Married to a Rockstar. Sequel...

By winterclifford

21.3K 101 50


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 24

466 2 1
By winterclifford

-Alesana's POV-

I woke up when the sun wasn't even out yet. It's 5AM, I'm sweaty, hot, and feel sick to my stomach.

I ran to the bathroom, laid by the toilet, and threw up now and then, and I found myself asleep again. Then I was awoken by CC. He was gently shaking me. He sounded worried as he tried waking me up. "Alesana. Wake up. Alesana?"

I slowly opened my eyes and mumbled, "What?"

He sighed in relief and said, "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. He said, "What?"

"I woke up feeling sick to my stomach and I felt so damn hot."

"That explains why you're here and your sweats are over there," he nodded towards the bed. I nodded slowly and sat up. I felt dizzy and laid back on my elbows. He said, "Need help, love?"

I nodded again and he picked me up and took me to the bed. He put me down and I sat there, trying to gain strength and/or energy to get up and get ready.

He said, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Just weak feeling. It will pass." I stood up slowly and grabbed my clothes for today; a pair of denim shorts and a Nirvana off the shoulder shirt. I left my hair in its ponytail it was already in and changed. I put on black Converse and CC's BVB necklace.

He was already dressed in dark gray jeans and a Motley Crue shirt and he said, "Well the van is here."

"Already? What time is it?"

"8. Andy and October were out of here at 7:30 or so."

"Is Carolyn up?"

He shook his head. The doorbell rang and he said, "I'll be back."

"Okay," I said. I went into Carolyn's room and gently stroked her cheek. Her eyes squeezed shut and slowly opened, blinking, looking at me. I whispered, "Good morning beautiful."

I picked her up and changed her into the only outfit I had for her for today then gave her the inhaler. Then the movers walked by to our room and took some things apart and took it to the van. I grabbed my purse, her diaper bag, and walked out onto the porch.

CC was next to me in a minute or so. He said, "So how are you feeling now?"

"Sort of better."

"Well good. Did you give Carolyn her medicine?"

I nodded. Carolyn's head was on my shoulder and she mumbled something I couldn't make out.

"What hun?" CC said.

Carolyn shook her head into my shoulder and rubbed her eyes. CC chuckled and I said, "Want daddy to hold you?"

She nodded. I handed her over to CC and he held her close, gently rocking her. I tweeted: Welp, this is the last time we're seeing this house. So many amazing memories here, but it's time to get a place to just ourselves right now. :)

Then: It's never fun throwing up in the morning.

Then again: Stop spreading rumors that I'm pregnant again, everyone. I'm not. When I am, I will let you know. Sheesh.

CC chuckled and said, "Rumors that you're pregnant again?"

I nodded. "I don't even know if I am or not."

He shrugged. "You'll find out soon."

"I guess. So I just found out something the other day."


"Warped Tour. That  one interview with you, Ash, and Jinxx and those two girls."

"Oh that one!"

"Yeah. And when they're playing 'What's in CC's shoe', Jinxx said, 'I would say used condom but no body uses condoms on the bus'. It made me laugh because he looked straight at you. That was the day after we found out I was pregnant."

"Whoaaa. You just now figured it out?"

"Well yeah."

He chuckled and said, "You're silly."

I shrugged and smiled. "I guess."

Then a mover came out and said, "Everything is in the truck. We shall follow you guys to the house."

CC nodded and thanked him, took my hand, and we walked to the car. He put Carolyn in her carseat and I waited in the passenger seat. He got in, started the car, and drove off, the moving truck following behind us.

We listened to Smashing Pumpkins the way there and Carolyn watched her movie in the back seat.

Then we got to the house, CC told the guys to leave the furniture in the (huge) garage for now and to put Carolyn's stuff in her room upstairs since her stuff is still new, they did so and drove off, and then our friends came and got the other furniture out  we sold them.

We put Carolyn's clothes into her dresser and closet, set up her toys and other stuff then put the kitchen stuff in the kitchen, then we decided we'd go to IKEA now and get what we can for tonight. We drove out there, and after a couple hours of getting a new bed, mattress, a new couch, table, chairs, a desk, and a dresser, we were lucky CC had a friend who lived close by with a trailer big enough to hold it all.

We drove home with him following, and they went in and put things together and I went out to Bed, Bath, & Beyond with Carolyn to find bedding for our bed. And then off to Lowes to get paint, and other stuff to add to our house as CC instructed me.

It was way too much shopping in a day. My feet were tired,  I was exhausted, and Carolyn took a nap during the trip to Lowes.

I got home about six and everything was set up. The house looked amazing. The thing that was missing was the paint, so we're getting onto that tomorrow.

CC walked downstairs with his friend, they hugged, CC thanked him, and he left.

He turned to me and said, "Did you bring everything in yet?"

I shook my head. "Much more in the car. I came in to put Carolyn in here."

"Okay. I'll get it. You go look around." He left the house and I picked up Carolyn again and walked upstairs, stopping at the empty room. I told CC we could use this for when we have another kid, so it's empty for now, holding boxes of our clothes, shoes, and so on. I walked straight across to Carolyn's bedroom, which was the same size as the empty room. It looked awesome with how things were set, since there was more space.

Then we hit the master bedroom. It was huge. Our bed was right under the window, we had a nice view of our front yard, a tree, and the street, our bathroom was once again attached, this time it was one sink, a huge shower with a bathtub right next to it, pretty tile floors, granite sink, it was beautiful.

The rooms are all a dark brown fuzzy, soft, carpet, and down the halls and steps, it's wood flooring. The house was beautiful, and I'm so glad CC chose this place. I couldn't wait to start painting.

As I went downstairs, I found there is another bathoom, a [coat] closet, and the backyard was a good size. This place is perfect. Absolutely perfect for us.

He walked in and set the last bags on the counter in the kitchen. He said, "I ordered pizza since we have a load of unpacking still to do."

I groaned and said, "Alright." We went into the kitchen, I fed Carolyn her dinner, she played upstairs, and fell asleep at about 7:45. Early for her but it wasn't surprising. It was a long day.

We took the boxes of all of our clothes, shoes, and so on into our room, then put them in the closet and in the dresser. We put our other stuff in the bathroom and then I quietly put Carolyn's boxes of stuff in her room to unpack tomorrow. We put our comforter and sheets through the washer and drier, danced around for awhile, then when the load was done, we made the bed.

We laid in it and I said, "Good job. Really."

"What for?"

"Picking out such an amazing house, putting things up while we were shopping."

"Aw, it really was no problem, my love."

"Well it's a lot."

"I guess," he said, "So Andy texted me saying they're moved in and needed no help. So right now, like us,  they're all good."

"Well good. We should go see their place soon. And we've never seen Jake and Crystal's place."

"We'll head over there in a couple days. We gotta paint tomorrow," he said.

I nodded. He said, "We'd better head to bed. It's been a long day."

I nodded again and we changed into our pajamas, brushed our teeth, and got into the new and super comfortable bed. Then I found myself in dreamland once again.


I woke up at 8AM the next morning, still much too early to be up. I felt fine, no throwing up or fever or whatever. I just woke up early and that was it. I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep, but it was no use. CC's eyes opened and he said, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I kept feeling you toss and turn, so."

"Oh. I'm fine, trying to go back to sleep but I don't have to anymore since you're up."

He smiled, "Yep. Good morning, love."

"Good morning," I responded. I kissed him and said, "Isn't this bed comfortable?"

He nodded. "Loads. I kind of don't wanna get out of it."

"Me neither," I said. He held my waist, brought me closer, and I rested my head on his chest. He kissed my head and said, "We're painting today, right?"

"Sure! Sounds fun!"

"Okay! I can go borrow those plastic cover things from Jake since they had them to paint."

"Alright, my love."

We got out of bed, CC texted Jake, and I went into Carolyn's room and saw her standing in her crib, bouncing around. I chuckled and she said, "Hi mommy!"

"Good morning beautiful!" I picked her up out of the crib and changed her diaper. I walked with her downstairs and started making her pancakes. Then CC was downstairs in the BVB basketball shorts he had from the kickball game and his black tank top.

He said, "Jake is probably still asleep. I just told him to call when he's up."

I nodded and went back to making breakfast. He said, "What are you making?"

"Your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes."

He grinned. "Delicious, my love."

I smiled and kept making breakfast. He kissed my cheek and said, "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I dunno. You seem kind of out of it today."

I shrugged. "I dunno. I haven't been feeling well lately."

He said, "Aw. Well if you don't feel good, go lay down and I can finish breakfast."

"No, I'm fine right now."

"You sure?"

"Yep." I nodded.

"Okay," he said, still not convinced. He went over to Carolyn, who was sitting in her high chair, eating some banana slices I cut up for her. CC said, "I'm going to call DirectTV and get this set up."

"Okay," I said. Then he was on the phone and at work.

I finished breakfast, cut it up, gave it to Carolyn, then got a plate of them for CC and I stuck with coffee since I was not hungry at all.

He got everything set up and came and ate. He said, "You aren't eating?"

I shook my head. He said, "Why?"

"I'm just not hungry right now."

He sighed. "Alright. At least eat something."

I got an apple from the fridge and ate it. He smiled. "Thank you."

I nodded and smiled. We ate in silence, Carolyn singing her ABC's now and then. Then CC's phone went off. He said, "Jake's up. I'll be back in a bit."

"Alright," I said. He kissed me and Carolyn and went out the door. I cleaned his plate then Carolyn's. I got Carolyn down from her high chair and we went upstairs.

Right when I put Carolyn down in her room to play with her toys, the doorbell rang. I said, "Stay here, Carol."

I walked downstairs and looked through the peephole. I saw a couple and a couple of teenagers behind them. I opened the door and they smiled.

"Hello," the wife said, "We're your neighbors from right across the street. We just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood."

"Oh thanks!" I said. I smiled politely.

"I'm Lisa, this is my husband, John."

He smiled and shook my hand. Then Lisa said, "And this is my oldest daughter Alex and my youngest daughter Katie."

Alex smiled slightly and waved. Katie said, "Hello."

I smiled and waved. "I'm Alesana, my two year old daughter, Carolyn, is upstairs, and my husband, Christian, is out getting something from a friend of ours."

As  I talked, I noticed a BVB logo necklace on Alex. I raised an eyebrow but stayed quiet.

Lisa smiled. "Well it's lovely meeting you, Alesana. What a pretty name."

"Thank you." I smiled.

John said, "Well if you guys ever need anything, you let us know. We're right across the street."

"Well thank you! It means a lot!"

"It's really no problem." Lisa smiled.

I studied them for a second. John looked like one of those crazy working fathers, wearing a nice shirt, pants, and a tie, gelled back hair, and shiny shoes. Lisa seemed like a perfect mom. She's tall, really pretty, thin, blonde, a beautiful smile. Alex had choppy black hair at her shoulders, a thin figure, pretty green eyes, and a face like her mothers, but with more makeup.

Katie looked more like her mom. Straight blonde hair, rosy freckled cheeks, pretty smile, a tomboy looking figure, but she pulled it off.

Lisa said, "Well I guess we'd better head off to work."

"Well alright. Thank you for the welcome!"

"You're welcome!" John said, smiling.

They said bye and left. And as they left, Alex kept looking back at me like she now knows who I am. I sighed and closed the door and ran back upstairs. I grabbed the boxes of Carolyn's clothes and unpacked her stuff, putting it all in the closet and dresser. Then CC came in a half hour later.

He walked upstairs, an armfull of plastic covering. He said, "Sorry, Jake has a new track laid down and he was showing me."

"It's cool."


"Our neighbors from across the street came and welcomed us."

He raised an eyebrow and said, "How nice." He smiled.

"Yup. And one daughter is a fan."

He said, "Well this shall be awesome."

I nodded and put away the last pair of shoes. CC put the plastic covers in our room and started setting them up, and I helped him pull furniture away from the walls to the center of the room. We chose a pretty red for our bedroom, since it matched our sheets/comforter.

We got Carolyn busy on coloring, puzzles, and toys while we painted. I got on a pair of Paramore booty shorts and an old white v-neck. We painted the room for awhile then when we were done, he went and made hot dogs for lunch as I started painting our bathroom a dark brown that went well with the whole bathroom and the red in our bedroom.

Halfway through it, he came back up with food, I told him to sit with Carolyn and eat, so I ate and finished painting the bathroom.

We chose a pretty light purple for Carolyn's bedroom. Since she needed to nap, we put her on our bed since he moved things back when the walls were dry. We left a couple fans on to get the paint smell out and for it to dry completely.

CC and I brought her  furniture to the center, he covered it, and we painted as fast as we could, since it was almost 4 and since this was the last room we're painting, since the downstairs bathroom is already amazing as it is, as is the kitchen and the living room, we're going to go over to Jake and Crystal's for dinner.

At about 5:30, we finished her room and Carolyn woke up. I said, "I'm going to shower downstairs and get ready."

"Then I'll shower after you," he said.

I nodded, got my clothes, and went downstairs. I turned on the shower, stepped in, and took a quick shower. I finished, stepped out, dried off, and got into my clothes for tonight, my navy blue high waisted shorts and a white t-shirt.

I walked upstairs to our bedroom, where CC was standing there, no shirt on, and Carolyn playing with her dolls on our bed. He smiled when I came in.

"Yay. Time to shower." He said.

I chuckled. "Yes. Go shower."

He smiled, held my waist, and kissed me. I made the kiss last longer, then ended it by gently biting his lip. He said, "Whoa. That was pretty sexy."

I winked and he leaned in again. I put my finger on his lips and said, "Go shower first."

He chuckled. "Tease."

"I know."

He kissed my cheek and left the room. I went into the bathroom, brushed and blow dried my hair, then left it looking wavy. I left my face natural and told Carolyn to come in here. She slid off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I lifted her up onto the sink and brushed her hair, putting it into pretty pigtails.

 I picked her up, kissed her cheek, and walked into her room. I changed her into a cute BVB shirt Jake got her awhile ago and white leggings. I put her socks and black Converse on her and picked her up again.

She said, "Mommy I wan' Woody an' Buzz."

I picked up her Woody and Buzz dolls, gave them to her, and walked back into our bedroom, then ran into CC.

"Well crap. Now I'm wet," I muttered.

"Whoops," he said, chuckling, "Sorry my love."

I said, "It's all good. Nothing is see through."

"Oh damn," he said.

I rolled my eyes and he laughed. I walked in, sat on the bed with Carolyn, and waited for CC to finish getting ready.

I found a picture of CC sticking his tongue out on my phone - something he took when I wasn't paying attention. So I tweeted it with: Hey guys! Here's @ccbvb 's n00dz. Check it out. ;)

Then I got some tweets back with: :O , HOW RUDE , whatta mean joke , i wish it was real , and so on.

I laughed when CC said, "That was pretty funny. You scared me at first."

"Why? You thought I really put out a naked picture of you?"

"No, just thought someone got onto your account or something."


He came back out in his Smashing Pumpkins shirt and black jeans. He said, "Are you ready?"

I nodded. "We can walk since we walk around the corner and it's right there."

He nodded and said, "Do you wanna take her stroller or carry her?"

"We can carry her. It's no big deal."

"Alright." He picked Carolyn up, I grabbed my purse, and we walked downstairs. We walked out, he locked the door behind us, and he took my hand and we walked. I looked up at the house across the street and saw the teenager - Alex - in the window, headphones in and looking down at the street. Then at her lap.

I looked back at the road ahead of us and continued walking. Then we walked up to their house. It looked beautiful. It looked sort of old but the brick work outside made it look pretty.

 We walked up to the door and knocked. Then Crystal opened the door. She looked beautiful, as usual, her long light brown hair curled, her rosy cheeks, blue eyes, and wearing a white knee length dress with pink flowers on it and a studded belt below the bodice of the dress. She smiled. "Hey guys! Come on in!"

"Thank you," CC said, walking in past her. I said, "Hey girl!'

"Hey lady," she said, smiling.

 I gave her a hug and walked in. She shut the door and walked to the living room.

"Sorry, Jake is working on a new song and he can't be bothered at all." She smirked.

"I understand," CC and I both said.

 "You guys need anything?"

We shook our heads and thanked her anyways. She said, "Make yourselves at home. Jake will most likely be down in a bit. He was up all night on this."

"Wow. It sounds amazing though from what he showed me," CC said.

"Yeah it's awesome," Crystal said, smiling.

We went into the kitchen and CC leaned against the counter. He put Carolyn down and she walked around, looking for Trixy. Then Trixy came out of no where into the kitchen. Carolyn started petting her.

CC held my waist and we watched Carolyn play with Trixy. Crystal said, "I forgot you guys haven't been to our house before!"

"Nope," I said.

"I saw a little bit this morning," CC said.

"Oh, you did? I think I was asleep."

"Yep," he said.

She chuckled. "Whoops. Sorry Chris. Well come on, let me give you guys a tour of the house."

She led us around the house and showed us each room, then Jake walked out of what Crystal calls his 'man-cave'. He smiled. "Hey guys!" He gave us hugs and said, "Where's Carol?"

"Playing with Trixy in the kitchen," I said.

"Should've thought." Jake laughed. He and CC walked back down the hall, talking about the new song. Then my phone went off.

I looked at it. A text from Rosie: Can I call you? This is urgent.

I texted back: Call.

Then in about a minute, she called. Crystal said, "Who's that?"


"Speaker please," she said.

I put it on speaker and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey." She sounded so serious.

"Hey. Wha-"

"I'm pregnant," she whispered.


"I just took the test. I'm pregnant."

"Holy.." I said.

"Yeah. I don't know how to tell Ash... how did you tell CC?"

"Well it depends. Were you expecting this?"

"Not really..." She said.

"Welll don't do what I did. Go cuddle up on the couch or something and wait a little bit then ask him how he would feel if you were pregnant."

"Okay. That sounds good. Thanks Alesana."

"You're welcome."

We hung up and I ran my hand through my hair. Crystal sighed.

"Well who's next?" She asked, with a light laugh at the end.

I just looked at her.

"Are you?" She asked, more serious.

I shrugged. "I don't think so."

"Well I don't have to worry about anything," she said.

"What? You guys haven't-"

"No. I don't feel like it's the right moment yet. We're both just so busy."

"Well good thing you two are waiting instead of doing it in a bunk.."



"How is that possible?"

I shrugged. "We were drunk. Shit happened. It's over now."

She smirked and we walked back down to the kitchen. Jake said, "Were you two having a girl talk?"

Crystal laughed and hugged his waist. Jake smiled, kissed her, and said, "I love you."

She smiled, kissed him back and said, "And I love you."

I smiled at the both of them and CC said, "So who called you?"


"What happened?" Jake asked.

"She's pregnant," I said.

The room got silent. CC said, "Is she sure?"

I nodded. Jake said, "Oh, man. I think Ash will take that alright but he will be shocked. So shocked."

"Well they're getting married the night before Halloween too so maybe no one else will notice that she is. Like her parents and Ash's..." Crystal said.

"Well they're adults. Not teenagers. So even if she was obviously showing, they couldn't really do shit about it," I said.

"True," she sighed.

It was silent again then Jake said, "I'll go start on the steaks."

"Woo! Steak!" CC said. They both went out to the backyard to barbecue.

Crystal said, "I'd better get started on the sides."

"I'll help."

"If you want to," she smiled.

"I want to."

We both smiled and started on dinner. Carolyn played with my phone and laid her head on a sleeping Trixy. We turned on some music and cooked, talking now and then about what's been going on.

Then the guys walked back in with the steaks right when we finished cooking. I made a plate for Carolyn and Carolyn sat at the table, eating her dinner. We got  our food and ate.

"Whoa, this is delicious Jake," I said.

He smiled. "Thank you A."

"No problem."

We finished eating and they drank a few beers, me and Crystal sticking with water and playing with Trixy and Carolyn, and we left at about 9 to walk back home. When we got back home, we got Carolyn into her pajamas and in bed.

We changed into our pajamas as well and went downstairs. We sat on the couch and cuddled, watching Family Guy and Tosh.0.

It hit 11:30 and we had nothing else to watch. So he turned my face to his and kissed him. I put my hand on his neck and enlongated the kiss. Then he ended up right over me somehow and he held my thighs and carried me up to the room. I kissed his neck as he put me down on the bed and laid with me. Somehow this kiss was still going.

I pulled away and said, "I think we need to get to sleep. We have a long day of costume planning to do."

He was catching his breath. He said, "Um yeah."

He went and turned off the light. I got under the sheets and he laid next to me. I laid my head on his chest, hearing his steady heartbeat, and said, "Sweet dreams my love."

"Sweetest dreams to you as well, love," he said. Then we fell asleep, his heartbeat being the melody I love falling asleep to.

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