Fixing My Luna

By SweetDream22

38K 783 42

Coming from a bad home with her evil abusive brother, Lily runs away with her 2 little siblings. When they st... More

Chapter 1- Run Aways
Chapter 2- My Blue Eyed Mate
Chapter 3- Welcome Home
Chapter 4- New Visitor
Chapter 5- Spill It
Chapter 7- New Talent
Chapter 8- Friends
Chapter 9- Mornings
Chapter 10- Bring it on Boys
Chapter 11- You Bite Me?
Chapter 12- Shocking Surprises
Chapter 13- Unlocking the Truth
Chapter 14- Ready or Not
Chapter 15- Taken
Chapter 16- I'm Not a Cheater
Chapter 17- It's A Deal
Chapter 18- Being Left Out
Chapter 19- Just A Little Girl
Chapter 20- Hide And Seek
Chapter 21- Fights Pics and Sorrys
Chapter 22- Treehouse
Chapter 23- One More Day
Chapter 24- Just Getting Started
Chapter 25- Now or Never
Chapter 26- Excuse Me?
Chapter 27- Worrying About Lily
Chapter 28- Waking Up
Chapter 29-It's Time
Chapter 30- 50/50

Chapter 6- Playing Cards

1.7K 39 1
By SweetDream22


I woke up once again to the morning sun but I wasn't on my pillow like usual. I am lying on something much more hard but yet really comfy at the same time. My eyes flutter open and I see skin and black hair in my sights. I lifted my eyes up to see Daniel still asleep with a light snore. I must have fallen asleep on his shoulder last night. I could feel the warm tingles starting to spread through my body from laying on him but as much as the tingles excited me, I am bored.

Time to mess with the alpha. Slowly I pick my head up and start giving him butterfly kisses from his collar bone up to his jaw line just below the ear. I dont know where this new found bravery comes from but I hear him let out a low groan and I like it. He let out another moan as I got closer to his lips and I shiver in excitment from the sexiness of it. Then he said with his eye still closed, "You are killing me." However that didn't stop me as I continue my path till I kissed him on the lips. Then his green eyes flew open and the next thing I know he has rolled us over so he was on top now. He was careful not to put all his weight on me but I was hardly concerned about that. My view right now was just amazing. Daniel was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts which means I had a perfect view of his open chest. I had guessed right when I gazed upon his pecks and his 8 pack. Oh my god this was absolutely mouth watering. I started taking my nails across his chest and he then got to work placing his own open mouth kisses trailing down my neck. Both of us let out groans of pleasure.

I giggled as he did this, "Good morning to you too." Then I let out a gasp. The kisses burned my neck but then the next second turned to ice. I have never felt this before but it didn't compare to the love bite he left where my neck meets my shoulder. That area made my body shiver. Then he pulled away and I let a whimper escape my lips. I knew this seems a little fast for me but right now I can't help but to love how he treats me.

He just chuckled. "Morning Angel." he said before giving me a soft kiss on the lips. When he pulled away I was sad. He seemed to pick up on my mood. "If I go much further Angel I'm afraid I might claim you. I don't want that till you do."

I let out a sigh. He was right I'm not ready. I looked him in the eyes before I said, "I'm sorry."

He just stared at me baffled. "For what?"

I dropped my gaze and focused on his bare chest. "For crying last night."

That made him sit up and he pulled me into his lap. Surprisingly I didn't refuse his hold. I felt safe in his arms and he liked to hold me and move me around so be it as long as I'm ok. He gripped my chin and made me turn to look into his eyes. For a second I got lost in the green before his voice pulled me back to life. "I never want you to apologize for something like that. Understand Angel?"

I just nodded my head. Then it dawned on me, "Angel?"

He smiled down at me. Damn just like his eyes I could get lost in that forever. "Yeah it's my name for you. I was lucky enough to get an angel as my mate." That made heat raise to my face and I am sure it is now bright red. His smile got bigger and all he said was "Adorable." Then he kissed my forehead in a loving manner.

We sat there for what felt like hours but I guessed it was only a couple of minutes. I finally pulled away to look up at him, "What are we doing today?"

He smiled and said, "Well I was hoping you could teach me how you are so good at cards."

That made me laugh out loud. "Are you sure? You're not the first I've tried to teach." It's the truth. Mikey and Marcus are now lost causes. There is now way on God's green earth they will ever pick up on cards like Rosie and I.

His face turned into a fake serious. "Try me." I let out another laugh. Then I jumped out of his lap and went to the closet. I heard him growl. "Where are you going."

I peek my head out of the closet, "I am changing into new clothes." I search through the clothes and pull out deep blue V-neck and white short shorts. When I leave the closet and head to the bathroom I hear Daniel let out a growl of lust and he follows me to the bathroom. I stop him at the door way and shake my head. "Nice try. Give me a half an hour." He put on a frown but I ignored it and shut the door in his face. I quickly hopped into the shower. It felt amazing against my worn out muscles. When I got out I changed and stepped in front on the mirror. I put my necklace and earrings back in and looked at my hair. For once it looked normal. I just left it down for it to dry itself out. When I found myself suitable I walk out of the bathroom and to the door. I could hear Daniel clear his throat me behind me. I turned and saw him sitting on the bed giving me a look that asked what I was doing. "Well are you coming or not?" I asked with my hand stretched out. He jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand with his large one.

I lead him toward Rosie's room first. When she opened the door she latched onto my leg. She looked so adorable in her red shirt and jeans with her hair flowing. "Hey baby girl how's the room?"

"Amazing! I feel like a princess." she stated.

"Good I'm glad you like it Princess Rosie." Daniel said with a low bow that made Rosie giggle. "So Princess would you grace us with your presence for a card game." Seeing Rosie get along with Daniel warmed my heart.

This made Rosie giggle harder. Daniel picked her up with one arm but still held on tightly to my hand ready to go. I turned around and knocked on Mikey's door and he opened up. "Hey Mikey you want to play cards with us?" Sure was his only reply.

Next step Marcus. I closed my eyes and tried to find Marcus in the house. I could hear Daniel asking what I was doing but Rosie just simply told him, as if it was a dumb question, that I was looking for Marcus. I finally sensed him in the kitchen. 'Sorry to interrupt your eating but do you wanna play cards?' I asked through our mind link.

'You know it's kinda creepy how you can tell I'm eating.' he stated.

'Doesn't it suck not having powers.' I thought in a teasing tone. 'So you gonna play or what?'

'Sure. I'll be there in a bit.'

'Good. meet me in my room.' I said and that's where I ended it. I turned to the other three, "Lets play."


After Lily was done talking with Marcus she lead me be the hand back to our room. Instead of the floor we went and sat on the couches and chairs around the coffee table. Lily let go and I set Rosie down on the chair, "Thank you Daniel."

I gave her a low bow. "Your welcome Princess." Which earned another giggle out of her. Her laugh made a smile stretch across my face. Rosie's laugh was like chimes but I liked Lily's better. Hers was more like bells. Rosie was young and sweet but I know under her princess facade, she was a tough little girl that could make mighty big decisions.

I went and sat on the couch and Lily grabbed the cards and sat on the opposite end of the couch that I was on. My body craves to be closer to her. I could feel the burning prickles passing through my body and I guess she feels the same way because she drapes her legs over my lap. It settles the pain a little bit but it's enough to handle. If it's this bad now, I don't know how far we can be separated without feeling like we are burning to death.

My Angel dealt 5 hands of 7 which means Marcus will be joining us. I didn't like that guy but I love Lily so I guess I can deal with him. Sure enough when she laid the last card Marcus came through the door dressed in casual jeans and a t-shirt that had some rock and roll band plaster on the front of it. He joined our circle and Lily spoke up, "Ok so we are not gonna just play cards tonight. We are gonna teach Daniel how me and Rosie play." As soon as the sentence left her sweet lips, the boys left out long annoying moan.

"Not this again." Mikey whined as he slouched in his chair.

"What again?" I asked baffled. I looked over to Lily for her explanation but Marcus answered instead.

He was lounging back in his chair with his hands behind his head, "You aren't the first she has tried this on. Mikey and I have practiced many of times and trust me when I say it gets you no where."

Lily rolled her blue eyes then met mine, "It's not a complete bust. I have had one successful student." she turned too Rosie, "Right dear." Rosie just smiled innocently and nodded her head. Then her eyes turned to Marcus and glared at him, "Besides he wanted to know how to play."

The glare made a golden brown eyes light up under his light brown hair and a huge cocky grin appear on his face. "Well darling we can't all have super powers, can we?"

She squinted her eyes and stuck her tongue out like a child. Man that was adorable. Her head whipped around back to me, sending her curls flying, "Ready?"

"Sure?" Oh crap. What have I gotten myself into. If the guys are making this big of fuss then I must be in trouble.

"Ok so one of the things to learn is observation. Now I want you look closely at my hand. When I pull one of my card I want you to look at the back of it and tell me what the card is in front of it. You'll be able to see it in the reflection. Ready?"

"Um I think so." I honestly have no idea what I'm doing.

Lily pulled back one of her cards and I tried to study the back of it. "I want you to tell me the color and if you could tell me the suit and number that would be impressive. Got it?"

"Ok." I stared hard at the reflection. "Um red." She laid to card down on the coffee table and pulled back the next on. "Black, black, red, red, red, black." After I guessed all of them she'd put them in one of two piles face down. "Why two piles?" I asked.

She let out a light laugh, "How do I break it to you? One is a pile you were right," she pointed to the pile that had 2 card, "and the ones you got wrong." which left the pile with 5. "Don't worry these two still can't do it." she motions too the boys and they both nod their heads. Then she picks the 7 card back up and shuffle them in her hand. "Ready Rose?"

"Go." Rosie said as she turned her focus too the cards in Lily's hand. Lily started the same trick she used on me. "6 of diamonds, 3 of spades, 2 diamonds, jack of clubs..." My mouth hang open as I watch Rosie name off every card Lily had.

We played cards for a couple hours. Switching game, go fish, crazy eight, and they even knew how to play blackjack and poker. Lily and Rosie kept going back and forth for who won.

Finally I just dropped my cards on the table. "I don't even know why I try." I crossed my arms and put on a serious face. "How do you 2 get used to losing to these 2?" I asked Mikey and Marcus.

They both just shrugged but Marcus answered, "You just get used to it. I don't mind losing to these 2. When they win they are happy so I keep playing with them so they are always happy." Wow Marcus really does care about them.

My Lily slides over to me and pulls on my crossed arms. She made a fake pouty face and enlarged her already big blue eyes. "Are you really upset?"

I automatically melted, "No way." I said as I pulled her into my arms and she laid her head on my chest. I could never be mad that she is special and different. Different isn't always bad and in this case different was gorgeous. I think it is cute that she has a talent for cards. Cards were a fun thing that the higher ranking members in the pack did on Sundays. It would be cool if Lily would play with us.! Jackpot. "Hey girls I have a request." They both looked at me with faces twisted in curiousness. "So tomorrow is Sunday and it's a day the pack hang out together and I would like you all to come."

"What's the request?" Lily asked as she looked up to me.

"Well Angel our Sundays include heading down to the creek and playing games like football then we have a huge supper. At the end of the night we play cards." I said with a devious smile on my face.

"Awesome!" Mikey yelled and we all turned to look at him. "You are gonna use the girls to show off to your pack."

I just nod. "If it's ok with you 2?" I asked the girls. They both answered me with devious smiles. Oh no.

"What's in it for us?" Rosie asked.

Of course they wanted something. "Well Rosie you are my secret weapon and I promise you will be seen as the princess you are too the rest of the pack." Then I put my head down to whisper in Lily's ear, "You my Angel I have something planned for but we have little ears so you'll just have to wait."

Both looked at me with wide eyes. "Deal!" They both said at the same time. I just laughed.

Lily pulled away from my hold and leaned against my chest so she could face me. "Won't this make a bad impression on your pack?"

"Not if you meet them before tomorrow." I pointed out.

"What?" she said in total aw.

I smiled at her face then looked toward the others. "How about you guys get introduced and added as a member to the pack tonight. Would you guys be okay with that?"

Rosie, Marcus, And Mikey seemed cool with it. They said a lot of "Sure." and "Why not." but Lily looked a little concerned. "It's up to you babe."

She looked at the others before letting out an exasperated breath, "Fine. Why not."

I let out a breath myself. "Good cause I already told the pack it was happening." Lily gaped at me and I only laughed. "Did I forget to mention that?" I said with a fake puzzled face. Her reply was to scowl at me and swat me in the arm.

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