Paradise To Hell///Book 2

By FallenKen

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Laurance(MyStreet) X Reader I woke up to hear mumbling. I looked over at (Y/N). Her hands had tighten into fi... More

Love~Love Paradise
Aphmau's Dog
Old Friendships
Sand Castles
The Past
Day Off
Just Cause
Dress Shopping
Double~Double Date
A Ship Is Born(Maybe)
Saveing A Friend... But Failing... Kinda
Just A Thought
Garroth's Little Secret
Not A Normal Day... Nope Wait It Is... Double Check, No Not Normal
Memories Of The Demon
Girls Night Yeah... No
A Dream and Some Apple Juice
Confessions... Or Maybe Babies
Nightmare In Love~Love Paradise Pt. 1
Nightmare In Love~Love Paradise Pt. 2
Crystal Clear
Reception Pt. 1
Reception Pt. 2(Final)

Kisses And Cries

1.4K 63 48
By FallenKen

When I woke up Laurance was laying his head on the hospital bed and Lilac was swaddled in my arms. I moved so I was in a sitting position. I smiled down at my baby she had a look that from my years of babysitting experience said she was hungry. I stood up, my legs were a little shaky, but I could stand today. I walked over to a sink and washed my hands. The people here at the hospital were so kind as to leave us some formula for Lilac. I turned the facet and waited for the water to warm up. She started to cry again and I rocked back and fourth on my feet. "Shhhh, I'm getting your food ready now. Please don't wake up daddy," I whispered. Her cries quieted down a bit, making me smile. I felt the water on my wrist. It was warm enough.

I quickly prepared the bottle with one and, expert 101! Then I sat down on the edge of the bed and feed her the bottle. I could feel the bed shifting a bit. "Mhm, good morning." I turned to face Laurance. I looked down at Lilac.

"I told you not to wake him up," I laughed.

"What are you talking about?" He mumbled I moved so I was sitting in front of him.

"It's nothing Laurance." He noticed his daughter in by arms and his eyes widened.

"Wait that wasn't a dream!?"

"Uh, no," I giggled.

"Oh Irene. Okay," he laughed slightly. The rubbed Lilac's bald head and kissed me on the forehead.

"You seem a little out of it. Are you okay?" I asked feeling his forehead. He was a little warm.

"I think so," he sighed, yawning. Lilac finished the bottle and I placed it on the ground.

"Do you wanna hold her?" I smiled.

"I don't know. I think I might be sick. If I am I wouldn't want to get her sick too," he rubbed his eyes.

"Okay. Well should we head home then? I mean we're done here."

"Okay. Let's go get ourselves checked out," he stood up and I followed him and we checked out and walked home. When we got home Aphmau practically sprinted towards me.

"Can I hold her!?" She squealed.

"Yes please, Laurence needs some tending to," I rolled my eyes as he sneezed. "I TOLD YOU, YOU WERE SICK!" I snapped.

"I'm fine," he mumbled, his voice sounding raspy.

"Can you watch her for like and hour?" I asked.

"Yes!" Aphmau smiled brightly.

"Don't bring her never any kind of water, uh no food, obviously, be careful of strangers, don't leave her alone, if Travis shows up at all don't let her see him, she gets scared, be careful with your dog, I don't know if she's allergic-"

"Babe. Aphmau can handel this, you're stressing over too much."

"Well she's not exactly normal Laurance."

"Come on. Since when has Aphmau lost a baby."

"In high school when Aaron and I were babysitting Lillith."

"Well this is different. Lilac is not Lillith... but they were both named after flowers... ho CHOO!" He sneezed.

"Come on," I laughed, pulling him towards the stairs. "You need some rest."

"I'm fine really-"

"Oh and Aphmau!"

"Yes?" She called.

"No heights or sharp things please. Thank you!" I yelled before forcing Laurance up the stairs. I forced him lay down and I took his temperature. "You're running a bit of a fever. Maybe it's that poison."

"Maybe," he sniffled. I have him a kiss on the cheek.

"Can I see where he injected you?" I asked. He gave me his bandaged arm and I unwrapped it. The skin around the needle injection was swollen and purple. I bit my lip.

"How's it looking?" He asked.

"Pretty bad. How does it feel?"

"It hurts a bit," he mumbled, shifting so his face was in the pillow.

"Do you want me to uh?" I asked in a confusing way. I lit my hands up so they glowed a soft white. It has been forever since I've done that.


"I can heal you... if you want."

"Uh... sure." He seemed hesitant.

"Oh, it may hurt a bit when I touch your arm."

"That's fine," he mumbled. I nodded and placed my hand over his arm and he winced. I watched as his arm started to go back to its original color, until I looked like it had before. I leaned back and let out a shaky laugh. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just, it's been a while since I've done that."

"I can tell," he chuckled. I laid my head on the bed.

"Do you feel better?"

"Yeah, a little," he smiled. I crawled into bed next to him and he held me against his chest. I smiled at the familiar feeling and how secure I felt. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course. You never have to ask me if you ask me a question."

"Why do you look at her like that?" He whispered.


"Lilac? Why do you look at her like she means the world to you? She supposed to kill you in a couple years."

"I know. I just though maybe all curses aren't what they seem. For all I know what my dad show me could have been fake. Even if it wasn't, I'm not going to hate my own Chile for something she was forced into. I'm not going to let magyks decide my fate."

"Why not choose to believe it though?"

"There was something about that memory he showed me, something about it didn't feel... right. Like maybe it had been tampered with. Almost like someone messed up his wiring."


"Yeah," I yawned. "I'm not scared of her... are you?"

"Not sure yet," he chuckled and smiled.

"Fair enough." The door of our room opened and Aphmau walked in with Aaron and Aaron was wearing a shot that said 'Best. Dog. Dad.' I sat up. "Hey Aph."

"She started crying and I tried to calm her down, but she wouldn't stop so I brought her here and she stopped."

"Okay, well I can take her now." I smiled. She gave me Lilac and they left. I laid back down and held her close to me. "Now just look at her and tell me she's not adorable."

"I can't. She looks a lot more like you than you seemed to have predicted."

"Well... whatever I was still new with magyks," I looked away sassily.

"Fine, okay. Can we go back to sleep?"

"Yes. I'm still extremely exhausted!" I sighed.

"Me too."

"Oh yeah did you give birth almost twenty-four hours ago?"


"That's what I though," I giggled and curled up. All three of us, sleeping.

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