
By Kweehnn

2K 93 2

Adeyemis' story continues. She yearns for another, though she knows that chapter has closed. With a new life... More

His Move
Not Done
Family time
All You've Ever Wanted
Non, et pourtant...
Men & I
A Little Birdy
Comfort For A Night
Lesson Learned
By Any Means Necessary


95 3 0
By Kweehnn

I could feel Jaes' frustration through the phone.

"Why would you agree?" He asked

"I don't know I just felt like I had to there's no getting out of it. Jeffery already had everything set. He helped and hindered at the same time. I told you not to do anything without speaking? What did your parents say?"

"Well after I told them just who and why I was breaking my engagement for, my mother fainted and my father nearly threw me out the palace. But they decided that I've shamed the family and thus I am unworthy of marrying Meili." He admitted

I frowned walking through my quarters as we spoke.

"So you are now very eligible. How will they explain to the people?"

"Simple, I cheated and broke a clause in our agreement. I'll be painted as the bad guy but I don't mind."

"Hmm, No doubt I'll be dragged into this." I sighed. Why wouldn't his people look into who he might've cheated with?

"Most likely. We weren't very discreet about what we were doing when you visited my apartment." He sounded quite smitten as he spoke

"I won't take that back." I grinned remembering exactly what we had done. After all that how I ended up pregnant in the first place.

"Neither will I."

"I miss those times."

"Well you just had to agree with becoming Queen didn't you?" He said jokingly

"It'll work itself out in the end." I shrugged

"Uh huh. When is the coronation?" He asked

"In about a month." I answered playing with the leaf of a plant in my sitting room.

"Where?" He asked I could tell than he had shifted and was now laying down.

"Texas, his mother thinks shes being sentimental by having the coronation take place in the State where he was born."I rolled my eyes.

"You'll be around 4 months around then."

"I know."

"Are you eating well?"

"Of course. I can tell he has your appetite." I joked, but no seriously I really thought this kid was always hungry.

"Light exercise?" He asked 

"Nothing extreme. Promise." I paused my pacing. Walking around the palace counts as exercise right?

"I liked that picture you sent yesterday." He said softly

"Did you? I had hoped you would. Not many men think of pregnant women as attractive." A graceful smile decorated my face. and i fiddled with the curtains.

"You will always catch my eye sweetheart."

I chuckled. " I have an appointment soon. I'll send you copies."

"Thank you babe."

"No problem."

"I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

We hung up and I sighed snuggling deeper into my pillows. I sent an email to my lawyer as soon as Ryan fell asleep and after we were all settled back into the castle Ryan and I met with the lawyer. I had actually expected some resistance but he signed everything so easily. The day after a psychologist came in to speak to Ryan. I still had my doubts though.  It had been about four days since we got back and Ryan had been nothing but pleasant. It was unsettling. i kept waiting to get his but he'd hold back. He'd un clench his fist and then breathe before speaking about how what I did or said upset him. Or he'd explain how a thought about me upset him and he had thought of hurting me because of it and apologize. This was too weird.

A couple of weeks had passed since then. I laid in Ryans bed more comfortable than I had expected. We had sex the night before. it was different from when we were engaged  or when we first had gotten married. He took care of me in a way I never knew he could. He spoke my name first. It was a low sigh that slipped from his mouth, perhaps he didn't notice but I did. He said my name. His touches were gentle as if he thought I was a glass doll. I loved it. I loved it more than I should have. I don't belong to him. I do but I don't. He's scarred me too much to make me fall  for him completely again. Lately I've been wondering about Alison and why I was here when she should be. I was fine staying separated from him. Perhaps I was letting him in because I missed what I had with Jae? I couldn't very well be out in the open loving on him and what not now that I'm supposed to be queen. Shit. I had a conference with the queen and the coordinator for the coronation. I checked the clock. I had a couple of hours before I had to seriously get up. I thought about slipping out of his bed and going to my room. But then thought 'why not?' and snuggled closer into him imagining a pair of different arms holding me. 

Soon the day came and I stood with my husband in front of the king. We got rid of any religious ties with the crown long ago. Church and state were very separated. We stood in the throne room, a select few broadcasting companies invited as well as other Royal officials. Jae and his parents were there as well as royals from other countries. We were all dressed in royal garbs. 

"I Jeffery Richard Beaumont the third bestow the crown unto my son, Ryan Gregory Beaumont. Here is the scepter of truth, may you rule as an honest being, being open with your people and never deceiving them. " Jeffery handed his son the scepter and I smiled as Ryan accepted.

Next the King handed him a golden scale "Here is the scale of balance. May you be fair and kind to your people rule justly my son."

Then his mother placed a crown on his head. " Here you  I place this crown upon your head. May the weight of this crown remind you  that you hold the fate of a nation in your hands. Keep this on the forefront of you mind, my son. Rule for your people not for yourself."

With that Malory and the king walked over to me. Jeffery then placed a crown upon my own head. "With this crown may you remember your responsibility to not only the king but his people. Remind him of his place and his people should he ever forget."

I moved so I stood beside Ryan. He bowed slightly and I curtsied and then we walked up the steps to the thrones and sat down.

I am the Queen.

"I am the game
these lames ain't strong
just kings trying to play pawns
cause their moves is similar
but it ain't about the game piece
Realize that the best piece in the game
is not the protected
it's the protector
so if life was a game of chess
I'd be a queen "

Let the games begin.

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