What Happens When the Lights...

By xXMeXx627

6.1M 53.6K 7.8K

Brookelyn Winters and Ashton Patterson are two people that should not be together, but yet they're perfect fo... More

1.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
2.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
3.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
4.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
5.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
6.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
7.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
8.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
9.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
10.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
11.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
13.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
14.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
15.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
16.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
17.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
18.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
19.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
20.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
21.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
22.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
23.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
24.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
25.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
26.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
27.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
28.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
29.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
30.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
31.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
32.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
33.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
34.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
35.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
36.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
37.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
38.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
39.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
40.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
41.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
42.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
43.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
44.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
45.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
46.What Happens When The Lights Go Out
PART TWO 1.What Happens When You Grow Up
2.What Happens When You Grow Up
3.What Happens When You Grow Up
4.What Happens When You Grow Up
5.What Happens When You Grow Up
What Happens When The Lights Go Out/You Grow Up: Epilogue 1
What Happens When The Lights Go Out/You Grow Up: Epilogue 2
What Happens When The Lights Go Out/You Grow Up: Epilogue 3 (Carter's POV)
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry One
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Two
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Three
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Four
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Five
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Six
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Seven
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Eight
Brooke's Thoughts: Entry Nine (END)

12.What Happens When The Lights Go Out

116K 1K 132
By xXMeXx627

**This one's long**


"Jackson! Howard! Stop! No! Bad dogs!" I was on the ground and they started licking my face. I was just laughing.

Then Ashton pulled them off me. I noticed they were two large Boxers. They were so cute!

Ashton had them by the collars. I got up and dusted off. "Dad! Can you please come help me!" He yelled.

A middle aged man that looked like a slightly older version of Ashton ran and grabbed one of the dogs. They both threw them out in the back yard and they started barking.

Ashton turned around to face me and I was holding back a fit of giggles. His hair was a mess and hit button up shirt was slightly askew. "Well dad I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Brooke." I walked over and shook his hand.

"Hello." I said smiling.

"So this is the one that can out smart you?" He shook my hand and smiled. "You can call me Jim by the way."

"She can't outsmart me."

"I let him think that." I whispered to Jim.

He laughed. "Well I like you sweetheart. Let's go see what Theresa has cooked up for lunch." I guessed Theresa was his mom.

We walked into the dining room where there were a couple plates and an assortment of stuff to make sandwiches. I like sandwiches.

"We're making our own sandwiches?" Ashton asked.

"Panini's!" We heard someone call from the other room. She bounced in. "I just got a Panini maker and I want to try it out." She was very pretty. Ashton had the same straight brown hair as her. She looked kind of young. About mid thirties or so. She was wearing a black v-neck t-shirt and jeans.

"Mom, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Brooke."

"Oh hello!" She wiped her hands on her jeans and shook mine. I couldn't help but smile. She had a very pleasant way about her. "I'm Theresa."

"It's nice to meet you."

"Yes and it's so great to finally meet you too! I've been wondering who the hell my son could've possibly been beaten by! I was also who it was that actually made him like a girl for her personality. I mean you must have a great one." She talked so fast I could barely keep up!


"Don't flatter her too much mom. You don't want her head to get even bigger."

"Ashton be nice she is your girlfriend after all."

We looked at each other and laughed. "What's so funny? What did I say?"

"Nothing. It's just Ashton and I have a weird kind of relationship."

"Not any weirder than me and his father!" She looked at him and laughed.

"Oh shush Theresa!" Jim said chuckling. I was beginning to like his family more and more.

"Yeah my mom was always the little dare devil while my dad tried to calm her down and keep her under control."

"But no one can hold back a free spirit!" She declared.

"Way to go mom. Now let's eat."

"Okay so just make your sandwich and put in on the Panini maker for about thirty seconds and you'll have yourself a delicious toasted sandwich."

We started making our sandwiches and talking. "So how is your relationship weird?" Theresa asked me.

"Well I mean we aren't really...nice." I said bluntly.


Nice? What do you mean? To each other?"

"No we're pretty nice to each other. Sometimes."

"But you both really like each other?"


"Oh but you're mean to other people."

"Yeah pretty much, but it's totally justified."

"Interesting. What did you both do? I know you went to the mall a week ago. What happened? Ashton said he had a great time and I noticed how he was smirking to himself. Yes I do notice those things."

I went on to explain what we did. She listened intently then burst out laughing. We all got our Panini's and sat in the living room. "So your whole plan worked out that well?" She asked.

"Yeah. We didn't expect it to either. And I completely didn't know that Alyssa was actually cheating with Peter Waterlyn."

"That is seriously brilliant."

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"So Ashton told us you were different but I never expected you to be like this!"

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"Hell no. I like you. Between you and me all his other girlfriends were complete bimbos who would never eat any of my food I made for them, and they weren't half as much fun as you."

"Thank you."

"I also have to say you are a perfect match for Ashton. You're the perfect person to challenge him. He's always gotten what he wants and with you, he might get a wake up call."

"What do you mean?"

"Well all his other girlfriends were completely submissive just because he's good looking and would always try to please him, when you don't give a damn."

"That is true."

"So I want to know how did you both end up together?"

"A bet." Ashton said butting in.

"A bet?" Theresa repeated.

"Yeah a guy bet me that I couldn't get Brooke to be my girlfriend and I tried to but I had way to much fun messing with her, but I ended up really liking her after I got past her annoyingness. Then the rest is history."

"You knew about the bet?" Jim asked me.

"No. Not until recently."

"You weren't mad?"

"I was furious. But he explained everything to me and I punched him then decided the excuse was valid."

Jim laughed. "Pretty and a great personality. Good job Ashton." He said. I blushed a little.

"I know what can I say, I'm that good." Theresa and I both punched him in the arm and laughed.

Then we heard the door burst open and came in two boys that looked very similar to Ashton and behind them was a little girl probably about thirteen.

"Tyler! Henry! Glad you guys could make it. Way to be late."

"Sorry! The line at the grocery store was long and Emily took forever to pick a stupid ice cream flavor."

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what Brooke would want!" With that their attention drew to me. I waved and smiled.


"Oh Brooke I'm sorry. These are my older brothers Tyler and Henry and my little sister Emily."

They all smiled and waved. "We forgot to get something for dessert so we went to get some ice cream."

"Oh thanks." I said. I forgot to mention that I am lactose intolerant. Maybe I should've.

"Wow Ashton she's a lot prettier than you mentioned." Tyler said. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Wow Tyler. Really?"


"Way to be subtle."

"Well you sure aren't. I mean when you first started to like her you came home and started talking to mom like, 'Mommy mommy there's this girl that makes me so made, but she's so pretty and I really like her!'" Tyler said mocking Ashton. I tried my best but I couldn't hold all of my laughter in.

"Tyler shut up!" Ashton jumped up and attacked his brother. His brother, who has a bit more bulk than Ashton quickly got him in a headlock.

"Come on Ashton fight back!" Emily yelled. Their whole family got up and started rooting for one or the other. This was so weird to me. I mean Monica is my only sibling and things are really boring at my house because she's either not there or yelling at me and my parents always go on these extended business trips. I rarely see them.

Ashton put up a hell of a fight, but after about fifteen minutes he was on the ground with Tyler sitting on top of him. "Aw Ashton. When will you learn?" Theresa said. Not even helping her son, just laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along with them.

Tyler finally got off Ashton and I helped him up. "Damn. I was sure I could beat him this time."

"It was a worthy effort."

"Well Brooke how about some of that ice cream." Everyone looked at me hopefully.

"Um...I would love some, but...I'm lactose intolerant."

"Ashton why didn't you tell us?"

"I didn't know!"

"It's fine!" Theresa finally said. "I'll make cupcakes! It takes twenty minutes."

"Okay!" Everyone said excitedly. "We'll help."

They all filed into the kitchen and started getting things out.

"We have to make a lot because the boys eat so many." Emily explained to me.


"Here you can crack the eggs." She handed me some eggs and I cracked them into the bowl.

It all ran so smoothly. At the same time it didn't. Some flour spilled when Henry tripped over one of the dogs that got let in and as punishment Theresa picked some up and threw it at him. We all laughed then Ashton a little on my face. I turned around and gave him some in return. We were all laughing and having a great time.

After half an hour of getting the cupcakes ready they were finally in the oven. We looked around at each other and laughed. We were all covered in flour and chocolate batter.

"Well now we wait. They'll be finished in about twenty minutes. Anyone want to take a walk?" Theresa asked.

They all nodded. I have to say this family is very different then what I'm used to, but I like them. Ashton is really lucky.

We all filed out the door and started walking towards the park. I never knew how close Ashton lived to me, so that's cool.

Ashton grabbed my hand and I smiled. We broke off a little from the others and were a little behind them.

"Sorry I want to apologize for not warning you in advance about my family."

"Warn me?"

"Yeah I mean they are a little different."

"True. But I like them. They're very sweet."

"Yeah even as my brother is beating the crap out of me they would still seem sweet to you."

"Of course." He chuckled. "I bet I could take you also."

He turned to me with a weird look. "Wanna bet?"

"You are notorious for that aren't you?" I said poking fun about the betting thing.

"Shut up."

"And yeah I bet I can take you."

"Ha! You're funny! Fine. We'll see once we get back to my house."

"I guess we will."

"Hey when I can I meet your family." I stopped at that.

"Um...I don't know. Maybe never."


"Well..." I paused for a second. "My parents are never home. They're always gone, and my sister isn't exactly the sweetest person ever."

"Well I'd still like to meet her."

"She'll just embarrass me and make you never want to see me again because that's how she gets her kicks in life. By making mine miserable."

"Brooke, think of what you've said to me in the past and done to me. Do you think anything she says will make me not want to see you?"

"That is true. But I mean your family is so amazing and mine....isn't."

"Brooke, don't worry. It'll be fine." He pecked me on the lips.

"Why are you so nice all of the sudden?" I asked.

"I guess this whole pretending to be the perfect little couple thing is getting to me." We laughed and he put his arm around my shoulders and started walking again.

Just then something awful happened, and I had never been so embarrassed in my life. My sister pulled up. "Brooke! What are you doing?"

"Um...I'm hanging out with Ashton and his family."

"Brooke I thought you were at Jen's. You worried me."

"Well I'm here and I'm fine." I noticed his family stopped and started to stare.

"Come on Brooke we're going home."

"Monica, no. I'm busy."

"Brooke, don't argue with me on this. I'm sorry but you're grounded, now come on."

"Monica! You can't do this. Can't you for once be reasonable?"

"No. Get in or do you want me to extend your grounding?"

"Brooke you better just go. I'll talk to you later. Don't worry." I pecked him on the cheek and got in with my sister. I pecked him on the cheek just to make her mad. She hates any sort of PDA.

We started driving. That's when I got really angry. "Monica! How could you embarrass me like that! In front of my boyfriend and his family too!"

"Listen you didn't call or tell me anything so this is all your own fault, and we have other things to think about right now."

We pulled into our driveway and I recognized a car that I hadn't seen in a long time. My parents'.


She got in the car with her sister and drove off. I could tell she was really embarrassed.

I waved bye and ran to catch up with my family.

"Where'd Brooke go?" My mom asked.

"Her sister picked her up. She didn't look happy."

"Oh. Why?"

"I don't know. Her and her sister aren't really on good terms."

"How sad. She's such a sweet girl."

"Yeah I liked her. She can put you in your place." Henry said ruffling my hair.

I laughed. "Trust me she has."

"So you really like this girl?" My dad asked.

"Yeah I do."

"Well don't forget to bring her cupcakes then." He said.

We all continued to the park and got back in time for the cupcakes. They were perfect and I made sure to save some for Brooke even though my brothers tried to take some.

I was in my room waiting for Brooke to text me back when my mom came in.

"Hey Ashton."


"Listen I wanted to let you know, you better be good to this girl and keep her for a long time because the rest of the family has officially become attached."

"Way to be blunt mom." I said laughing.

"Well I'm just telling you how it is home slice."


"Sorry. I couldn't help myself."

"I know. And everyone liked her that much?"

"Are you surprised? I mean you really like her."

"That's true."

"She's perfect for you. And that whole thing with her sister worries me, and you told me her parents are never home so that just makes me want to have her here more."

"I know. But she's tough."

"What about that time you had to go to her house because she was afraid of the dark?"

"She didn't call me. And she almost hit me with a bat."

She laughed. "Alright well invite her over again some time. That was fun."

"Okay. I will."

She left and I got a text back. 'You want to meet my parents. Here's your chance. Wanna come over tomorrow?'

**Sorry this one was so long i couldn't fit her plan into is so you're going to have to wait. Sorry! But i did make it super long for you all!

Also it kind of shows them getting closer and their relationship maturing. This does in no way mean they are done poking fun at each other. I mean they still have a wrestling match to settle! But what do you think brooke's parents are going to be like? What do you think of Ashton's family? I had fun writing this chapter even though there wasn't a lot of action it was still cute in my opinion. I like Ashton's mom. =D**

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