The barely good and the almos...

By Redpersonwriting

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This is NOT a typical bad boy vs good girl story, this is a story about young people who are good and bad al... More

The barely good and the almost bad
Chapter 2- 'Be careful from the bone crushing high heels'
Chapter 3- 'Sister from another Mr.'
Chapter 4- 'Best way to hide something is by writing a play'
Chapter 5- 'The girl I can't say no to'
Chapter 6- 'My heartless princess and the start of the game'
Chapter 7- 'Ladies' revenge'
Chapter 8- 'The big set-up'
Chapter 9- 'Our little adventure with the Rapist/Murderer/Burglar'
Chapter 10- 'My anonymous savior'
Chapter 11- 'Surviving the mess we made'
Chapter 12- 'The testicle assassin'
Chapter 13- 'Pressing the red button is hot'
Chapter 15- 'The Day It Finally Happened'
Chapter 16 - 'The Family Reunion and the Yoda'
Chapter 17-'What I think of you'
Chapter 18-'The Nerd & His Toy'
Chapter 19 'When push comes to shove'
Chapter 20-'Putting the Game Face Back On'
Chapter 21- 'Geliophobia?!'
Chapter 22 'Total Meltdown'
Chapter 23 'Removing the Bandage'

Chapter 24 'The Storm before the Silence'

41 1 0
By Redpersonwriting

Daniel POV

I gotta admit that I hate following people, I always get in trouble because I never listen, if it's not my plan then it's not a plan worth going through, but for the first time in forever I let someone else influence my judgment, what the heck, it's the first time I literally listen to someone, I don't think i'm a Know it all, but I know I was made to lead, not to follow, but sometimes, you gotta follow those whom you lead, because no matter how stubborn and annoying they can be, they might be smarter than you give them credit for.

The fact that Amira is handling this well, means she's handling it better than I, because she has never had to go through such a thing in her life, let alone something which might change the course of her entire life, or the continuation of her life to be exact.

I feel weird with her arms around me as if we were lovers. I like her quick thinking though, I can see the signs but i'm too big of a bitch to act.... should I say something..... should I do something?? what if it doesn't last... what if she only likes me now because of what's happening and the excitement is taking over her feelings, I don't know what's gonna happen.

the walk to Amira's house felt like walking across the country. with all the thoughts going through my head, and not a single thought is about how to solve this problem, all i'm thinking of is if I should kiss her or not. "This is it" Amira says and I snap out of my thoughts. "Are you ready?" I ask before I take a step closer to the door and she stops me saying "NO!".
I see her eyes wide open in fear from what would happen.

"Don't worry Princess, no one is there" I try to calm her down.

"You go in first and i'll wait here" she says with her eyes still wide open.

"Just trust me!" I try to bring her with me.

"Danny, could you please go in and kill the rats first." she says with a straight face, and that was the hardest moment in my life to hold something in so bad, I do my best to hold it, but a smirk comes across.

This lady walked towards a guarded castle to rescue me and now she wouldn't go in to her own house because there might be rats in there....Women.

"Amira you know what happens in horror movies when they decide to split up, one of the rats might come and make you his date" I try to convince her, she gives me a grin and walks towards the door, as we got close to the door, she decided to walk behind me, I feel her hand slide into mine and I squeeze it gently to show her that I'm with her in this.

I open the door slowly and we walk in but that fear turned into anger as she realises that her house..her home, has been turned into a war zone.

Everything was broken, the floors were dirty, she was so mad when a rat ran close to her she just give it a look as if she said (I don't have time for your bullshit now).

"This is what greed does." I say with a straight voice and wished I haven't just as the last word came out. She rips her hand off of mine.

"What does greed have to do with all this?" she questions my comment.

"Nothing, just forget it." I try to move on to avoid a certain battle.

"No!! Tell me what you meant!" she screams at me knowing exactly what I meant, she just wanted me to walk in her trap. "Fine! you wanna know what I meant, all of this shit could've been avoided if your weasel brother wasn't greedy, he just cared about the money, a lot of people's lives got ruined because of your brother, he's a criminal and should be treated as one!!" I felt as if I had no control over what I just blurted out.

"you think he knew this would've happened from the get go?" she says defending her brother.

"He said it himself, he knew something was fishy and he did it anyway, he even got himself a backup plan to when the shit hits the fan. the only reason I didn't kill him is because he is your brother" I say with a straight face she was so angry, she looked at me with an emotionless face and said "You're such an ungrateful piece of shit, I risked my life to save you, I could've died, and you're saying you wanna kill my brother?!!"

"Exactly" I simply reply with a straight face. she stops talking and gives me a look, a look which no human should witness, the ugliest meanest look a person can give, it was fueled by both anger and disgust mixed in with a dash of hate for taste. she points her index finger at me and says "I'm gonna fucking kill you". I stand still as I knew it was an empty threat, but little did I know that her threats were as real as day. I walked away as I got fed up and said "Whatever Princess" in a patronising attitude and that's when she grabbed me by my arm turning me to face her so she can throw her first fist and let me tell you, this girl does not hit like a girl, it could be her anger, or something else hanging where it's not supposed to.

"What the fuck you psycho?" I scream at her not seeing the second one coming with my name written all over it, the second one was just as good, I believe she would've stopped hitting me but she might have felt that I wanted to hit her back, especially when i screamed at her, that must've been a reaction, as I know that she would never do such a thing, she's a one hit kinda girl..

"Amira!!!" my voice changes as I grab her arms and try to keep her from using me as a giant stress ball, or a freaking punching bag. but I didn't count for her legs, which were working over time, she kept trying to kick me to get away from my grip and that's when I just threw her on one of the sofas... she stood up and said "from the first time we met, you've been fucking up my life.. first the assignment, then....." I literally stopped listening as she mentioned the assignment, I know it's a bad timing but we still haven't done the assignment, and there is no way I'm not getting an A in that dumb class... my god.. well, Fuck the assignment with a capital F.

"...and you never even say you're sorry, you always apologise but you don't even say the fucking word. you think you're better than everyone else..." Oh My God, she's still talking.

"Complain, complain, complain, that's all you fucking do" I interrupt her as I kick one of the shoes which were on the floor that against all the odds IT HIT HER, this angers her even more and she jumps on me, I don't wanna fucking hurt her, but she's stronger than I thought, yet I can't fight back, I do the same as before but this time when I grab her she says the craziest thing, and for some reason it was a shock to me even though i knew it all along she says "and to think I had feelings for you" that's when my brain stoped and my grip loosened, bad move..."STOP IT!!" I screamed as I got punched again.

"Yeah, that's what you deserve." she says with a soft voice, evil but soft then gives me her back.

"So you finally said it, ha?" I say as she was facing the other way crossing her arms. "What do you mean" she answers with another question.

"You know what i mean, Princess" I reply as I grab her from her arm and I turn her to face me. "I've always known" I smirk as I get closer to her lips but she pushes me away. I pull her in very fast and I give her a quick kiss on the lips then I push her a way "Happy now, you got to kiss the hottest guy on campus" I smirk and I try to walk away, she gets more angry because now, it's not only that I've ruined her whole life, I just stole her first kiss. She jumps on my back and she over powers me as I fell on the floor, she tries to punch me in the face again, she keeps aiming for the face which shows how personal her hate towards me is.

I over power her and I get on top of her "I don't know what middle-eastern ninja school you went to as a kid, but that shit is paying off." I try to joke as I was holding her down to stop her from hitting me, but again, I keep forgetting that she has legs too and she uses them well.
She kicks me in the back twice, as I start loosening my grip she breaks away and as I get up and start stretching my back from the pain of her kicks, I get greeted by one of the dinning chairs which was thrown on the floor, I turn to face her and grab the chair and that's when she must've thought I wanted to hit her back so she started sprinting towards another chair and picked it up as if we were gonna duel because I insulted her honer.

I throw my chair and I grab hers and just as I did she kicks me again. I drop the other chair and i just grab her and I pin her her down on the sofa. I kept her pinned down till she would stop struggling, I wanted her to get tired so she would stop hitting me and we can finally do what we came here to do. She finally stops struggling, I then started gazing at her beautiful eyes and she stares at mine.

I don't know what happened at that moment but I felt something weird, all her anger which is still there by the way, that shit doesn't just go right away, was different she kept looking at my eyes directly as if seeing my soul, reading my thoughts, I felt weak, I felt exposed, with nothing to cover me but my eyelids, which I closed, and as I did I felt a strange pull towards her, I don't know what I was thinking but for some psychotic reason... I kissed her.... and she kissed me back, suddenly fireworks started exploding in my stomach.

We break it off for a second, look into each others eyes and smile, it was like we were having a conversation just by looking at each other. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I just closed my eyes and kissed her again with all the passion in the world, as if all that love/hate relationship we had was paying off now.

Her lips were tinder and sweet, and she surprises me when she gently bites my lower lip, wow, she's a beast inside and out.

I slowly loosen my grip on her hands, as I was still holding her down on the sofa, I slide my hand along side her body and I start kissing her like a mad man.

Her hands go wild as I feel her exploring my back, she starts scratching it in passion, I'm not into kinky stuff but let me tell you, this was so hot that it was driving me insane.

I kiss her neck slowly, and she lets out a faint moan as she sinks her nails into my back. What happened to take us from trying to kill each other to this, is beyond me, and at this moment I don't care, her soft wild moans turned me to an animal, I slide my hand under her shirt and I feel her silky skin, I just wanna feel every inch of her skin, that's my goal in life now.

I feel her cold ass hands slowly slide under my shirt and I get goosebumps, this makes me even more excited, I suddenly stand up and grab her hand, pull her up from the sofa, she never breaks eye contact with me, excited to know what I'm gonna do next, so with a swift move I turn her over and hug her from behind, move her hair out of my way and start kissing her neck slowly, she starts giggling. "you're tickling me!" she says in a husky voice and I don't stop.

She turns around, stand on her toes and kisses me as she wraps her arm around my neck to hold her self up.

I grab her, pick her up and she immediately tighten her legs around my waist. Our bodies were in perfect harmony and we kissed as if this was our last day out of jail.

I then started walking to the kitchen counter, putting her down on it, I feel her lips move down to my neck, kissing and moaning, and then she starts kissing her way up to my ear and she found my week spot as she started kissing it and exhaling on it, I feel a tingling feeling go through my entire body. I slide my hand under her shirt and start taking it off her, to be honest I wanted to rip it off her at this point, she grabs my shirt too and starts taking it off me.

I then I place one hand behind her head pulling her closer to me, and the other goes down her naked stomach, moving it softly to her back and trying to go to where no man has gone before. As I went slowly under her bra I hear with the craziest accent coming from the door "I will fucking kill you white boy!!" as I raised my head it was her father, her mother was standing in shock but her dad was ready to go all ISIS on my ass. I get away from his daughter's lovely body and I stand up straight, scanning the room for an exit plan, she stands up next to me covering her bra with her hands and says "Dad, Mom, you don't understand." she then looks at me in fear and says "Run" and her dad gets even madder, he was blocking the main door so there was no where to run to but upstairs, so with all the power that I had left in me, I sprinted up the stairs, bumped my toe in something on my way up, I cringed in pain but continued my way up like a true hero and I entered the closest room, I opened the window, looked out to analyse the situation, luckily I saw the most beautiful tree in the world, it was tall, seemed thick enough to hold me, I was feeling lucky, made a quick prayer to god not to die shirtless, hitting my head in a rock after voluntarily jumping out of a girl's window trying to escape her mad father's rage, and I made the jump. I landed steady, climbed down like a pro and made my run of shame back to my house.

What I remember kinda late is that we're neibghors so he knows exactly where I live, I lock the doors, stay hidden as I watch him come out of his front door and walks towards my house with a fucking GLOCK in his hand, I start praying again, oh please god don't let me die shirtless, bleeding out from a bullet to my testickles.

Due to this guy's middle-eastern morals he stops at the door and he freaking knocks the door, then he starts ringing the bell and waits for a respond, with the glock still in his hand!! he wouldn't just barge in unannounced, I could imagine him waiting for my parents to open the door and the conversation that he would have with them (hey Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, may I please come in to shoot your son, for he has dishonoured my family in my house, while my wife and I were absent), well that's too much, but you get the idea, he waits for awhile but luckily my parents don't live here so he goes back to his house.

Am I cursed? why is everyone tying to kill me??... ok maybe I kind of deserve for all these people to kill me but, couldn't they have waited for their turns I mean all at the same fucking time??... ok, again, I get it, I kinda fucked up and made all these people wanna kill me at the same time, but it's just common fucking courtesy not to kill someone who's gonna be shot soon... even if they don't know...well, fuck it. As I was thinking, I realised that Amira's dad is walking home with a freaking glock in his hand, what if he shoots his daughter out of rage? should I step in?

As angry her father was, I don't think he would do such a thing, but damn, Amira's dad is a badass, I feel bad for whomever fucks with his daughter.... Ok I see the irony. I wait outside and I try to think of a plan for me to communicate with Amira, I wanna know if she told her parents about Majed, or if she told them why the house is in such a mess, what if the ones who did it come back to Amira's house?? Is she ok? too many questions, but as I said, Amira knows what she's doing I'm sure she's gonna find a way to fix this.

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