She Who Owns The Dragon's Hea...

By StarkillerCaz

12.8K 719 48

He was a Dragon, she was a Halfling. Can I make it anymore obvious? Sapphire didn't know who (or what) her pa... More

Chapter One (I)
Chapter Two (II)
Chapter Three (III)
Chapter Four (IV)
Chapter Five (V)
Chapter Seven (VII)
Chapter Eight (VIII)
Chapter Nine (IX)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (XII)
Chapter Thirteen (XIII)
Chapter Fourteen (XIV)
Chapter Fifteen (XV)
Chapter Sixteen (XVI)
Chapter Seventeen (XVII)
Chapter Eighteen (XVIII)
Chapter Nineteen (XIX)
New Story Alert
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Six (VI)

708 42 2
By StarkillerCaz


I felt something stir under me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Sapphire toss and turn, still asleep. Tears were streaming out of her eyes and she was jerking.

"Sapphire?" I nudged her with my nose. She only screamed. "Sapphire! Wake up!" I nudged her harder and she shot up. I felt her fear and distress but why? I shifted back, throwing a blanket over my bare waist before pulling her to me. I let her calm down before I asked her anything. I just brushed her sweat-matted hair back, rubbing my thumb from her forehead to her hair, and held her tightly against myself.

After awhile, she was finally lucid again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head. "Okay." She would open up eventually. She just wrapped her arms around my torso and kept her face buried in my neck. Her breathing and heart rate slowed, signaling she was asleep. I laid us down, keeping her in the same position we were in sitting up, careful not to wake her.

Having her in my arms was the only thing keeping me calm. Her soothing scent of cinnamon, peach, and vanilla was more than just an aphrodisiac, it was a calming agent. It was her identity to me.

She said she'd jump in my pyre if I'd suffer death... The mating pull was finally taking effect. And if she died? I'd die right beside her. Without your mate... your life means nothing anymore.

I pressed a soft kiss to Sapphire's forehead, rolling us onto our sides, and placed my forehead against hers. She sighed in her sleep, turning over, pressing her back to my chest. If she was sleeping easy again, I probably should be, too.


Sapphire was still asleep when I woke up, which I was thankful for. I went and pulled out a dress for her, finding something somber instead of bright to wear. I found a black dress with a white belt, looking to be her size. I went back to the room, laying it down near her.

I didn't want to wake her... Not after the night she had.

Going out into the main chamber, Mother, Eros, Jessa, Harper, and Hercules, a friend of both Eros and Mother, were sitting with her around a fire. They were roasting a buck on a spit, and there were a few kettles of tea around.

"Morning..." Everyone acknowledged me as I walked in... Everyone except my mother. She was deep in her sorrow, which nobody could blame her for. She'd been with my father since she was a cub. Nobody could imagine the pain she was going through.

"I'll take her back with me today." Eros said quietly, looking down at his sister. She was sleeping, using his shoulder as a pillow.

"I was going to take her back to my place... My djinn would be watching her." Eros sighed.

"I have my own djinn and house maids. I also haven't seen my sister in years... I feel it'd be best if she stayed with me." I just let it go. If I picked a fight with my uncle, and killed him, my mother would never forgive me. I heard scuffles of feet against the floor as Sapphire came out, dressed in the fabric I had laid out for her. She looked bleary eyed and tired. I went over to her.

"Are you alright?" She nodded silently, but I felt her head pound. "We'll be going home soon..." She looked to my mother.

"Will she be okay?" I shrugged. I didn't know. Nobody would.

"Nobody knows. My mother has always been strong, but I have never seen her this torn." She sighed silently. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder, leading her to the small circle. "Everyone, this is Sapphire." She waved to everyone, but... Everyone wasn't feeling it today.

"I'm sorry if we're not enthusiastic... It's just..." Jessa started.

"It's upsetting." Hercules, her mate, finished. They introduced themselves to Sapphire and Eros woke Enyo up. She was silent with pain in her eyes.

Before we sealed the cavern, she grabbed one piece of jewelry she would never live without.

Her locket that my father bought her ever so long ago...

"You're going to go with Eros, for now... If you need to, you know I'm not a long flight away." I hugged my mother tightly. She nodded to me then turned to Sapphire.

"Keep him happy." Was all she told her before she squeezed my hand, then shifted into a beautiful turquoise dragon. She was a water dragon, Theron was a fire dragon, in the final product, I was a storm dragon. She and Eros flew off to a different portal while she opted to stay Human for the flight through. I helped her into a comfortable spot for her to ride, then flew off to the other portal. I gave Sapphire some time before I flew through, but she still had travel sickness through it.

She groaned as I landed, sprawled out on her stomach, gripping on as tightly as she could.

"Sorry..."I apologized to her. She just groaned again, but waved for me to go. I flew us back to my house, a little north of Asløv's, and let her down. I went to the tree where I had a stash of clothes hung up in the branches, and took them out of the ziplock. Once I was dressed, I saw Sapphire leaning against the brick, eyes closed, and a little pale. I went back to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She seemed to stand a bit straighter when I touched her.

I led her inside my humble abode, where she looked around in wonder.

"It's so... spacious..." I led her to the living room, where I sat her down on the sofa. She kind of sank into the pillows and her eyes drooped.

I went into the kitchen, seeing a tray of food waiting. Saffron had made a snack tray, specifically for her. I brought it out with a bottle of water, seeing Sapphire waiting for me.

"Curtesy of Saffron." I set the tray on the table, giving her the water. She smiled a bit, cracking her bottle open. I watched her take enough to tide her over as I flipped through the channels to find something worth while to watch. I found Arrow, starting from the beginning, and Sapphire scooted closer and snatched the remote from me, turning it up.

"It's a great show." I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her shoulder, settling in to watch.

About fifteen minutes later, she was out cold. I clicked the television off, drew her in my arms, and brought her to my room. She woke up about halfway there.

"I can walk..." She mumbled sleepily, trying to wiggle out of my arms.

"Nonsense... I don't mind carrying you." I told her, tightening my hold. She sighed, putting her cheek on my shoulder.

"It's not normal to be this attracted so early..." I chuckled at her.

"No, but we're not normal, either." She hummed in agreement. I brought her over to my bed and laid her down. I climbed in behind her, wrapping my arm around her waist, burying my face in her hair. Her scent was just as sweet as candy. It worked like a lullaby worked for a baby...

I was out cold beside her in a couple moments.

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