stable once more. She had been mostly avoiding everyone these past few days, especially after her duel with the knight of Weardom.

She looked out above the castle gates to the port and small village of Onryx. Beyond that, the Great Sea glittered as the Sun rays reflected off it.

Rochelle wondered, not for the first time, whether she had won that match with Graham by her own skill or was it just luck. She knew she was good but was she good enough?

The announcement of the grand tourney celebrating the Princess' birthday was made yesterday and she could feel the buzz of excitement on the morning breeze.

Today the warriors from all over the kingdom would start to arrive and the games will begin tomorrow. She had been training behind the barracks when it was proclaimed and was disappointed when she wasn't allowed to sign up.

Most of yesterday was spent trying to convince her mother and uncle, but both seemed adamant about this. Charlotte wasn't much help, she seemed a little lost and dazed. Rochelle wondered what that was about and decided to ask her about it later.

Just as she was about to turn around, she heard the rattling of carriage wheels. An unmarked vehicle clattered through the gates, weighed down by the heavy burden of many cases and carry boxes. She briefly wondered who could be arriving so early in the morning.

Shaking her head she went back inside her room and closed the balcony doors behind her. Anna was laying out her training clothes, as her maid was well aware of the early hours her mistress kept.

"Take out a simple day dress or something Anna. I'm barred from the training fields. If I have to sulk around the castle, better to look the part at least."

Her maid seemed excited and instantly brought out a floral blue dress which Rochelle edged up with a dark blue ribbon around the bodice. Soon enough her hair was in an elegant updo and Anna left, telling her not to get into trouble.

She sat there for a while, wondering when her days had gotten so mundane. It seemed as if everything was still, silently waiting for another disaster.

Don't think like that. Rochelle berated herself before deciding that it would be best to go down to the kitchens. Esme, the cook and her staff, were used to seeing her there. She couldn't wait for the rest of the family to get up and breakfast to be set, so she usually had something there.

Esme was an elderly lady and as far back as Rochelle could remember, she was a mother figure in her life. When she would come back with one scrape or another, Esme would be the one to patch her up and give her a treat, while her mother just stood and lectured her on what was proper and what was not.

She had three sons of her own, the youngest being Damon. He really had made something of himself and Esme was proud as punch.

Rochelle was violently shaken out of her thoughts when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

That's when she realised that she had already reached the grand staircase and was about to take a tumble. She probably wouldn't have since she grew up here and her body would've unconsciously taken her safely down.

But nonetheless, her heart had sped up and she took a deep breathe before turning around to thank her saviour.

The words of gratitude died on her lips when she turned to face the same chiseled features that hadn't been very far from her thoughts lately.

The pressure of his hold on her arm only tightened and she wondered why he hadn't let go.

"Do you have a death wish? Or is tumbling down stairs is part of your daily routine?" Graham hissed.

Rochelle didn't know why but she felt her anger rising, "I was doing just fine."

He snorted and said, "didn't realise women in this kingdom were so ungrateful."

He was trying to get a rise out of her and Rochelle was rising to the bait. She tried to wrench her arm out of his hold but that only brought an amused smile to his face, "I'm much stronger, you know. You won't be able to free yourself like that. Say 'thank you oh gracious saviour' and I will let you go."

Rochelle raised her eyebrow and said, "I don't think you remember when I knocked you down a couple of days ago. I'd be more then happy to refreshen your memory."

"Don't flatter yourself. You just got lucky."

"Saying that just to make yourself feel better? Whatever helps you sleep at night, gracious saviour."

His reply was cut short when one of the guards came rushing up the steps. They sprang apart and Graham cleared his throat before asking if something was wrong.

The guard, whom Rochelle recognised as one of the newer recruits, continued to look between them before saying, "yes sir, I believe your presence will be required in the entrance hall."

Graham nodded and started down the steps. Rochelle didn't know why but she started after him. Soon they reached the last step and across the grand hall the doors were thrown wide open and weak morning sunlight fell on the new arrivals.

A young lady with hair like spun gold stood tall, looking over the entrance hall with her features twisted in distaste. As soon as she saw them, her face lit up and she rushed forward and threw herself into Graham's arms.

Rochelle stood a little back as she took in the scene. Some of the lady's servants were bringing in her trunks and she realised that they were the occupants of the carriage she has spied earlier.

"What in the world are you doing here, Amber?" Graham's voice resonated in the almost empty halls.

"Can't a girl surprise her fiancée?"

At her words, Rochelle felt all the colour leave her face but plastered on a calm smile for appearances. After all why would such a news bother her?

"Amber, does your mother know you are here? Your brothers? I'm certain Daniel doesn't."

The lady straightened herself as she said, "stop being such a spoilsport! Mother wouldn't have let me come anyway. And as for Danny, well he must have his hands full between Anastasia and his wife-to-be. You know how furious mother was when she realised that she had gone with your party? It was quite a spectacle."

At this point, the blonde seemed to notice her and Rochelle went forward in hopes of an introduction. Though all she got was a once over and a snide remark, "so this is how you kept yourself entertained, Graham? I thought you had better taste."

Rochelle couldn't see Graham's face but he seemed to stand straighter and took Amber's arm before pulling her up the stairs.

"Daniel needs to know about this." He mumbled under his breath but he didn't look at Rochelle. The lady shot a smug look over her shoulder.

She couldn't help it, she wanted to know what was happening and who Graham's fiancée was. Rochelle hurried down the hall and slipped into one of the servant's passageways hidden inside the walls.

She was certain that they were heading to the prince's rooms and soon enough Rochelle stood peeking in through the hidden door into the study.

She heard the prince shouting even before she got to the right door. "Amber of all the stupid stunts you have pulled over the years this is by far the worst. What were you thinking?"

"Oh calm down Danny and stop being such a drama queen!"

From her point Rochelle could only see the prince pacing in front of the desk and the lady sitting with her arms crossed on the settee. Why did the name Amber ring bells? It took Rochelle a moment to piece everything together but when it hit her, she almost gasped aloud.

The newly arrived guest was Princess Amberley of Colander!

"Don't you want your sister and best friend to be happy?"

"Amber how many times has he said no? You aren't engaged." The prince seemed to be on his wits end.

"I'm the princess of Colander. I will marry whomever I please." Amber threw her hair over her shoulder.

"But that's not how it works. The other party must be in agreement too."

This voice was so close that Rochelle didn't dare breathe. The corridor was wide enough so she took a few steps back. By her calculations, Graham was standing a few feet from the hidden door.

"What is your problem? You were going to cave in and go along with it when you left. Is it that brunette? The one in blue we just met in the hall?"

Rochelle couldn't see their faces anymore and she wouldn't dare take a peek but her heart started thumping so loudly she was afraid they would find her.

"The princess?" Came the confused reply from Daniel.

"No, her cousin." Graham's voice was strong and sure, "and keep her out of this. There is nothing there. You are acting like a child and I refuse to be your toy. Find some other knight to bother."

She heard footsteps and the banging of a door and felt it was time she got out of there as well.

"Amber, you are leaving on the next ship thats sailing home."

"Danny! Let me enjoy a little. I just came here! Graham is just being his stubborn self. I know deep down he loves me. Maybe having me around will remind him. Please brother please."

"Fine a few days. A week at most. It will all really depend upon the king of Frahadry and his hospitality."

"Well he can't throw me out on the streets now, can he?" With a loud laugh, another door banged.

Roch turned around to leave the way she had come but the door to her right suddenly swung open.

"Ah your grace, fancy meeting you here." Lord Aldvin stepped into the corridor and quickly shut the door behind him.

She was surprised to even see him, as she had thought that he was still away on his tour of the kingdom as requested by the king.

"When did you get back?" she couldn't help but ask and then suddenly a more pressing question presented itself, "and what were you doing in Anastasia's room?"

Rochelle was fairly certain that the room Lord Aldvin had just left belonged to the woman who had come with Prince Daniel.

"I arrived a few days ago," came the smooth reply. In the little lighting she could tell that the lord was smirking. "I see we have rather interesting houseguests."

"But what were you doing in one of our guest's rooms?"

She didn't like that he was blocking her way and being stuck in such a small place with the infamous rogue wasn't very ideal.

"Well welcoming them of course. I am nothing if not very hospitable won't you agree, your grace?" He said. "But you must excuse me, I have places to be and appointments to keep."

With a slight bow and another smirk he turned on his heels and left.

Rochelle counted to ten, before following him out of the passages. As soon as she was out she headed to the breakfast room to find that her family had already eaten.

She set a plate for herself and quickly ate, thinking over the events of the morning. She had to go see Charlotte and tell her about what she had found. Especially the scene with Lord Aldvin.

With that thought she headed for the princess' room. She met her uncle on the stairs and asked after his health.

"Oh doing well as ever, my dear! Though I hear your mother is under the weather today. Where are you heading by the way?" The king asked.

"Just going up to see Charlotte, uncle. And I'll drop by to see mother later."

"Well I'd recommend waiting by the door a little while before barging in." Her uncle winked and left.

Rochelle shook her head at his cryptic words that only made sense when she heard voices coming from Char's room.

She put her ear to the door and couldn't keep the smile off her face. It seemed she was eavesdropping on everyone that morning.

Rochelle wondered what her mother would say to that, but shook her head and tuned back into the conversation on the other side of the door.

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