Waves of Life

By melted_chocolate

57.1K 2K 603

Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... More

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Five- The Scheming life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty four - the art life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life

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By melted_chocolate

The Camping Life? Usually when people think about camping, the words; Outdoors, Active, Fun and Happy are usually the first to come to mind. And sure, camps can bring happiness and be very enjoyable, but that all depends on who you are camping with. And thanks to the person I was camping with, the words; Depressing, horrible, and smelly, will always be the first things I think about if I ever think about camping.

Go on and find out why!

-Eva xox.


I smiled to myself sinisterly as I gave the bell another shake. "Mitchell Richardson, I need another glass of apple juice!"

I quickly fluffed my pillow and made myself comfortable before he entered the room, to retrieve my empty glass.

"How many times am I going to have to refill this?" He frowned, picking up the cup.

"How many times are you going to fill it up?" I repeated, getting ready to guilt trip him into doing more things for me. "How about how many times I have to close my eyes until those horrible flashbacks disappear? Mitch, you know I haven't slept properly for days-"

"I hear your snoring every night," he interjected.

"Sounds can be very deceiving," I said. "I was actually crying, Mitch. Every night I wake up and I remember those horrible memories. The handcuffs, the screaming, the barking dogs!"

"Barking dogs?" He gasped. "I didn't know there were any dogs."

Well, I guess a few lies were necessary to help me get what I wanted. And right now I wanted another glass of apple juice and I can't have Mitch doubting me.

"Don't tell mum and dad, but there were three."

"Three dogs?"

"Mhmm," I nodded. "And one of them even bit me!"

"Where?" He gasped again.

"On my hand," I lied, slowly hiding my hand behind my back.

"Is it really bad? Show me," he said, trying to grab my hand.

"Wait no! It bit my bum!" I quickly exclaimed.

"Okay, should I call mum or something?" He asked, taking a step back, obviously a little grossed out.

"No, no. Don't do that."

"But you could be infected by something. What if it had rabies?"

"Mitch, I have been through so much already. Promise me that you won't tell mum and dad."

He stared down at his shoes, thinking it over for a few seconds.

"Fine," he sighed, heading out of my room. "But you owe me!"

As soon he had left I did a little happy dance and grabbed my phone. I got out of the candy crush app that I had been playing on previously and went on to check my messages.

I had received a few from my friends telling me how lucky I was to be having a few days off, and two from Evan and Kat, who both wanted to know if I was 'Okay'. But the last one immediately caught my eye as it was in all caps:



Oh no! I had completely forgotten about the appointment with the councillor that had started around five minutes ago. I usually wouldn't care about something like this as much, but it was compulsory and if I didn't attend any, then there would be no excuse for me to stay home anymore.

I dashed out of my room, and almost crashed into Mitch who had come back with my refreshment.

"Thanks!" I chirped, as I grabbed onto the cup, and continued my mini rampage in search of Mum.

I took a sip of the juice and trotted over to the kitchen, where Mum was putting away the bowls we had used during breakfast.

"Mum, were late! We need to go right now!" I informed, walking over and dragging her over to the front door.

"Tell your brother to drive you, I'm busy here with Christopher."

I nodded and headed up to his room.

"Mitch; car now!" I ordered, dragging him outside his room, downstairs and to his car.

"Where are we even going?" He asked, unlocking the car doors.

"Appointment, we can talk later, just drive!"


I skidded through the hall and bustled into the counsellor's office. I shuffled into my seat and awkwardly smiled at the councellor; her badge had Samantha on it.

"Hello, Sammy!" I greeted, outstretching my right hand for her to shake.

"You've finally decided to show up, Evangeline," she replied, shaking my hand, digging her long nails into my skin, in the process.

"Sorry I was late, it won't happen again."

"So, Matt was just telling me about your interesting relationship,"she said eagerly, smiling wider.

"Interesting?" I repeated, looking over at Matt. "I wouldn't really call it interesting. We just don't get on that well."

"Well, Matt has told me he has confessed his real feelings towards you. How does that make you feel?"

It makes me feel really really uncomfortable!

"Um, I guess it makes it awkward between us at times," I admitted. "And I really don't like how Kat and him have kinda split, because of me."

"Ooh," she cooed, clasping her hand a together. "A love triangle I see?"

"Well, it's not really a triangle if she only likes me, haha," Matt joked, sending me a wink.

"Don't do that," I cringed. "And for the billionth time, I don't like you."

"It's alright, I can wait."

"Then you'll be waiting forever."

"For some reason, I don't think it'll take that long."

"Shut up."

"No, Eva, let Matt speak his feelings," She insisted.

"Aren't we here to talk about the kidnapping? I mean, I'm forever scarred-"

"Oh please, I knew you two were faking the moment I saw you."

"What how?" Matt spat, looking as shocked as I was.

"I heard you whisper to her to go with our story, plus Joel may have a condition, but I know he would never go as far as to harming someone."

"Why do you sound so sure?" I questioned, not believing a word. Matt and I knew all too well that Joel wasn't afraid of harming anyone. As far as I was concerned, this counsellor knew nothing about Joel's real intentions. I mean, the guy was a complete nut case!

"Because I'm his mother," she answered, frowning. "My boy, would never ever do the things you two have said he did. He would never stalk or kidnap someone, let alone threaten them with a knife."

Oh, so she was one of those parents? The type, who think their children are angels and who would never ever do anything bad. I hate those type of parents.

"First off, if you're Joel's mum, then who's Julia?" I inquired, none of this was making sense.

"Julia is Christie's mother. Joel and Christie share the same father," she explained. "And since I am Joel's mother, I am one hundred percent sure that any of the previous accusations against my son are false. I know him better than anyone else."

"If you didn't believe he would do those things, then why did you send him off to military school?" Matt questioned.

"I said I didn't believe the accusations, I never said his father didn't."

"At least he has one sane parent," I scoffed, but I immediately regretted it since the look Dr Samantha was giving me was deadly.

"Sane?" She smiled weirdly at me. I got the feeling that the smile was supposed to send chills down my spine. "I'll show you sane."

"What do you mean by that?" I dared to ask, leaning back in my seat, at attempt to further myself from her.

"It means that the two of you will be spending some more time together," she said, just before she let out a loud cackle.

"No, no, no, no!" I chanted. "The last thing I need is to spend some extra time with Matt, these stupid counselling sessions are more than enough."

"Hmm, then I guess you won't like the idea of a weekend away at a camp."

"C-Camp?" I stutted. "What would going to a camp help with? Plus, I won't go. I'll tell my parents you're just a psycho, like your son."

Her smile grew wider. "Trust me, once I tell them a weekend away will help with getting over what happened to you, they'll force you to go."

"Matt, why aren't you saying anything?" I demanded, glaring at the idiot that wasn't helping us get out of this mess.

"I think it's a good idea," he shrugged. "I can easily make you fall in love with me in two days."

"I will never like you! Get that through your thick head!" I screamed at Matt. Then I turned back to the witch that had started all of this. "Listen lady, I'm sorry I offended you and stuff, but I'm not sorry for what I said about Joel. He put me through hell and worse, so I don't think it's really fair for you to say that I've made all this up. It's okay if you don't believe me, but can you please stop with this whole camp business?"

"Forgiveness was never my strong suit," she replied with a mocking smile. "We are done here, I'll be calling your parents to let them know."

"Awesome!" Matt cheered. "Can't wait."



"Mum, I can't believe you're actually making me do this!" I complained, looking out the car window.

The first thing I saw when we parked here, were the gigantic trees that seemed to go on forever.

"You make it sound like I'm shipping you off to go to war," Mum said, rolling her eyes.

"Well there's a chance I could be attacked by a snake or spider! I mean, come on, were in Australia!"

"You sound like such a tourist," mum sighed, handing me my packed back pack.

"Well, all the we tourists are right. I could die mum. What if a red back spider just decided to crawl out and dig into my flesh with its venomous fangs?"

"Matt, your knight in shining armour, could alway save the day," mum teased.

"Mum," I groaned.

If it wasn't bad enough that everyone had to tease me about that loser, my mum had to join in on it too.

"Oh, you'll be fine. Now go on, we've been here for over five minutes now," Mum laughed, practically pushing me out of the car.

"Fine. But as soon as I call to say I want to go home, you need to drive straight here and drive me back. Okay?"

"Of course. Now, I need to get going sweety. I've left Mitch with Christopher and we both know that isn't a good mix."

"Oh no, he would of jelled his hair, and turned him into a mini version if himself by now."

"Mhmm," mum smiled. "Be good, and don't get into any trouble with Matt."

"I won't."

"I'll miss you."

"Mum, it's just two days," I reminded her.

"I'll still miss you," she shrugged.

"I'll miss you too, bye."

"Bye, and remember to zip your tent shut whe-"

"There's no need for tents, we've got cabins."

"Oh okay. Well then, don't get into any trouble-"

"Mum, you said that already. It's okay, I'll be fine," I cut off again.

"Bye then," she smiled weakly at me.

I waved back, and after an awkward couple of minutes, she finally drive off.

I let out a sigh as I headed up to where the majority of the people were gathering. I quickly recognised Samantha and walked over to her.

"Oh, lovely to see that you turned up," she said, as soon as I reached her.

"Yeah, I didn't really have much of a choice."

"So, you need to find your name on that list over there, and find who you'll be sharing a room with."

"Okay, thanks," I said, wandering off back to the large group of people, it being where the list was.

Soon all I could hear were annoying giggles coming from annoying girls who'd found out they'd be rooming with their friends.

I pushed past a few people who were just glaring at the long sheet of paper, and soon enough I found my name.

"Please, don't be Matt. Please don't be Matt," I chanted to myself as I slowly peeled my eyes open.

"Smellma Pitts?" I read out, as I looked around to see who Smellma was.

I was answered by the crowd laughing.


"Smellma Pitts?" I repeated again, louder this time.

"Hahahaha!" I heard someone life like a hyena. I whipped my head around and found Matt.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You're so stupid! Ahahah!" He laughed again.

"Why is everyone laughing?"

"Because you're so stupid!"

"Call me stupid again, and I'll slap you ten times harder than I did last time!" I threatened, grabbing him by the collar.

He almost immediately sobered up. "Smellma Pitts, it's a fake name. It was just a joke. It actually means, smell my armpits."

"Ew! What idiot thought that would be funny?" I demanded, letting him go.

"It seemed like a smart idea before you tried strangling me."

"You did it? What was the point of it?"

"So no one will realise you went missing, when we sneak out later."

"What the heck? You sound like Joel now. What are you going to do? Kidnap me? Threaten me with a knife? Send me a pet cat?"

"No, just follow me. There's something I want to show you."

"That sounds very creepy," I snorted.

"Come on, I promise you'll like it," he pleaded, with a hopeful look.

"Fine, how bad could it be?" I shrugged, as I followed his lead.


"How much longer? I don't know if it's possible, but it feels like my bags gotten heavier."

"Almost there," he replied.

"How many times do you want to say that, Matt-"

"We're here!" He exclaimed, dropping his bags, by a picnic basket and blanket that had already been laid out for us.

"Woah," I breathed, taking a step back.

"Do you like it?" He asked eagerly. "I hope it's not too much."

"Matt, this better not be a date. Because it can't be a date if the other person doesn't even know."

"Don't worry, it's not...yet!"

"Shut up. What food did you bring in the basket?"

"Coke and Fish and Chips."

"Yes!" I cheered, digging into the free food.

Soon a couple of minutes had flown by and we were casually sipping out of our coke cans, when Matt decided it was the perfect time to ask a stupid question.

"So Eva, I was just remembering that time you set me up on a date with Paige. Did you do it so I fell in love with you?"

"I didn't set you up on a date, I pranked you," I corrected.

"Yeah, you can think that all you like, but we both know you did it to see how I would act on a date."

"What?" I spat. "Stop reading into it. It was just a prank."

"No it wasn't. I know you secretly wished I was on that date with you, and not Paige."

"Shut up, when you talk it makes my brain hurt."

"Just admit it. You like me," he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I'll admit that I hate you, and you've still got tomato sauce of your hands!" I yelled, shoving him off.

"Stop denying it. Just say it."

"For goodness sakes Matt! I've hated you from day one, and that hasn't changed! Get over yourself!" I scream as I stood up.

"At least say thanks for the food!" He shouted back.

"It tasted like crap anyway!" I lied. It actually tasted really good, especially since the last thing I had eaten was my breakfast, and it was now almost noon.

"Is that why you snatched my chips fro-"

"Did you hear that?!" I quickly cut off, as soon as I heard the crunch of leaves.

"Hear what?" Matt asked, in probably the loudest voice in the world.

"Shhhhh!" I hissed, whacking the back of his head. "What it it's a triple axe murderer?"

"Don't say that. You're scaring me now!" He said loudly again.

"Then shut up!"

"It's coming closer!" He cried, looking over his shoulder every few seconds.

"Then move!" I ordered, grabbing onto his hand and dragging him behind me, further into the woods.

We kept running and running, but once we felt like we were a good distance away, we could finally stop, and have a minute to breathe.

"That was close!" I sighed, wiping away beads of sweat from my forehead.

"Uh-huh. That's the last time I ever try to be romantic-"

"Romantic?!" A loud voice boomed.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I instinctively kicked the freak in the nuts.

"Ahhhh!" He also screamed, falling to the ground. "What the hell, Eva?"

"Mitch?" I shrieked, immediately regretting ever coming here with Matt. "What are you doing here?"

He let out as grunt as he forced himself to get up from the floor. "I signed up for the camp to look out for you, and make sure you didn't run into any trouble. Now, I want to know what he's doing here," He asked Matt, but I'm sure he meant, 'Why the heck are you alone with my sister in the middle of the freaking woods?!?'

"Um, I was just showing her-"

"Don't lie to me! I saw you set up that pathetic picnic! I only hoped you weren't dumb enough to actually ask Eva to come along with you!"

"Mitch, don't worry about that. Me and Matt are just friends, it wasn't like it was a date or anything," I spoke up, feeling the need to stick up from Matt.

"Yeah, you heard that Matt? You two are just friends. You bloody well remember that next time, before you go wrapping your arm around her, and wasting money on a date that won't ever happen."

"I get it."

"Good, now you better stay away from her. Because, if I even see you look in her direction, I won't be liable for any damage I may do. Got it?"

"Go it."

And for the rest of the weekend, Matt did just that. He stayed out of my way, and I stayed out if his. It was kinda peaceful for once, but in a weird way, I missed his annoying presence.


Soon after the weekend had ended, Mum had insisted on me going back to school. It would of be been a good thing if Matt's mum hadn't of thought the exact same thing. Because, as soon as I was on school grounds, walking with May to our first class, Matt and I were once again the latest news.

I realised something was off when people were giving me weird glares and then I was certain something was wrong when Paige stormed over to me followed by Emm's former posse.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you had the nerve to show up!" She screeched, sending me daggers.

"Well, hello to you to?" I answered awkwardly.

What on earth was going on?

"Don't you hello me! You stole my boyfriend!" She spat back, looking at me incredulously.

"What boyfriend?" May asked, looking as confused as I was.

"Your bitch friend here, manipulated me into breaking my poor Matty's heart! And now he hates me, and instead likes her!"

"This is about Matt?" I snorted. "Take Matt, and keep him. I don't want any drama."

"Emm warned me about you. You act all innocent, but deep down you're just a selfish bitch! I can't believe you actually made me do that! You just wanted him all to yourself, didn't you!"

"Everyone knows Eva and Matt hate eachother. They're like Cat and dog," May piped up.

"Well, I used to have a pet cat and doh and they were actually best friends-"

"Paige, in all honesty I've never even thought about Matt in that way. To me, he's just a sore loser who just really wants a girl friend, and he thinks that since I'm a girl he knows, that I qualify. But I don't like him like that. Maybe if he got to know you better, you two could have a chance-"

"If you were being honest then you would of already admitted that you two spent the weekend at a couple's camp! And that you broke Matt's heart just to be with Kat!" She cut off, going hysterical.

"That's all a load of crap! Who told you that?" I shouted, getting sick of all the stupid rumours that flew around in our school.

"Matt himself! He said, you guys were making out, then all of a sudden you said it was over and left him broken hearted!"

"M-Making out?!"

"Yeah, don't act so surprised!"

"Come on, Eva, we don't need to waste our time on these losers," May stated, pulling me away from the rest.

"What's with Matt and making stupid rumours that only idiots will believe?"

"He's just trying to get you back for friend zoning him again. Plus, your brother threatening to practically kill him, didn't really help either."

"I know, but why is Paige acting like this. She's like a whole new Emm!"

"What are we going to do about it?" May questioned, pushing open the main front doors.

"This time I'm going all out. No mercy."

"Pranking him till he cries?"

"Pranking him till he cries," I nodded.



Looks like Eva can't not have a drama filled life; even with Joel out of the picture. Also, Paige isn't so nice. Is it a phase or is she showing her true colours?

Let me know what you thought about this chapter by leaving a comment!

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-Ed ⭐️

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