Bal: a King and his queen

By Huggy3516

159K 4.2K 528

This story starts straight after the final scene of descendants and is focuses around Bal and their struggle... More

I think i love you
The enchanted lake
A summer afternoon
The date
The beach
Back to school
Class together
After practice
Surgery and press
He's awake
Interupting a family
His inner beast
Mal's in charge
Bed time benny boo
Out with the stitches
Bad boy
The trip
Beach date
Memory lane
Ancient history
The artist
Don't wanna talk about it
Sleepy fairy
Back to school
The big game
Something significant
6 months
The road ahead
Candles & twinkle lights
Week away
Heres to us
First of many
Birthday boy
A few too many
Graduaton day
Prom ~ the after party
19 years
Make or break
Broken dreams
Evil past
Red carpet
Thank you for coming
Don't worry
Come back to me
Getting better
A slightly less drunk christmas
Happy New year
Evies big day
Valentines day
Tipsy or just plain drunk
Wedding day
Royal Wedding
Long live the queen
First night

Happiness doesn't last

1.7K 51 2
By Huggy3516

*the next day they're preparing the video chat, Ben stands with her unsure that he should let her do this*
Ben: are you sure? You don't have to do this
Mal: I do Ben, I know it sounds insane to you but they're my people, I'm the daughter of their leader who is a little lizard, I'm the closest thing they have to leader, they need help, it's been 23 years Ben, they're not very good at evil any more, the kids never really have been
Ben: okay, you ready?
Mal: yeah
Ben: okay then good luck
*they kiss and he places the remote in her hand before the tech guys leave the room with him following on behind, she takes a deep breath then turns on the monitor on, she looks down at her dress, or more specifically the royal emblem that it bares, she had picked this specifically to drum up some reaction, little did she know quite the reaction she was about to get as the three former villains appear on the screen*
Evil Queen: Mal dear, it's been way too long, how's Evie?
*mal almost mistook her tone for concern but then remembered the truth of the island, everyone cares for nothing and no one, not even their own flesh and blood, three years had been a long time for her to forget, she knew that her friends talked to their parents once in a while, Ben had happily accepted the request Evie had brought to him a few months after they had come to auradon*
Mal: EQ
*she nods in acknowledgment of Evil Queens greeting*
Mal: Evie is fine, Cruella, Jafar, as are Carlos and Jay, but that's not what I'm here to talk to you about
Cruelly: oh?
*the fake innocence in her voice being very apparent*
Mal: I wish to speak to you about king Ben's request for the kids of the isle of the lost to come here to auradon
*suddenly someone begins to emerge from the shadows, Mal almost does a double take as she sees the figure before her, hearing that oh so familiar voice and looking into those oh so familiar eyes was something that she would only have dreamt of in her worst nightmares*
Maleficent: Mal darling, you weren't going to start without your dear mommy now were you?
*mow that was real fake innocence and it sent shivers down make spine but she knew she had to play it cool, her mother knew her weak spots and would pounce on them at the first sign of them so she had to not let them show*
Mal: mother?!
Maleficent: yes that's right sweetie, I'm back, you didn't think your little curse would last forever did you? Oh sweetheart you're powerful but you're still learning, that power will destroy you if you're not careful, and happy birthday, unless I'm mistaken, and I don't believe I am, it was your birthday yesterday was it not?
*Mal looks wearily at her mother, there was something in the tone of her mother's voice that she found good reason to mistrust*
Mal: it was
Maleficent: 19 years
Mal: I have to ask, how is it possible? How are you here?
Maleficent: oh come on Mal, think about it, you survived my sleeping curse so why wouldn't I survive your little one?
Mal: because you shrank to the size k fthe lovevin your heart and no offence dear mother but I find it rather difficult to believe you learned to love
Maleficent: oh of course I didn't, but darling your spell was never going to hold, you don't have enough control of you magic, but while we're on questions what exactly are you wearing
*if Mal was honest she did kinda just want to piss someone off a little, Mal knew exactly what she was referring to but she wasn't in the mood to indulge her mother*
Mal: I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about
Maleficent: that thing on your dress!
*her mother now having difficulty controlling her temper to keep up her pretences, she was well aware her daughter was playing with her and also aware that her daughter currently had the upper hand*
Mal: oh that, I guess you guys on the isle haven't heard, you're looking at the future queen of auradon, I am engaged to the king as of yesterday
Evil Queen: a king! Good work! Congratulations
*mal smiled but at the evil queens little outburst and he glares she was now receiving from her mother*
Maleficent: YOU'RE WHAT?!
*her mother shrieked and Mal suddenly had an idea which was either really smart or really insane but she wasn't quite sure which*
Mal: one moment please
*mal steps outside to Ben and doesn't give him a chance to speak before cutting him off*
Mal: come with me and do not react to what you see, just be normal and play it cool you understand me?
*ben nods and follows her in confusion but he doesn't have to remain confused for long as the second he sees the screen he knows exactly what she's referring to, he has to work very hard to not look gobsmacled when his eyes fall upon maleficent for the first time since his coronation as a fully formed and regular, well, Maleficent on the screen right in front of him*
Mal: mother this is my fiancé Ben, I believe you had a brief encounter with him during your, well, 'visit' shall we say, using the term visit lightly that is
Maleficent: now listen here missy!
Mal: oh I'm sorry mother butblook at the time, Ben and I have somewhere to be, just take a look at the request again for me and we'll talk again soon, bye now
*she turns off the monitor as quickly as she can, feeling herself begun to shake, she becomes so shaken by what has just happened that she just blacks out, luckily Ben is there to catch her as she falls*


Whoops 😈😈 xoxo

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