
By ohyizzle

118K 3.1K 540

[Completed] {Book 2 } Previously know as Forgiving the Bad Boy After Nichole's wedding failure, Nichole decid... More

Cast List
Chapter 1- Story time
Chapter 2- Fans want to know
Chapter 3- Confused
Chapter 4- What the fuck, Ryder!
Chapter 5- Are you kidding me
Chapter 6- A rose
*Important News*
Chapter 7- Clubbing
Chapter 8- Icecream and Parks
Chapter 9- The nightmares are back
Chapter 10- You fight, I fight
Editor Needed
Chapter 11- Guilty
Chapter 12- Run!
Chapter 13- Right under our noses
Chapter 14- Slowly breaking
Chapter 15- KTB
Chapter 16- So stupid
Chapter 17- Pain
Chapter 18- We promised her
Chapter 19- I still love you
Chapter 20- I don't want to lose her
Chapter 21- Stop arguing, you idiots
Chapter 22- Addio
Chapter 23- I'm alive!
Chapter 24- Wow
Chapter 25- Do you believe me?
Chapter 26- It's life
Chapter 27- Old friend my ass
Chapter 28- False information: Part 1
Chapter 30- Ruby
Chapter 31- The Zoo
Chapter 32- My world
Authors Note
No One Knows

Chapter 29- False information: Part 2

2.4K 83 4
By ohyizzle

I still don't get it. I don't  understand. This has to be some kind of sick joke. This just doesn't make sense. Is doesn't add up either.

Sebastian just finished explaining everything from the start, but as much as I tried to understand. I couldn't.

"False information." I kept shouting, only causing him to glare at me. So Ryder had to tell me to be quiet half of the time. We canceled the breakfast brunch, making up an excuse telling them I felt sick. Fortunately they didn't question.

"Wait! Wait! Hold up! You're saying that you saw her kissing Mike, from the pizza place!" I shout. This just doesn't add up. There's no way that just suddenly happened. There's something missing.

"Yes, Mark—"

"Mike." I correct.

"What ever that assholes name is, was kissing my girlfriend." At least they haven't broken up, I hope.

"This just doesn't add up. Let me talk to Juily. Where was the last time you saw her?" I ask Sebastian.

"Our apartment." He says. I nod getting up.

"I'll be back. Hopefully I solve this dilemma." I say.

"Ryder take care of Rose!" I shout as I exit the house the keys on my hand.

"With my life!" He shouts back. I smile and head to my car ready to drive to my sister's apartment.

I can't let my favorite ship sink. They're my OTP. Call me white, but I'm Mexican as fuck.

I parked my car and got out, practically running to her door. I was about to knock, but realized that, that was a waist of time. So I just turned the knob, luckily it was open so I let myself in.

"Sebastian?" I hear her quietly say. It was evident she was crying, her hiccups were louder than my laughter.

"Juily?" I call out.

"It's me, Nichole." I say. Before I knew it she ran to me hugging me as she cried onto my shoulder.

"Babe it's okay." I say softly.

"No it's not. He thinks I cheated on him." She sobbed. She said 'think', that has to mean something, right?

"Why don't you tell me your side of the story." I say leading her to the couch so we could sit.

She nods letting out a shaky breath. Oh how I hate seeing my best friend like this. I wait for her to start as she takes in a deep breath.

"So somehow this morning the pizza dude showed up at my door this morning. He asked if anybody had ordered a pizza, confused and half asleep I took it and was about to go get my purse when he all of the sudden he kissed me. Shocked out of my mind I froze, not knowing how to respond. Before I could push him away and give him a piece of my mind, he pulled away and smirked looking behind me. When I turned around I saw Sebastian, at that moment he looked so heartbroken and devastated. I-I just couldn't. I tried explaining, but he wouldn't listen so he's just walked out." She started sobbing as I comforted her. It feels as if we're missing one piece of information that leads to the answer.

"Juily, what pizza place was is it?" I ask.

"Jona Bons'." She answers hiccuping.

"Come on Juily we're going out to investigate. Agent Nichole is back on a roll." I smirk. She nods a confused look on her face.

After she cleaned herself to look a little more presentable, we headed out the door. Just as we entered my car an idea occurred to me. I have a feeling I know whose behind all of this. I sent Ryder a quick text telling him to meet me at JonsBons'.

He didn't question me, and just sent an okay text. I smile, a determined smile plastered on my face. I will get them back together, I have too. It's the first time I've seen Juily so close and comfortable with someone. They've lasted three years, almost four. They can't fall apart, ever!

As soon as I saw my destination, I slowed down getting ready to turn. Parking in the lot, I killed the engine and took a deep breath. Here goes everything.

"You coming?" I ask Juily. She nods and gets out the car at the same time I did.

The door bell jingled when I entered making everybody turn their head at my direction.

"Look it's Nichole Lopez!" Someone shouts.

"She's alive!" Someone else whoops. Bruh...

"Can I get an autograph?!" Another person yells.

I mentally groan, how could I forget.

"Anything for the fans." I say as people circle me.

After attending everyone, I head to the counter. Looking for Mike.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hello Ms. Lopez what can I get you?" Mike asks a smile plastered on his face.

"Well I just found what I was looking for." I faked enthusiasm.

"Really?" He asks confused.

"Yes, I came to talk to you." I say.

He had an excited grin on his face as we sat at a booth. Juily slide next to me as he sat across from us.

"So what can I be good for?" He asks.

My smile disappears and a serious face takes over.

"Do you recognized her?" I question motioning towards Juily who was quiet next to me.

His smile immediately disappeared when he saw Juily. That's right Mikey, you messed with the wrong person.

"Um no." He hesitated.

"Don't lie. Now tell me who payed you?" I said getting straight to the point.

"Nobody." He answered to quick.

"Look Mike, I can easily get your fired for kissing a client and for faking deliveries." He needs this job, and I know it. So I'm taking advantage of it.

"You can't do that." He fought back.

"You do realize my dad owns half of the restaurants and stores here in town, right?" I say smirking. That's right Mike, feel the power. I saw him swallow hard refusing to make eye-contact.

"Now Ima ask you again. Who sent you there?" I ask as calmly as I could.

"She told me not to say anything." He said just as Ryder came in with Sebastian. Fortunately Sebastian didn't see us, but Ryder did so he sat in the booth behind us.

"I'll give you twice the money she gave you if you tell me who she is." I propose.

"It was Ruby." He answered quicker than I could say deal. Ha the wonders money does. Ryder got up along with Sebastian and sat at our booth. Ryder next to me and Sebastian next to Mike.

"And what is she to you?" I ask.

"Step-sister." He answered. I nodded understanding.

"Why did she send you?" I ask. I'd be a great agent if you ask me, acting does help a lot.

"She didn't tell me much, other than she was trying to get revenge by breaking up a couple." He said.

"Can I punch him?" Sebastian asks.

"No." I say.

"Mike I'm going to be honest with you," I said. He nodded waiting for me to continue.

"You're an idiot. The next time your sister tries to boss your around, flip her off. She's a bitch." I say.

"I know." He nods.

"And remember that you almost ruined a three year relationship and if it weren't for me being here, big guy next to you would've already punched you." I say pointing at Sebastian.

"Juily, I'm sorry. I was such an idiot. I was just so mad and jealous. Please forgive me. The bitchy Ruby got in our way and I'm stupid for not thinking of it. I'm sorry. Babe, do you forgive me?" Sebastian asks Juily. I know I should've left and given them their moment, but I wanted to watch. This is so cute.

"It's okay. I forgive you. I would've been jealousy and mad too. Things happens and thanks to Nichole we're back together." Juily say smiling.

I clap louder than intended and wipe a fake tear. Agent Nichole has accomplished part one of her mission.

Now for part two: Find Ruby and eliminate for good.

There will most likely be an update tomorrow. I don't really have anything other to say other than I love y'all a lot. I'm not the best author but I'm only 14 don't expect a lot from a kid.

Remember to click the star, follow my account, and spread my books. I appreciate all the love, and I go live on Musicly most of the time so follow me there —books1243.

Before I forget should I do a chapter full of questions for the characters and authors. Drop a lop a questions if yes if your answer.

You're sincerely,
A Bitchy Author


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