Lil' Sister (Sakamaki x Reade...

By YufiSera

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You are the Sakamaki brothers' little sister, and I create short fluff scenarios between you and your brother... More

intro: things to know
#1: ditchin' dinner
#2: stupid cake
#3: cute dress
#4: lost
#5: that idiot
#6: stressed
#7: another birthday
#8: twiplets
#9: who's your favowite?
#10: kisses
#11: crush
#12: the case
#13: bath tub
#15: ninja (y/n) and operation: tickles
#16: taking a walk (ft. Kou Mukami)
#17: imouto-chan and BTS
#18: gwown up joos
#20: when imouto-chan learns how to read...
#21: onii-chan's POV (Subaru)/when I fell in ❤ with you
#22: onii-chan's POV (Ayato)/when I made you cry 😭
#23: onii-chan's POV (Shu)/ when you were a pain in the 🍑
#24: tantrums
#25: onii-chan's POV (Reiji)/when you knew his true 💓
#27: onii-chan's POV (Laito)/when you made him speechless
#26: pierced ears

#14: cold

10.5K 330 150
By YufiSera

You opened your eyes and felt the world spinning. You had a headache, your head was throbbing. You feel warm. Very warm. And a vampire isn't supposed to be warm.

You got out of your bed, and once you stood up and was halfway across the room your body gave up on you. Luckily, Laito caught you just in time.

He gasped. " imouto-chan! you're very warm!" he held the back of his hand against your forehead with worry. And picked you up.

" nope, this little vampire's not getting out of bed~" and he placed you back to your bed. " why, Laito-nii?" you asked as he tucked you in.

" because~ (y/n) is sick, and (y/n) should do her best to get better" he smiled.

" am I gonna die?!"

The fedora wearing vampire laughed.

" no, imouto-chan, it's just a little cold is all" he pinched your cheek, thought you're too precious for this world.

" wait here, ok?" you nodded.

He went out of your room going who knows where. Meanwhile, you just stared at the ceiling, thinking of something to do.

" (y/n)-chin, I heard you caught a cold?" Kanato appeared right beside your bed. " here, hold Teddy" and he smiled. You took Teddy and smiled back, but then, you remembered your dream. And stared at Teddy.

Kanato sat beside you on the bed and held his hand on your forehead. " you are warm, (y/n)!" he exclaimed.

" want me to tell you a story, so you can go to sleep and rest?" he asked as he played with your hair. " m'kay" was your reply.

" So, once upon a--" " pipsqueak! Ore-sama wants to know if you're okay!" Kanato glared at him.

Ayato immediately put his hand against your neck " ow! you're so hot, I could cook takoyaki using you!" you giggled.

" how are we going to play basketball now?" he pouted. " I'm going to get better Baka-chin, just you wait!" you grinned. Then, you sneezed and started to feel dizzy.

The vampire grinned back and pat your head " you better"

Someone knocked on the door and in came Reiji with a tray of soup, and Shu behind him, holding a bowl of cold water. Kanato deadpanned. I just want to tell (y/n) a story... he thought.

" Eat up and rest. Meanwhile, I'll make your medicine" he said then walked out. Shu placed the bowl on the drawer beside the bed. Kanato took the soaked towel, squeezed the water out of it and layed it flat on your forehead.

You felt pressure on the other side of your bed and you turned to see Shu laying beside you. Ayato and Kanato giving him a questioning look. " why are you here, Shu?" " I'm accompanying you" you got confused but decided to just go along with it.

Ayato took a chair, an sat on it backwards. He folded his arms and rested them on the top rail.

The red-headed and the purple-headed vampire watched over you who's suddenly feeling tired when you just woke up.

Since Kanato wanted to take care of you, He took the opportunity to feed you the soup. You frowned a bit, not having the appetite.

" (y/n)-chin, you have to at least warm your tummy" you sighed, "....m'kay..."

" now say 'ahh~' "  " ahh~" you repeated in monotone, not in the mood to be playful. Nonetheless, the purple haired vampire fed you with a gentle smile.

Ayato also started to fall asleep by watching you two. Specifically, watching your sleepy face also made him sleepy.

" I don't want anymore..." you said weakly. Kanato set down the bowl and pushed your hair back, because it's sticking to your adorable face.

" okay, get some rest now"

You shifted to a comfortable position and drifted to sleep keeping Teddy close to you. Kanato yawned, and layed beside you also. Following after all of the vampires in their sleep.

" imouto-chan~I can't--"

He halted and took out his phone to capture the precious moment. He grinned.

" sleep well, everyone~" the fedora wearing vampire whispered before leaving the vampires to their peace.

The Next Day...

You're happily playing tag with Subaru outside.

From the window, two vampires watch in envy for they also wanted to play with you.

" this sucks, we were supposed to play basketball today!" Ayato groaned, wrapping the blanket tighter around him.

" *sneeze* I should also be playing tag with (y/n)..." then he sniffed sadly. He hugged Teddy tighter as he watch you play with Subaru.

You see, the two caught your cold. Well, it is their fault for sleeping close to you.

" what about Shu?" Ayato asked the vampire too immersed in watching you play.

" he must have caught a cold too, right?" he added.

And as if on cue, the blonde vampire appeared.

" I think I *sneeze* caught (y/n)'s cold..."

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