War Of The Robots |COMPLETE|

By MuteSpy

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In the 22nd Century, robots were a relatively new invention. They were now made for different uses such as cl... More

The Nightmare Begins
A New Life
The Prize
The Dreadful Discovery
A New Ally?
The New Adventure
A New Problem
The Poisonous Robot
A Dangerous Turn
The New Boy
The Talk
The Newest Attack
Unlikely Allies
The Past Of Cameron
The Simulation
Important Codes
A Training Session Gone Wrong
The Newest Plan
Newest Failure
A Secret Backup Plan
A Plan Put Into Action
Journey To The Laboratory
All According To Plan
The Master's Death Plan
Tests of Dignity
The Final Battle
Amara's Reactions
Celebrations and Sadness
The Future Surprise

The Newest Memory

40 6 1
By MuteSpy

September 15th 2150

Behind the only fast food restaurant in the desert area was a young African American boy who looked to be about a year older than Amara. His short black hair touching his ears. His emerald green eyes were staring at the two fallen heroes. 

He examined both of them, tightening his camouflage jacket because of the way they looked but, he didn't have any time to just look at them. He quickly check Amara's pulse, noting that she was still alive. 

He then went to Rock but noticed that something was different about him. 

"What the? Why does he not have a pulse?" He felt Rock's body and it felt like a humans. 

"Is this a robot? Feels a little bit different than the other robots we have found." The unnamed boy was thinking about it for a minute. He noticed that he wasn't against Amara, who was clearly a human. He wasn't bothering any humans. In facts, he was sitting with the girl in the restaurant. 

"I'm going to have to tell me father about this. This is interesting." He grabbed his phone, presumably calling his father. Checking Amara's pulse again. Still there. It took a few minutes for his father to answer. 

"Hello, son. Why are you calling?" 

"Hello, father. I found a human who is slowly dying and a robot. Can you call the hospital wing? They both need to get treatment right away." 

"Where are you? I'll get you a ride. We should dissect the robot." The boy told him his location real quickly before responding to his other retort. 

"But, this robot is different. I witnessed a fight they were damaged from and he was fighting the robot. Not the human." 

"We need to question them both after they get treatment. If they are alive still." The boy sighed, knowing his father was irritated. 

"Good bye father." The boy hanged up and saw the car that was going to pick him up. He sighed then picked up Amara and Rock one at a time. 

"This is going to be an interesting day." The boy told himself before getting into the car. 


It was a laboratory that he woke up in for the first time. Not knowing anything at all. He looked at a piece of paper, got off of the table, then read it. 

"You are a servant to me. You will meet me later but make yourself at home." 

He put the note down then walked out of the room. He saw heads on the wall. Wanting to beg that they were fake. Looking at them closer, they were fake. But saw that they were goals. 

"Our goal is to kill at least five million in a year?" The robot boy read to himself. He saw a girl robot about his height with a green flowing dress coming over to him. 

"Yeah. If we get to that goal, then we can be able to get upgrades for every robot here. My name is Flora. I am an elemental type with three sisters. Are you the new recruit?" 

"Yeah I am." 

"Perfect. You will do great." She seemed nice. She spoke again. 

"We will start our first attack tomorrow. I am going to kill a lot of people!" Why would she want to desperately to kill people? Why kill innocent people? That was going through the boy's mind. 

"Is that okay to do? Kill the humans?" 

"Don't be such a wuss okay? We need to kill them. It doesn't matter. We have to kill them understand?!" She walked away in anger. 

"Why?" He asked himself. He started walking again. Seeing chambers with different robots in them, the robot thought that they were just being tortured. No one deserved this treatment. Not even the ones that wanted to murder. 

He saw a lot of others walking by looking at him. He felt super nervous. Everyone looking at him. It was terrifying. He silently walked past the robots and bumped into someone. It didn't look like the others. 

"Welcome new one." 

"Um hello." Rock was super nervous at the moment. 

"I am your leader." Once he said that, every robot bowed to him. Rock awkwardly bowed to him. Then the man started laughing. 

"Oh boy, you are funny," The man said between laughs. Rock got super nervous again. 

"Um yeah sir." 

"Did, you read my note?" Rock nodded at the guy. 

"Well, how was exploring so far? Did you like the human heads on the wall?" Rock nodded, not wanting to say no. This guy was intimidating. With his super short white hair with bald spots and a thin frame. He didn't look menacing, but his tone was intimidating. 

"Well, we have to train you okay? You can't go out in this world without self defense," The man explained. 

"Are you ready young one?" Rock nodded nervously. 

"Well come on then young one." They both started walking towards the training room, which didn't take long. It was only a few doors away. When they were walking Flora whispered something. 

"Good luck. You're going to need it." 

When they were in the training room, Rock saw the most terrifying obstacle course. It had fire, poison, and a lot more. 

"This is the beginners course. Don't worry, you will be okay." Rock saw the evil grin on the old man's face then started the course. The first part was the poison trap. Rock quickly jumped over the poison moats then ran towards the enemies. 

He had no idea what his weapon was since he woke up only half an hour ago. He quickly dodged the dummy like enemies for at least 5 minutes. The older man didn't even talk. Rock was getting tired fast. 

"Oh no," Rock whispered to himself as his vision was blacking out. He fell to the floor, starting to close his eyes. Before he passed out, he heard an evil laugh. Then everything went black. 


September 18th 2150

He woke up startled. From that dream. He was starting to remember what happened. The sniper, Amara. It was terrifying. He was in a bed. Not similar to the metal tables at all. It was soft, comfy, and calming. He has never been in this before. 

He got out of the bed, noticing that he was alive as ever. Surprised that the poison didn't kill him. Is this how a human lives? 

He walked towards the door, wanting to know what happened. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. What is going on? 

A few minutes later, someone entered the room. He looked like a military veteran. It looked like he had a gun so Rock didn't want to get killed today. He just woke up. 

"Oh, walking I see? I am not surprised robot." That tone really made Rock feel bad. Rock was silent. He was scared. Cornered and helpless, Rock whimpered in fright. The man noticed this then calmed down. 

"Okay. I've heard from the boy that you were fighting robots. Is this true? Or is the kid hallucinating?" 

"It is true. I was fighting with the human. Not every robot is evil." Rock was truly scared then didn't say anything.

"Okay. If you do anything murderous, then you will die. See you in a few hours for questioning." The tone was horrible and Rock just wanted to just get out of here. He knew why he was serious but was just wanting to be believed. 

"I can't wait to get out of here," Rock thought solemnly. 


It was all just darkness. Slowly opening her eyes, Amara looked around the room. It looked like a hospital room.

"Damn it, I hate the hospital," Amara cursed as she laid back down. She felt so tired and she didn't know why. She had three I.V's in both her arms so, she didn't move them. The young one saw her sword in the corner of the room. Thank God they recovered that.

"Where am I though? I wasn't here." When she thought that, a woman in a nurse uniform came into the room. Amara sighed happily, wanting answers immediately.

"Oh good. You're awake. Are you okay young one?"

"Where the Hell am I?!" Amara demanded to the poor woman. The nurse steeped a few feet back, scared. Seeing that, Amara calmed down.

"I'm sorry. I am just stressed," Amara apologized as she looked at the nurse with a calm expression.

"It is alright Miss..."

"My name is Amara," She responded, knowing that the nurse stopped speaking. The nurse nodded.

"It is okay. We had to put some I.V's in your veins because you were dehydrated when Cameron brought you here. You also had a harmful substance in you as well, so we had to give you some medicine to put it that way to get it out of you," The nurse informed the raven haired girl. That said girl nodded but wanted to know who this Cameron was.

"Who is this Cameron you speak of?"

"Well, Cameron is the son of the man who is the leader of this military base camp. He has been here for a while after his parents got divorced."

"That is sad," Amara replied.

"How old are you child?"


"Where are your parents? Why were you out in the desert alone?"

"Well my parents are dead and I wanted to give some information to police. Unfortunately, I lived in the middle of nowhere and had to walk with my friend Rock. Sadly, some robot poisoned us and I thought I was going to die along with my best friend."

"Well, that is sad and good at the same time. We did need more information on these robots. So your friend Rock, we found a robot who had brunette hair and blue eyes was that him?" Amara nodded furiously.

"Okay then. Don't worry, we didn't harm him. Cameron told us about that fight you were in 3 days ago." It was silent for a few minutes before Amara responded.

"3 days?!" Amara asked with shock. The nurse nodded.

"You got hit pretty hard, Amara. You need to rest for a little bit. Then, probably later when you are ready, we can question you okay?" Amara nodded.

"Where is my backpack by the way?"

"Don't worry, we recovered that as well. We are inspecting it okay?" Amara nodded starting to close your eyes.

"I'll see you later Amara okay? Have pleasant dreams okay?" The nurse left quietly while Amara was slowly closing her eyes. Wishing she could just stay awake. Unfortunately, that failed and she quickly fell asleep. 


This was a longer chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it. Two chapters in two days was surprising to me. 

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