*~Langston one shots~*

By Little_Miss_Lange

8.8K 236 156

A compilation of one shots I have written and not yet found a home for. Everything here is Jessica Lange and... More

~Jessie's Pov~
How It Feels To Be Me
Please read this.
The Entirety of Empty
It Was Sunny Today.
A Love That Was More Than Love
Now or never
Happy Birthday
*Prompt List*
Round Two
Just A Little Wine
Just A Little Wine (Part Two)
Too Long
Thought & Recollection
love Bentley

You Look Exhausted

373 13 6
By Little_Miss_Lange

The door opened and closed silently, with a small click of the latch being the only sign of an entrance to the apartment. It was a warm night in New York, not typical for the impending fall season, and it had been a particularly long day for one woman in particular. Dropping her keys on the table in the entryway she proceeded to the living area just to her right. There was a commotion in the kitchen to her left, which silenced as her heals clicked on the hardwood, but she paid no attention to it, too tired to really care. 

"Jess, is that you?" a deep voice resonated threw the open space. She plopped down on the couch just as Danny stepped threw the entryway drying his hands on a dish towel. He smiled down at her leaning his weight on the door frame. She bent to one side slipping her heals off her feet, as she sat on the edge of the couch her ankles crossed to the right side of her body and her knees leaned to the left.

"I thought today would never end." she grumbled rubbing her stiff foot in one hand as the other rested on her lap. She had spent the whole day in meetings, running between fittings and apartment bookings. Not to mention she had a last minute dinner meeting that went way over her predicted time. Although she hardly ate, she was too busy signing agreements, flipping threw scripts, and discussing contracts. Her stomach growled and she was reminded how hungry and exhausted she was. "I'll be glad when we start filming this thing."  

Danny stood up straight as the oven timer sounded in the kitchen. "And we'll be in LA?" he asked moving out of the room and across the hall.

"Yeah." Jessica sighed leaning back on the couch. Resting her elbow on the arm and leaving her hips on the edge she massaged the small gap between her eyebrows with her fingertips. The smell of Chicken parmigiana filled her nose and her stomach growled again. She loved that he could cook the most delicious and mouthwatering Italian dishes, and that he made them for her on a regular bases. 

"I made dinner." Danny commented plainly from the other room. Jessica leaned up to rest her forearms on her knees as she looked threw the entryway to the kitchen.

"Oh I'm sorry honey." she cooed. "I didn't even ask how your day went." her hand moved down her leg to rub at her calf. Danny smiled to himself shaking his head at how cute she could be. 

"Stella called." he commented. Jessica adored his daughter, and he knew the news of her call would make her smile. Stella had started school again and that didn't leave her much time to call or contact either one of them. Jessica and Stella had become very good friends in the time that Jessica and Danny had known each other, and she was quite excited when they told her they where going to be together as a couple. Jessica of course wanted Stella's approval before they embarked on anything serious. 

Having children and grandchildren herself she knew how important their approval was. She wanted everyone to feel comfortable with each other and fit together as a family of sorts. Her granddaughters loved Danny and he fit in quite well with them- acting more like a child than an adult most of the time himself- and he enjoyed being with them. He had never really acted shy around them and they knew where they stood with him. She loved that they could play around in the yard together, yet as soon as an argument started up Danny could give  his stern 'Okay that's enough' and both of them backed off without dispute. He could carry them around the house upside down, and then turn around and set in for homework. Her children where just happy that she had found someone to treat her right and make her happy, and that's all Jessica cared about.

"She did?" Jessica exclaimed excitedly as she sat up strait again. "How is she? Is school okay? Did she say anything about the gift I sent her?" he excitement proceeded her as her questions flowed. Danny laughed audibly, loving how much she adored the young girl.

"She is just fine, she hates school, and she loved your gift." he smiled wishing Jess could have been there to talk with her herself. 

"I'm glad, she always says she hates school- I guess that's how we know she is keeping up right- Did she say anything else?" Danny stepped once again into the entryway looking down at Jessica on the couch and smiled.

"She misses you." he whispered nodding towards her. Jessica smiled widely her eyes sparkling at the news. "She wants to come out here for the fall brake. I told her I would talk to you. I wanted to check with you about her missing school." he leaned on the door frame again watching Jessica beam in excitement. It warmed her heart that he wanted her to be such a big part of Stella's life. She loved that he checked with her before making any decisions regarding her, when he really didn't need to. 

"I think that sounds wonderful- as long as she brings her school work- of course." she smiled and Danny moved closer to her pushing himself off of the door frame. He made his way to kneel in front of her, resting his hands at her hips. Jessica placed her hands on his cheeks, brushing his hair back in her fingertips as she smiled down at him. "What?" she whispered watching him stare lovingly up at her.

"I love you Jessie." he smiled. Jessica laughed rubbing her thumb across his stubble that she loved so much. Danny leaned down to kiss her knee and inhaled deeply. "God you smell good." he moaned and Jessica kept her eyes glued to him. Sliding his hands down her thighs he massaged her calves. "Do your feet hurt? You were rubbing them when you sat down." Jessica nodded running her fingers threw his hair.

"Yeah." she whispered. "I wore those damn shoes all day." she motioned for her black high heals at her side without taking her eyes off Danny. He raised his eyebrows in kind of an 'oh I see' motion and slid his hands farther down her legs keeping up the soft kneading of his fingertips into her skin. 

"Well let me see if we can fix that." he smirked as he leaned down to kiss he thigh. He lifted her ankle in his hand stretching out her leg. "Just relax baby, sit back and I'll take care of you." he kissed her calf this time and Jessica smiled leaning back on the couch again. Danny made his way to her flexed foot and kneaded his thumbs into the soft flesh. He could feel every knot and stiff muscle under his touch and her pushed and rubbed until each one of them was gone. 

He pushed small circles into the ball of her foot and Jessica moaned closing her eyes at the pleasant sensation. Danny smiled and pushed a little harder again eliciting a soft moan from her. He leaned down to kiss the tops of each one of her toes keeping up the stiff pressure of his thumbs while his fingertips danced against her instep. Jessica giggled at the feeling of his lips paired with the harsh pleasure of his muscular hands.

"Mmm Danny you haven't played with my feet in forever. " she moaned. Danny smiled enjoying the fact that she was so relaxed at his touch.

"I try and save it for special occasions." he smirked. Jessica moaned again as his thumbs dug into her flesh.

"And whats so special about today?" she smiled keeping her eyes closed, her fingers feathering against her stomach.

"Im sure we could thing of something." Danny growled seductively. Her hips twitched and he couldn't hold back his smile. Kissing the ball of her foot he sat it down before picking up the other one to start the same process. Again he massaged down her calf kissing her knee and he thigh followed by her calf until his hands reached her foot. He started with the soft kneading of rubbing away every knot, and then he moved to the ball of her foot again where he again applied that perfect amount of pressure as he moved the pads of his thumbs in circles.

Jessica moaned over and over and he pushed into her rubbing away every strained muscle and leaving her with a perfectly soft and pain free arch. She could feel every push of his joint into hers and his rough hands made her tingle. Her own hands began to push softly at her stomach mirroring his movements at her foot. As each knot created by her flexing heals faded away she relaxed more and more.

Danny watched her body as she breathed steadily. Her hips rotated into the cushions of the couch every so often making him smile. Her moaned and hushed 'oh's as she furrowed her brown when he was met with a particularly stiff knot stuffed a flame deep with in him. He loved to watch her lost in such pleasure. Lately she wasn't so easily lost, the stress and ciaos caused by their impending move across the country to LA, made for a lack of time for any kind of prolonged affection. Most days both where too drained and exhausted for anything more than a few kisses and a shower before bed. Once they made the move to LA both would have more time to spend with the other and they planed to make the most of it. 

Jessica had almost drifted off to sleep as Danny placed soft kisses on the tops of her toes just as he had done on the other foot. The day had exhausted her completely and she hadn't realized just how tired she really was until she had relaxed. He felt her jump slightly when his lips made contact with her skin. He smiled and she hummed completely content with their current position and her relaxing pleasure.

Danny kissed the ball of her foot before letting it rest on the floor again. He took a deep breath inhaling her again as he rubbed up her caves and to her thighs where he kneaded her flesh in his palms. "You hungry baby?" he whispered so as not to startle her. She hummed keeping her eyes closed as she moved her hands down to rest on his spanning out her fingers to cover his much larger hands and hold them against her thighs. 

"Starving." she sighed. Danny rubbed her thighs for a few more moments and stood up kissing her forehead. 

"Lets get some food in your belly and I'll run you a nice hot bath before bed, you look exhausted." he whisper against her. Jessica hummed enjoying the feeling of his hot breath on her skin and his soft lips brushing against her. He stood up straight waiting for her to be ready to stand with him and move into the kitchen. Jessica opened her eyes slowly, taking a deep breath as she looked up at him and smiled. She took his hand looping her fingers loosely with his and sighed.


"Hmm?" he hummed staring down at her lovingly.

"I love you." she smiled. Danny leaned down consuming her in a deep passionate kiss. He sucked sweetly at her lip enjoying her taste that he had been craving all day. He released her with a few soft peaks, and smiled adoringly. 

"I love you too Jessie." he stood up straight taking both of her hands and pulling her up as well. Jessica wrapped her self around him for a moment, her arms around his waist, and Danny pulled her in with his arms around her shoulders as he rubbed her back in big soft circles. He kissed her head and she smiled up at him letting go with a deep breath. Danny placed his hand on her lower back and she moved her hand around to lace their fingers again keeping their hands behind her back as they moved slowly threw the entryway and into the kitchen before both found their way to a hot bath and then straight to bed. 

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