complications | joshler (preq...

By regionalatdun

32.2K 1.5K 791

josh loved tyler endlessly despite many complications. but what happens when these complications get in the w... More

part one [1]
part one [2]
part one [3]
part one [4]
part one [5]
part one [6]
part one [7]
part one [8]
part one [9]
part one [10]
part 2 [1]
part two [2]
part two [3]
part two [4]
im sorry
part two [5]
part two [7]

part two [6]

881 48 10
By regionalatdun

the loud bell rang to signal recess. the sound hurt, josh still had a pounding headache from all the crying. he moved slowly through the crowded hallway. everything was a blur, probably because of the new tears welling up behind his eyelids. his stomach began to churn as he realised he'd probably see tyler in the cafeteria.

he moved slowly into the cafeteria full of other teenagers getting their food and chatting loudly. josh kept his head down to cover his red eyes. he didnt want anybody to even acknowledge him. the banging in his head was getting more and more intense.
josh went to the back of the lunch line and waited. everybody around him was happy, but he wasnt. not at all. josh's eyes began to well up even more as he remembered the predicament he was now in. there was no way out.

he was now at the front. josh would usually smile and have a chat with the lunch ladies no matter his mood, but not today. he couldnt even bring himself to look up. josh was completely drained of emotions. he was going to be handed his lunch by nancy, one of the older lunch ladies, who was always very cheery. she took a particular liking to josh on the first day and noted how nervous he looked. she was very reassuring and ever since treated him very lovely.

as she passed the lunch over she hesitated, waiting for a reply from josh. he felt horrible not saying anything but was in no state to talk to anyone. she stared at him for a while but obviously realised he wasnt going to reply. josh grabbed the tray and quickly headed over to a table in the corner, on his own. his head began to pound more and the loud commotion wasn't helping. his eyes drifted a little to the left and fixated on a brown haired boy. of course it was tyler, of course josh had to see him right now of all times. tyler was staring right at josh. his lips were pouted and his eyebrows were furrowed; he looked very concerned.

josh quickly looked away from the gaze of the boy who made his heart race. how was his plan ever going to work if he couldnt even cope with eye contact? he buried his head in his hands. a tense feeling began to cloud his stomach, his breaths began to get faster and faster. he was rocking back and forth in his uncomfortable chair.

why would his own mother put him through this hell?

this kinda sucks because i rushed it sorryyyyy

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